Ufologist Accused YouTube And Google Of Trying To Hide UFOs - Alternative View

Ufologist Accused YouTube And Google Of Trying To Hide UFOs - Alternative View
Ufologist Accused YouTube And Google Of Trying To Hide UFOs - Alternative View

Video: Ufologist Accused YouTube And Google Of Trying To Hide UFOs - Alternative View

Video: Ufologist Accused YouTube And Google Of Trying To Hide UFOs - Alternative View
Video: Top Secret UFO Projects: Declassified | Official Trailer | Netflix 2024, September

Infamous Taiwan ufologist Scott Waring YouTube and Google in the use of user data. He claims that in this way corporations are trying to hide the discoveries of UFO researchers.

In 2010, Waring posted a video on his YouTube channel about the discovery of a 33-meter UFO, which was viewed by 1.4 million people. Now such videos are marked as "fake" and are hidden from users, says the ufologist. “I promise you, at the end of the week I will only have about 5,000 views of this video. The UFO is real, it is still there,”he writes on his website.


Scott Waring said it was YouTube and Google that changed the display algorithms to hide the news about aliens from the public. “By using user data to regulate what viewers see and don’t see, YouTube violates privacy policies,” explains the specialist.

The ufologist intends to seek clarification and assistance from the Federal Trade Commission *. In his opinion, experts should study why YouTube attacks UFO researchers in such a dishonest and derisive way.

* The Federal Trade Commission is an independent US government agency dedicated to protecting consumer rights and, in particular, enforcing antitrust laws.
