The Conspiracy Theory Of William Milton Cooper - Alternative View

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The Conspiracy Theory Of William Milton Cooper - Alternative View
The Conspiracy Theory Of William Milton Cooper - Alternative View

Video: The Conspiracy Theory Of William Milton Cooper - Alternative View

Video: The Conspiracy Theory Of William Milton Cooper - Alternative View
Video: The Conspiracy Theorist Who Predicted His Own Death | Tales From the Bottle 2024, September

On the night of November 5, 2001, in Yeager, Arizona, William Milton Cooper, the leader of the trend known in ufology as "Conspiracy Theory", was shot dead. The official police report said without any details that he "threatened the local residents with weapons, intimidating them."


Cooper's ranch was surrounded, despite the owner's warning that "those who crossed the border will be shot on the spot." Cooper fired two shots at one of the cops, seriously wounding him, and was immediately killed by another cop.

The Hunt for Omnipotence

William Cooper became famous after in 1989 he sent the so-called Prosecution Petition to members of the US Senate and House of Representatives. In its content, it was very similar to the series "The X-Files", filmed several years later. Here's a quick glimpse of Cooper's talk in Los Angeles on November 17, 1989:

“After participating in the Vietnam War, I was assigned to the headquarters of the Commander-in-Chief of the US Pacific Fleet in Hawaii. I was assigned to the reconnaissance group, which is making up the intelligence reports for the commander-in-chief. During my tenure in this position, amazing, incredible documents fell into my hands. One was called Project Discontent and the other was Operation Majority.

Promotional video:

Project "Discontent" contained a history of contact with aliens since 1936; this year in Germany, a disk-shaped aircraft crashed, which the Germans captured and tried to build a copy of it. These attempts ended in failure. If it turned out the other way around, the West and the USSR would not have won would have won the Second World War, because no one would be able to withstand weapons of unprecedented power.

At the end of the war, the Americans got some documents and metal objects from an extraterrestrial ship, as well as German specialists who worked with extraterrestrial equipment and technology. The USSR also got part of the documents, specialists and some items. This was the case until 1947, when the United States managed to capture an alien ship, an entire ship."

It happened in the Roswell area of New Mexico. The bodies of the dead aliens were recovered from the ship. In the materials of the Discontent project, Cooper saw photographs of living and dead aliens, photographs of autopsies of their bodies, views of UFOs from the outside and from the inside.

He saw a photograph of an alien marked "Air Force" - an extraterrestrial biological being held captive from 1949 until June 2, 1952, when he died. Cooper learned about the history of incidents with aliens and their ships dating back to the 1800s; learned the names of secret projects. I read the documents of the Red Light project, in which specialists tried to lift an alien ship into the air, captured intact.

The experiments were carried out at the Tonopah test site in Nevada, and then continued in Zone-51, specially equipped on the secret orders of Eisenhower. It is located in the area of the dried up Lake Grum on the territory of the landfill in Nevada. This zone does not officially exist.


The project of test flights of captured UFOs existed until 1962, when one of them exploded in the air near the test site. Project Red Light was mothballed until the aliens provided the United States with three ships and their instructors.

“This project is still in effect today,” wrote Cooper, “now we have not only alien ships that we learned to fly, but also ships that we built ourselves using the technology of captured UFOs. Some of the UFOs reported by eyewitnesses from the United States and possibly other countries are operated by American pilots. Much of our technological progress since World War II has come from the assimilation of alien technology in Area 51.

There is the Jason Society, made up of a narrow circle of specialists dedicated to the secret. It includes 51 people. There are 6 Nobel Prize winners in this list. This is the elite of the elites of the scientific world. They alone know the truth about the technology borrowed from the aliens and the real achievements of physics."

Cooper believed that the US government did the right thing by classifying information about UFOs and aliens. But at the same time, she made unforgivable mistakes. When it decided to keep everything secret, the officials needed to fund their secret activities. However, they could not formally submit such a request to Congress. And the government decided to finance this activity by importing and selling drugs.


The papers that Cooper read - in particular, a document called "Operation Majority" - specifically emphasize that when George W. Bush was the head of the oil company Sapata Oil, he, together with the CIA, organized the first large injection of drugs into his country from South and Central America.

Another mistake, which was made for the sake of secrecy, is that the participants in the government conspiracy killed many people who tried to publicize information about contacts with the aliens.

“The decision to kill him (John F. Kennedy) was taken by the political committee of the Bilderberg Group, an influential international conspiratorial organization,” Cooper said. - John F. Kennedy was killed because he was going to speak to the American people to expose the policy of secrecy regarding UFOs. The president's intentions caused a stir in secret circles.

The shots fired on November 22, 1963 in Dallas prevented the most sensational recognition in the history of mankind. Between 1970 and 1973, I read in these papers that Kennedy ordered the Majestic 12 group to stop importing and selling drugs, and also ordered the implementation of a plan over the next year to reveal to the American people the facts of the presence of aliens on Earth. For this he was killed."


Cooper's press conferences have always attracted attention. And no wonder. Here are Cooper's answers to some questions from the audience:

- Why weren't you killed yourself?

“If they touch me, everyone who has heard my speech will know that everything I have told is true. That is why they do not touch me yet …

Has any alien technology been used currently in military technology?

- Yes, one of the alien technologies is used in the Stele bomber. The Stele bomber began flying 10 years before we knew of its existence.

-What was given to the aliens in exchange for their technology?

-People and animals.

- Is the Soviet Union involved in any way in this?

- The Soviet Union and the United States have been equally closed countries since the end of World War II, especially in the area of secret space programs. The Soviets have technologies similar to ours - yes, they are.

-Why, having the alien technology, we didn’t fly to the Moon or Mars much earlier?


-The first landing on the moon was on May 22, 1962. No, excuse me, this was the first landing on Mars. A winged probe with a hydrazine engine was launched. He made three orbits and landed on Mars on May 22, 1962. It was a joint effort by the US and the Russians. We first landed on the moon, probably in the mid-1950s, because by the time President Kennedy announced that he would like a man to set foot on the moon at the end of the decade, we already had our base on the moon.

-What about Mars?

-We also have our base on Mars.


In 1990, the editorial staff of UFO Magazine, led by ufologist Don Ecker, undertook an investigation into what lies behind all these Cooper's statements about "hiding the shocking truth about UFOs." The result was published by Ecker in a series of articles titled "Lies", two of which were about Cooper personally. These are the conclusions reached by the "investigators".

Cooper first appeared in the "near-saucer" party in the summer of 1988, throwing into the ParaNet computer network organized by fans of the anomalous computer network the story you already know about how he saw giant UFOs from a submarine. The story was well received and Cooper took the next step.


Having carefully collected all kinds of rumors circulating on this network, he said that he himself had personally seen secret documents about UFOs and aliens during his service at the headquarters of the Pacific Fleet. But here's the bad luck: the fleet did not have a permanent reconnaissance group preparing intelligence reports for the fleet commander.

Captain of the third rank Ron Morse said that the commander receives the usual reports, and if it is necessary to prepare something special, they assemble a temporary group, all members of which, upon completion of the work, immediately return to their previous duties. None of these groups worked for more than two weeks.

Moreover, Cooper told John Lear and journalist Tony Pelham a completely different version: that he was not a member of the headquarters reconnaissance group, but simply "stole the documents, took copies of them and put them in place." He was asked, they say, where are the copies of secret papers now. To which Cooper replied that they burned down during a fire in the garage. In general, Cooper was very often caught on the fact that at first he said one thing, and then quite another.

For example, at first he claimed that Project Moon was a project to study a permanent alien base on the far side of the Moon, which was observed by many astronauts, and then he began to claim that this is the code name for an underground alien base near Dulce, New Mexico. They also caught him on the fact that he was unable to distinguish fantasy from reality. At a conference in Modesto, California, the question: "How many types of aliens visit Earth?" - Cooper replied: “Four types, only four. One of them is very human; they even play Orange in the TV series Alien People!"

Whatever it was, but his scandalous fame became the reason that Cooper became the prototype of the main character of the famous television series "Twin Piquet", which was also a great success in Russia. The famous director David Lynch named his character “Agent Cooper”.

When the first article from the Lies were published, Cooper called Don Acker "an agent of the CIA and the secret government" and threatened the editorial office, demanding that a refutation be published immediately, otherwise he would not vouch for himself. However, at the time, the case was limited to dirty cursing and writing a completely indecent parody of UFO Magazine in a small newsletter published by Cooper.

According to most researchers, Cooper was a "complete nutcase", obsessed with weapons. In recent years, he moved to the city of Yeager, Arizona, where he tried to create militia units - "people's militia" - against the authorities, the "secret government" and hostile aliens.


His appearance became finally clear after the scandal with Michael Callan and Douglas Dean, entrepreneurs from Hollywood. They organized a tour of the country with lectures for Cooper and in every possible way "untwisted" the image of an unyielding fighter for the truth, getting a good percentage from this. When Cooper saw how much money his performances made, he tried to get rid of Michael and Dean, regardless of the contract. When he failed, Cooper began to threaten the entrepreneurs that he would kill them.

The first and last attempt to bring the scandalous lecturer to Europe also ended in scandal. Cooper took the money, the plane ticket and all that, and then suddenly demanded another 5,000 German marks. The inviting party in the person of Michael Hesemann refused to pay, and then Cooper simply did not go, and refused to give the money received. In addition, it is known for certain that he was a long-term alcoholic …


How true are Cooper's claims? And what made many believe the conspiracy theory? They are not all insane … Conspiracy theorists believe that one of the first victims of this conspiracy was US Secretary of Defense James Forrestal, who opposed secrecy. He was a great idealist, a very religious person and believed that the people should be informed.

When he began talking about these topics with leaders of the opposition party and leaders of Congress, Truman invited him to resign. Those who did not know all the facts interpreted his condition as paranoia. This condition was later described as a nervous breakdown. The minister was placed in a naval hospital. In fact, they feared that he would start talking again …

And so, according to M. Cooper, in the early morning of May 22, 1949, CIA agents tied a piece of sheet around his neck, fastened the other end to a piece of reinforcement in his room and threw him out of the window. The sheet could not stand, the prisoner flew down and crashed to death.

The Western press even published a list of English scientists, which included more than twenty names and surnames who worked on projects like "Star Wars" and died under mysterious circumstances within just 6 years. All of them were engaged in the development of electronic weapons and the study of UFOs.

Citing this list, journalists asked: are there too many dead scientists, specifically scientists, working in one area?

According to Professor Lawrence Merrick, the power of the "secret government" is so great that "not a single US president since Kennedy has mustered the courage to tell Americans the whole truth about UFOs."

But what about Agent Cooper? Milton Cooper's lust for fame, money, alcoholism and other sins are not yet proof that everything in his statements (as in the "X-Files") is fiction. The question is how to separate truth from falsehood? We do not have such an opportunity, and we have to either trust one side or the other. As the famous TV series "The X-Files" says, the truth is somewhere nearby. But where?..

Mikhail Samokhvalov