How Many People Should Work - Alternative View

How Many People Should Work - Alternative View
How Many People Should Work - Alternative View

Video: How Many People Should Work - Alternative View

Video: How Many People Should Work - Alternative View
Video: Why do people work? 2024, September

Over the past century and a half of human history, the power supply and production efficiency have grown by orders of magnitude, and the population of the Earth is only seven times higher. Such significant changes in the field of engineering and technology are caused by:

- as a transition from the use in the production of mainly the muscular strength of humans and animals to the use of technogenic energy;

- and a leap in scientific and technological progress.

Then why, in the conditions of a sharp increase in production efficiency, the length of the working day is not reduced, and in order to "make ends meet" and maintain consumer status, people have to work more and more?

To answer the question in essence, it is necessary to understand what tasks are facing humanity. If to generalize as much as possible, then there are only two such problems:

the first task is to provide conditions for the survival and development of a biological species, i.e. ensuring an acceptable standard of living;

the second task is the realization and realization of the goals for the sake of which humanity is placed in the biosphere of the planet.

For each person, this means that by participating in collective activities, he provides himself and his family with a sufficient amount of food, clothing, shelter and other vital things. When these primary needs are met, a person should have enough time and money to raise children, self-development and improve society.

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From the point of view of slave owners, in order for a person to be busy with survival all the time, and not achieving the goals for which he was born, it is necessary:

  1. Do not shorten the length of the working day;
  2. Prevent an increase in the purchasing power of the monetary unit;
  3. To support the reproduction of degradation-parasitic needs in society in order to utilize the freed up time and creative potential of people;
  4. Get rid of unwanted and unwanted elements of society in time.

The writer, public figure Alexander Evgenievich Usanin talks about the hidden springs of the historical process, about work, about the future