Atmospheric Electricity Of The Past - Everything Is Simple - Alternative View

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Atmospheric Electricity Of The Past - Everything Is Simple - Alternative View
Atmospheric Electricity Of The Past - Everything Is Simple - Alternative View

Video: Atmospheric Electricity Of The Past - Everything Is Simple - Alternative View

Video: Atmospheric Electricity Of The Past - Everything Is Simple - Alternative View

Part one

Nowadays, a lot of material has appeared on the topic of electrical technologies of the past, which for the most part asks more questions than answers. Indeed, in many old Russian photos we find unusual forms of temples, incomprehensible pillars without wires, and electric vehicles that have no signs of external traction force. And it is also not clear why at the beginning of the 20th century all this disappears without a trace, and so that no materials on this topic can be found. Maybe something really happened on the planet, thanks to which everything stopped working and was dismantled and forgotten, but it looks more than strange, especially since it all happened by historical standards almost today. What kind of technologies were these that were available to engineers of that time, who did not have the latest digital equipment?but also more or less serious equipment of the 20th century? It is unlikely, especially since the materials from which these structures, incomprehensible to everyone, were made, did not disappear anywhere, and they did not have time to break everything during the Cultural Revolution. The answer to this riddle is most likely somewhere nearby, but it is artificially camouflaged and disguised. Let's try to understand this using the example of a separate county town of the Russian Empire at the end of the 19th century. I will not burden the consumer with this information in complex technical terms, we will manage at the level of a school physics course (not quite a school one, but more on that later).but he is artificially camouflaged and disguised. Let's try to understand this using the example of a separate county town of the Russian Empire at the end of the 19th century. I will not burden the consumer with this information in complex technical terms, we will manage at the level of a school physics course (not quite a school one, but more on that later).but he is artificially camouflaged and disguised. Let's try to understand this using the example of a separate county town of the Russian Empire at the end of the 19th century. I will not burden the consumer with this information in complex technical terms, we will manage at the level of a school physics course (not quite a school one, but more on that later).

So, the county town in our history is the town of Murom. The city is generally known, there are many legends, legends and other folklore about it. In terms of antiquity, the city is not inferior to such cities as Rostov the Great and Kiev, but this, as they say, is another story and about it some other time. In relation to our topic, we can say that the city, like many other cities, was rebuilt again after some incomprehensible fire of the 18th century, many buildings of that time have survived to this day in the historical center of the city. There is a lot of material on this topic in runet, for example, here or here. There is a lot of historical material in museums, and a lot of material from these museums has been digitized and is publicly available online. Actually, let's start with him.

It is very good that there is now a Google map that shows the modern look of a building. Knowing where the historical building itself is located, one can determine what remains of it at the present time.

So, Moskovskaya Street is probably the only one in the city that has kept its name since those times and has never been renamed. Photo approximately 1890-1900.


On the right side of the photo we see an incomprehensible pillar. It clearly shows four horizontal bars, fixed to the post with some kind of U-shaped piece. Those who have ever had experience in installing overhead electricity or communication lines can safely say that because of this detail, the installation of wires closer to the center of the post is very difficult, otherwise the wires in this case would have to be threaded into the hole between the post, the crossbars and the very with this detail. What is this pillar for? Obviously not for beauty. With an average human height of 1.7 m, the height of this pillar on an eye scale will be at least 5 m.

Pay attention, to the right of this mysterious pillar is a two-story building, at that time it was the house of the merchant Voshchinin. There are two floors.

Promotional video:

However, there is a photo of the same building, but from a different angle, but the building is one-story and there is no pillar. Photo approximately 1870-1880


Immediately associated with the absence of people in the photo for such a relatively large city at that time, but that's another story. The place where our pillar should stand is circled, but there you can only see the lantern. The fact that the building in one photo is one-story proves the superiority of one photo over another. The second floor of the building was added at the end of the 19th century, judging by the following photo. So, we can conclude that the pillar appeared in the range of 1880-1900.

There is another photo, which shows the moment of reconstruction of the building and the superstructure of the second floor, and it turns out that there are many such pillars and they walked along the street at intervals of 30-50 m.


This place currently looks something like this:


As you can see, no pillars or much else remained at all.

Let's go further.

In 1868, at the expense of the mayor of Murom, A. V. Ermakov. an orphanage is being created. Initially, the building was one-storey, it was reconstructed with a second storey superstructure. From the available photos of that time, a photo of approximately 1880-1890 has been preserved.


Again we see the same pillars, and no wires are observed either. Moreover, the number of horizontal parts on these pillars is different, and other pillars are visible behind these pillars in the background. Judging by the direction of the sun shadows, the photo was taken from the east. Let the experienced electricians correct me, but the braces to the supports with wires are always placed in the direction of the bisector of the angle of rotation of the overhead line. On the right pillar, this rule is clearly not visible. In addition, the pillars do not show the porcelain insulators that are always inherent in lines of this type at that time. The lack of wires in the photo can be attributed to the low resolution of the camera, but the insulators would be noticeable. Obviously they are not. But let's not draw conclusions from a single photo.

There is another photo of this building from the south side and from the same time period.


Judging by the appearance of the pillars, these are completely different from those shown in the previous photo. And for some reason, the pillars with lattices directed in one direction stand side by side. If there are wires on them, it would be logical to hang them on one pole in one direction. If the wires hanging on them were so thin that they could not be seen by the camera, it would be technically feasible without problems if the horizontal crossbars were expanded so that there was no overlap. What is it? Obviously, the lattices on the pillars in different parts of the city are directed in a chaotic manner not strictly one on top of the other, but according to an incomprehensible pattern.

There are many other photos from different times in the interval from 1880 to even 1935, where the pillars are present in one way or another:


This is Troitskaya Square (it is the Peasant's Square under socialism). Our posts are recognizable by the U-shaped details.


This is Rozhdestvenskaya street (now Lenin street). Obviously, the photo is already the time of socialism, but the post is clearly visible and it even has some details that look like insulators. Ordinary electric poles are already nearby.


And this pillar obviously goes through some lane, which has long been gone, onto Rozhdestvenskaya Street to the pillar that was in the very first photo (on Moskovskaya Street).

Many people think that this is probably an ordinary wired communication line with rather thin wires, for example, a field telephone cable, which was already in full use in those days. Maybe, but then the construction of the traverses on the posts would be different.


Pay attention to the leftmost pillar. This is what an overhead communication line looks like. Judging by the portraits of the founders on the building of the City Executive Committee, it is already the end of the 1930s.

So, everything looks strange enough. If we abstract from Murom and move on to other Russian cities, then there are photos of similar pillars, and the photos are of much better quality. And there you can see that there are no wires and insulators on the poles. There were versions that these poles were made for visual signaling or even for traction of urban rail transport, but the example of Murom shows that this is not entirely true. According to Wikipedia, the first electricity in Murom appeared in 1919. Surely this resource is now not subject to political bias and will not distort information. The times were not easy and it was impossible to produce electricity on an industrial scale in the way it is produced now, and this is obvious. And if it really is,then talking about any serious means of wire communication at that time is at least inappropriate.

The answer, as always, turned out to be simple and lay almost in plain sight. With the above photos, based on the analysis of sun shadows and other signs, we can plot our strange pillars on the map with the corresponding orientation of the gratings. As a result of this reconstruction, we have the following picture:


All lattices of pillars, if you imagine them as a classical air line and draw, come to one point. Skeptics will say, well, of course, this is the usual communication line of an ordinary PBX of that time. And then … oops, the very point where it all converges:


The PBX turned out to be funny. Photo of the same time period, i.e. the period 1880-1900. Guards are visible at the pillars even in the photo with such a level of resolution of the apparatus, but for some reason there are no wires. Even if the wires are very thin, in the places where they are concentrated they would be visible. At the top is a superstructure, covered with some kind of hanging cones, and at least on two sides of the building. Skeptics can say that these are ordinary porcelain insulators on lattices, but in this case it is not entirely clear why there are no insulators of the same size on the poles and why the pole closest to us is not turned towards the control room, which would be logical when hanging wires. Interesting communication hardware. And as can be seen from the near post, the U-shaped element is absolutely not needed in this design. And the lantern hangs on the wall without any engineering networks such as gas supply or wires,and without storage tanks for these purposes. It's strange. And what was in this place at all?

Actually, in this place was the city fire brigade (the year of the photo is not determined).


As you can see, there are six depots for fire crews at that time. Apparently, our structure has not yet been built. Immediately behind the fire station, you can see the roof of the military presence building, and on the right, the roof of the city prison. A sort of collection of power structures of that time. Now, when the fireman is asleep, the country is getting richer, but then apparently everything was different. But why did our control room appear here? Apparently, it was necessary to protect from someone. And this system could have many purposes, both military and civilian.

And here is a later photo:


You can see both the control room and the pillars. I want to draw your attention to the distance of more than 100 m from the post behind the shopping arcade (second from the left) and the post to the left of the Ermakov shelter (fourth from the left). This again indicates that there were probably no wires, at such a distance the wires break under the weight ice build-up in winter and protection against overlapping of bare wires is not provided. The construction of the equipment room roof is very interesting. There is a spire with an incomprehensible tip at the end. In general, already at that time, the construction was far from hoaxes, and it was clearly not without reason to erect such a relatively technically complex structure. She probably has her own functionality.

It is even more strange that in the period 1927-1935 all this was suddenly demolished or altered beyond recognition. There were no pillars, and the cathedral in the background, and the fire station itself was changed so that the building may not be recognized at all.


Of the six depots, only three remained, a second floor appeared, and for a long time the city fire department was located in this building, from where it moved to another building in the eighties of the last century.

A very strange design of the communication line was formed, if you can call it that. If the system served as a telegraph, then at least one of the significant buildings known at that time should have been hung with a lattice to fasten wires before entering the building. None of the photos of the city council, zemstvo council and other buildings have anything similar. Moreover, in many photos there are lanterns next to the poles, more like toy ones, in which there is one glass container and that's it, neither lamps nor burners are visible. It is also important that the superstructure at the fire station is made of logs. For the purpose of such a superstructure, it is very strange to place such fire-hazardous equipment as a telegraph station. There is another photo of the add-on, but from a different angle:


As you can see, there is a kind of cross over the spire of the superstructure. Why such a purely unitary building, clearly not related to religious buildings, a spire with a cross? In all the other photos, the cross is no longer there, obviously it was knocked down by the fighters for the revolution, but it doesn't matter. In many guidebooks, this photo is designated as a photograph of a city prison with a church and a chapel (the church on the left, the chapel on the right, the towering cathedral over the roof of the prison is at the back at a considerable distance from the entire complex of buildings). Obviously, this superstructure above the fire station described by us did not carry any function of a religious building.

At first glance, from a technical point of view, it is completely absurd. None of the old-timers remember what this line of pillars was and what it was intended for. It is not possible to find any technical documentation for this line even in fragments on the net. The respected Murom mayor A. V. Ermakov left behind a serious technical puzzle, because he is credited with the construction of the city telegraph. Obviously, by telegraph, this network of poles is meant. Although, according to the logic of things, what kind of telegraph or PBX network is it, if it goes from the start to the end point, bypassing all intermediate ones and not forming any branches to the houses along the way. And between the starting and ending points of the installation of these poles on a horse, it was possible to drive in five minutes.

The secret was simple again. In childhood, when the author of these lines lived in one of the houses of the old fund, during the reign of Ilyich the second, they broke down an old barn in one of the former merchant houses, geographically located within walking distance from the above-described control room. All rubbish was taken out of it, and suddenly the children (the author of these lines was also among them) found metal balls in a heap of rubbish, similar to poorly made similarities of chicken eggs, only made of metal and with a blind hole in the blunt part of the egg. The balls were bronze in color and very heavy, as it seemed then at the effort of a child's hand. Also, there were old bottles with some kind of incomprehensible liquid and much more. It turned out that the balls and so on got into the barn thanks to one neighbor who was technically advanced and suffering from kleptomania. He worked on a construction site and often brought all sorts of things into the house, which he hid in different places. Seeing these balls, they were taken away from the children and hidden. Even then, one engineer of the radio measuring instruments plant explained to obscure children (there was such a flagship of the Soviet economy in the field of radio communications at that time, which was called mailbox number 49) that this is a dangerous thing and you can thunder for it, and then for the first time they explained what religion is, The KGB and how difficult it is sometimes to have forbidden objects of worship. Naturally, no one understood anything, but for some reason the memory of these objects settled in the child's head … However, the continuation of this story would be better cited after describing other no less strange structures. Even then, one engineer of a radio measuring instrument plant explained to obscure children (there was such a flagship of the Soviet economy in the field of radio communications at that time, which was called mailbox number 49) that this is a dangerous thing and you can rattle for it, and then for the first time they explained what religion is, The KGB and how difficult it is sometimes to have forbidden objects of worship. Naturally, no one understood anything, but the memory of these objects somehow settled in the child's head … However, the continuation of this story would be better cited after describing other no less strange structures. Even then, one engineer of the radio measuring instruments plant explained to obscure children (there was such a flagship of the Soviet economy in the field of radio communications at that time, which was called mailbox number 49) that this is a dangerous thing and you can thunder for it, and then for the first time they explained what religion is, The KGB and how difficult it is sometimes to have forbidden objects of worship. Naturally, no one understood anything, but the memory of these objects for some reason settled in the child's head … However, the continuation of this story would be better cited after describing other no less strange structures. Naturally, no one understood anything, but the memory of these objects for some reason settled in the child's head … However, the continuation of this story would be better cited after describing other no less strange structures. Naturally, no one understood anything, but the memory of these objects for some reason settled in the child's head … However, the continuation of this story would be better cited after describing other no less strange structures.

Part two

To continue the conversation on the electrical technologies of the past, let's move away from the structures described in the last part of the article for a while and move on to another structure of the same city.


This structure is the city water tower, built according to the city chronicle in 1864 by the same city mayor A. V. Ermakov (a monument to him can be seen near the tower itself), and with it a whole water supply network with a water intake on the Oka River, fountains and watering holes. Some 16 water-folding booths were built, which largely solved the municipal problems of the city. Detailed historical information about this engineering structure can be found here. According to a number of sources, the project for this water supply system was carried out by a visiting engineer Yegor Ivanovich Yerzhemsky, an attempt to find any other data about this character or other fruits of his creation in Runet is not possible.

As stated in all descriptions, this was a great innovation at the time, such systems in cities were rare and considered a great technical breakthrough. The system supplied water to collective areas of use and fountains, which were dispersed in different parts of the city at a distance of up to 5 km from the water tower. The scope of work for the construction of such a system was colossal, there was no construction equipment and the entire water supply system was actually erected manually. The water tower combined the functions of a fire tower, and apparently a constant presence of working personnel was organized on it. There is information that a flag hung on the water tower, which could change color depending on the ambient temperature. This already smacks of mysticism, although in the light of the description of the structures under consideration, nothing is surprising. Let us now consider this water supply system in more detail.

The main technical concept of the water supply system, as in our days, was to obtain water from the place of sampling, transport it to the water pressure generating system (water tower) through an underground pipe, accumulate and distribute water to end collective consumers through the system of the same underground pipes. Nothing new. Taking into account the peculiarities of the geographic location of the water intake and the water tower, the height difference between them was about 50 m, the distance along the earth's surface was about a kilometer. For what reasons the water tower was placed in its historical place, it is now difficult to say, although judging by the old photos of places for its installation in the city at that time there were plenty. Obviously, it was decided to put it in the geometric center of the city at that time, so that the length of all water pipe bends to all end points was optimal.

Let's start with the water intake system. The place of the water intake was not chosen by chance, there are many underground springs at that place, gushing out from the ground and creating a slight swampiness in that place.


Actually, until now this building with a chimney has changed little.


Judging by such a large pipe, there was a steam boiler in the building, which supplied water with a pump to the injection pipe, from which, in turn, the water entered the water tower. Considering that the railway appeared 20 years later, it is obvious that the boiler was fired with wood fuel and there could be no question of any serious coal supplies for this boiler at that time. There are no strangeness or unusual features in the design.

Let's go further.

The water tower, as the next link in this water distribution system, was supposed to carry out the functions of collecting, accumulating and delivering water to the water supply system for end users, where the water pressure in this system was created due to the difference in heights of the tower storage tank and the place of water outflow. If the distance from the water intake to the water tower is about a kilometer, then, by definition, there must be a communication line between these objects that regulates the supply of water to the water tower tank in order to avoid overflow, either in manual or automatic mode. How it was technically implemented is difficult to say now. But let's disregard this issue, since this article is generally not about that.

Any experienced representative of the respected crowberry profession will always confirm that cold water in the water supply system, in its underground part, always circulates around the ring. In this case, with a spread of end consumers by 5 km, it would definitely not have done without such a circulation system. Otherwise, there are risks of freezing of water during the cold season and many other troubles caused by stagnation of water in case of clogging of the system or leakage during pipe breaks. Considering that wooden pipes were used at that time, the problem clearly took place. In this case, water circulation is provided by special pumps. If there were fountains in the water supply system (and there were at least four of them, according to eyewitnesses), then it definitely could not do without a circulation system, otherwise the place near the fountain would quickly turn into a swamp. There were obviously no drainage systems to the city sewage system, especially from each end point of water consumption, due to the lack of sewage systems as such. Where could these pumps be located and, most importantly, what were they powered by? Question. And then again … oops … a photo of that very water tower of that time (period 1880-1900,:


What is the structure on its roof? On an eye scale, its height, in comparison with the height of a person, is at least three meters. Let's zoom in, sharpen it in Photoshop and take a closer look:


I don't know about you, but in this structure I see an arc that is attracted to the roof by two guys attached to this very arc through dark points - perhaps electrical insulators, perhaps hinged joints. And what are these strange vases with lids? Decor element? Maybe, but who are they there for? For the fireman sentry who rang the hanging bell there, I guess. And the shape of these vases is somehow not noticeable, from a distance you can not see it. There is still a photo of that time, but on them the structure on the spire of the tower, by a strange coincidence, is not visible - either the shooting was of poor quality, or the retoucher tried. For example, here:


In the opinion of the townspeople, until the end of the twenties of the last century, the water supply system functioned properly, until it was suddenly closed due to poor sanitary characteristics of the water (!? What other sanitary characteristics at a time when there was not enough housing for everyone), and the entire top was safely demolished towers with vases. An attic floor was made in its place, and the tower in this form still exists today.


In the photo (this is a view from the opposite side) we can already see that maybe only the gazebo on the roof has remained the same, everything else is completely new. Why did you suddenly need to fence the attic floor if you could just demolish the vases and cover the existing roof? Moreover, nothing was placed in this attic, it served only for the accumulation of pigeon droppings (the author of these lines himself was there at the time of early Gorbachev). Those who have seen the tower can claim that the attic floor was made for a clock that hung there for some time and did not allow all nearby houses to sleep at night, but the top of the tower was demolished in the early thirties, and the clock was hung already in the seventies. Well, okay, let's put these vases in memory and move on.

Crop the main photo of the tower a little and add some brightness. As you can see from the photo, in the foreground there is a water intake and a drinking bowl for horses. There seems to be nothing unusual.


Calm hot day, horses slowly drink water. And oddly enough, there is no sea of water around. The horse drinking bowl is most likely to be filled from the valve rather than spontaneously. There is a water-folding booth nearby. Obviously, the entrance to it is through the door. There are also no puddles near the booth, which indicate the absence of external drainage systems. A classic-shaped chimney sticks out of the booth, apparently heating was provided for the winter period. It looks like the booth does not use any unusual settings. Unless the shape of the roof resembles the roof of our superstructure above the fire station (see part 1). The feeling that they are made according to a standard design.

Let's go further.

300 m from the water tower on the street. Rozhdestvenskaya (Lenin) is a city fountain, which also serves as a point of collection of water for the population from the lower "pockets" of the structure.


Obviously, the bottom photo was taken at a time when the structure was not working. It is clearly visible that the structure has an underground part. For what? Any fountain implies water recirculation, and obviously, in the underground part there was some kind of mechanism for this purpose. And on the fountain there are strange lanterns, which consist of only shades, in which there are no burners or light bulbs. If there was a recirculation mechanism, what was it powered from? Again a riddle.

Let no one be confused by the exhaust pipe from the side, obviously, this is an ordinary hood or wood stove, because if there was at least a steam boiler, and the pipe would be different, and the size of the underground part too. Diesel installations, if at that time, were only in enlightened Europe.

It should be added that at the same time, when suddenly the upper part on the roof of the water tower was broken, this fountain was also dismantled. It was moved to the site of the main cathedral, where it was installed in a slightly different position, and it stood there until the 80s of the last century, and without a visible underground part and was powered by electricity. Perhaps only the upper part was left of it, and the lower part was completely changed, there is no exact information on this topic.

Let's go further.

A photo from about the same time shows one of the end points of one of the water supply networks. A common picture from the everyday life of Murom people storing water in barrels. Water is poured from an external tap through a special removable gutter. And suddenly … again the vases on the roof.


The booth is clearly not designed for free entry. Then what's inside? Obviously, some kind of mechanism, and judging by its size, not small. And again an incomprehensible lantern hangs without bulbs and burners, and without clearly suitable communications.

Photo of the same object:


Some strange pipe is striking, which in one photo is on the roof, and in the other it is inclined. Perhaps from time to time or from bullies, or perhaps for some technical purpose.

At present, there is not even a hint at this place that such a structure stood here.

As you can see, all the roofs at the booths have a similar repeatable design, made with a spire. Judging by the photo, on a number of objects there are vases with lids, which are clearly not serving for decoration.

Unfortunately, there is no publicly available photo showing the views of other city water supply facilities. Perhaps the photo is in the funds of museums or private collections. From what we managed to find, there is a modern photo of one of the same end points of the water supply network, which was built on Nikolskaya (Pervomayskaya) street:


The building stood abandoned for a long time, and acquired its modern appearance in the 90s of the last century. There were no old photos of this building. At the same time, in the 90s, a side annex and a dome with a cross were attached to the building. Without a doubt, here, too, in its initial form, there were vases for some unknown reason and a spire, which is repeated on all such structures.

Summing up the consideration of the incomprehensible communication lines from part 1 and the features of the Murom city water supply system of the 19th century, we get a not entirely clear picture. It is clear that the plumbing is clearly built with a recirculation system and the recirculation mechanisms were in the water tower and presumably in structures at the end points of the plumbing route. At the same time, the power consumed by the recirculation systems was clearly considerable, judging by the water turnover. In the old photos, you can see many nodes and elements that defy any logic from the point of view of technology and do not find any explanation. There is obviously a wireless network of supports, which converges at one point in the form of a superstructure with a spire and a kind of cross. Exactly the same spiers (without the likeness of crosses, but not the fact that they were not at all) we observe on the buildings of the water supply booths. At the same time, many water supply facilities, including the water tower, have incomprehensible architectural elements that look more like bowls with an incomprehensible liquid.

The answer to the riddle turns out to be no less simple than to the rest. Further, the theory will be stated in half with stories, for this I thank everyone who read these posts to the end. In the next part, you will not have to look at pictures and feel nostalgic, but think.

Part three

Well, dear readers, we got to the next technical puzzle, which confuses people with an engineering mindset. The incomprehensible structures described in previous articles are not explained in any way by traditional physics. But let's not blame it all on architectural design, cult and other things that are far from technology. As one clever person said, if the facts go against the theory, you have to discard the theory (or something like that), which we will now try to do. Or maybe even supplement the existing theory with something that was simply forgotten or deliberately forgotten, but the essence is not important.

Respected Russian engineers of the late 19th century, obviously, possessed some knowledge in the field of electricity in general and atmospheric electricity in particular, which has not reached us. We will not go into the reasons, how it happened and why, we are not talking about that now, but many historical references and hypotheses have already been written on this topic. Very little has passed since that time by historical standards. No one doubts that the mental abilities of those engineers did not differ much from those of today. During this time, the evolution of the intellectual capabilities of the human brain did not even step forward one iota, as, for example, in comparison with primitive man (if he ever existed). Surely these engineers did not have the ability to simulate in consciousness the location and change of fields in space (to use drugs that expand consciousness),that is, they were the same people as you and me, but not confused by the Higgs bosons and other crap that clogs the brains of modern students. For obvious reason, they also could not use computer animation of those processes. This means that the answer to the questions of interest to us in terms of the described structures lies somewhere very close and it is at the level of ordinary intellectual abilities of an ordinary person. Let's leave aside the theory of sacred knowledge handed down from generation to generation, let theologians and others like them do this.the answer to the questions of interest to us in terms of the described structures lies somewhere very close and it is at the level of ordinary intellectual abilities of an ordinary person. Let's leave aside the theory of sacred knowledge handed down from generation to generation, let theologians and others like them do this.the answer to the questions of interest to us in terms of the described structures lies somewhere very close and it is at the level of ordinary intellectual abilities of an ordinary person. Let's leave aside the theory of sacred knowledge handed down from generation to generation, let theologians and others like them do this.

Another dumb fact - all the materials from which our structures were made were mined naturally and without any advanced technologies such as nuclear fusion. In fact, they were mined by the great-grandfather's methods, and none of the chemical elements of these materials went into oblivion as well as these structures themselves, which were suddenly demolished almost simultaneously by a strange coincidence. At the end of Part 1 there was the beginning of one story about the found metal balls, to which we will return later.

organized in Tsaritsyn, and it was in 1895 (everything has already been stolen before us). And on the free resources of the Russian Internet there is no description or video of at least one similar experience with similar structures.

Many theorists of physical phenomena are so carried away by the process of self-knowledge of matter that they draw three-level differential equations that are understandable only to themselves, and probably two or three mathematicians with abilities out of this world. May these people forgive me, but for the further presentation of my theory I will do without it. Mathematics, of course, is an accurate thing and you can't do without it, but let's restrict ourselves to simplicity at this stage. If desired, everyone who has the capabilities and abilities will be able to decompose everything according to formulas. I do not guarantee that by my arguments I will not lead everyone else into the same jungle as Ivan Susanin of Poles did in his time. Everything, as they say, is learned in comparison and everyone draws conclusions himself. Before proceeding with our incomprehensible structures, let's assimilate a little theory for ease of perception,and at the same time we will slightly abstract from modern physics and try to think in physics of the late 19th century.

And at that time, all scientists were sure that any electrical manifestations occur due to processes in a certain substance that fills our space, regardless of the objects in it. I don’t open America for anyone, this substance can be called ether, neutrino, whatever else, and it serves as the basis for the structure of other matter. A lot of works have been written on this score, and a lot of historical sources have also been published. This substance lives by its own laws, there are many descriptions of these laws, I do not presume to criticize them, since which of these laws is true, it is impossible to confirm or refute. Mankind has not yet invented such devices that would clearly show the behavior of the ether in space, except that Oersted's experiment with metal filings on a sheet of paper, and then many will not perceive this fact. All other visual manifestations of the ether (in gifs, diagrams, diagrams, etc.) are a figment of the imagination of a person who, as you know, tends to be wrong.

In this regard, let us simplify the understanding of the ether to a kind of homogeneous mass, consisting of elementary particles located at a certain distance from each other in all directions of space. The concentration gradient of such a mass of particles in the absence of other particles is equal to zero. Moreover, these elementary particles do not have a charge and have convolution (they can move to any point in space without the manifestation of friction forces). Let's ignore for now what force makes them move. Ideally, this is if the ether particles are somewhere in space and do not penetrate any foreign bodies such as the earth and what is on it. It is quite possible to imagine this.

A somewhat different picture is obtained when the ether mass is located at the surface of the earth and in the earth itself, the space of which contains carriers of electric current - electrons. We take the sizes of the ether particles to be smaller than that of the carriers of electric current - electrons (in many sources this fact is confirmed, so we will accept it as an indisputable truth). As a result, for example, inside a gas, where there is a certain amount of free electrons, the picture of the internal structure will conditionally resemble a mix of pills of different sizes:


For example, for gas, red pellets are ether bodies, yellow ones are free electrons (in reality they should be different in size, but here the picture is larger for clarity), green ones are atoms of some gas. Unlike gas, the picture of the arrangement of ether particles in the metal will differ only, according to our picture, with a large number of yellow pellets and an ordered distance between the green pellets.

Well, unlike the foundations of modern physics, which involves the movement of particles based on the interaction of their charges, we will change this rule to simple mechanics that uses the principle of billiard balls of different sizes without any charge. At the same time, large balls - electrons - easily carry along with them in motion several particles of ether due to their size, and vice versa - to move one electron, a simultaneous effort of several particles of ether is needed. The usual energy priority of some particles over others is purely due to the difference in size. In this case, the ether freely penetrates with its particles into any substance, and the electron in the case of a metal is kept inside the substance due to its atoms (not positive charges, but special dimensions) and its transition to another substance without the influence of external forces is rather an exception than a rule. For understanding and clarity, this can be presented in the form of a Chinese toy, in which another smaller ball jumps inside one ball with holes and cannot jump out of it, but there is a very small ball that can pass through all the holes without hindrance. somewhat more complicated, but this is quite enough for a general understanding. And at the same time, the movement of electrons carries a greater supply of kinetic energy than the movement of ether particles. And at the same time, the movement of electrons carries a greater supply of kinetic energy than the movement of ether particles. And at the same time, the movement of electrons carries a greater supply of kinetic energy than the movement of ether particles.

To understand the next principle, on which we will be based, let's conduct a little experiment with a metal can, for example, from under coffee, in which metal screws, nuts, nails and other metal parts are poured, but of different sizes from small to large (young technicians for sure faced with this in childhood). If you shake this jar several times, then all the small parts will settle to the bottom, and the finer, the deeper. It seems paradoxical, in theory, the larger the parts, the heavier they are and they seem to have to go to the bottom, but the opposite is true. Let's modify the experiment a little, add pieces of the same size, but with a different weight (pebbles, tablets, etc.), we get the same picture. In general, the answer here is quite simple - the smallest parts effectively fill the space,formed between large parts of different shapes due to their chaotic contact, and are attracted downward by gravity. And if all these objects had the ability to move chaotically in a confined space and there would be no gravity? Correctly, in any case, as a result of such Brownian motion, the volume of closed space after a certain period of time would be divided into fractional layers of objects according to their sizes. And if you open the space, remove the top and side edges and leave only the bottom, which will primarily limit the degree of freedom of only the largest objects? That's right, chaotically all large objects will be pressed to this bottom (here's a model of gravity on a spherical object), but small objects will nevertheless move near this bottom, but their concentration (or density,as you wish), as the height from the bottom increases, it will grow.

As everyone probably already understood, we are talking about a change in the density of the ether mass from the surface of the earth to its height. The higher, the denser the ether. And when the layers of the atmosphere come to an end, the ether surrounds any object from all sides and as a result of chaotic Brownian motion without limiting the degrees of freedom, all forces are balanced (here's a model of weightlessness). The layers of the atmosphere come to an end - this is when all the mobile particles, which are larger than the particles of the ether, are displaced towards the limitation of the degree of freedom (the bottom, the earth's surface, whatever you want). It is in this place that the most active particles will be located, which seem to be not yet ether, but also not heavy particles, attracted to the bottom (here's an explanation of the ionosphere). And as for the bottom, or the earth's surface,then with its beginning the Brownian motion of most of the described particles stops and in the depth a uniform density of the aether already begins (there are other versions, but we will assume that this is so). As for the free electrons of the atmosphere, they are present in the air space, but just like the ether, according to the same regularity, they change their density depending on the height above the earth's surface.

What makes the particles of the ether move, to begin with, at least just chaotically? Probably there is some kind of disturber (the Sun), which disperses throughout space, or even launches ethereal winds. There is also the Earth's magnetic field, which can be explained by these logical conclusions. This is a topic for a separate story. In our case, we need to understand where electricity comes from at the surface of the earth in its manifestations in general.

Let's say there is a closed metal conductor. It has its own equal cross-sectional area and length, the number of electrons in it depends on this indicator (well, and on the specific conductivity too). Let's say there is some kind of force that can accelerate the electrons inside this conductor. We consider the force to be constant, that is, it does not change over time in magnitude and direction. The difference in the pressure of electrons at the beginning and at the end of a closed conductor will be the potential difference, and the number of electrons passing through the cross section per unit of time will be the current. The energy that is released in the conductor is equal to the product of the potential difference and current. If there is no device in the circuit of this conductor that converts the energy of the movement of electrons into mechanical, light, sound energy,then the energy is converted into the internal energy of the conductor - heating, which manifests itself in the vibrations of the nodes of the crystal lattice of the metal under the action of electrons. In addition, a conductor with a current creates a magnetic field around itself, which consists of something incomprehensible, it appears from something incomprehensible with the appearance of a current and disappears from an unknown destination with a loss of current (before that, causing a pulse jump in electromotive force). This is what classical modern physics teaches, nothing new and unusual. The feeling that we are studying the movement of water through a closed hose in the absence of the hose itself or the movement of waves on the sea in the absence of the sea itself. Absurd. I think many understanding people wondered what all the same we studied at school in electrical engineering. But it doesn't matter. Let's look at the processes themselves from the point of view of the hypotheses that were discussed above.

So, there is a closed conductor. Some force of constant value and direction pushes electrons in it, which move without changing their direction. However, now we mean that there are ether particles in the conductor (see the photo with the pellet), which the electrons, of course, carry along with them at the same speed. Let us suppose that the matter takes place at the surface of the earth, where the concentration (density) of the ether is minimal and the same over the entire area of the closed circuit. As already mentioned, the particles of ether and electrons have different sizes, and therefore, moving inside the conductor unidirectionally-chaotically, they begin to decompose in motion into fractions. As a result, the bulk of electrons is displaced to the surface (skin effect), and the movement of ethers in the conductor and beyond will begin to resemble a funnel, the sameas on any water surface when draining water (gimbal rule, but not from circles, but from spirals). Moreover, this funnel consistently extends over the entire length of the conductor. The nature of this funnel, like a funnel in any other medium, is due to the fluidity of the substance and the presence of two overlapping currents. And it turns out that the angular velocity of the ether funnel outside the conductor (which moves the iron filings in Oersted's experiment) due to the superfluidity of the ether has an almost unlimited resource of energy (radiant energy), but how can you use it? Just. In the simplest case, we make a controlled narrow break in the circuit, the gimbal by inertia (electromagnetic induction) rotates the ether into the place of the break, which, carrying with it electrons, creates such a powerful moment potential difference at the break,that this section can break through and at the moment of breakdown the current energy will be such that theoretically it can exceed the resource of the power source itself. But only momentarily. If the etheric funnel of the conductor is technically placed in an environment that is most conducive to the movement of the ether (a steel core with protection against eddy currents), then the moment potential difference increases several times and the breakdown energy will be even higher. All this is certainly good, but how can you use it for good? Everything very much depends on the spark gap, or rather its characteristics. And also from the technical ability to close-open it as quickly as possible and so that it does not collapse. The general theory of our question in a simplified form is clear in this example, but it is clearly not suitable for our strange structures. It should be added that this experience is by no means new,a lot of videos of handicrafts of this kind (cachers, etc.) are available on the Russian Internet If the movement of the ether from a spiral trajectory is transformed into a linear one and concentrated into one beam without a mixture of simultaneous movement of electrons ("cold electricity"), then this ether flow can light bulbs in the presence of one open wire, provided that this wire passes inside this beam, or ether stream. But the power released in this case will be low, since the kinetic energy of the ether particles is small and not comparable to the energy of the same flow of electrons (and there is nowhere for electrons to take in such an amount outside this piece of wire). To power powerful devices, it is necessary that the flow of ether ("reactive energy") somehow transfers energy to electrons and that these flows are mutually balanced. If the movement of the ether from a spiral trajectory is transformed into a linear one and concentrated into one beam without a mixture of simultaneous movement of electrons ("cold electricity"), then this ether flow can light bulbs in the presence of one open wire, provided that this wire passes inside this beam, or ether stream. But the power released in this case will be low, since the kinetic energy of the ether particles is small and not comparable to the energy of the same flow of electrons (and there is nowhere for electrons to take in such an amount outside this piece of wire). To power powerful devices, it is necessary that the flow of ether ("reactive energy") somehow transfers energy to electrons and that these flows are mutually balanced. If the movement of the ether from a spiral trajectory is transformed into a linear one and concentrated into one beam without a mixture of simultaneous movement of electrons ("cold electricity"), then this ether flow can light bulbs in the presence of one open wire, provided that this wire passes inside this beam, or ether stream. But the power released in this case will be low, since the kinetic energy of the ether particles is small and not comparable to the energy of the same flow of electrons (and there is nowhere for electrons to take in such an amount outside of this piece of wire). To power powerful devices, it is necessary that the flow of ether ("reactive energy") somehow transfers energy to electrons and that these flows are mutually balanced.

To understand further reasoning, we need to imagine that there is a separate quantity, which we can conditionally call the density of the ether. This is the number of elementary particles of the ether per unit volume. As mentioned above, this density presumably changes in proportion to the height from the ground level in the direction of increase in a linear manner. We believe that the density of the ether at this time is absolutely equal to the density of the ether in 1860 (and there have been no planetary and local catastrophes since 1860 BC, due to which the density of the ether decreased).

So how did our incomprehensible structures work? Obviously, the above examples are missing to explain their work. If so, let's go back to photographs of strange structures. Perhaps some details will suggest something. Let's start with the water tower first. My instinct suggests that since the entire upper part was demolished on it from the roof, it means that the secret was in it itself in the totality of its nodes. And compare with the designs of water distribution units. Unfortunately, no detailed materials about what was there before the demolition have survived, except for the photographs we have. Let's try using them to reconstruct what was actually built there and what physical phenomena could occur there.

Let's take another close look at the enlarged photo of the top of the tower and outline all the oddities.


Part four

On the third floor of the tower, there was a water collection tank from floor to ceiling. By definition, there could not be any electrical devices, except perhaps for recirculation pumps. All the devices of interest to us were located outside the third floor, apparently on the roof.


From a practical builder's point of view, the view of the top of the tower immediately raises questions. First, the strange kind of drainpipes that pass through the columns at the exit from the roof. Obviously, the ceiling of the third floor was vaulted, and all structures of the building were not divided into load-bearing and fencing. Consequently, the columns on the building are in some way conventional and did not carry loads as, for example, in modern monolith buildings. Accordingly, the use of standard holes in the columns (for example, under the downpipe) does not threaten the changes in their bearing capacity with the action of time. Obviously, there was no sloping roof in its original form on the roof, rainwater accumulated in the deepest places and was discharged through pipes to the outside. Secondly, a thick layer of rolled iron can be seen immediately above the exit of the downspout from the column,which runs along the entire perimeter of the roof directly on the surface and at the same time clearly does not carry any reinforcing functions. The fact that this is exactly iron is confirmed by rusty smudges on the left corner of the tower above the drainpipe, and a view of the adjacent side of the tower from the same corner. The fact that this is not a brick layer is proved by the fact that the thickness of the bricks of that building is less, as, for example, on the masonry of the superstructure above the tower, and in case of erosion of the left corner, the brick from this place would also crumble. Logically, if it is a metal belt of vaults, it should have been located at least half a meter lower.that this is not a brick layer is proved by the fact that the thickness of the bricks of that building is less, as, for example, on the masonry of the superstructure above the tower, and in case of erosion of the left corner, the brick from this place would also crumble. Logically, if it is a metal belt of vaults, it should have been located at least half a meter lower.that this is not a brick layer is proved by the fact that the thickness of the bricks of that building is less, as, for example, on the masonry of the superstructure above the tower, and in case of erosion of the left corner, the brick from this place would also crumble. Logically, if it is a metal belt of vaults, it should have been located at least half a meter lower.

In addition, questions arise about the materials from which the roof railing is made in the part of the railing above the lattice mesh. The brightness of their colors in the photo suggests that this is not iron, but at the same time an iron grate is somehow attached to this part. There were no technologies for reinforced concrete at that time. It also does not look like a wooden structure. We would venture to make the assumption that this is a thick iron rolling of circular, pipe or elliptical cross-section, coated with graphite grease to protect against corrosion. Graphite grease was widespread at that time, it was used to cover all metal roofs, this technology is still used today. Most likely, the roof of our tower superstructure is also covered with it.

Another thought comes to mind that the presence of a thick layer of iron on the side and bottom of the coasters with bowls serves for their rigid fixation relative to each other in two planes. But why such criticality? Were you afraid that they would not fall due to the dilapidated masonry? Or were they so heavy that it was necessary to strengthen the place of their installation? Let us postpone this moment in our memory.

Moving on to bowls with an incomprehensible purpose. The fact that they are clearly not for flowers and clearly not for simple decoration is proved by the fact that they have covers, some even have handles for lifting them. Why are they needed in such quantities? Maybe by the number of decorative columns on the building for their aesthetic completion, but any person with experience as a building maintenance engineer is immediately struck by the thought that just aesthetics have nothing to do with it. Everything is too complicated for a simple element of architecture - covers with handles, the presence of free service passages, and in color in the same photo they differ from the color of the stands for them, which means they are made of different materials. Which ones - alas, now it can no longer be restored. Moreover, their installation sites are reinforced with thick iron. It's strange.

Let's go further. A very interesting roof at the superstructure along with the structure standing on it. Well, the roof, let’s say, is quite common in terms of construction, but the construction above it begins to resemble an abstract sculpture. It is impossible to understand from the photo what shape it has, but presumably it somewhat resembles a model of spirals of a water funnel, made of wire and placed on a cruciform spire with braces.

The superstructure and the porch to it are usually made, there is obviously nothing inside the superstructure, this is a firefighter's workplace for viewing the city, there is also a bell on the porch for signaling an alarm (it is very strange, if it seems like there was already a telegraph on poles without wires or with wires). And there remain objects that are not quite amenable to logic, indicated in the photo with question marks.

But before we move on to discussing them, let's look at the photo of the terminal device of the water supply network and compare if there is any analogy.


Many similarities with the construction of the roof of a water tower are immediately apparent. Again, drainpipes go out through the columns from somewhere on the inner roof, again two power elements for fixing the pedestal of the bowls, again a mesh grate goes down from the upper power element. But there are also differences, for example, the roof from the spire fits almost to the upper load-bearing element. But why then do the drainpipes go inside? Apparently, there is a gap between the roof and the load-bearing element. We will not be able to refute or confirm this now, so we will be guided by logic. If you look closely at the spire and the roof, you will notice that they are made of different materials, and the feeling that the spire seems to be on a hinge or it is electrically isolated from the roof (by a gap or a layer of dielectric). It is difficult to say what material the power elements are made of. Let's dare to assumethat the upper one, since it has such a shaped shape, is again made of rolled products, either hollow or not. How the pieces of such rolled metal were connected to each other is no longer determined, but the rigidity of the structure was ensured. The lower load-bearing element (as well as the upper one) has a thickness slightly more than the thickness of the leg of the stairs next to it. It is impossible to make such a structure out of brick without the visibility of this in the photo, and from wood too. Judging by the fact that the brightness of the power elements in the photo is the same as the brightness of the spire, most likely the elements are covered with graphite grease. They look fresh, as if they were recently overhauled. The lower load-bearing element (as well as the upper one) has a thickness slightly more than the thickness of the leg of the stairs next to it. It is impossible to make such a structure out of brick without the visibility of this in the photo, and from wood too. Judging by the fact that the brightness of the power elements in the photo is the same as the brightness of the spire, most likely the elements are covered with graphite grease. They look fresh, as if they were recently overhauled. The lower load-bearing element (as well as the upper one) has a thickness slightly more than the thickness of the leg of the stairs next to it. It is impossible to make such a structure out of brick without the visibility of this in the photo, and from wood too. Judging by the fact that the brightness of the power elements in the photo is the same as the brightness of the spire, most likely the elements are covered with graphite grease. They look fresh, as if they were recently overhauled.

If you look at the upper power element and imagine it from above, then you get some kind of model of a star-fortress, about which there have been many publications lately.


And what if the same power elements stood along the perimeters of these stars-fortresses, the same bowls stood on the rays of these stars, and in the center there was a source of incomprehensible energy (a source of controlled etheric toroidal vortices, from which the knights dressed in iron armor from head to toe for isolation)? The conclusion is too provocative, but probably missing puzzles began to appear in the picture for many researchers of the fortress stars. Nothing can be ruled out. But let's get back to our facilities.

So, in the photo of the water tower we have three elements that we cannot explain by the logic of the builder (and the logic of some electricians too), in the photo they are numbered # 1, # 2, # 3. For the convenience of searching, we will present this photo again.


Let's start with # 1. Take a closer look at it. If it doesn't remind anyone of anything, it looks like a Rumkorf coil.


What else could have been invented before 1860 and be like this? Nothing. A typical diagram of this coil looked like this:


We look at its diagram … oops … there is a coil on the tower, and it has a core, and an antenna too. But something doesn't fit with the functionality. According to Wikipedia, a Rumkorf coil converts a low DC voltage to a high ripple voltage. And we have an inverse problem - to detect the possibility of power supply to the recirculation pump of the water tower, which clearly consumed significant power and did not use high voltage. Let's say the item under question mark # 2 was a low-voltage circuit breaker, but where could it come from? This means that this version disappears. It turns out that the element under question mark # 2 is just an adjustment or even an adjustment mechanism for the Rumkorf coil core. The core of the coil is clearly iron, for rigidity it is fixed with a crossbar to a brick superstructure, and it stands perpendicular to the roof. The item under the question mark # 3 is also a similar coil with the same core. The fact that it looks like a muffler does not say anything due to the lack of engines in such structures at that time by definition. Skeptics will say that this is a ventilation pipe, but then, firstly, what is the shape of the muffler for, and secondly, where is the cover above it, which protects from foreign objects from above. Almost all photos on the stove and ventilation pipes have such covers, but for such a responsible place as a water tower, it should be necessary. Let the watermen correct me, but there is a special valve, the so-called "breather", to relieve the pressure of air or water vapor from the accumulator, which is not even close in shape to this element.does not say anything due to the absence of engines in such structures at that time, by definition. Skeptics will say that this is a ventilation pipe, but then, firstly, what is the shape of the muffler for, and secondly, where is the cover above it, which protects from foreign objects from above. Almost all photos on the stove and ventilation pipes have such covers, but for such a responsible place as a water tower, it should be necessary. Let the watermen correct me, but there is a special valve, the so-called "breather", to relieve the pressure of air or water vapor from the accumulator, which is not even close in shape to this element.does not say anything due to the absence of engines in such structures at that time, by definition. Skeptics will say that this is a ventilation pipe, but then, firstly, what is the shape of the muffler for, and secondly, where is the cover above it, which protects from foreign objects from above. Almost all photos on the stove and ventilation pipes have such covers, but for such a responsible place as a water tower, it should be necessary. Let the watermen correct me, but there is a special valve, the so-called "breather", to relieve the pressure of air or water vapor from the accumulator, which is not even close in shape to this element.protecting from the ingress of foreign objects from above. Almost all photos on the stove and ventilation pipes have such covers, but for such a responsible place as a water tower, it should be necessary. Let the watermen correct me, but there is a special valve, the so-called "breather", to relieve the pressure of air or water vapor from the accumulator, which is not even close in shape to this element.protecting from the ingress of foreign objects from above. Almost all photos on the stove and ventilation pipes have such covers, but for such a responsible place as a water tower, it should be necessary. Let the watermen correct me, but there is a special valve, the so-called "breather", to relieve the pressure of air or water vapor from the accumulator, which is not even close in shape to this element.

If you look at the photo of the terminal device of the water supply network, then there is the same element, indicated by a question mark, only it is tilted to the side. Obviously, from dilapidation or hooligans, because there is an older photo, where he is also directed upwards perpendicular to the roof.

Nothing is clear and the scheme does not fit. Let's say you can get the potential difference between the antenna (spire) and the ground loop. In this case, we assume that there is an invisible metal connection between the circuit and the antenna (spire). Due to the different density of electrons and ether at these points, depending on the height of the structure, a current may even flow along this circuit, but its energy characteristics are clearly not enough for a serious release of energy. The Rumkorff coil works if the superposition ether funnel moves from all turns (magnetic field) in the direction of the core. If a high-voltage circuit is not able to provide such a current of ether and electrons to create an ether funnel with the necessary characteristics, and in a low-voltage circuit it is generally necessary to get this at the output, then either we are looking in the wrong place,or perpendicularly and around the core (parallel to the roof) there must be another coil of at least one turn, with a powerful current of ether and electrons and the characteristics of the duty cycle we need. Stop.

Let's go back to our roof strength members and take a fresh look at them. The thickness clearly allows large flows of electron masses to move without loss. The configuration is clearly a short-circuited loop. But the amount of ether to disperse such a number of electrons is clearly not enough. If such a conductor has bends, then the ether-electronic current flowing in it should not experience a "water hammer" (inductive resistance), which means that it is clearly not high-frequency there. Let's say the lower power element really exists for strength, and the upper one is our third coil from the coil in the singular. Where does the ether come from for him in the right amount, with its current density in the atmosphere,so that the energy characteristics of the flow of ether and electrons were balanced and consistent? We look closely at the photo and see our bowls. Stop again.

The bowl itself, by definition, serves to pour something into it. Our bowls are positioned step by step, specifically so that the effect of the poured liquid covers our entire resulting conductor. Obviously, the liquid being poured increases the etheric density around the conductor, and the shape of the bowl allows this to be done most effectively. What is this mysterious substance? Ether was washed out from the periodic table, this is understandable, but it was clearly not ether that was poured into bowls. The rest of the elements in the table are present. This means that the property of this substance is either kept secret, or the substance for powdering the brain was recognized as poisonous (or even brought it into circulation in the Criminal Code). And what is most suitable for this? How simple it is, of course it's mercury.

If we discard all rumors or speculations about this substance and at least read the irrelevant historical information, it turns out that this substance has been acquired since ancient times in ancient Rome on a huge scale. And what of this substance can be made practical for the household, except how to be used in medicine (poison a neighbor)? It is clear that nothing. This means that this substance was used only in the construction of temple complexes. For other purposes, this substance has been used quite recently. If someone has a desire, then you can familiarize yourself with the forums on the development of mercury antennas by amateurs. Few have succeeded, but all agree on one thing - as soon as you hang out any device using mercury, "guests" come in a short period of time and confiscate everything that seems to them like mercury antennas. As they say, there is no smoke without fire. This material cheers you up especially well. It is very interesting to read about 3 cm, but we will come back to this when we describe how poles work without wires.

In the meantime, let's reconstruct with the help of Photoshop what we get with an increase in the density of the ether on a single object.


A high-density ether cloud is concentrated under the bowl around our guide.

There will also be an ethereal cloud above the bowls, but for clarity it is not needed. And the shape of the bowl is made in such a way that the ethereal cloud is minimally created in unnecessary directions. How does mercury create such a cloud? It is difficult to answer unequivocally, as well as why iron makes the ether rotate in a closed flow (permanent magnet). Alchemists identified these two elements as separate elements. It is known for certain that mercury draws in ether from the surrounding space, and at the same time, any slightest etheric disturbance inside a cloud with increased density increases many times and, under certain conditions, pushes electrons in conductors with a corresponding force, and outside the cloud in the zone of depleted ether, the disturbance practically fades away (and tightly any radio communication is lost). The density of the ether in the cloud can be controlled by the amount of mercury in the bowls.

A small deviation from the topic - at the same time, when the top of the water tower and other incomprehensible devices were demolished, the best cathedral in Murom was also demolished. Filming of this action is even used on TV screensavers. But if you look closely at this cathedral until it was scrapped, you can see some interesting places (circled):


There are many structures of temples where bowls similar to those discussed earlier stand in these places. As a rule, they are located in hard-to-reach places and were examined near only by a select few. And when broken, it can be seen that the body of the temple's masonry is permeated with horizontal and vertical ties. Obviously, the same scheme was used to obtain the ether cloud and current, but in this case the containers with mercury could be hidden (walled up). Sounds too implausible, but lately there have been a lot of news like this. Well, in fact, in order not to strain your brains, how to make demercurization, they broke such churches in the first place, and completely. The cultural and educational component was probably also here, but most likely secondary.

An interesting fact - how do bells behave in such an ethereal cloud with a working system? Probably, somehow differently, perhaps they call, and in such a range that strange phenomena occur (especially if you attach a prefix in the form of preserved "guns" to the bell, which are not suitable for shooting with gunpowder at all).

But let's get back to our devices.

The purpose of the thick metal element in the load-bearing structure has now become clear, it remains to be disassembled, but how does the current of large values appear there and what happens next. Actually, in order for a current to appear in our thick coil, small periodic etheric disturbances from the outside are enough. How to achieve them? This is where an antenna with its bizarre shape comes to mind. To develop oscillations of the required amplitude and frequency, it is necessary to connect it to our conductor in the right way. If you experiment and turn it on in two places, or in one place with grounding, then in our short-circuited loop, under the influence of a disturbing force, oscillations begin, which, due to the high density of electrons and the ether cloud, are ordered and form a ring alternating electron-ether current in the loop. The power of the funnels of the ether flow around this conductor becomes sufficient so that the energy characteristics required for us appear in our coils, so that we can carry out the work of the load with our power (for example, a recirculation pump). There is also a third option, to which knowledgeable people will be most inclined - some principle of a superheterodyne receiver (who still remembers such). There was one fundamental feature, namely, one coil was used in the circuit to generate reference oscillations with a rigid constant tuning, the other was tuned in a wide range to tune to the desired wave. Our design also needs a hard setting, because the system works clearly in resonance, and it must be maintained with the elimination of factors such as frequency instability from precipitation,ambient temperature and presence / absence of load in the network. Obviously, it was so, one coil with an adjustment mechanism worked for resonance, the other with coarser characteristics for the load. The switching circuit in the head turns out to be more or less clear, but it is no longer possible to assert that it really works without experiments and mathematics.

And then what happens about the pillars and our incomprehensible PBX (see part one)?

Part five

So, dear readers, we have understood the principle of obtaining an extremely cheap renewable source of electricity used in the recent past (hello to Ukraine, wandering in search of it).


It is difficult to say whether such an attitude can be reproduced in our time. Obviously, there are no more settlements within the boundaries of settlements, since the operation of all receiving-transmitting devices in the depleted air zone will be disrupted. Perhaps there are some ways to minimize such a harmful manifestation, but practical research work is already needed here. In the 19th century, a person did not use television, cellular communications and other achievements of civilization (and did not have Roskomnadzor), therefore it was not difficult to place such installations in the center of settlements.

The operation of such an installation, as we have already defined earlier, will be simplified if at least two conditions are met:

1) There must be a system, the main element of which will be a horizontally located short-circuited conductor of large cross-section with step-by-step placement of containers with mercury in the immediate vicinity. In this case, all elements must be rigidly fixed relative to each other;

2) In this system, there must be a resonant circuit, which must lead to our conductor the vibration of atmospheric ether masses with special characteristics, in order to obtain these vibrations in the thickest conductor. Moreover, the elements of the resonant circuit must also be rigidly fixed in relation to all of the above.

With the example of a water tower and plumbing terminals, this clearly holds true. This can be understood from the point of view of operation, the objects obviously for that time had a high level of responsibility and had to be equipped with autonomous oscillating systems that back up each other in case of failures and maintain water recirculation.

Surely such a technical solution was not used only in a separate water supply system. There were other uses for it. Let's say that it is not technically difficult to withstand condition 1) (see above), but condition 2) required not only significant efforts, but also special knowledge to maintain it in a working condition. Let's say a short-circuited conductor with mercury containers can be repeated in a mobile version (Tesla box) and put it on a tram, but how to ensure rigidity and spatial invariability in the azimuthal plane of the nodes of the resonant system? The task of the resonant system is to transmit the etheric disturbance to our improvised circuit. This can be done through a high-density ether cloud near our mercury containers from either side, if you bring the same cloud.

Obviously, it is possible to make a reference generator of etheric vibrations somewhere outside, and before our installation, bring it through the same etheric cloud or a network of such clouds, where the ether disturbance is transmitted in the same way as the signal in the radio relay. The power requirements of such clouds are minimal; they do not carry loads, but serve only for signal transmission. Stop.

We return to part 1 and look at our incomprehensible PBX, more carefully and with a different look (pinned by the domestic tricolor, the photo was taken clearly before the well-known events).


Everything, as always, lies on the surface. A wonderful reference generator in front of you. The entire oscillating system is housed inside to maintain a constant temperature and to minimize the influence of precipitation. How the mercury containers and the resonance system were located inside, now we no longer know, Wooden walls are clearly in order for the ethereal cloud to harmonize well energetically with the same cloud located outside and created by a set of incomprehensible cones on the wall. The cones led most likely to the side from which our incomprehensible pillars began to move. There was no need to hang these cones on all sides. The response cones were on the pillars.

It becomes clear why our generator was placed in this place. Obviously, many people used it, the object was of a kind of strategic purpose and needed protection from hooligans and other villainous people of that time. The lifting height of our generator was determined by the height of the posts that were physically possible to install at that time, and this place fit well in height to the second floor of the fire station.

The resonant system was powered by a cruciform antenna on the superstructure spire (there is a photo in part 1). It is no longer possible to restore how it looked. It is worth noting that the ethereal cloud near our superstructure was sufficient to light a lantern on the wall with its disturbing vibrations. The lantern apparently consisted of a simple bulb of gas, to which there was a single conductor in the form of a bracket on which it hung. If you look closely, there is another lantern hanging behind the posts. The lanterns were switched manually on each lantern, judging by the height of its suspension. All old photos on any other buildings do not have such lamps. There is an old photo of the edge of the water tower near the ground, where there is also such a lantern.


On other objects that do not contain generators, lamps of a similar design are not visible.

Let's go back to the pillars. Obviously, the U-shaped element served to ensure that the traverses with cones were rigidly fixed in the vertical plane. The lower fold of this U-shaped element apparently served to prevent the element itself from becoming a short-circuited loop near the ether cloud created by the bumps. If we did the reconstruction in Photoshop, it looked something like this:


Pay attention to the tower. Obviously, the top is being reconstructed, i.e. photo from about 1930-1935.

What kind of cones hung on the crossbeams of the pillars, which provided such an ethereal cloud of increased density, and most importantly such a directional pattern?

Here it is appropriate to recall the story told at the end of Part 1. None of this might have been remembered if not for the blind hole on the blunt side of that very piece of metal. Only recently did it realize what it was intended for. It turns out that's what it is for. In appearance, this kind of irregular cylinder was bronze in color and was quite heavy. At first they thought that it was some kind of fishing tackle like a load on a net (fishing with nets on the sly was popular at that time). Then, when these egg-shaped objects were confiscated, the story was quickly forgotten.

Oddly enough, the diameter of such irregular cylinders was about 3 cm. Why? Obviously, at this value, the optimal characteristics of the resonant system are achieved. I remember the above article from the Russian Internet. One gets the idea that all this has been known for a long time, only reliably hidden thanks to the communist tradition "if you don't know how to react, forbid it" (well, and the influence of global financial power too). If you make a mathematical model of the system, then you need to look for the answer in this value, something is tied to it.

Well, on the pillars, we can see that the ethereal cloud around their upper part was created by a set of metal objects placed on horizontal beams. The required directional diagram of the cloud was achieved due to the inhomogeneity of the mercury content in the substance of these precursors. There was clearly more mercury in the side parts. What technology was used to achieve this? I would venture to suggest that the technology of applying a special alloy of mercury with some kind of metal to the bronze core was used. It is possible that a simple application of mercury amalgam to the surface of the core was used. Alas, it is not possible to answer this question until any such exhibit is found. Maybe there are such things in the funds of museums, and they are mistaken for buckshot or something like that (artifact of the Bronze Age).

So, we get a network of serially connected clouds, thanks to the calculated coordinated installation of supports. Obviously, in the presence of a disturbance of the ether cloud on one side, it is almost instantly transmitted to the other end of this line by longitudinal vibrations, like sound. It becomes clear why the pillars are not always turned in the direction that they would be turned in the presence of wires. This is not necessary for longitudinal vibrations in an isolated medium. This line does not have any energy load, but serves only to transmit signals of the desired shape. And when these signals enter a generator such as the one on our tower, then they excite oscillations in it without a resonant system. And you can repeat such generators everywhere, even on cars, if they drive near these pillars and have a device for connecting etheric clouds - their own and the pillar. Sounds like fantasy, but alas, there are too many facts.

Well, in conclusion, a clue arises as to how one of the fountains of the water supply system, described in part two, worked.


This fountain had the same current generator for powering the recirculation pump, but it received only external disturbance not from the resonance system, but from the pillars, into the zone of influence of which it fell. The generator was located inside the basement of the fountain, and this is logical for security purposes. Judging by the height of the people, the fountain stood quite high, almost under the level of the grates on the pillars. These pillars are just visible in the photo from the previous example. And the lights on the fountain were working now, it's clear why.

It's simple. There is little left to do.

The author does not pretend to impose the only correct opinion in this area and infringement of someone's copyright, if such a thing has already been published in other examples. All of the above is deduced only through visual analysis of materials and engineering experience, without any experiments.

If there are people who can put all this into practice, I will only be glad.


I didn't want to write the continuation of this article, but communication with you made it necessary. First of all, many thanks to everyone who got acquainted with my work and understood what we were all led down to over 100 years in terms of the development of science and technology. Special thanks to bouffonnerie, who sent the photo, which I see for the first time, although I have been tracking the topic of fortress stars on the Internet for three years already.


As I already wrote in part 4, there is every reason to believe that the fortress stars are the very sources of atmospheric electricity, since they are very similar to our described water supply terminal devices. And please, here's a photo. The same power elements and bowls in the rays. Perhaps, nevertheless, it is necessary to write a separate post on this topic, already now I see how and for what this pile of "flowers in pots" and labyrinths was intended.

Dear readers, in my article I deliberately did not write about 20% of the information that I reached with my mind, in order to intrigue those who want to repeat this installation with their own hands. But this information itself lies on the surface. I will tell you that the length of thick metal conductors, if they are unbent in a straight line, was taken by the builders of the 19th century for a reason and is proportionally related to their thickness. You won't be able to make these settings in miniature, because the natural frequency of such a system will not allow it to operate on powerful active loads.

If you think a little about that article and transfer the patterns to another, then you can relatively easily guess why the Alexander Column in St. Petersburg was needed (or whatever it was called then), why one dome of St. Duke in Odessa is a remake, and in its place there should be a completely different design (a month ago I was in this place and checked the theory so to speak with practice).

Regarding the letters with accusations of eyewash and bothering heads - also special thanks. Any version has a right to exist. Sometime about 8 years ago I worked in one of the republics of Central Asia and made there a communication network of republican significance. When I defended the concept of building a network to the Customer, I heard a brilliant phrase that I still remember - “We do not know how it should be done correctly, but you have it wrong”. My friends, I myself am a skeptic by nature, and about three years ago I myself would not have believed all this until I saw the digitized archival material of old photos of my native city on the network. And looking at these photos, I easily calculated everything else thanks to experience.

This I mean that I will no longer respond to letters and comments of this kind. If you can prove that my version is not technically sound for such and such a reason (but not due to the quality of the photo) - you are welcome to the discussion.

Specifically on the pillars - gentlemen, look how, thanks to one small U-shaped part, it was possible to make such pillars with wires. It would be necessary to stretch the wire into the formed needle eye on each pole (if someone pulled, he will understand what I mean). There is no such crossbar on modern communication poles. This is not to mention the fact that, judging by the old photos, there is a different number of horizontal crossbars in one line of posts, which is nonsense for wires.


So don't believe your eyes-))

All the best, expect a lot more stuff like this.

P. S. If the previous articles were read by someone from the entourage of our esteemed Patriarch, throw him an idea. You just need to find a separately taken abandoned temple somewhere far from the cities, which has five years left to complete ruins and which is not a pity, and restore it, but taking into account the recommendations from previous articles. And there will be a chance to get into history like Herostratus did in his time, but on the good side. And it is not difficult to find money for the repair of a single church (this is not Zenith Arena).