Indigo Children: Who Are They? - Alternative View

Indigo Children: Who Are They? - Alternative View
Indigo Children: Who Are They? - Alternative View

Who are people with an indigo aura? Is this the greatest gift, or is it a medical diagnosis? They live next to us, although we are not aware of it. And sometimes they themselves do not understand why they are not like everyone else.

For the first time, the clairvoyant Nancy Ann Tep discovered a new color of the human aura. She studied the dependence of a person's character on the color spectrum of sunlight. Having discovered a new, never seen before, dark blue color, the clairvoyant called these children "indigo children." But besides Nancy Ann Tep, other scientists noticed the emergence of a new human type. At the end of the eighties of the last century, two American psychologists Lee Carroll and Jen Tober studied a group of children that lagged behind their peers in their psychological development. It turned out that most of the lagging children are much smarter and more talented than those whom the traditional education system values highly. Most scholars now argue that the current education system is generally not suitable for Indigo children. And, moreover, it harms their psyche. After all, in addition to their own, not quite ordinary abilities,the guys are very vulnerable and believe that everyone has a freedom of choice. Therefore, when you try to impose on them some norms and rules of behavior, some indigo ideologies will only disappear into themselves, lose interest in learning and in everything around them.

Indigo children are credited with many different abilities, ranging from extreme levels of intelligence to telepathic gifts. Researchers of this phenomenon argue that Indigo represent a new race of humanity, whose vocation is to change this world. But most journalists and teachers are skeptical, claiming that there is no phenomenon, and psychotherapists diagnose children with attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity.

But there is another very interesting fact: in some countries they are looking for indigo children and are seriously engaged in their development. In the USA, China, Israel, such children are sent to special closures of elite schools, where the future leaders of the country, the army, and scientists are trained. In France, they put on the list of children whose IQ exceeds 160, and consider them a state achievement, pay for their studies. Probably, this is all for a reason …

How can you find out if your child belongs to the elect to save the world? Of the common features of such children, scientists distinguish the following: Indigo children are not intelligent in their age, they quickly find a common language with technology and animals, and are independent. Indigos also like to retire, to withdraw into themselves, they have high self-esteem, intuition. They often have psychic abilities. The parents of such a child must find a common language with him, an individual approach and methods of upbringing, so as not to injure the still unformed psyche.

Indigo can also be recognized by its appearance. They are characterized by a large convex forehead, the upper part of the face is larger than the lower one, and they often get sick. It is also believed that Indigo children are ambidexters, that is, they have both hemispheres of the brain working. In an ordinary person, only one hemisphere works at one time - either the left or the right. And if fifty years ago there was one person in ten thousand ambidexters, and thirty years ago - one in a thousand, then today 90% of children can simultaneously use all the resources of their mind.

One way or another, indigo children still remain a mystery to us, ordinary people. And although it is not easy to recognize them, perhaps it is they who are called upon to save the world from destruction or to bring humanity to a new level of consciousness.
