Where Do Ordinary People Get Their Abilities - Alternative View

Where Do Ordinary People Get Their Abilities - Alternative View
Where Do Ordinary People Get Their Abilities - Alternative View

Video: Where Do Ordinary People Get Their Abilities - Alternative View

Video: Where Do Ordinary People Get Their Abilities - Alternative View
Video: When an Anime Character doesn’t Explain their Abilities 2024, April

History keeps many secrets, which so far, even despite the current level of development of modern technologies, cannot be solved. Such historical secrets include the emergence of incredible abilities in seemingly quite ordinary people. Since there is no explanation for these phenomena, the researchers suggested that a similar effect occurs when these individuals begin to receive direct instructions from the alien intelligence. It doesn't matter how these orders are received: it may be telepathic, it may be in some other way …

An example of a person subjected to such a mystical suggestion is the famous woman - Joan of Arc. Before her take-off to the historic Olympus, she was an ordinary peasant woman. So, there is a century-old military confrontation between France and England. Jeanne heard a "mysterious voice" who gave her an order to free the city of Orleans from enemy encirclement, then to do everything possible so that Charles VII of the Valois dynasty became the king of France. And most importantly, the girl was obliged to perform a task that was almost impossible for her - to completely expel the British from French soil.

It may be surprising, but Jeanne d'Arc, in some completely incomprehensible way, was able to gather a fairly professional army and unite them with a single goal. She managed to inspire the warriors so much that they recklessly and furiously rushed into any fight, even if the numerical advantage was on the side of the enemies. The troops led by the warlike girl won the battles. But the "mysterious voice" did not leave her without help: he constantly warned her about future events. For example, at the Battle of Potet, the 1,500-strong army of Joan of Arc inflicted a crushing defeat on the British, whose army numbered 5,000 soldiers. Moreover, the French in this battle lost only 10 people, and the British - 2500!

The French army, led by Jeanne d'Arc, liberated all French cities and brought about a stunning, in speed, turning point in the war. Jeanne d'Arc's mysterious "advisor" warned her that she would soon be captured. The girl did not hide the possibility of this event from her associates. Further events only confirmed these predictions: the girl was captured by the Burgundians, who surrounded her detachment near Compiegne. In prison, she became seriously ill. Doctors declared her illness incurable. But again a "mysterious voice" came to the rescue, predicting a quick recovery.

The Tribunal of the Inquisition, which tried Joan of Arc, did not believe the girl's words about the "night voice from above" visiting her, declaring her a witch and accusing her of being connected with evil spirits. The Tribunal made the expected decision - to send Joan of Arc to the stake. But it turned out that this was only the official version. The execution of the warlike girl led to a whole series of mysterious events.

It should be noted a strange fact: the girl was brought to the fire in a cloak with a large hood, tightly hiding her face. About eight hundred English soldiers surrounded the execution site, not allowing the crowd of spectators to come close. In addition, an act confirming the execution of Joan of Arc has not yet been found. Another interesting fact: within a short time, all the judges of the tribunal who sentenced Jeanne d'Arc died. Five years have passed. And suddenly the real Joan of Arc was seen on the street in Metz. She was recognized by people who knew her well.

Witnesses were immediately found who assured that Joan of Arc escaped from prison using a secret passage. Or maybe a "mysterious voice" helped her, and this story seems to have ended as a happy end.

After her mysterious rescue, she got married and raised two sons. And in the 20th century, the Pope overturned the decision of the Rouen tribunal, declaring Joan of Arc a saint.

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George Washington also told his friend E. Sherman about a mysterious incident that happened to him while his army lost the battle for Philadelphia to the British in December 1777. Experiencing defeat, he was alone in the room and tried to find a way out of the disastrous situation in which the army was. Suddenly the room was filled with bright light and a beautiful woman appeared in front of him. The woman stretched out her hand towards the east, and visions began to appear in front of D. Washington, as if in a fog. He saw how an angel, scooping up water from the ocean with his hand, sprinkles Asia and Europe. With joy he watched the flourishing of his state. But the third vision was the military confrontation between America and the states of Europe, Africa and Asia.

But this is not the only mystical meeting. In the president's diaries, one can find entries about mysterious flying objects, as well as about green-skinned creatures who supplied him with information about the intentions of the British army, and also gave practical advice.

Another military leader, well known in Europe, seems to have been "exposed" to alien civilizations - Napoleon Bonaparte. It is said that there is strong evidence for this assumption. It turns out that in 1990 a certain professor Lefebvre found an implanted implant in Napoleon's skull, which is a small metal plate similar to a modern microcircuit. Researchers believe that through this miniature device, messages were transmitted directly to Napoleon's brain. The approximate time of implantation is 1794. It was at this time that Napoleon disappeared for several days.

Historians have recognized that up to this time, Napoleon was far from shining with military and organizational talents. And after the alien intelligence took control of his brain, Napoleon's rapid and successful military career began. So, in 1796, Bonaparte ruled a half-naked and hungry army, but, nevertheless, he won several brilliant victories in a row over armies that outnumbered Napoleon's troops in numbers and had the best weapons. He marched triumphantly across Italy. He said to his companions that some great forces are directing him towards the goal, but if they leave him, he will lose everything.

Thanks to the help of these mystical forces, he felt invulnerable, so he was often seen in the front ranks of the fighting. During all the time of his fearless behavior, not a single enemy bullet or projectile inflicted a wound on him. Napoleon was so confident of victory at Austerlitz that he slept calmly until the battle. And when his army fiercely fought under Wagram, he ordered to prepare a sleeping place for him right on the ground and fell fast asleep. Waking up, he immediately actively joined the command of the battle.

The mystical incident occurred during the battle of Arsen. A smoking cannonball boomed in front of the line of soldiers. Everyone froze in horror. And Napoleon forced his horse to stop directly over the core. The ammunition exploded, ripping open the horse's belly, and Napoleon himself, safe and sound, just took another horse.

During one of the attempts on his life in 1800, the military leader's carriage managed to drive past the bomb planted a few moments before the explosion. After proclaiming himself emperor, Napoleon quickly annexed several European states to his empire. But, in 1810, Napoleon changed a lot: his fearlessness disappeared, he turned into an ordinary person. This fact can only be explained by one thing - the help of the alien intelligence has stopped.

I wonder how human history would have developed if alien intelligence had not intervened at key moments? Did the aliens really try to help humanity, or were they pursuing completely different goals?