Suppressed Inventions - Alternative View

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Suppressed Inventions - Alternative View
Suppressed Inventions - Alternative View

Video: Suppressed Inventions - Alternative View

Video: Suppressed Inventions - Alternative View
Video: 16 Inventions Getting Us Off Fossil Fuels 2024, September

I wanted to start with my favorite gravity. I even sat down to write. I quickly realized that either the story should be started from the very first section of physics in order to understand everything, or even spit and forget, because the rest are already in the know without me. Then I remembered the words, almost Einstein:

- If you cannot explain your theory to a five-year-old child in ten words, then you yourself do not understand it.

And this is absolutely true. Behind complex terms and professional slang, there is always a fear that someone will understand everything and be able to ask a question in the very sore spot of uncertainty that you hide behind them.

By the way, this is an electromagnetic field
By the way, this is an electromagnetic field

By the way, this is an electromagnetic field.

So while I'm brushing up on the electricity and magnetism sections to get a more confident approach to gravity, let's have fun and see real-life examples of how advanced but objectionable designs are suppressed.

In order not to guess whether there was a discovery from a self-taught person from the Internet or before his death, looking into the honest eyes of a killer, he could not hide the truth and confessed to his deception, let's take large companies about which we can definitely say what it was.

At least for a start.

Promotional video:

General Motors and EV1

The EV1 was one of the first electric vehicles on the mainstream market. And by the way, in general, it seems like the first serial electric car, but it was discontinued already in 1999.

The official announcement was that the car was incomplete and customers complained about insufficient battery capacity.

Even a book with an investigation came out
Even a book with an investigation came out

Even a book with an investigation came out.

In fact, it is highly likely that colleagues in big business, having come to their senses a little after such a setup, urged General Motors to pull itself together and not ruin the oil business without the consent of the oil industry.

Folkswagen and Lupo in America

This super-economical subcompact was sold in Europe from 98 to 2005, but was crushed in the American market. In Europe, of course, Volkswagen will run over whoever you want, so there were no problems there. In America, a consortium of car manufacturers passed the verdict - Americans do not need economical cars and gave a turn from the gate.

This model was prohibited not only from being sold in showrooms, but even from being advertised among potential buyers. Holy licensing, as always, lent its shoulder to the American giants.

The new version seems to have the same fate
The new version seems to have the same fate

The new version seems to have the same fate.

And the car was a funny 160 kilometers at 4.5 liters. gasoline.

Cánnabis, aka weed

Since the first year 2001, all esotericists, conspiracy theory fans and UFO lovers have been waiting to be recognized as a free drug. And then research on the treatment of cancer with essential oil of marijuana is confirmed by international organizations, and an ordinary person should, like a fool, go for a prescription to a psychotherapist. only he can write a prescription for the herb for medicinal purposes. Unfortunately, you cannot squeeze out a lot of oil from the allowed amount.


While activists are fighting for the right to smoke not only for the crazy, but also for the physically ill, American people in need of marijuana look with envy at happy and cheerful people with prescriptions for Aderrol (amphetamine), which can be eaten in wagons with a piece of paper from a doctor.


In the meantime, we look with envy at both those and others. Probably even with grief and understanding of the hopelessness of the situation. Well, at least until some part of the attendants in the country dies out.


the issue has been raised since the 1960s, when an Italian priest, Father Pellegrino Maria Ernetti, invented the TV time machine.

As an obedient soldier of the army of Christ, he handed it over to the Vatican without question. True, along with yourself and for new clothes, devices. Already on the territory of the micro state, he gathered a group of scientists to modify the shaitan machine. Apparently the sharpness was gone. And all the dads are old, half-blind, in short, it was necessary to eliminate.

Enrico Fermi, one of the fathers of the American atomic project, joined the team. It was he, without mentioning the Lord through words and without crossing himself every second, explained how everything works. The Chronovisor caught the residual vibrations of past events. When asked how far one could look, Fermi could no longer restrain himself, kissed the crucifix and said that in the evenings he now watches the Last Supper live.

This is Fermi
This is Fermi

This is Fermi.

Wilhelm Reich's Orgone and Raincoat

I want to write about this comrade and his drug separately, so also briefly.

In 53 AD, there was a drought in America, and through the rustle of dry grass, only a prolonged howl of farmers was heard. The weather forecast guaranteed the solstice and cloudlessness for at least another week. His plaintive groans from behind the plow only grew louder.

But then Dr. Reich flew in by helicopter, collected money from the farmers, turned on his device and made it rain. Everything is documented.

Press the button, you get the result. Well, or - a magician in a blue helicopter will suddenly arrive
Press the button, you get the result. Well, or - a magician in a blue helicopter will suddenly arrive

Press the button, you get the result. Well, or - a magician in a blue helicopter will suddenly arrive.

The device had some more "magic" functions, but more on that later.

Sit here for a short while - All will pass
Sit here for a short while - All will pass

Sit here for a short while - All will pass.

Now let's look at how scientists clamp down on peer discoveries.

Cold fusion

I think everyone knows this name, even if they can hardly imagine where to look for the atoms (hint - they are hiding behind the back of the Higgs Boson (refutation - in fact, not)).

When, in 1989, Martin Fleischman and Stanley Pons announced that they had achieved a breakthrough in this technology and had even observed the process itself, the scientific world went off the chain. Even the central American channels have allocated slots for scientific discussions that this can never be.

It, in my opinion, has already been invented by everyone who wanted to. However, no one saw him
It, in my opinion, has already been invented by everyone who wanted to. However, no one saw him

It, in my opinion, has already been invented by everyone who wanted to. However, no one saw him.

It is clear that when such forces were connected, if there was a synthesis, then immediately got out of harm's way. Not announced yet. But some keep looking.

Traditional synthesis is also discouraged if it deviates a couple of steps from the generally accepted model

Two American physicists, during routine standard atomic work, suddenly caught the muse and shook out a simpler, cheaper and safer method with a similar result.

The management of the laboratory was so scared that with their new method physicists would cut off the flow of government orders for the old one that they got out of their way, but did not allow the spread of new knowledge.


Maybe in parallel, they did not allow knowledge to leave the building at all and buried both recording devices in the laboratory garden. But we do not know the names, so we cannot identify the bodies either.

Nervous shopping

In 1974, giant Johnson and Johnson bought StimTech, which had a revolutionary solution to disconnect nerve endings from the brain without pounds of pills. That is, mechanical pain relief. Reversible and wrench-free in a swing.

Once in Johnson's arms, the desk never showed signs of scientific life. The only burst of information came when its former owners filed a lawsuit against the Johnsons for artificially hindering progress and delivering a new drug to people.

Officially, they won the case and $ 170 million, but on appeal, Johnson's lawyers caught hold of a formal squiggle and the decision was overturned. And it hung. Winning the case, as it were and as if not. 170 million, as if given, but not reported. The revolutionary solution, meanwhile, has probably already gone rotten.


In general, buying up competitors, or even potential competitors, is a common practice before launching a new product or service on the market. Nobody wants to get a competitor for their advertising budget by promoting a new type of product. And doubly I do not want to get a claim where it will be stated that basement number five to the left of rat number eight registered a similar device, 5 minutes before you.


But in my opinion, the most blatant suppression of progress and protection of the wound from long-known improvements is the Phoebus collusion at the expense of incandescent bulbs. Philips, General Electric and Osram. From 24 to 39 years old, they did not let anyone squeak with ideas for lighting in the dark, except with their favorite incandescent bulbs.


They agreed on the price, thickness and alloy of the tungsten filament so that it breaks in exactly one month and the buyer goes for a new lamp. Until the age of 39, no one could convey not just other options for light variety, but even offer an ordinary extended-release light bulb.

At the same time, everyone knew that in some shed for twenty years already, the same incandescent lamp burned as that of the cartel, only of high quality and not participating in the conspiracy.

And as a result, she lasted up to 100 years, and did not burn out. Maybe she is still smoldering there, I just haven't been tracking the fate of the old woman for a long time.

As a result, and after the official disintegration of the conspirators, everything remained in place until the 90s, when someone managed to slip other options for the end of the world from under the floor.

By the way, this story is one of those that strengthens me in the opinion that the USSR was not an opponent of Western countries and may even have been a structural project with its own tasks within the framework of the game of world capital. Not only light bulbs, of course, it is, but they also burned out regularly in our company according to the terms of the above-mentioned agreements.

Although at the same time, already in the 30s, the USSR had light bulbs with a much longer service life. Almost like a duck grandma who burned for 100 years in a barn.

In general, here is such an easy story about simple scientific prohibitions. Even rather comical. Complex ones should be discussed separately. Both scientific and probable types of Nazi plates, or an antigravitator man with a garden of Baalbek stones.

Well, and behind me is magnetism, electricity and gravity. In this case, we will do without Tesla. As modern, God forgive me, and then.

Uncle could be interesting in the world where electricity was just born and was limited by weak human knowledge. But when, before the official invention of the generator, for at least a hundred years, a socket hung at all houses, and they drew energy from the air with a bucket - Tesla is not relevant.