Does Bigfoot Come To Our World From Portals? - Alternative View

Does Bigfoot Come To Our World From Portals? - Alternative View
Does Bigfoot Come To Our World From Portals? - Alternative View

Video: Does Bigfoot Come To Our World From Portals? - Alternative View

Video: Does Bigfoot Come To Our World From Portals? - Alternative View
Video: Another Bigfoot sighting reported near Provo, Utah 2024, September

Is Bigfoot really, aka Yeti, aka Bigfoot, a representative of an extraterrestrial civilization? It was this topic that became the key at the UFO Conference in Leominster in October 2015.

One of the conference participants, paranormal researcher William Hall, said that the paranormal world is connected with humanity much more closely than we think. Hall, who began his research activities with UFOs and aliens, said that people who have ever encountered otherworldly forces - ghosts, aliens and Bigfoot - have seen the same thing - for example, the sudden disappearance of these creatures, fast moving objects, or strange lights.


More and more yeti hunters are reporting orange balls or fast moving lights. Someone will think that perhaps this is a natural phenomenon. However, the balls are also known to have occurred in areas where the yeti has been seen.

Famed Bigfoot hunter Bill Brock was the first to speak at the conference and was the first to bring up the idea of multidimensional portals. Brock referred to a recent report from NASA that magnetic portals may well exist. He also noted that he began to believe in such portals when he traveled through West Virginia studying Mothman (the moth man).

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Meeting participant Bill Penning said it was possible. He said that at the first meeting with the yeti, something large in the forest shook the earth and quickly disappeared. In addition, Penning found footprints that indicated that some creature appeared behind a running deer, caught it and then disappeared, as the tracks were interrupted in one place.

Penning's colleague Ronnie LeBlanc said he saw orange balls in the same places.

Promotional video:

Evidence for the Yeti. Photos from the conference


If the alien theory is true, then this solves one of the main questions of cryptozoology: "If Bigfoot exists, then where are his remains and animal corpses?"

“If the portal exists, that's why we don't see corpses or bones,” Penning muses.

Jonathan Wilk, founder of Team of Squatchachussets researching yeti, said there are many videos of orange balloons on YouTube and other internet sites. True, it is not known for sure whether they are related to the Yeti.

“I have no specific opinion on this matter. I only rely on observations in the course of our work, for which we cannot find an explanation yet."

David McCullough, another member of Team of Squatchachusetts, had his own experience with colorful balls in the woods. He stated that he is increasingly inclined to believe that portal balls exist, since information about the meeting with them comes from many places, most often from where the Yeti is known to be seen.

Mr. McCullough joked that based on eyewitness accounts, the portal creatures looked more like Star Wars creatures than the giants known as Yeti.

Bill Brock, however, was not convinced. He believes in balloons ever since he began to believe in the giant Mothman with glowing red eyes and the ability to fly. But, in his opinion, this theory is more suitable for the moth man than for the yeti.

So Brock shared his own theory about the origin of Bigfoot. He believes that Bigfoot is the prehistoric rival of the Cro-Magnon, that is, the Neanderthal.


“Cro-Magnons and Neanderthals are known to have feuded 35,000 years ago,” Brock says. "I believe the Neanderthals once went into the woods."

According to his theory, the Neanderthals, as a species, lived in parallel with the Cro-Magnons. But while the latter developed technologies and cities, Neanderthals learned to live in forests, hiding from their enemies.

Similar to portal theory, Brock notes that his more down-to-earth perspective also answers questions raised by skeptics. Why is yeti so hard to find? “Tens of thousands of years of disguise,” he replies.

“Like us, they became masters in their habitats, more precisely in the forests. They know how to hide,”says the researcher.

But why are there no bodies? Brock explains this by the fact that the Neanderthals were and are cannibals. “By eating corpses, they solve two problems,” he says. First, they feed themselves. Secondly, they get rid of the corpses."