The Traditions Of Treatment Among The Ancient Slavs - Alternative View

The Traditions Of Treatment Among The Ancient Slavs - Alternative View
The Traditions Of Treatment Among The Ancient Slavs - Alternative View

Video: The Traditions Of Treatment Among The Ancient Slavs - Alternative View

Video: The Traditions Of Treatment Among The Ancient Slavs - Alternative View
Video: Alternative Slavic Europe 2024, September

Ancient Russia had a developed healing tradition, which was based on conspiracies and herbal medicine. At the present time, ancient healers, medicinal and herbalists have survived, containing knowledge of the pagan period of Russian history. Ancient folk medicine consisted of witchcraft and witchcraft, which were possessed by wise men, sorcerers and healers. The sages used spells, conspiracies, slander. They were based on belief in the mysterious forces of nature, personified in Slavic deities such as Perun, Khors, Yarila and others.

The ancestors of the Slavs professed animistic ("anima" - soul) ideas about human life, that is, the idea of reincarnation.

After death, the soul left the body and ascended to heaven, or struggled in near-earth space. The strength of the family was of great importance. Wizards and wise men - people who possessed secret knowledge and wisdom, were a link between people, gods and spirits of the family. Their plots, which sounded like poems, worked through their unique vibrations that banished disease and ailment. In addition to conspiracies, healers used in their medical practice and methods of direct influence on the patient's physical body. They saved people from dislocations, sprains and injuries.

Baths and water treatments were popular treatment methods, which used a kind of sound therapy, like singing bowls. The disease was expelled by "sweeping" certain plants from the branches with a broom. They also used charmed water. Another method of healing was cutting hair and nails, since they were carriers of information for the disease. They were destroyed, burned or fed to animals and birds. Thus, the disease left the person and passed on to the animal.

In the culture of the ancient Slavs, a separate place was given to women. She was endowed with a special mystical, healing power. Therefore, it is not surprising that even diseases bore female names: cholera, smallpox, fever, colds, shaking, etc.

The ancient Slavs viewed the world as a combination and interaction of three levels: Pravi, Yavi and Navi. In man, they manifested themselves as spirit, soul and body. Healing involved working on all three planes. So, Pravi's methods solved problems with ailments at the level of consciousness. With the denial of the laws of Svarog, strong emotional involvement in the passions of being, trampling on spiritual guidelines, a person loses the main thing - harmony with his divine principle. As a result, this violates the integrity of the coordinated work of all three principles, weakening Reality and Nav, and leading to illness. The system of Slavic knowledge about health says that the factors leading to illness are seven Navi, which cannot be tolerated. These include: pain, lack of food and drink, lack of sleep, cold, negative emotions (especially resentment) and natural need. In addition, there are seven opposite Navi - Java, which cannot be indulged in. This is pleasure, excess warmth, excess sleep, excess drinking and food, flattery and uncontrolled adherence to your natural desires. Thus, the methods of Navi called on the Slavs to consciously limit their desires and soul. For this, they practiced a number of techniques aimed at restoring the energy balance in the body through a healthy diet, proper exercise and bath. Reality methods are aimed at developing the body and increasing its energy potential.aimed at restoring the energy balance in the body through a healthy diet, proper physical activity and a bath. Reality methods are aimed at developing the body and increasing its energy potential.aimed at restoring the energy balance in the body through a healthy diet, proper physical activity and a bath. Reality methods are aimed at developing the body and increasing its energy potential.

The ancient Slavs had a harmonious system of knowledge about the structure of human energy bodies. Man had three kingdoms of consciousness. The lower kingdom was called the Silver kingdom, its center or "table" was the belly, where all the life force was accumulated. The Middle or Copper Kingdom was located in the heart, the power of our soul and heart dwells there. In ancient times it was called Snaga. The upper, or Golden Kingdom, was located in the region of the forehead or crown. It was the abode of the power of the mind.

The traditions of the ancient Slavs were lost and forgotten for many years, but now their revival has begun. Slavic gymnastics and specialists in Slavic medicine appeared in a number of cents, who help us remember and learn the culture of our ancestors.

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The author of the article is a holistic physician I. M. Tyutyunik based on the book by V. Meshalkin, E. Barantsevich "Slavic gymnastics"