Programming Our Consciousness - Alternative View

Programming Our Consciousness - Alternative View
Programming Our Consciousness - Alternative View

Video: Programming Our Consciousness - Alternative View

Video: Programming Our Consciousness - Alternative View
Video: Can You Upload Your Mind & Live Forever? 2024, September

A person does not believe in a wider reality just because he is unable to perceive it. Therefore, we can say that inveterate skeptics have the most “slagged” and “programmed” consciousness with well-known dogmas and generally accepted delusions. And this sometimes reaches the point of complete absurdity - when such a person begins to disbelieve his own eyes and ears for the sake of the generally accepted opinion.

Such a person is not just a "biorobot" programmed from childhood by his environment (and entities from other realities) to perceive a strictly defined part of reality, he already turns into a real "zombie", since he is deprived of the freedom of choice in relation to going beyond the ordinary picture of world perception. In other words, if something happens that goes beyond the framework of his picture of the perception of the world, then he simply "will not see" and "will not perceive" this event.

"Filters", his perceptions simply will not let information about this event into consciousness. And if any part of the information nevertheless breaks through into consciousness, then the person will assure himself that all this simply "seemed to him" and does not have any real basis under him.

A similar conclusion about the possibility of programming our consciousness can be deduced from the following saying of Professor E. Borozdin: “In our opinion, consciousness directly depends on the amount of information perceived by the form or body, and the nature of processing this information. Moreover, the latter is determined by the program that is available to a given body and is in it from the moment of its appearance and birth … Moreover, each body, depending on its shape, is programmed, i.e. perceives programs from the general bank of the Universe programs. Depending on the programming, the object is able to assimilate and process information."

Thus, the programming of our consciousness determines the level of "assimilation and processing of information" or, in other words, the level of perception. Hypnosis is a similar programming of our consciousness: it changes our perception of reality and our behavior, allows us to manipulate us. However, hypnosis is not the only way to program our consciousness. Who will guarantee that the materialistic picture of reality perception imposed on us is not the result of programming our consciousness?

Indirect confirmation of this assumption can be found in the following words of K. Medows: “Genetic studies carried out in recent years indicate that the brain is equipped with an internal program that responds to certain energy patterns perceived from the environment. Psychologists call these reactions "behavioral traits." Of course, we are under some influence of social and economic factors, racial and cultural influences, as well as other circumstances."

Maybe that's why it seems to us that we live in a mechanical and spiritless world, that we are simply "fixated" (or rather programmed) for a similar perception of the surrounding reality, we are caught on "hooks" of purely material interests and have no idea about those who we are "hooked", in angler's terminology. Maybe we are no smarter than the fish that fall for our hooks and baits?

At the same time, conservatives, dogmatists, and fanatics are all like fish caught on their own "hook", which allows them to manipulate their minds and behavior. That is why so many people are unable to perceive reality beyond the bounds of stereotypes and dogmas imposed on them, which are considered immutable and the only true. Thus, there is no difference between dogmatists and fanatics - both of them believe only in the postulates suggested to them, without even making an attempt to verify their truth. This is easily explained by the fact that "hooks" are a kind of device that attaches our "assemblage point of perception" in one strictly defined position.

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The story cited by V. Psalomshchikov, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, testifies to how one can manipulate consciousness and behavior. This story happened in 1998 with a young woman Irina Petrosyan, who, after the death of her husband, a banker, took his place on the board of one of the Moscow banks.


Firstly, for no reason at all, Irina began to have severe headaches that could not be removed with drugs. When the woman went to the clinic, the therapist could not establish the cause of the pain. And then another woman, who is in the doctor's office and introduced herself as a specialist in cerebrovascular accidents, invited Irina to be tested on the latest equipment in a private laboratory.

This laboratory ended up in an ordinary multi-room apartment, crammed with computers and various electronic equipment. The woman was put on an encyphalographic helmet with electrode sensors and offered to put music to her taste in the headphones.

The survey lasted half an hour, during which Irina was sometimes asked meaningless questions. Gradually the pain subsided. Then one of the computer scientists diagnosed the pain as a result of "information overload."

Soon, the bank in which Irina worked suffered heavy losses as a result of several unprofitable transactions. And six months later, the woman read in one of the magazines about the invention of a certain doctor I. Smirnov, director of the Institute of Computer Technologies of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.

However, in order to continue telling this story, let us give the floor to V. Psalomshchikov himself: “For some time now, the American special services began to show interest in Igor Smirnov. And it is not surprising: the scientist found a method of psycho-sounding, with the help of which the necessary information was extracted from the human brain without the use of drugs, hypnosis and any psychotropic drugs. At the same time, a person could not resist psycho-sounding, because it took place at a subconscious level. Dr. Smirnov's invention can even be called a "truth detector", since at a subconscious level a person is not capable of deceit.

The interrogation on the "truth detector" looks very simple: the object of psycho-sounding is put on a helmet with sensors connected to an encephalograph and offered to listen to pleasant music. Questions are asked on ultrasound in pauses between musical phrases and are not perceived by the subject by ear, however, they are perceived and deciphered at the subconscious level (amazingly, the question can be asked in a language unknown to the subject!). The “response” of the subconscious mind is recorded in the form of impulses on the encephalograph. A person who does not understand anything, having listened, for example, to a melody from "The Umbrellas of Cherbourg," gets up and leaves, not even suspecting that he has given away all his innermost secrets.

This is exactly what happened to our Irina, who was found out about the main banking secrets, which are very important for competitors."

The woman also recalled that under the windows of her apartment, when she went to the clinic, there was exactly the same Ford van, which then took her to the “laboratory”. Apparently the headaches were triggered by the radiation from a microwave transmitter that could be in the van. This is a typical example of how we can manipulate our behavior: in this case, provoking headache attacks, the typical reaction of a woman was predicted - to seek help from a polyclinic, where the “bait” was already waiting for her.

Thus, people armed with certain equipment or extrasensory abilities (for example, hypnosis) can manipulate our behavior without our being aware of it. This manipulation is even more subtle and imperceptible for entities from parallel worlds. It is based on the predictability of how our sense of self-importance responds to certain stimuli.

However, with the development of his "energy spirals", the energy potential of a person increases, the horizons of his consciousness "expand" significantly and he is able to counteract both special equipment and entities from other worlds. At the same time, the first step to “awakening” one's spirals is to abandon the slavish dependence on the sense of self-importance. It is this trick that knocks the ground out from under the feet of manipulators of all ranks and stripes and opens the way for a person to genuine freedom.

An important role on the path to freedom is assigned to the rejection of the power of dogmas and stereotypes imposed on humanity and the development of the ability to generate the energy of love. It is no coincidence that many sacred texts of various peoples indicate exactly this.

B. Marsiniak notes in this regard: “Violators of the rules often become researchers of new territories, and some rules are created to be broken, especially those that encroach on your freedom and tell you what to think, instead of supporting you in becoming a creative one, a thinking and feeling part of a loving whole. The ruler of the plan that surpasses the plans of the Family of Light and the Family of darkness is the power called love."