Races Of The Earth, Lemuria, Before And After - Alternative View

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Races Of The Earth, Lemuria, Before And After - Alternative View
Races Of The Earth, Lemuria, Before And After - Alternative View

Video: Races Of The Earth, Lemuria, Before And After - Alternative View

Video: Races Of The Earth, Lemuria, Before And After - Alternative View
Video: The World of Lemuria - Child of Light trailer [JP] 2024, September


As the Slavic, Hindu and Tibetan sacred texts say, about 25,000,000 million years ago, two cosmic races came to Earth from the constellations Orion and Sirius at the same time. This time Siriusians were represented by people with light brown skin, tall, very beautiful, possessing high technologies, which allowed them to build a highly developed civilization on Earth in a short time. The aliens from the central star of the constellation Orion had a white skin color, high stature, were also physically perfect and beautiful, but in the field of knowledge they differed from the aliens from Sirius. Their civilization was built not on a material basis, as in their neighbors, but on a psychophysical one. White people developed technology only within the framework of the material; they knew that technical equipment has its pros and cons,while working with a space vacuum has more advantages; they knew perfectly well the boundless cosmic source of energy and knew how to use it well. Unlike the Sirians, the people of the white race did not use the energy reserves of the planet. They believed that any planet is a living space system, and its interior should belong to it, and not to those who, like bacteria, parasitize on it.

25,000,000 years ago. WAR OF ORIAN AND SIRIUSIAN

The race of light brown Sirians chose, as the secret Vedas say, the territory of modern Samali in eastern Africa.

25,000,000 million years ago, the climate on about. Somalia was tropical, humid, it also accommodated settlers from the hot Sirius. As the chronicles of the Dogon narrate, the light brown ones were the first to strike, but no matter how hard the Sirians tried to attack suddenly, they did not succeed. Whites read information freely in the field and knew in advance all the secret preparations of their opponents. A fierce struggle began between two so dissimilar, but very strong and decisive civilizations, and the vastness of our planet became the arena of this war. The Sirians relied on their powerful, flawless technology, while the Orion colonists also relied on powerful wave weapons to use technology. This, in the end, gave them an advantage in the battle. Then, as the secret Vedas of Russia and India tell, the light brown ones turned to their mother country for help,and help soon came. From the depths of space, from the star system of Sirius, hundreds of black flying vehicles rushed to Earth. The dark race was the most powerful of the Sirian race. These were people with a colossal past and enormous technological capabilities. In fact, they were considered the generally recognized hegemon of all inhabited worlds belonging to the double star Sirius.

25,000,000 million years BC WALKING THE EARTH'S POLES

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As we mentioned, in the Miocene (25,000,000 million years BC) the North Pole was in the Pacific Ocean, between Kamchatka and Canada. This is also indicated by the data of modern science. In the middle of the Miocene (10-12,000,000 million years BC), the north pole of the planet lost its stability and for some reason unknown to modern scientific circles began to shift towards the American continent. Moreover, the pole, as geologists prove, did not move in a straight line, but along a broken trajectory. The very fact of the movement of the earth's axis and its fluctuations could not but affect the climate of the planet. Perhaps this cooling on the American continent caused the migration of large mammals to Eurasia. As is known from the course of paleozoology, in the middle of the Miocene, many ungulates migrate from the New World to the Old, including the camel, horse and others,but the North Pole was not long off the coast of Canada. For cosmic or other reasons, after 2.5-3,000,000 years, it begins to move intensively towards Greenland. And this again leads to noticeable climate change in both hemispheres of our planet. According to modern science, 7-8,000,000 million years ago, the first glaciation begins in Antarctica. The mountains of Alaska are also covered with ice. What reasons caused the wandering of the planet's poles is still unknown to science. Scientists tend to believe that they are cosmic, but perhaps this is not entirely true. The mountains of Alaska are also covered with ice. What reasons caused the wandering of the planet's poles is still unknown to science. Scientists tend to believe that they are cosmic, but perhaps this is not entirely true. The mountains of Alaska are also covered with ice. What reasons caused the wandering of the planet's poles is still unknown to science. Scientists tend to believe that they are cosmic, but perhaps this is not entirely true.

As the sacred texts of the Dravidians of the island of Sri Lanka tell, the traditions of the Papuans of New Guinea and the aborigines of Australia, the ancestral home of the black ocean race, Lemuria, died due to the fact that the demons of Darkness, who came from the depths of the Universe, brought down a flaming star on it. Hindu religious treatises tell about the same thing.

Considering that the first intense shift of the Earth's axis coincides with the time of the military confrontation between the colonists from Ora and the settlers to Earth from Sirius, and the second - with the arrival of an aggressive black-haired race on the planet and the death of the Lemurian civilization, it makes you think. And yet, in the Holocene (7.000.000 million years BC), the climate on Earth was quite warm.

25,000,000 years ago. ARTIFACT - SKELETON FOUND

A human skeleton was found in Midi-de Fran in France, which is twenty-five million years old!


Why are you surprised?

Information priority is one of the main ones. That is why it is so difficult. And what connects it with the origin of races, you will understand later. To begin with, let's remember that two races came to Earth from distant space almost simultaneously: from the constellation Orion, the so-called race of white gods, from the double star Sirius - a black race. This happened about 18 million years ago. Just when the race of the big-headed ancestors of the Neanderthals, after the great catastrophe in the Oligocene, began to degrade.

Everything happened according to the rule: the owners, degrading to an animal state, were replaced by a healthy wave of immigrants. Both the one and the other space race had to rebuild the planet and build long-term bases on it, and then cities. Black people in those half-forgotten times chose East Africa, and white people - the huge northern continent, which was named Oriana in honor of its star metropolis.

But several millennia passed, and a war broke out between the two races on Earth. There have been many similar conflicts between the colonists on our planet, during its 5-5 billion existence. But this conflict left a serious mark behind it. The fact is that the race of black people, due to the powerful radioactive background that arose at the site of its settlement, was forced to leave East Africa and move to a giant island in the Indian Ocean.

This is how the famous Lemurian civilization arose, which existed for quite a long time and died 2 or two million years ago as a result of the fall of a giant asteroid on it.


When the war with the dark-skinned Sirians began about 18,000,000 years ago, all three clans united. They also united during the arrival of black-haired people from the constellation Leo to Earth. According to the Russian Vedas, the black-haired attacked the earth and Mars in alliance with the dragons; this happened, as we know, about 2,000,000 years ago. Then, between Mars and Jupiter, the planet Astra died, and its fragments hit Mars and Earth. It is for this reason that the legendary Lemuria died.


For some reason, modern interpreters of the Avesta decided that the ancient texts tell us that Atlantis was the homeland of the American Indians; far from it. The Avesta only says that the inhabitants of the large western island in the ocean had red skin, this is understandable, because the island of Antida lay much to the south of Oriana and on it the inhabitants received a tan not only in summer. The island was very rich in various minerals. Its mountains were covered with virgin, impenetrable forests, the plains were excellent pastures on which herds of antelopes, giraffes, buffaloes and even small elephants grazed. There were many lakes on the island, clean stormy rivers flowed from the mountains, and, despite the fact that Antides lay in a hot tropical zone and the average annual temperature was quite high, cool refreshing winds constantly blew from the mountains and the ocean. On this land rich in all kinds of natural resources, a powerful technocratic civilization of the primary Atlanteans flourished. Very soon, magnificent cities were built in various parts of the island. Large ports arose on the ocean coast, from where the Atlantean ships sailed north to their relatives in Oriana and around Africa to the flourishing civilization of Lemuria. At that time, all three races of the Earth, white from Oriana and Antides, light brown from northern Africa and black from Lemuria, lived in relative peace and harmony. There were too few people on the planet at that time to share, and they were mostly content with trade and cultural exchange.from where the ships of the Atlanteans went north to their relatives in Oriana and around Africa to the flourishing civilization of Lemuria. At that time, all three races of the Earth, white from Oriana and Antides, light brown from northern Africa and black from Lemuria, lived in relative peace and harmony. There were too few people on the planet at that time to share, and they were mostly content with trade and cultural exchange.from where the ships of the Atlanteans went north to their relatives in Oriana and around Africa to the flourishing civilization of Lemuria. At that time, all three races of Earth, white from Oriana and Antida, light brown from northern Africa and black from Lemuria, lived in relative peace and harmony. There were too few people on the planet at that time to share, and they were mostly content with trade and cultural exchange.


Almost simultaneously with the white race, the brown cosmic people from Sirius came to Africa. These were perfect, highly spiritual people. The traditions of African aborigines, Tamils of India and Australians say that their ancestors were gods. The browns have settled in the mountains of the East African Rift. They, like the Orians - the Russians, have chosen for themselves the appropriate Earth conditions, similar to the climate of the metropolis. Both space peoples communicated, together they mastered both Space and Earth. But eight million years ago, for no reason, a conflict occurred between them. A Vedic Tibetan text has survived, which, to some extent, tells about what happened. Perhaps he can be trusted, although some of the information in it seems unlikely.


For them, the most important thing is that the people of the Earth, and above all, the representatives of the white race, do not guess about their great past.

Because on Earth, almost all the artifacts of the last seven million years (7,000,000) were left by either the Atlanteans or the Oryans. In the south of India and in Ceylon, something survived from the Lemurians. But very few.

About 2,000,000 years ago. APPEARANCE OF REPTILES

And so two million years ago (2.000.000) reptiles appeared in the near space. And from that moment they did not disappear anywhere. The long war of humanity with the lizardheads began. It continues in our time. It is a pity that there is no description of Rin himself in the Veda.

What was he like?

But these are already details. In those distant times, a giant asteroid hit the Earth, and perhaps not One. And from his fall, the cradle of the black race, the legendary Lemuria, went under water. The planet's climate changed dramatically, and the extinction of Tertiary flora and fauna began.


The fact is that the lizardheads are going to declare themselves. They will show up soon. But not from space, but from the giant voids of our planet. From where these creatures penetrated after their defeat inflicted by the forces of the colonists and the mother country. Remember the myth about Veles' struggle with the mysterious star Rin.

- Who rode the dragon?

- Yes, on the dragon. Only the dragon was not a vehicle, but an ally for whom Rin was just a cover.

Now do you understand for what purpose lies about artificially created humanity are being spun?

It was allegedly created by aliens from the legendary Nibiru.

“But if you believe what you told me recently, is it true?

- The truth about the hybrid races, but not about the race of white gods.

I'm talking about her. About the leading race of ancient kulturtrager. Millions of years ago, simultaneously with our ancestors, a highly developed race came to Earth from the double star Sirius. They were people with brown, almost black skin color.

But about 2.000.000 - two million years ago, the Great Lemuria died. She died after a giant asteroid fell on it.

How could this happen?

It is clear that space weapons were used. Now the feral descendants of the Lemurians live in Sri Lanka, southern India, Ethiopia and partly in Kenya. The Kenyan Masai still amaze many travelers with their sophisticated beauty. And in legends they have preserved the memory of the great past …

But in general, the black space race on Earth no longer exists.


And the ancient North Pole, which for a long time was in the south of Alaska and after a giant asteroid fell on Lemuria, moved to Greenland (this happened about 2,000,000 years ago), again ran east, this time to the center of the dying Oriana. Oriana did not die from the impact of an asteroid, but terrible cold fell upon her, plus everything after the death of the continent of Atlantis, the level of the World Ocean began to rise, and the land of the northern Aditya clan began to sink into the abyss. The rise in the level of the World Ocean was also due to the fact that the second asteroid collapsed on the Pacifida.

2,000,000 years ago. LEMURIA GONE UNDER THE WATER

To understand what is currently happening on our planet, one must turn to the ancient Vedic Aryan and Lemurian mythology.

I can ask the author where to get the Lemurian mythology, because Lemuria disappeared from the face of the Earth about 2,000,000 years ago?

Everything is so: in fact, the Lemurian civilization of immigrants from Sirius went under water from the impact of a giant asteroid, the traces of a tsunami from which are still visible in Madagascar and southeast Africa. But oddly enough, the mythology of the Lemurians has been partially preserved. According to the cuneiform texts of the Sumerians, for a long time there was an archipelago of islands on the site of the Lemurian continent, which was named the country of Dilmun. From that archipelago, the surviving representatives of the black space race eventually moved to Sri Lanka, southern India and the delta of the Tigris and Euphrates. In these places, the mythology of Lemuria is partially preserved. It was from the descendants of the black settlers that the Sumerians learned about the disaster that came to our planet about 500,000 years ago. The fact is that on the site of ancient Sumer, the settlers from Dilmun created their own distinctive civilization,which is named in science as the Ubaid civilization.

One of the characteristic features of this civilization is the strange figurines of lizard-like creatures that spread from south to north all the way to Kurdistan.

What kind of creatures they are, no one knows. Lizard-headed, broad-shouldered with narrow long eyes, sometimes on their hands with children like themselves, and sometimes without offspring, figurines of mysterious creatures are dug out of burial grounds and in the places of houses of the Ubaid civilization.

1,500,000 years ago. LEMURIA FINALLY DIED

At that time (1.500.000) one and a half million years ago the Lemurian civilization perished and the golden time of the Tertiary period ended …

1,500,000 years ago. LEMURIA

So that you know that the white race of people in the times of past civilizations hung 2 times between life and death. Twice! More precisely, all five. I do not want to think about the Lemurians. As many as 1.5-1.5 million years have passed. But on the other hand, they were also, as you say, pure-blooded people. So for S. T. dangerous. And the asteroid collapsed on their country, I think, for a reason …

How many million Lemurians have died?

According to the Tamil Vedas, their direct descendants - 300 million!..


But oddly enough, the mythology of the Lemurians has been partially preserved. According to the cuneiform texts of the Sumerians, for a long time there was an archipelago of islands on the site of the Lemurian continent, which was named the country of Dilmun. From that archipelago, the surviving representatives of the black space race eventually moved to Sri Lanka, southern India and the delta of the Tigris and Euphrates. In these places, the mythology of Lemuria is partially preserved.

It was from the descendants of the black settlers that the Sumerians learned about the disaster that came to our planet about 500,000 years ago. The fact is that on the site of ancient Sumer, the settlers from Dilmun created their own distinctive civilization, which in science is called the Ubaid civilization.

One of the characteristic features of this civilization is the strange figurines of lizard-like creatures that spread from south to north all the way to Kurdistan. What kind of creatures they are, no one knows. Lizard-headed, broad-shouldered with narrow long eyes, sometimes on their hands with children like themselves, and sometimes without offspring, figurines of mysterious creatures are dug out of burial grounds and in the places of houses of the Ubaid civilization.

20-25,000 thousand years ago. REMAINS OF THE LEMURIAN TRADITION

True, sometimes the priests were allowed to throw pieces of bread, pancakes, pancakes, etc. into the sacrificial fire (we already wrote about this above), but such sacrifices were not considered serious, as a rule, they were rarely resorted to and only by individuals. Most likely, this rite was inspired by our Aryan ancestors in time immemorial by their pagan neighbors, probably the descendants of the ancient Lemurians, who settled in southern Europe 20-25,000 years ago up to the Ra (Volga) River.




- Let me tell you about one more race of settlers. Moreover, she appeared on Earth together with the Oryans.

They were brown people from the Sirius star system. There is a very ancient legend on Earth, it survived in Eastern Europe among the Pomors and in the Carpathians among the Rusyns. In Africa he is known by the Dagon Mali, the Masai and Wakaba sorcerers in Kenya. In America, it is known to the descendants of the Maya, the Indian shamans of Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego.

It says that once upon a time, that part of our galaxy where the constellation Orion and Canis Major is located (where Sirius is located) was subjected to a very strong negative cosmic impact. What kind of impact it was is not clear. The Russian Vedas blame everything on Chernobog's actions. If so, then the stellar systems were threatened by disintegration and imminent collapse into information. For this reason, part of the population from the Stozhar satellites and the Sirius double star turned out to be on Earth. And almost at the same time. The Sirisiouans were not a cold-loving race, so they chose a place for themselves closer to the equator in east Africa. Here they first built long-term bases. On which the stream of immigrants rushed. During their mass migration, both races from Sirius and from the constellation Orion left their observers in Earth's orbit. Why these observers were needed in the Vedas does not say. But the first trouble that befell the colonists was organized by them.

You must remember, young man, that all Buddhist myths about ancient times are inherently Vedic. Buddhism appeared on Earth quite recently and it sprouted from an ancient spiritual heritage. Therefore, one should not be surprised if in Buddhist books one can read about the events of a million years past. One such Lamaist text is about observers. And about their leader named Mara. In the Russian pantheon, Mara is the name of the goddess of death. Look how interesting! By the way, Buddhist tradition does not say what gender Mara was. Perhaps this leader of space observers was also a woman. Actually, it's not about the field. The fact is that he somehow managed to embroil the migrated races on Earth. Why Mara did this, the Buddhist Veda does not tell. I just organized a war from orbit and a very cruel war. Traces of that distant war are still visible in the north. These are the melted walls of ancient castles and even rocks built of granite and basalt. Orthodox believers came up with an explanation that allegedly during the assault, they tried to set fire to the granite and basalt walls of the fortresses. They rolled up the logs under them and lit them! Sheer idiocy. But it was nominated by academics. So we need fools to believe! Basalt with granite begins to melt at temperatures not lower than 2,000 degrees! And the burning tree …000 degrees! And the burning tree …000 degrees! And the burning tree …

What temperature can it give out?

The greatest is 1,000 degrees, especially in air. But they are writing! They make eye contact and lie …

A terrible blow was struck by the Orian and the Sirisian bases in East Africa. Currently, his traces are almost invisible. But for a good 5 million years, the entire territory of the East African Rift was engulfed in such incinerating radiation that all life in those places was interrupted …

Orthodox believers, studying the piles of bones that once died from the radioactive background of animals, hypothesized that allegedly 9 million years ago in East Africa, for no reason at all, several natural natural radioactive reactors suddenly turned on at once! They did not explain how this could have happened.

Especially a few ?!

We switched on and that's it! Why won't such reactors turn on in other places on Earth?

Moreover, with a powerful radioactive background, they tried to prove the appearance of Australopithecus in Africa! Say, the monkey was affected by radiation. Mutations arose and - please - the first Australopithecines appeared! Almost people! Simple as that. But let's leave our corrupt and lured.

Let's go back to the conflict. It ended, as the Buddhist and Vedic chronicles say, with the intervention of both metropolises. Both the Sirisiouans and the inhabitants of the Orion constellation tried to punish Mara for the villainy. But he escaped retribution into a supernova prominence. Surely someone helped him. We can assume that our acquaintances are non-humanoids. There is no other explanation. In fact, Mara represented their interest on Earth. Avoiding pursuit in the supernova force field gave Mara another name. Now he was called Lucifer - Light-emitting. Over time, he gathered around him the surviving observers and acquired some allies. This is where the famous Christian myth of the apostate archangel arose. I told you about what happened in the Tibetan chronicle. Because the Buddhist myth about Mara is famous. He is known throughout the East of Asia.

But there are still a lot of myths on this topic on earth. It's just that few people know about them. For example, the legend of the Dagons about the good Nommo and the evil Ogo, where Ogo is apostate. He harms people and his brother Nommo in every possible way, - the keeper finished his story about the conflict …


But if the inhabitants of Antides, deviating from their ancient tradition, sought to develop, first of all, the technical side of civilization, then Lemuria, on the contrary, remembering their defeat from the white race, took up the study of the technologies of vacuum fields of space and in connection with them the human subconscious. This eventually brought their civilization closer to the civilization of Oriana, but then it was the time of Antides, or Atlantis. Its young island civilization developed at an extraordinary pace. In a short time, the Atlanteans, having studied the Earth, directed their thoughts into space. They have built powerful aircraft capable of penetrating other star systems in the galaxy. If the technology of the inhabitants of Oriana and Lemuria worked on energy contained in vacuum and plasma (in fact, such a technique could not be called technology in the literal sense of the word,since the psychic abilities of the person himself played a primary role in it), the Atlantean technique did not work on the energy of the cosmos. It was based on completely terrestrial energy carriers and thus allowed a person not to transform himself into a field at the time of movement in space. Of course, such a technique could not reach the infinitely distant stellar worlds, since it did not develop the speeds necessary for this, but the Atlanteans also lacked what they were able to reach.but the Atlanteans also lacked what they were able to reach.but the Atlanteans also lacked what they were able to reach.

The secret Vedas do not name the reasons due to which a violent cosmic war suddenly broke out in the solar system.


There is a hint that this war was first provoked by the Lemurians, who inaccurately visited one of the distant starry worlds located in the constellation Scorpio. One way or another, armada of alien interstellar ships suddenly appeared in the system of our terrestrial Sun. This happened at the beginning of the Pliocene 7,000,000 BC. Oriana, and a little later the Lemurians discovered this invasion even on the approach to the border of the constellation and at a meeting of representatives of all three great earthly civilizations, it was decided to find out the intentions of the aliens.

For this, urgent messages were sent into space by the ships of Atlantis, which were in orbit at that time. Atlanteans, having received an order from the council of earthly civilizations, rushed towards the aliens, but the alien civilization did not come into contact with earthlings. It was, like the Atlantean civilization, mainly technical and, naturally, very aggressive. The sent ships of earthlings were immediately destroyed, and here, indignant at the treacherous act of Atlantis, not listening to its allies, threw its entire combat space fleet into battle with the aliens invading the solar system. The ships of earthlings and aliens met somewhere in the region of the orbit of Jupiter (Indra). How the space battles took place, according to the Vedas, is difficult to say.

The secret Vedas say that the demons of darkness were very strong and many times prevailed over the gods, it follows from this that the warships of the Atlanteans died. It was already impossible to stop this battle and somehow negotiate with the aliens. Although the Vedas say that the demons communicated with the gods and put forward their conditions to them. But the gods could not accept them, and the formidable battle for Earth continued. According to the secret Vedas, the hypothetical planet Astra (Odu) died in one of the battles, the orbit of which supposedly passed between Jupiter and Mars, and an asteroid belt formed in its place.

It is difficult to say whether it is true or not.

Perhaps the planet died for another reason, but the fact that the Earth's civilization was on the verge of death was obvious. New armadas of warships came to the aid of the aliens from the depths of the universe, the energy equipment of which far exceeded the weapons of the Atlantean spaceships. Atlantis could no longer wage a space war, having lost its battle starfleet, it relied only on the forces of its fellows from Oriana and on the warships of the Lemurians. Both those and others, having much less forces than the aliens, unlike the latter, had a fleet that was completely different in energy resources and combat equipment. The ships of the Orian and Lemurians easily passed from a dense state to an energy state, they could quickly (with the speed of thought) catch up with the ships of their opponents and were virtually invulnerable to their weapons. But despite this,using their numerical advantage, space aliens were able to break through to the planet.

The Russian Vedas mention the fiery Dyi, which, coming from the blue sky, incinerated many lands, turning them into a desert. Only the mighty Veles (god of wisdom), the son of the Rod himself, obeying the request of Kryshen (protector), overpowered Dyya in a heavenly battle and threw him into the underworld. Indeed, the impact of aliens from outer space on Earth was terrible. In a fiery tornado, the great Lemuria sank to the bottom of the Indian Ocean, the civilization of the Atlanteans was almost completely destroyed, huge tracts of land in the east of Antides also went to the bottom of the Atlantic. The apostate Mara was triumphant. In this war of the worlds, he and his supporters at the energy level intensively helped aggressive aliens to destroy earthly warships and the planet itself, but the breakthrough to Earth and the victory of uninvited guests from outer space were the last for their civilization. Long before the war the Orians, seeingwhat the observers, led by Mara, did, began to establish ties with the distant metropolis. They knew that the constellation Orion, despite a colossal cosmic catastrophe, survived. The planets inhabited by intelligent beings also survived. But there, in distant Stozhary, after a serious confrontation with the cosmic elements that lasted for millions of years, the ancient civilization healed its wounds and was unable to help earthlings in establishing their internal relationships and neutralizing the mission of Mary.the ancient civilization healed its wounds and was unable to help earthlings in establishing their internal relationships and neutralizing the mission of Mary.the ancient civilization healed its wounds and was unable to help earthlings in establishing their internal relationships and neutralizing the mission of Mary.

Already during the war, the colonists had to again turn to the mother country.


I would like to add to the above that other races of the Earth treated the Anunnaki-Serpentoids in the same way as the descendants of the Lemurians of the Ubayd culture from southern Mesopotamia. They not only accepted them, but also turned them into their gods. Why this happened is still unclear. Perhaps the hatred of the southern hybrid races towards the highly spiritual and educated cosmic race of the white gods affected, or maybe the elementary fear of the serpentoids did its job. The fact remains: the Chinese, and the inhabitants of Japan, and the Philippines, and the settlement of the Sunda Islands, and the tribes of Polynesia - consider the serpentoid dragon race sacred and worship it. From all this, we can conclude that the Anunnaki for some time reigned in most of the territory of our planet, could not conquer only the northern white race.

From her, they were defeated and were forced to retire home.

Legends about resettlement from lemuria

Many legends and written sources of Tamils tell about the migration of the black race from Lemuria.



In order to hide from the peoples of the planet this high and only correct socio-economic formation, which in Russia was called the Right, the Jews and their power Masonic structures tried to take away from the peoples of the Earth the very memory of past and bygone civilizations. In addition, the cadres specially trained by them, which we have already mentioned more than once, for example, the same E. Blavatsky and others like her, have spoken so much about the same Lemuria or Atlantis that finally turned this closed topic into a fairy tale.

For some reason, people reading E. Blavatsky's works will not ask themselves why this “initiate” wrote about Lemuria, Atlantis”and her teaching about races?

But the answer is very close, on the surface, and we have already spoken about this according to Blavatsky, a half-Jewish woman, as well as in the opinion of other Jewish theosophists (O. Besant, N. K. Roerich, etc.), 5- the fifth brown race, to which all the Aryan peoples belong, descended from the 5-fifth subrace of the Atlanteans - the primary Semites. It turns out that according to their theory, the ancestors of all European peoples of Europe and Asia, without exception, were the Atlantic Semites.

G. Sidorov-Secret. chronology and psychophysics … of the Russian people …
