Lemuria. Places Not Found - Alternative View

Lemuria. Places Not Found - Alternative View
Lemuria. Places Not Found - Alternative View

Video: Lemuria. Places Not Found - Alternative View

Video: Lemuria. Places Not Found - Alternative View
Video: The World of Lemuria - Child of Light trailer [JP] 2024, September

When it comes to the disappeared civilizations, the first thing that comes to mind is Atlantis, the secret of the death of which still excites the minds of researchers. However, there is a hypothesis from which it follows that long before the death of the mysterious Atlantis, Lemuria existed (the second name is Mu). It was a continent of incredible size, inhabited by a civilization of giants. It is the Lemurians who are considered the indigenous population of planet Earth, the indigenous humanity, who disappeared along with Lemuria. The first generations of Lemurians reached a height of 18 m, but gradually, generation after generation, their size decreased to 6 meters. Some researchers believe that the huge stone idols on Easter Island are nothing more than "auto-sculptures" of the Lemurians - they portrayed themselves in full growth. This version is supported by the factthat the mystery of the stone giants of Easter Island has not yet been solved, because the creation of statues of this size lies beyond human capabilities.


The theory of Lemuria and the Lemurians arose thanks to lemurs - amazing animals that live only in Africa, India and Australia. Geographers and biologists have hypothesized that African, Indian and Australian lemurs should have one ancestral home. In addition, scientists had long noticed the similarities between lemurs and anthropoid apes and humans, which gave food for thought: perhaps lemurs and modern humans once had common ancestors?


Geographically, Lemuria covered several modern continents - Australia, part of Africa and part of Asia. A huge area of three oceans: Pacific, Atlantic and Indian was occupied by the civilization of giants. Now only Australia and several small islands scattered among the waters of the Pacific and Indian Oceans are left of the once great Lemuria.


The Lemurians were a very highly developed people: powerful intellect, superpowers, combined with incredible physical development, they lived in harmony not only with each other, but also with the world around them, as well as the spiritual world. Some researchers believe that the Lemurians had the ability to telepathy, could travel not only over distances, but also in different dimensions. Unsurprisingly, the large stature did not inconvenience the Lemurians.


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Like all great civilizations, having reached its heyday, Lemuria began to decline: among the Lemurians there were those who preferred strength and power to knowledge and feelings. Those of the Lemurians who could not accept such a turn of events went underground, the rest survived the strongest natural disasters that destroyed the amazing Lemuria.


In favor of the fact that the hypothesis of the existence of Lemuria is quite viable, many facts speak. First of all, archaeological finds: scientists discover the remains of ancient people or a certain race that lived on the planet long before modern mankind. And the size of the finds is impressive in its size: none of the modern "giants" that have entered the Guinness Book of Records "falls short" of a height of 4-5 m. In addition, preserved structures, idols, whose dimensions also impress the imagination, act as valuable artifacts. modern man. The second fact is the indisputability of the fact that the ancient continents were replaced more than once by the newly formed ones under the influence of global geological shocks on Earth.


One way or another, our planet keeps in its memory many more amazing and unusual secrets that, perhaps, can be solved. And no one excludes the fact that the mysterious Lemuria really existed, and the key to its secret is very close.