Mysterious Sounds Are Heard All Over The World. Trumpets Of The Apocalypse? - Alternative View

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Mysterious Sounds Are Heard All Over The World. Trumpets Of The Apocalypse? - Alternative View
Mysterious Sounds Are Heard All Over The World. Trumpets Of The Apocalypse? - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Sounds Are Heard All Over The World. Trumpets Of The Apocalypse? - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Sounds Are Heard All Over The World. Trumpets Of The Apocalypse? - Alternative View
Video: CBS This Morning - Wisc. town disturbed by strange "booming" sounds 2024, September

Residents of the American city of Sanford, Florida, were surprised and frightened when they heard strange sounds of unknown origin, which seemed to come from somewhere in the sky.

Eyewitnesses recorded what was happening and these sounds are really strange. According to the citizens' reports, they did not see any planes in the sky, no construction work is being carried out within the city and in its vicinity, so what was it then.

Professor of physics at the University of Saskatchewan Jean-Pierre Saint-Maurice hypothesized that these are electromagnetic noise that appears during geomagnetic storms and radiation belts of our planet.

David Deming of the University of Oklahoma writes that mysterious sounds are heard all over the world. These inexplicable phenomena are witnessed by from two to ten percent of the world's population.

NASA says that: If people had radio antennas instead of ears, they would hear a wonderful symphony of strange sounds coming from our planet. Scientists call them "tweeks", "whistlers" and "sferics".

They sound like the background music from a sci-fi movie, but it's not science fiction. Earth's natural radio emissions are real, and although we mostly don't see or hear them, they are all around us all the time.

Scientists also add that lightning can create radio noise emissions, and earthquakes can also produce strange sounds, according to seismologist Brian Poonpa of Southern Methodist University in Dallas.

Scientists offer many explanations for these strange sounds, but there is one caveat, what they are talking about is just words that are not supported by any evidence or scientific research. There is no scientific confirmation of all these attempts to explain the inexplicable.

Promotional video:

Seven Trumpets of Angels

Revelation chapter 8

  1. And when He opened the seventh seal, there was a silence in heaven, as if for half an hour.
  2. And I saw seven Angels who stood before God; and seven trumpets were given to them.
  3. And another angel came and stood before the altar, holding a golden censer; And a great deal of incense was given to him, so that with the prayers of all the saints he might place it on the golden altar that is before the throne.
  4. And the smoke of incense ascended with the prayers of the saints from the hand of the Angel before God.
  5. And the angel took the censer; And he filled her with fire from the altar, and cast her to the earth: and there were voices and thunders and lightnings and an earthquake.
  6. And the seven Angels, who had seven trumpets, prepared to blow the trumpets.
  7. The first angel sounded his trumpet, and there was hail and fire mingled with blood and fell to the ground; and a third of the trees were burnt up, and all the green grass was burnt up.
  8. The second Angel sounded his trumpet, and as if a great mountain blazing with fire fell into the sea; and the third part of the sea became blood,
  9. And a third of the animate creatures living in the sea died, and a third of the ships perished.
  10. The third Angel sounded his trumpet, and a large star fell from heaven, burning like a lamp, and fell on a third of the rivers and on the sources of waters.
  11. The name of this star is wormwood; and a third of the waters became wormwood, and many of the people died of the waters, because they became bitter.
  12. The fourth angel sounded his trumpet, and the third part of the sun and the third part of the moon and the third part of the stars were struck, so that the third part of them was eclipsed, and the third part of the day was not bright, just like the nights.
  13. And I saw and heard one Angel flying in the middle of heaven and speaking with a loud voice: woe, woe, woe to those who dwell on earth from the rest of the trumpet voices of the three Angels who will trumpet!

Strange sounds have become more frequent in recent years, and with each new year the number of such anomalies only increases. Maybe it’s worth remembering one more non-scientific source - the Bible (Revelations of St. John the Theologian, which speaks of the “Trumpets of the Apocalypse”?