Beat Me! .. Part 3 - Alternative View

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Beat Me! .. Part 3 - Alternative View
Beat Me! .. Part 3 - Alternative View

Video: Beat Me! .. Part 3 - Alternative View

Video: Beat Me! .. Part 3 - Alternative View
Video: is this saddest beat ever | pt. 3 2024, September

Having analyzed the main meaning of "Chur", in this, last, part I want to show you, so to speak, the "applied" side of this image, so that you can see how words are generally formed, how non-linear, but at the same time an exact and logical process. It is necessary to touch on a large layer, so I will try not to rant a lot and speak only to the point, without being distracted even by related topics. We are only interested in Chur and its manifestations, therefore, everything that lies nearby, even in the same word with “chur”, will, if possible, be ignored.

I will only answer the question why I rarely respond to comments. Because I hardly read them. Sorry, but that is. In my articles I try to give the reader a finished product: given-solution-answer. I identify all errors, again, myself, without outside help, some time after publication, when I can already take a critical look at the material or when I find new data that contradicts what was written. If this worries me greatly, then in the next article I try to correct the situation or clarify the blurred conclusion, if I find it insignificant, then I leave it. It is unlikely that someone's opinion can somehow influence this whole process, so it would be hypocrisy to say that "your opinion is important to me" when I write not for the reader to judge or evaluate the material provided, but in order to to give food for thought."Give" is the key word here …

I would like to point out at the very beginning: as it turned out, people are seriously confusing something. I cited the Circle as an eloquent symbol of the Chura. And here, apparently, an explanation from school geometry is required: a circle and a circle are not the same thing.


Therefore, Chur is not a circle! A circle, of course, can be called the word "colo", in fact, whence we have the words "ring", "wheel", "about", but at the same time, "colo" is not a "circle", and even more so not a "circle". The word "kolo" has its own meaning, it is simply the most convenient to depict it as a circle, since the circle is closed and does not have kinks, like, for example, squares or triangles, and irregularities, like, say, an oval. The circle, having no angles and elongations, remains constant throughout its entire length, uniform, unchanging, stable, monotonous. That is, WHOLE is a word with the same root "Kolo".

The same quality is used by "chur", not being violated anywhere, remaining whole and closed. However, chur is not the circle itself (and not the quality of integrity itself), but the circle that it forms. That is, the AREA INSIDE this border … The parallel is the following: KRug-OGRADA - GRAD-OGRADA … So it should be clearer. This is very clearly seen in the words "Womb", "Worm" (swarming inside something), "Devils" (they always stay inside something / someone and are, in fact, "spirits of loci"), "Scoop" (to collect into something, separating from the rest of the mass)

Of course, the round shape is just a graphic symbol, the properties of which I described above, in reality any selected area, even the person himself, enclosed in his body, can be too much. Or an intangible area, such as a social group. In fact, "chur" is a kind of "sacredness", that is, closeness. Just as the circle does not go beyond its circumference, so the chur remains hidden within its limits. That is why there are such words as “SHORT, Kryt” and many others that speak of being cut off (the same “chock” is a block cut off from the rest of the tree), separation and concealment (the same cut off, only from the eyes of others).

I hope there will be no more questions about this.

Promotional video:

For those who have not read the previous parts, here are the links: PART 1 (etymological) and PART 2 (abstract). Now let's get down to some interesting things.

Beauty will save the world

What is "beauty"? It's not so easy to answer, is it? Beauty is what is beautiful)). But the ancients left us clues in the form of symbols and the words themselves. Do you think it's just that "Beauty" is so similar to "Steal" or "Rat-thief"? No, absolutely not. It's just that both words "Chur" at the root.

I hope, my smart reader, you are not one of those who do not see beyond one letter, being unable to understand that the "antediluvian" alphabet was quite different from ours, and in this case Ch-Ts-K-Kh-S is everything is the same, like the vowel U-S-I-E-W, which, as befits a vowel, has a very capricious character, it can turn around and go in an unknown direction … This does not mean that this can be thoughtlessly applied everywhere, but in this topic it is justified and verified. Just keep in your head a very convenient hint for "chur": "chur = cir = circle = chur" - this is really the same word in different European languages - and all the metamorphoses of the root will be immediately visible (that is, I’m not from I take or suck from my finger such assumptions of root variations, and check it, each time looking back at the image of the chur).

Well, forward into poetic symbolism, which will clearly show us that the word "Beauty" also contains "Chur" (although, it would seem !!!). And the first to enter the scene is an epic hero named Churilo Plenkovich.


As a child, this name amused me, then it caused bewilderment, but everything fell into place as soon as I took up words and symbols. Let's read a blade of grass from the collection of Kirsha Danilov: beaten and wounded people come to Prince Vladimir and complain:

That is, they complain about some rich pack of young fellows who caught all the game from the fields, leaving the royal people with nothing. The same thing is said later by "hunters-fishing", and "good fellows falconers" with "good fellows krechatniki" - this is the first hint symbol, we remember.

By the standards of epics, this is a magnificent courtyard of unprecedented beauty - the second hint for the reader. It also says that the people who robbed the fields, forests, heavens, and the chic city belong to Churila. Belongs - that is, has a direct relationship to it.

Of course, Vladimir could not resist and went to see, surrounding himself with boyars and heroes.

Captivity is Churila's father, which is why he is "Plenkovich". There are many theories on this score, but I, without pretending to be true, will simply draw a parallel with the fact that Churila's squad HAVE TAKEN EVERYTHING TO HIMSELF, so his patronymic from the word "Capture, Full" looks quite logical and descriptive. Which, as it were, is complemented by a play of meanings, because this old Captivity

That is, first he collected all the game, fish and animals, and then also the prince himself with his boyars. The entire epic world appears in the courtyard of Churila, behind closed doors … In captivity ("the courtyard is full").

As a result, Churila presents gifts to Vladimir, who is happy and invites Churila to serve with him in Kiev. The hero agrees.

Third hint:

That is, Churila, although now serving Vladimir, still plays the same role - “gathers inside” - here he calls everyone to Vladimir - one, takes money from them - two. This is a reflection of the same way that he collected all the game together with Vladimir to himself (his cellars with the accumulated wealth are described). And then a piquant moment:

He hesitated … yeah, a clever guy:

This is where the epic ends, but there is one more, recorded in the north and echoing this moment. In it, lovers are still exposed and killed. Bylina perfectly reveals to us the already established role of Churila in the scene of the game of chess with Katerina:

That is, he TAKES for himself here too … first money, then:

Curtain … In different songs, when Churila is mentioned, his beauty, his "white face" are emphasized, which is why this character was so loved, as it seems, Hilferding wrote in the preface to his "Onega epics" by women. And this brings us to the solution to all these hints.

What Churila does is "embezzlement". He stole game, he collected money (officially, but the meaning is the same), he stole Katerina's honor. Beauty is what delights. Delivers, that is, also from "theft". Dahl's dictionary interprets:

That is, admiring something is like being carried away by it, falling under power. The source of admiration, one might say, steals our attention, grabs our soul (Hit-Grab). That is why Churila all the time "admires" something in the epics, then money, then good, then his wife and even the prince himself was captivated first by his wealth, and then by his gifts. Vladimir was delighted with Churila both literally and figuratively.

Beauty in the form of wealth and attractive appearance is the main epithet of Churila. He is BEAUTIFUL and he STEALS. That is why the word "Beauty" falls under the meaning of "Chura", like the word "Theft" (and, probably, "rat" here) - it does not let go, it closes within its limits, in itself. Inside the circle …

Here is, for example, a single root, in my opinion, a word from Sanskrit:

ग्रास - graasa - bite, swallowing, food, nutrition, eclipse, erosion, piece, slurred speech

ग्रसते - grasati - swallow, absorb, stop, take in mouth, eat, suppress (suppress, restrain), obscure, indistinctly speak, lead to disappearing, devouring.

Here you can easily see the meaning of absorption: slurred speech is when the words "eat", erosion is destruction under the influence of water / wind / rust (they "eat" the material), eclipse is the absorption of light by another object. Same root as English grab (to grab). There is already one step to the comparison with the word "gnaw", that is, again, SEPARATE a part from the whole. Let's expand a little:

ग्राह - graaha - capture, hold, perception, capture, receipt, capture, acquisition, retention, illness, painful attachment, theft, imprisonment, fiction, paralysis, prisoner, fear, insist on something, grasp (mind, realize … by the way, in English the same root "grasp"), robbery (the same root), choice (already made), concept, disposition to something, alligator, house, obstacle, viscosity (tenacity, strength)

"Concept, fiction, opinion" in this case speaks about the same thing as the rest of the translations - a kind of RETENTION within the limits: the choice has already been made, it remains to follow it, as in the meaning of "disposition to something, to insist on something" (suppressing other paths). Look at the circle at the beginning of the article - the same, the area inside the boundaries separating it. And we will again meet the same quality of chura at the end of the article.

The alligator is here, most likely, due to the fact that it devours and is one big fierce mouth. A house is 4 walls, inside of which something is contained. At the same time, it is clearly seen here that this retention, isolation from the rest, the absence of freedom is "strength, strength." That fully characterizes “Chur” as “Sure, Certain” (confidence, certainty) - life inside the chur (beyond the CHUR) is quite stable, safe, durable and … limited, without any development.

The looming connection with the word "Thunderstorm, threat" is also interesting. After all, a Threat is something that does not let you do something or go somewhere, stops you in place (comparable to the translations “stop, fear, viscosity, obstacle”). How can we not recall the ancient gods of thunder, who were perceived as formidable fathers, whom everyone was afraid to disobey? Considering that they were both the heads of their pantheons and defenders from evil spirits, one can understand where the word "PRESCHUR" came from - an elder of the clan who protected from external danger and his own descendants could cheat for breaking the rules of behavior (the same trait of what is permitted which cannot be crossed). We will return to it later.

Naturally, in the word "Beauty" there is not only the root "chur" in the form of "kar", but also "asa" (atia, ace, ις), which also cannot be ignored when parsing, but in this article I limit myself only to a little …

The reader probably looks at all this with disbelief. Well, I will throw in one more chura symbol in relation to Beauty.

Three Graces

Beauty in ancient Rome was personified by the Gratiae, and in Greece by the Harites (Χάριτες). English still has the word Grace, which corresponds to our "Krasa" and the Lithuanian "grõžis". It's all one root. Classic portrayal of Grace:

Three Graces
Three Graces

Three Graces.

Considering that the word "Charites" is similar to the English "Hare" (hara, hare), one can fantasize that the famous symbol with three hares running in a circle, common in England and Germany, is a kind of interpretation of the three Graces:


And already the British themselves, I sense, carried it to the east during the colonial period, in order to refer to it later, they say, what an ancient unknown symbol we have from the east in churches! But this is just speculation based on a dislike for British politics, let's leave them.

This pose of Harit is canonical. Any image of them includes this symbol. What is he like?


Based on the names of the Harit in different ancient Greek tribes, such as "abundance, fun, joy, happiness, banquet, night feast, flowering, play, radiance, glory, growth", it can be assumed that directly to beauty as a phenomenon, the Harites have a very mediocre attitude. It's more about a holiday, spring … Moreover, Harit is associated with Aphrodite - the embodiment of life, flowering, love, youth:

For example, in Sandro Botticelli's "Spring" (according to the official chronology, 1482):

Sandro Botticelli * Primavera * (1482)
Sandro Botticelli * Primavera * (1482)

Sandro Botticelli * Primavera * (1482).

We see Hermes on the left; as Wikipedia writes, “Botticelli made him a guardian of the garden, equipping him with a sword. Mercury, with the help of the caduceus, achieves that“Clouds are leaving heaven.”I think this is an incorrect interpretation, since the essence of Hermes was already understood in the previous parts, from which his role is visible, similar to our Kupalsky Ivan, which, in fact, is confirmed by the general composition of the picture. After all, on the right Zephyr steals Chlorida, and next to Hermes, the Harites are frolicking. And they are not just frolicking, but are under the gun of Cupid. It's time for love … And this means that the Harites (again, remember their different names) - this is a symbol of the Round Dance! Just during which young people looked at the girls and vice versa, and there was also a chance of real or comic abduction. This is evidenced by their canonical pose.

They dance in a round dance, and not just hug. And even in those few cases where, due to the limited resources of the artist, they were depicted in a row, we see the following:

Charitas … like
Charitas … like

Charitas … like.

They hold hands, as in a round dance (and with their free hand on their clothes, as if hinting that they too should be busy, clasped with the neighbor's hand). But I don't even know if the Harits are really depicted here. Perhaps just women. As in the following picture:


Considering the hetermism of the depicted, about which almost all elements of Botticelli's painting speak, we can conclude that the picture shows us the May holiday of round dances (by the way, the name of the month "May", IMHO, says the same thing - about "mixing", etc. All the details in the analysis of "magicians"). And then you can estimate that the “soap and rope” that the maidens are holding in their hands in the drawing is most likely “an egg and a wreath”.

They used to say "She flaunts" about a girl going out on a round dance:

This is what "beauty" the symbol Harit tells us about. And in fact, this is where the modern interpretation of the "beautiful" originated - something that attracts attention, even intentionally, "abducts, detaches from reality, grabs and does not let go" our gaze. And, returning to the Harits, I want to add Sanskrit:

हारित - harita - green, greenish, green peas, greens, grass, vegetables, pale red, pale, korchiny yellow, yellowish, pale yellow, turmeric, gold, lion, enchanted, thief, taken / taken, refused (abandoned), lost, deprived, carried away, transported, captured, robbed, outcast, deception, fraud, exceeded, surpassed, moderate wind (not strong, not weak), dove.

हरि - hari - green, yellow, yellowish brown, reddish brown, pale yellow, brown, monkey, horse, lion, sun, captivating, enchanting, beautiful, exclaiming, pearl, carrier, caravan, people.

We see the main meaning - to carry or hold something, including “take away”, that is, take in a handful, hide from others, which can be expressed by the word “keep” (again, carry / keep inside something). Again we see that beauty in this case is expressed precisely as admiration, that is, theft (which for one side is filling, and for the other - loss and deprivation), which is comparable to the meaning of “hide, keep inside, keep”, from where we have everything these "fascinations". And even “surpassed, exceeded” is “beyond the established”, that is, it refers to “capture” (superfluous, that is, not one's own). The wind is mentioned here because it is a "carrier (carries)". All animals, apparently, belong to the indicated colors, but the shades themselves are very interesting: from green to brown - a fairly wide range. You can imagine that they all refer to plants and grass. But how does this fact combine with the main “holding” meaning of “hari”? Maybe because plants are carriers of water and nutrients? Other analogies do not come to mind yet, but if this word really has to do with the topic, then the color that we designated as "red" was revealed very interestingly … it is not that red. Rather, "full, full, carrying", in this case.

Well, as we can see, a round dance is a circle (choir), which means "chur". In addition to the hero Churila, whose name we will come across, this is the second folklore proof that the word “Beauty” contains the image “Chur”. There is also a third connected with this.

Maiden Beauty

We will return to round dances a little later. In the meantime, consider another example from Dahl's explanatory dictionary:

That is, maiden beauty is not at all "grace, charm, etc.", but if you remember that the bride must be a virgin, this is her "innocence." Based on the meaning of "chura", it is, rather, "intact, forbidden." In some images of Graces, we can also see how one of them, as it were, covers the others with her own hands, protects their naked bodies.

Moreover, beauty refers to appearance. Appearance is what hides the insides, that is, the same protective chur. After all, "paint" is to apply the outer layer of paint, in many cases protection is the primary function of paint, color.

That is why a special girlish CROWN is called "Beauty", which has the shape of a KRug and is, in fact, the same Chur (CIRcle) - a fence that cannot be entered by strangers. This crown, as it were, reflected the safety of the virgin. And at a bachelorette party, this crown was dismissed, thereby telling everyone that the Virgin was given to her future husband and her intactness would soon be broken. Chur is torn, there is no more protection. At the same time, this is a double symbol, since in addition to the loss of virginity, it also expresses the rupture of the former family chur, because after the wedding, families unite, forming a new chur.

Dahl's mention of the crocot tree, which is decorated with ribbons, refers us to the common European tradition of the Maypole, around which round dances are found. From this it can be seen that the chur created by the round dance is designed to “protect” this maypole (from predatory children), which is a very erotic and lyrical symbol … Of course, this chur will burst soon and someone will happily marry, and someone with a broken heart will turn into a "mermaid".

The very same "May" tree, although it refers us to the month of the same name, but nevertheless "May" is a verbal code, the meaning of which I have already revealed a little higher, and not a binding to the month of May, although the holiday of May 1, such as " labor day ", still remains on the calendar (like Kupala in the hypostasis of" Youth Day. "After all, the USSR returned paganism to the masses). And the military parade on May 9 is, in addition to the event of the 20th century significant for our country, also a reference to the old European tradition of spring military games and formations, knightly tournaments, etc., just during the round dance festivities.

Regarding the "protection" of beauty, the English "grace" also has a religious translation - "to resist sin with God's help." Well, why not "Chur me!"?

So the "Red" girl is not the one that is beautiful, but the one that flaunts, that is, "she is already unbearable to marry," but at the same time, she has not yet "opened her wreath." The Hindus still have the bride's wedding dress - red. And I am already silent about the fact that this color is a purely natural and natural monthly indicator of a girl's readiness for marriage. As soon as the husband “breaks this chur”, then for the next year the girl will definitely not be “red”, and considering how many children have given birth before, the “red color” is generally out of use …

Moreover, the days of menstruation in all cultures is considered a forbidden period, of course, for the sake of hygiene. But in a different system of signs, especially in the modern world, red means a ban or at least increased attention, "beware!" But here it is important not to confuse the word "red" and just red. Now we are talking about the code of the word "red". After all, the color itself can be called dozens of other words, such as "scarlet, red" - and each of them has its own meaning.

And then, it turns out that the girl is "red" not because she is blush and white (by the way, in Europe, bella is a "beauty"), but because she carries a treasure inside herself in the form of an egg ready for fertilization. After all, the main meaning of "beauty" is precisely in "carrying within oneself, concealment." That is why in the figure the round dance maidens are holding the egg in their hands.

But in Russian folklore, not only the girl "Red", but also the Sun "Red", right? - So! And by the way, it seems, there was nothing more red … And this thought prompted me to compare the Red Sun, as part of the image of Chur, with Indian Surya.


Although the word सूर्य (surya) is used to refer to the sun, Sanskrit, according to the Monier-Williams dictionary, has retained one more meaning - “new bride”. That is, our "red girl"! Why?

Let's look at the words "Surye" that have one root:

सुरा - sura - a vessel for drinking, wine, alcoholic beverage, alcohol, water, idol, image of God, sage, learned man, teacher, sun, deity, motivator, symbolic name for the number "33" (without Jesus, of course);

सुरै - surai - very, rich, very rich

सुराप - surapa - pleasant, wise, learned, drinking alcohol, keeper of alcoholic beverages

It will be easier to understand the logic of these words by grouping the meanings:

1 - a vessel or keeper of alcohol, an idol, an image of God - these are all vessels, for drinking or spirit

2 - a sage, a learned man, rich, very, drinking - all this is connected with the process of taking it inside, the same sage is the one in whom a lot of knowledge has accumulated, he took it into himself throughout his life. Like a rich man, one who has accumulated many benefits. That is, in fact, this is also related to the role of the vessel.

3 - pleasant - the word speaks for itself - that which is accepted by society or a specific individual, is accepted into his life, is liked (to his liking), that is, it has those qualities that are approved (acceptable), which means that they do not contradict, that is, the same as in society, the individual. In fact, to like is to be like the one who likes it, which is why the word “like” remained in the English language, meaning both “to like” and “to be like”. In the end, to be pleasant is to be a part of something, to be accepted, to be in it, to be included … "Made of the same test," "to be on the same wavelength."

4 - alcohol, water, stimulus - this is one symbolic row. It is interesting that alcohol - spirit - spirit, inspiration. It is not in vain that alcohol belongs to inspirational means, just as it is not in vain that the honey of poetry (inspiration) in Scandinavian myths also refers to intoxicating phenomena, and the Muses have a slightly "honey" root, since ecstasy, an inspired state is important here. This does not mean that you urgently need to run for a bottle of 40C to get inspired, these things just have the same root. And immediately the connection with enrichment is visible, since inspiration is the instillation of the spirit, the enrichment of oneself with the descended spirit. Here we ourselves act as a vessel, taking (uh-huh, accepting again) it inside.

Thus, it can be seen that the role of the vessel is an explanation of the "sura", which brings it closer to the "red maiden". But this is just a visual image, what lies behind it?

सूरत - surata - quiet, calm, gentle (empathetic), compassionate, sporty, playful, well disposed towards something.

Quiet and calm is restraint; compassion, sports, playfulness - this is interaction with another person, I have already raised similar examples earlier, as part of the image of "holding", that is, to compete or sympathize - this in old metaphors refers to holding someone else, it's like holding hands (to feel each other) or to hold each other in a fight or love embrace - the root of the image is one. Well located is the same as pleasant.

Now this “vessel” has become more understandable: it speaks of holding something inside oneself. We look at the picture of a circle filled inside a closed border, and we understand that the “chur” image has been saved. This means that the answer, what is "surya", also lies in this area. After all, it turns out that the Surya-sun is a “vessel” or “that which holds / carries in itself”? Conventionally, yes. I'll explain now.

Let us turn to the Surya Upanishad:

Russian translations:

  1. “Surya is the Essence of the world, from Surya everything is movable and immovable, all beings are born. From Surya were born Yajna [-purusha], Parjanya (Indra), food and Spirit. You, Aditya, [let there be] worship!"
  2. Surya - (is) Atman, the Constancy of the Universe. From Surya all these beings were born, From Surya (came) sacrifice, rains, food, Self. Hail to You, Aditya!

Both translations are inaccurate, sometimes even incorrect. For example, the translators could not understand the compound word जगतस्तस्थुषश्च (jagatasthushatsa), as a result of which we have "The Essence of the world, from Surya everything movable and immovable, all creatures are born" or "The constancy of the Universe. All these creatures were born from Surya." Yes, yes, this is from one word. Let's see it (translations not only from Sanskrit, but also Hindi):

जग - jagata - alive, bright, moving, locomotive, movable, humanity, wind, air, people, this world, people, heaven and the lower world, space, men and animals, worlds, the World, a cow, that which moves, or the one who is alive, the Earth. Jaga itself is associated with wakefulness, fire, vigilance.

तस्थु - tasthu - static, real.

Thus, we are talking about our Reality, which is the state of vigilance, vigilance (as opposed to Navi), which is characterized by constant movement, change, but at the same time, in contrast to the fluid nature of Navi, it is as if static, that is, stable: the top is the top, and the bottom is the bottom, solid matter, "frozen" in comparison with dreams and other worlds.

And the Sun, as that which gives light, "Manifesting" the world from darkness, is undoubtedly the patron of our manifest world.

आत्मा - atma - oneself, self-

आत्मन् - atman - soul, breath, nature, character, essence, peculiarity, independence

आत्मवत् - atmavat - having a soul, wise, restrained, prudent, intelligent

त्मन् - tman - definitely, exactly, independently, own, living breathing

त्मना - tmana - definitely, in fact, real, exactly, at least, too.

That is, it is about defining yourself. In sentences, it is usually expressed as "- this" or simply "-" (something is something).

And then the first stanza "Surya atma jagatastasthusatsa" is translated as "Surya is reality." Correction that I could not find a word like "षश्च" that might clarify the meaning. But even in this version, everything falls into place, because it fully corresponds to another familiar "Chur" … Christian …


The name Churilo mentioned earlier is considered to be the dialectical form of Cyril. And Cyril, in turn, came from the Greek "Κύριος". The same word in Christianity is called the Lord or Jesus.

In such cases they translate simply "Lord" or "Owner" (and I want to remind you that Churilo was the owner of wealth: from goods to the honor of someone else's wife), that is, the same as "Lord (master)" … Well, not exactly the same, but quite a synonym for itself. Any ruling title can be substituted: lord, master, sir. They also translate what is important for us as a “protector”.

But there are other translations as well: decisive, critical, legal, valid, legal, captioned, fixed, fixed, assigned, literal, basic. That is, clearly DEFINED (that is, having its own limit). Or, in the case of an overlord, setting these limits.

That is the same Chur !!! - a limited defined closed area. Neither give nor take …

Security is guaranteed within this border. Do you understand now the meaning of "God" as "Curios"?

It is generally recognized that from the same word comes both the English "church" (here in the direct text "chur-ch"), and the Russian "church". But the etymologists did not understand that the basis here is not at all the supposedly Greek "belong to the Lord", but our own ancient "Chur"! Himself "Lord-Curios" is named after "churu", and not vice versa. This is just an epithet that reveals the function of both God and the Church as a place (community) where it is safe, where it is protected (and from "dirty thoughts" too). Did you think the people were just hiding from trouble in the Church? No, the Church is Chur, just like God is Chur too.

But here a serious question arises, what is God? - the answer is very complex, and I have some experience in this regard. I just don't think that they will be of interest to you now, the article is already long. Yes, and under "god" we combine several concepts, in fact, each of which must be discussed separately. Here it is important for me to show God precisely from the position of Chur, that is, Curios.

And from this perspective, God is a system. Like the Church, it is also a system. Like a village (like a closed chur), this is also a system. Just like a man - like a chur - this is also a system of organs, brains, souls … In the same way, the Graces in the Round Dance are a coherent, inextricable system.

That is why it is said about Surya that Surya, or rather "Churya", is a reality. Our world is the same system that lives in solar cycles. God as a “personality” is only the personification of the entire system, just like the Sun is the personification of all reality, since it is the source of manifesting light, that is, visible reality.

Each clan, as a system, also has its own personification - these are the elders of the clan. And the very first of them is the Ancestor - the First Chur. Here you can clearly see that he is the personification of the entire family chur. And the responsibilities of the elders include setting limits, that is, rules, protecting, protecting, guaranteeing (sure) safety - all the functions of Chur, which we are considering for the third part. The Lord is endowed with these same qualities - they pray to him, seek protection, entrust hopes. In fact, asking for the entire world system - the Universe - in the person of the "old man on a cloud".

Well, and an optional illustration to the above:

They did not worship the sun, my dear neopagans, but the system of which they were a part. And they did not "worship", but rather appreciated and participated.

That is why they ask “Save and Preserve”. The word "save" basically has just the meaning of supervision, safety, direction, care, and "save" is a protective "chur" at the root. Like a worn cross, it has a protective meaning. And in general, KReshchenie is already some kind of limitation, because, firstly, it attaches a person to the system, forcing him to accept all his conditions (renouncing the rest), and secondly, it is associated with a naming that determines the role of a person in the system (christening whom -or), that is, his future fate. In this connection, I suggested that the once single "Save and Preserve", which has not a church nature, but just a pagan one, fell into two parts, leaving the Orthodox "Thank you", that is, "Be saved", and for Catholics - "Gratia", i.e. “Save” (that is, “hide in yourself, cover, well, or“steal”from the rest of the dangerous world), i.e. wish for a strong "chura". And there is no need to treat me about the primordiality of “Thank you” instead of “Thank you”, stop being an Internet herd. These are two different words, both have the right to exist and their meaning.

As a consequence of this, we can mention such words as “Father-in-law, mother-in-law (ἑκυρός, socrus)”, where “chur” is probably also present. And how else, the husband's parents are, if not the Ancestors, then the closest people to them.

Well, and where is without the Tsar. Yes, I know all sorts of versions, up to "Dawn", beloved by those who love theories about "the majestic Aryans who worship the light and carry this Light to all corners of the Earth", but I think that in the King, as well as in Sir (Sir) the same Curios is laid, that is, the Lord, that is, the one who plays the role of Chur, Ancestor, etc. For example, among the Vlachs “land (as a country)” is “Tsѣra”, among the Romanians their country was called “Ţara Românească”, that is, “Romanian land”. Here a stone's throw to the Latin "Terra" - and by the way, in this case, Latin is not the primary basis for the formation of these words, on the contrary, in Latin we already see the distortion of "Ч, Ц, h" (perhaps this is the ancient letter Ҁ, which is considered something sometimes frivolous), in Devanagari it is, in my opinion, the letter च, very similar to "H". In Greek there is the word "chorion", that is, "area,land ownership or a small farm "- in fact, the same chur, expressed in land allotment, as the land-country" Cera ". In English, you can find this correspondence in the form of the word "shire" or the more ancient "scir" (district), thanks to which their counties are called "Yorkshire, Leicestershire, Berkshire, etc." Well, Tolkien's "Shire" is also in the subject. And if so, then the Tsar is just the owner of this Cera. One should not identify the Tsar and Caesar - there are generally different letters (in "Caesar, Kaiser" the root, perhaps, "Kwi, Ku, Kiy").then the Tsar is just the owner of this Cera. One should not identify the Tsar and Caesar - there are generally different letters (in "Caesar, Kaiser" the root, perhaps, "Kwi, Ku, Kiy").then the Tsar is just the owner of this Cera. One should not identify the Tsar and Caesar - there are generally different letters (in "Caesar, Kaiser" the root, perhaps, "Kwi, Ku, Kiy").

Actually, therefore, Jesus, as their Lord God (and not the canonical son of God), the peasants called the code "Heavenly King." It is the "Tsar" - Curios - Chur.

Round dances

Since we have already mentioned the "kouros", it is a sin not to remember the Greek "Kurets". Yes, after all, there were not only girls' round dances, but also men, daring ones, with weapons or tools.

In the Greek myth about the birth of Zeus, the newborn god or the giving birth Rhea is guarded by Kuretes - young men with weapons in their hands. They dance around the child or his mother, drowning out his or her screams by striking their shields with their weapons. So Krohn could not hear anything.

This myth contains all the conditions of Chur: firstly, a circular dance is a round dance, and secondly, the protection of what is inside is clearly expressed - the main function of a chur.

Everything is the same as with the Graces round dance or just a girlish round dance around the Maypole. Only like a man, like a military man. Men's competitions and tournaments, as I said, were held in parallel with women's beauty in the spring. Since all the trips began in late spring - early summer.

Therefore, the source of the word "Kurety", like "Round dance", "Store" must be sought in Chura. And the same image is embedded in our watches …


Yes, yes, because what are the arrows doing? That's right, they go in a circle, that is, they lead a round dance. The word "curro" itself means "movement, journey, process, running", that is, "move".

That is why the clock is round. For Chur. Well, and, of course, also because they are a cycle that repeats over and over again, and it is the circle or ring-wheel-colo that reflects this concept. The one on which the numbers are located.

But if this is Chur, and not just a "wheel", then the area inside the circle should also be important, right? That is exactly why the arrows originate in the center of the circle being drawn, although you could make the circle itself rotate, and the arrow could be made static, as in the "Old Russian clock" described in THIS article, for example. However, even there the most important thing is inside the circle - the image of time itself in the form of a rotating celestial sphere.

So what protects the sentry? And why does the word "curro", which means "move", have "chur" at the root, although it would seem, well, what "chur" is in "course"? - The answer is in the word "Course"!

Vasmer's dictionary and Western etymological dictionaries are absolutely in solidarity with each other and say that the Course “comes from lat. cursus "flow, path", then from currere "run, run". That is, it is directly related to "curro" - "move".

But what is "Course"? is a program, sequence, route or, in one word, DIRECTION! This is the answer to the above question: Direction is always a limitation (like the above-mentioned Indian "graaha" in the meaning of the concept), when there is no direction, the whole world is open to the one walking, and this is aimless wandering. Direction gives meaning to the path as it is dictated by the goal. The goal is the end point. In any business, in any life, there is this end point. This is completion, that is, the achievement of the state of fulfillment-perfection (each has his own, depending on the role that they tried to determine during baptism).

As a result, even what we call “eternity” must also have its end, otherwise the very existence of this eternity turns out to be aimless, meaningless. Everything comes to something and serves something.

The course can be compared to some channel, which singles out only one of the huge variety of options, LIMITING it with its walls. Everything is DEFINED inside these walls, that is, this is Chur.

Like any process, the course of time also has its own limitation, setting, and certainty. He cannot turn back, go beyond his limits. Time goes from the start point to the end point, like a COURIER CARRYING delivery from point "A" to point "B". The end, both relative (the death of a person walking in time) and absolute (unknown to us). Not backwards, no matter how touching Benjamin Button is, not to the side, no matter how science fiction writers dreamed.

I do not presume to assert that this is the truth, but the symbolism of the KURant watch tells us about it. In them, the very passage of time creates a protective circle, mind you. Time is even called - Chronos - from the word "Store". What does it keep by its flow, by its inability to turn back or get out of the channel? And what do we have in the center of the chimes? - The axis of the pointing arrows. An axis, a rod, like a monotonically rotating Earth, the Solar System, the Galaxy, the Universe.

Around this rod, a move is made, restricting access to it from the outside. Just like the Kuretas, leading a protective circle around the baby Zeus, or the Graces, leading their virgin dance around the Maypole. If you break this border, you will penetrate into the temporary chute - access to this core will open. Well, good luck with this disastrous venture …


We have considered the most interesting expressions of Chur in its variety. In many ways, they come down to covering, hiding within oneself, limiting and separating from the common space, which is the basis for determining, asserting and confident within the chur itself. Whether it is an appearance-beauty that hides our insides and takes away someone else's attention, amulets or the forbidden red color, the Tsar and his kingdom, the Ancestor and his ancestral chur, Surya, covering our reality, a round dance that protects honor, or time that keeps its course, or a hen that incubates and preserves eggs, or smoke that is fumigated, obscuring the visibility, hiding an object in itself, or paint covering an object with a layer …

And in all this there is an impetus to the next big topic, which you can think about on your own: after all, in this perspective, Chur, with all its importance for the psychology of ancestors, is a concept that is in many ways the opposite of the image of "Ru" ….

Author: peremyshlin