Seven Sins. Retribution - Alternative View

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Seven Sins. Retribution - Alternative View
Seven Sins. Retribution - Alternative View

Video: Seven Sins. Retribution - Alternative View

Video: Seven Sins. Retribution - Alternative View

You have to pay for everything

We are a source of fun - and a mine of sorrow.

We are a repository of filth - and a pure spring.

A person, like the world in a mirror, has many faces.

He is insignificant - and he is immensely great!

Omar Khayyam


The Dark World in the Navi World can also be called Purgatory, in which the souls of those who need to return to the world of Revelation (our physical world) live. After completing the cleansing lesson to the 7th level, the soul will have the opportunity to overcome the River of Oblivion and come to the first level of the light world, where the lessons that it needs for earthly life will take place.

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Do you know for what reason and why a person suffers? People suffer more because they believe the world they live in is unfair. Whatever happened to a person, he rejects, insisting that "he could not do this", it was the dark forces that tempted him, that "he does not deserve it." And, you know, the dark forces do not really sleep and at every opportunity they try to take a person off the right path. How else? You can also understand them, because they need to live at the expense of someone. So they live, enjoying and multiplying themselves at the expense of those who do not even want to hit a finger in order to change anything in their lives. And why change, if every time it is possible to shift the burden of responsibility onto the dark forces.

And they just absolutely do not care whether you impose the burden of responsibility on them or not. But it is necessary to understand that by shifting the blame and responsibility onto someone, you in no way remove it from yourself and to be held accountable for what was done, in the end, there will still be those who committed - murderers, thieves, traitors … not once, but twice - once during earthly life, having ruined your life, and the second time - serving a sentence in the Dark Kingdom, because they were servants of dark forces, and it is not so easy to get rid of them even after death. Such souls cannot find their way home, do not appear after death in the world of Navi, this is the most difficult, most terrible punishment. And it lasts for years, and sometimes millennia. The hardest thing, of course, is to be a ghost, a poltergeist. This soul rushes about, seeks peace and cannot find it.

Who, while living on earth, did not sin? Answer me!

Well, and who did not sin - did he live? Answer me!

Why are you better than me if I am punished

Did you commit evil in return? Answer me!

Omar Khayyam

The sin of murder

The worst sin in Heaven is murder. Murder can be of two types: it is possible to kill the soul, and it is possible to kill the body. But both are considered the most serious crimes. It doesn't matter if the body or the soul is killed - the path that a person needs to follow is interrupted. The person is killed, and his life ends prematurely. Or, when they kill a person's soul, he follows a different path, which he himself did not choose, then the one who pushed him to such a life will be responsible for his future life and for everything done in it. Both are crimes. And again, before the soul gets this or that place in the world of Navi, all factors are taken into account, and in each case everything is individual.

What can happen to those who have committed the murder? Of course, an important factor is taken into account - whether the person himself committed the murder or was pushed to it.

Suppose a man constantly mocks a woman, children see all this. And the woman, unable to get away from this man, leave him, decides to kill. She will only bear half the responsibility for this crime. The other half will be assigned to the man who pushed her to do so. In this case, both of them will find themselves on the third level of the Dark Realm.

If a person deliberately goes to murder, for example, for the sake of money, for the sake of self-interest, this act is considered the most serious and most difficult. The soul of such a person will be assigned to the first level of Purgatory.

Another example is when a person who was traumatized in early childhood goes to a crime. Most maniacs fall into this category. They experience psychological problems and therefore commit such grave crimes, killing children, women, old people. The maniac bears great responsibility for what he did, but besides him, those who traumatized him in childhood are also responsible for all his crimes. His actions are a consequence, there is always a cause.

Maniacs are also on the first level of purgatory, and their parents or those guilty of their psychological trauma are next to them. Unfortunately, parents are more often the cause of childhood stress.

The sin of suicide

There is one more sin, which is also very serious - it is suicide. But just like murder, someone else is responsible here, someone who pushed the person to this terrible crime. If, for example, a wife cheated on her husband and the husband, upon learning about this, kills himself, this sin completely falls on the shoulders of the woman, and it is she who will be responsible for it in Heaven. And before that, she will answer for him in earthly life. She will have to go through the difficulties that she has created for herself. The soul of such a person, who took his own life under the yoke of circumstances, will fall on the lowest first level of the Light World of Navi, and the woman finds herself on the second level of Purgatory. Suicides who have no reason to die in this way also get to the second level of the Dark World.

The sin of theft

"Do not steal!" - says one of the wisdoms that the Gods once brought you to Earth. If people understood and accepted that they are brothers and sisters to each other and that they have nothing to share in this world, they would not share, but accept everything with joy and gratitude. You people are very funny, you manage to divide what does not belong to you: the bowels of the earth, lands and oceans, countries and continents. And everyone tries to grab a better piece, absolutely not thinking about the essence of what is happening.

This world was not created by you, you did not erect mountains, did not fill the depths of the earth with minerals, did not plant forests covering the vastness of the earth … But you divide, divide, fight to the bone, reconcile and divide again!

And those businessmen who divide what does not belong to them are also in essence thieves. They bury themselves on someone else's, they crave someone else's, they appropriate someone else's.

People have forgotten what gratitude is to the Creator for His riches. Not only did He give you the opportunity to use everything, you also try to steal from each other. Theft is one of the grave sins, and it is equated to sin, which is in third place on the scale of the severity of the deed. Thieves, as well as murderers, find themselves in the Dark Kingdom, but on the third level, and each one is imprisoned there for a certain period, depending on what he stole, how much he stole, from whom he stole. Why? Yes, because stealing 100 rubles from a rich man is like a mosquito bite - he will not even notice that it was stolen from him. But to steal the same amount from a poor man - and for him it will be a tragedy. And yet, both are sin for which a person will be responsible.

What is most interesting, if you steal 100 rubles - you will lose 1000, steal 1000 - you will lose 10,000, etc. People have forgotten about the existence of the Law of Tithing, which the Lord imputed to them.

The Law of Tithing works not only in stealing, but also in gratitude: if you were helped, give at least a tenth part for helping the one who helped you. If you cannot give to the one who helped, give it to anyone in need, without thinking about what he will spend this tenth of your earnings. If you are sure that you earn money yourself and do not owe anything to anyone, you are very mistaken. You are indebted to the Higher Forces that help you, inspire you, guide you. And, therefore, you will have to pay off and give a tenth of the earned to the one who helped you - the Higher Forces. And you can spend this money anywhere. You can build a temple, you can build something for children, for example, gifted ones who want to learn, but they do not have the opportunity. You can spend this money on a certain person and help him, for example, in healing.

If you were helped and you do not have the opportunity to pay financially, help another, help the earth, nature. Plant trees, clear some area of dirt. Is it not enough to do good deeds every day without money? But, unfortunately, there are very few grateful people among people.

Sin of manipulation, imposition of will

One of the varieties of sin is the sin of imposing one's will on another person - when, having committed certain manipulations, one person forces another to do his will, regardless of the desire of the person himself. An even greater sin is love spells with which people are trying to get love, sympathy, or some values that they do not yet deserve. Because magic most often goes against the will of one person at the will of another person, it is one of the gravest sins. And nothing good promises anyone.

Three young girlfriends, having gathered together, wanted to know their fate, having learned that an old woman lives not far from their city, who can see the future, heals people and helps many. Cheerful, young, happy, they approached the house, which the locals pointed out to them. The woman was really elderly, there was nothing remarkable about her, except for the look that seemed to penetrate you through and through. Then the girls did not even suspect that one of them would have to cry, and, as it turned out later, cry for the rest of their lives. For the first girl, the old woman predicted a happy life, a long journey with a loved one, whom she would meet in speed, and life in the north.

The second predicted that a little more time would pass and she would also meet a man, get married and give birth to two beautiful children. And the third she refused. The girl, upset, literally knelt down and began to persuade the sorceress not to refuse her. She shook her head sadly, looked at her with a long piercing glance, and said: “I have nothing to say to you. The guy you love and want to marry him will not marry you, he will meet another speed, you will suffer from this."

The girl, in tears, went out into the street. Barely leaving the house with her friends, she turned and ran again to the fortuneteller. The friends, perplexed, began to wait for her on the side of the road. Tamara, that was the name of the girl, came back happy. “Girls, imagine, I persuaded her. She told me to come in two days, bring a new handkerchief, and she will do everything for Roma to stay with me."

Three years have passed. The girl, who was predicted a long way to the north, came with her husband for a long northern vacation. And her first desire was to see her friends. When she met Tamara, she simply did not recognize her. Previously, a slender, beautiful, cheerful, always the soul of the company, now in front of her was a haggard, haggard, aged for many years with sad eyes, a young woman. She was holding one child by the hand, the other was in her arms. As a rule, incredible streams of love come from a woman-mother, and a woman-mother always wants to admire, this same woman just wanted to hug and regret. And not in vain.

Tamara told her fate. She made a love spell, and presented Roman with a handkerchief spoken by his grandmother, a week later he proposed to her to become his wife. There was no one happier than her at that moment. In the sweet preparations for the wedding, she did not notice that her beloved was sometimes gloomy and thoughtful. And sometimes he would break at her, so much so that one day he raised his hand. She would have thought better of it, stopped, but how can any of the women stop when it seems to her that happiness is already in her hands? Happiness was, but short-lived …

On the second day of the wedding, Roman rudely, pushing Tamara away, left with friends to continue celebrating and returned only in the morning. Gathering with friends in a cafe has become a frequent occurrence. And he began to dismiss his hands already in the first month of their life. Roman did not stop neither the birth of his first son, nor the birth of his second daughter. You know, Tamara confessed to her friend, I went to my grandmother to ask to remove the love spell, but she had already died. And I could not find another person. I wanted to go away, give up everything, but he told me - don’t dare and don’t think, I’ll find and kill you anywhere. This is how I live now. It is a pity for Tamara, a pity doubly, because, having passed the difficult earthly path, she will have to answer for what she has done in Heaven.

A person who tries to impose his will on another with the help of magic, in the form of persistent advice, and often manipulation, also finds himself on the third level of the Dark Kingdom, Purgatory, Hell, whatever you call it - the meaning will not change.

The sin of bribery

Taking money to turn a blind eye to some violation of another or for this or that illegal action. But, accepting a bribe, he simply rob a person, depriving him of his hard-earned money. But if some action can be performed for money, then it could be performed for free, right? And if a bribe buys an opportunity to do something illegal, then the bribe taker, accordingly, covers up the crime, that is, becomes his accomplice. It is always very difficult for a bribe to stop. Bribery, like theft, is an addiction to which a person is addicted. And getting away from this habit can be very, very difficult.

Oddly enough, on the fourth level of the Dark Kingdom there are not only those who take a bribe, but also those who give this bribe. So it's never boring there. But being on the fourth level is also not fun. If the first, second and third level is darkness, dampness and loneliness, then the fourth, where the bribe takers are, is not only darkness, dampness and imprisonment in solitude, but also pictures of what is happening on Earth, sometimes in Heaven, and, accordingly, in features a keen awareness that everything could be different …

Sin of vanity and arrogance

… But man

But the proud man who is clothed

Minute, short-term greatness

And I'm so sure of myself that he doesn't remember

That is fragile as glass - he is in front of the sky

Grimaces like an angry monkey

And so that the angels cry over him …

William Shakespeare

At the fifth step of the same Dark Kingdom are the proud. There are such human vices as vanity and arrogance. This is not to say that all the proud go to Purgatory. Only those who, with their vanity, pride and arrogance, have hurt other people, occupy a place there. If a person lives, simply admiring and enjoying it by himself, while not touching others, he finds himself on the first level of the Light Kingdom.

All the proud are teachers for others in earthly life, hardly any of the people have pleasant feelings, watching the boasting and excessive admiration for themselves. But, what is most interesting, one, observing, understands how ugly it is, and tries not to make such mistakes, while the other admires such behavior and tries to be like a proud man, taking him as a model. Unfortunately, pride is an experience of past accumulation. They do not become proud on the earthly plane, they are born by them. And no matter how hard the gray mouse tries to "break out" into the proud, who seem to her to resemble formidable and beautiful tigers, she will remain a gray mouse. You must be born proud.

Born with such a defect from the past, a person must first of all understand and accept the incorrectness of his behavior and change it. For this, he comes to Earth. But, unfortunately, only a few succeed. It is hard for the proud and in the Dark Kingdom: they are the only ones who do a certain job here. They are guides and accompany souls in the Dark Kingdom from one level to another. They have to serve others, which is like death for an arrogant person.

The sin of envy

Nothing better than stealing. Another of man's sins is envy. After all, what is envy? Envy is the desire to have something that doesn't belong to you. There are many more envious people than you can imagine, because envy can also be latent. People cannot be happy for another person. As soon as someone has something, almost every second person begins to envy. This means that this suggests that envy is acquired in early childhood. And it is a negative point in raising children. It’s the parents who didn’t teach the child to be happy for others: “It's great that he got it”, and not envy: “Oooh… he got it… but I don’t have it. I wish I could now! Yes, I would!”, Absolutely not thinking that it was just that he was not given to receive it, otherwise he would have received it now, and not his neighbor.

We will enjoy the fact

What we have without going into comparisons;

The one will never be happy

Who is annoyed with the happier.


For what reason is this sin as bad as stealing? Because a person, instead of being grateful for what he has, wants to get more, without wondering if he deserves it. And there are even more difficult cases when a person not only wants to have what the other has, but at the same time wants the other not to have anything like that, so that he becomes poorer, more unhappy, and finds himself in a miserable situation. Such envy is usually called "black". It is for this reason that very often envious people also find themselves in the Dark Kingdom.

And, nevertheless, in spite of the fact that this sin is grave, nevertheless envious persons occupy the sixth level and are in more favorable conditions than representatives of other levels. Here they are sometimes visited by Angels who illuminate everything around them with light. The moment of waiting is not so painful here, because there is a realization that soon all this will end. And there is a hope that after serving his term, realizing and realizing the incorrectness of his behavior in a past life, he will not repeat this in a new life.

L. Panova, V. Tkachenko