Mystery Tsam (Cham) And "wheel Of Time" - Alternative View

Mystery Tsam (Cham) And "wheel Of Time" - Alternative View
Mystery Tsam (Cham) And "wheel Of Time" - Alternative View

Video: Mystery Tsam (Cham) And "wheel Of Time" - Alternative View

Video: Mystery Tsam (Cham) And
Video: Top Ten Most Powerful Nations In The Wheel of Time 2024, September

The Tsam (Cham) Mystery was performed annually in Buddhist monasteries in Tibet, Nepal, Mongolia, Buryatia, Tuva. It was introduced into the practice of temple rituals of the Tibetan schools of Buddhism by the great teacher Padmasambhava (VIII century). Even within one country, this mystery could be performed on different calendar dates - in some in winter, in others in summer and be different in genre. In some cases it was a dance pantomime, in others it was a play with dialogues involving 4–5 characters, and finally, it could be a grandiose theatrical performance with 108 participants (108 is a sacred number in Buddhism), who are wearing suits and masks that are quite heavy by weight (one mask could weigh up to 30 kg), they played an action, the heroes of which were the characters of the pantheon of Tibetan Buddhism and characters of folk mythology (in Tibet - Tibetan,in Mongolia and Buryatia - Tibetan and Mongolian).

The fulfillment of the mystery pursued several goals at once, and in different monasteries the emphasis was on different things: intimidation of the enemies of Buddhism, a demonstration of the triumph of true teaching over all false teachings, a way of pacifying evil forces so that the coming year was prosperous, preparing a person for what he would see after death on paths to a new rebirth.

Tsam was performed by specially trained monks who had passed the initiation; a few days before the holiday, they were supposed to be in a state of deep meditation for several hours. There could be no random people among the actors. Each monastery had costumes and masks, carefully preserving them from one performance to the next. When something of them fell into disrepair, they were replaced with careful observance of the necessary rituals.

Among the Buddhists of Mongolia and Russia, the last performances of Tsam were recorded at the end of the 1920s. The processes of the revival of Buddhism currently under way in both countries envisage the revival of Tsam.

Dun-Duinhor, or Duin-khor, means "wheel of time". It is dedicated to the preaching of the Kalachakra-Tantra Buddha to the king of the legendary land of general prosperity Shambhala. The Kalachakra Tantra is based on the idea of the identity of the universe and man, of the relationship between nature and man. Having cognized this idea with his soul, a person, changing himself with the help of yoga, also changes the world. The concept of the cyclical nature of time is also associated with the Kalachakra Tantra: a small cycle is 12 years, a large one - 60 years.

The holiday falls on the 14-16th of the last spring month - May.

From the book: "100 Great Holidays". Elena Olegovna Chekulaeva
