What Is Family Karma Or How To Get Rid Of Energy Ties With Ancestors - Alternative View

What Is Family Karma Or How To Get Rid Of Energy Ties With Ancestors - Alternative View
What Is Family Karma Or How To Get Rid Of Energy Ties With Ancestors - Alternative View

Video: What Is Family Karma Or How To Get Rid Of Energy Ties With Ancestors - Alternative View

Video: What Is Family Karma Or How To Get Rid Of Energy Ties With Ancestors - Alternative View
Video: Family Karma : How To Release Energetic Ties From Your Ancestors 2024, September

Family karma is the karma of your ancestral line, from your parents to you. It can affect how you interact with your family on an unconscious level.

If you consider yourself sensitive and were born of two spiritually burdened parents, it may seem like you are carrying twice the load. Many of us naturally do not get along well with our parents, and sometimes this has to do with energetic ties to past experiences. Everything is basically energy, so our consciousness exists outside the physical.

We have experienced life before this incarnation. Many of the people in your family are consciousness that you knew before this life and decided to come to Earth together. Depending on the path of your past, you may have decided to take on a more intense life to balance your karma.

We are a source of consciousness acting in 3D to better understand ourselves. From this point of view, there is nothing good or bad.

Family patterns are passed down from all predecessors to great-grandparents, from them to grandparents, and from them to parents and to you. For example, your grandmother's nature was too gentle. She always cared about other people and allowed to be "used". Grandpa could have had something like alcoholism and smoking.

These traditions are passed down in the same way as oppression, false truth and hierarchy.

You, as a child of your parents, have the DNA karma of what was passed on to you. It can be incredibly soft or extremely intense. This is very specific to each of us.

Signs that you are a carrier of family karma:

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- You are the most spiritually developed person and the most conscious among your brothers and sisters.

- Sometimes you endure unexplained pain and feel like you are carrying weight on your shoulders.

- You have been entangled in bizarre family affairs more than once.

So how do you cut all the energy wires?

People may not resonate with a part of you that is “different” and contrary to their worldview. Freeing your bonds with parental energy means first of all freeing the energy from your own mind and emotions. It's about taking a look inside and finding out how much you live with the illusions of your parents, your deeds and deeds that were based on fear and judgment.

Once you understand this, you can forgive them and truly "leave your parental home." Only after you break the wires internally and take responsibility for your life will you clearly say no to your fears and illusions, but at the same time you will see that your parents are not identical with your fears and illusions.

Once you feel this, you will feel your innocence and you will be able to forgive. They did their best to love you the way they could. If you can feel in your heart that they did their best, you can understand yourself and them too.

How can you transform family wires?

It takes deep introspection, and sometimes meditation, to understand the essence of any recurring problems in your life.

They are the result of behavioral patterns that, once fully understood, can begin to change.

It takes time, and it all starts with a choice: “I want to be my own master, my own energy of my own soul, my carrier karma. I am my own carrier."

You are full of strength! One of the first steps is just to believe that it is …