Earth And Star Karma: How Do They Affect Our Life? - Alternative View

Earth And Star Karma: How Do They Affect Our Life? - Alternative View
Earth And Star Karma: How Do They Affect Our Life? - Alternative View

Video: Earth And Star Karma: How Do They Affect Our Life? - Alternative View

Video: Earth And Star Karma: How Do They Affect Our Life? - Alternative View
Video: Find Out How Many Lives You Have Lived Based On Your Birthday 2024, September

Most of the knowledge about karma, which is known to us from ancient oriental teachings, is given for indigenous earthlings and does not take into account alien citizens who have visited Earth at different times, existing according to different laws of life.

Let's find out how things are with karma for us, stellar wanderers, who, due to alien features, do not fit into the picture of earthly existence. According to the law of correspondence "Both in the sky and on Earth", in order to confirm the truth of any statement about the cosmic worlds, it is necessary to find a direct or indirect manifestation of this statement in the earthly world. For example, when a cosmic idea or image comes to mind, we don't need to take it for granted right away. To verify their truth, earthly confirmation must be found.

Often this is helped by books that we "accidentally" open on the right page, or friends who tell us the latest news related to an image or idea received through the channels of subtle abilities. Describing stellar ideas about karma, I decided to rely on the knowledge set forth in proven earthly sources. In the book by A. Bailey "The Light of the Soul" (retelling of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali) in the commentary on sutra 30 (book 4) we find: "The wheel of rebirth served its purpose, and the spiritual unit, occupying the form together with its potential abilities and latent possibilities, developed them fully and completely opened the lotus of the soul. The law of cause and effect, as it functions in the three worlds, no longer controls the liberated soul; the individual karma of the aspirant has come to an end, and he himself,although he can still obey group karma (planetary or solar), he should not do anything that can bind him with chains of desire to the three worlds. " It describes the state of mind to which every star-wanderer comes at the end of the current incarnation, completing his stay on this planet.

The three worlds are the worlds of matter, feelings and earthly thoughts, to which the stellar soul is attached during earthly life. Many of us have exhausted the resources of purely earthly desires, many star citizens are no longer attracted by the temptations of the Earth, such as delicious food, carnal passions, fame, power, thirst for entertainment. At this point, a spiritual emptiness sets in, sometimes the meaning of life is lost, and then - after mental anguish and contradictions, a quantum leap of consciousness occurs, when a flash of stellar memory appears and the vector of thought finally rushes into Space. In this process of transformation, the chains of individual karma fall off, and the stellar soul moves on to a new stage of life.

But why don't problems and internal contradictions go away, because personal karma no longer affects us? And here we again turn to the commentary of Alice Bailey, where it is said that after liberation from karma, the individual soul continues to experience the influence of group, planetary and solar karma. How are these words to be understood? Group karma is the karma of our star family and Spiritual Kind. Our space families are ancient, and therefore very large. All the more numerous is our Space Family. Planetary karma is a type of karma associated with our home star. For earthlings, this is the karma of humanity on Earth. For the Lyrian, the karma of his home star Vega and her civilization, and so on. The solar karma here means the collective karma of the inhabitants of the solar system.

It affects both earthlings and the inhabitants of any visible and invisible planet in the solar system. But this type of karma does not affect stellar souls from the transcendent Cosmos, since they are subject to the karmic laws of other star systems. So, it turns out, if we got out of the influence of earthly and purely human karma, we still continue to work off debts and carry out the karmic tasks of our leading Cosmic Group - Family, Family, Hierarchy. So, for example, some families from the constellation Lyra have karma of weakened immunity and colds. If the aura of a star family is weakened by any factors, its members become susceptible to space viruses. Some Cassiopeia families have karma related to water travel, swimming and the element of water.

In practice, I observe various cases, including tracking group and cosmic types of karma on myself, my loved ones, friends and acquaintances, whose horoscopes I studied. As it was said in one of the previous articles on karma, star souls who have worked out their karma take on the burden of their star brothers and sisters, who cannot distribute debts themselves in one incarnation. This life is final for many, for many this incarnation is like a springboard to the stars, therefore, before being born on Earth, we took upon ourselves the measure of the group load that we can carry ourselves to complete the earthly tasks of our Star Rod.

This is a very, very important task. I go through all this from my own experience and I know how difficult it is to carry someone else's load. But I do this with love and joy about the imminent liberation of all brothers and sisters, all my relatives. If you have the opportunity to learn about the group task of your Star Family, your Hierarchy, this must be done in order to participate in the fulfillment of the common Plan consciously and with full In general, while living on Earth, cosmic souls get an interweaving of earthly - personal, earthly - group karma (family, clan) and stellar, alien karma.

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In the horoscope, these types of karma are diagnosed through different planets, and especially through sacral points, for example, through Priapus and the stars that connect with him. The age points of liberation from personal karma are 37 years, 42 years, 56 years and 63 years. For each, depending on his individual rate of development. Let me remind readers that karma is a cause-and-effect relationship between events of fate, associated with our thoughts, words and actions. In fact, KARMA IS THE HISTORY OF OUR SOUL in Space, the totality of the experience we have received on all the planets where we have been before.

Only a part of our stellar karma manifests on Earth, since earthly conditions are very limited and do not allow us to combine our personal karmic circumstances of other dimensions with the material world. With complete liberation from personal earthly karma, each stellar soul continues to be responsible for the affairs of its Star Family, its Cosmic Kin and participate in the Plan of its leading Hierarchy. It is also important to remember that we live in an era of collective incarnation of cosmic souls, when there is a synchronous completion of the tasks of all alien groups that previously participated in the protection of the Earth and humanity. What is important for us now is the AWARENESS of the immutability of returning to our stellar homeland. Everyone who learns this news of the return will already return in their own special way, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

To free yourself from earthly karma, you need to cultivate detachment from earthly things and free yourself from the desire for earthly pleasures. Release from attachment is like clearing the path. But the way Home itself is a relentless, every second striving for the cherished Goal - to the Homeworld and the Star Family.

Everyone can strive in different ways - someone through the awakening of Inner Knowledge by studying spiritual knowledge, someone through merging with nature, with the energy of cosmic rays, someone simply loves his Teacher and thereby approaches the higher worlds.

Everyone has different paths, but they are all Paths of Returning Home.

Author: Daria Sibirskaya
