Karma As Proof Of Immortality - Alternative View

Karma As Proof Of Immortality - Alternative View
Karma As Proof Of Immortality - Alternative View

Video: Karma As Proof Of Immortality - Alternative View

Video: Karma As Proof Of Immortality - Alternative View
Video: 9 Videos That They Tried to Delete From the Internet 2024, September

Let's consider karma not from the position of high philosophy, but, in a simple way, from our human point of view. After all, living in this world, we evaluate people from our human point of view. After all, we often say, seeing something obscene: "This is not human."

That is, someone does not act as a person should do. That is, even at the everyday level, we subconsciously understand that a person is not just an erect rational creature with two legs and arms. This is something more for us. And “not in a human way” is for us a synonym for “unfair”, “mean” or, as we still say, “ugly”, that is, some action carries something that repels us.

And vice versa. "Human", "human" means that a person did the right thing or noble. In this case, it is "beautiful" for us. Even if, say, it was a scuffle while protecting the weak from the aggression of the strong. The man restored justice.

So, about karma.

The 1985 film Come and See (you can find it on YouTube) shows a punitive action during the Great Patriotic War. The SS troops, together with the policemen, drive all the inhabitants of the village (women, old people, children) into a barn and burn them. In the same shed there is a boy Fleur, 12-13 years old. But he manages to get out through the window. The Germans do not kill him on a whim. They take pictures with him, holding a pistol to their temples, and throw it. The entire execution takes place before his eyes. If at the beginning of the film this is an ordinary kid, then at the end it is, in fact, an old man who miraculously saved his mind in this hell. In general, the film shows action outside the human.

This film has an illustrative ending. Fleur leaves the burnt village together with the partisans who came there. As he leaves, he sees a portrait of Hitler lying on the ground. He removes the rifle from his shoulder and starts firing at him with stupidity. And on the screen are frames of the Nazi chronicle in rewind. There Hitler is getting younger and younger. And Fleur keeps shooting and shooting at him. And now there are photos of Hitler as a child, and then a photo where he is a baby sitting in his mother's arms. Fleur frantically tries to pull the trigger, but cannot. The shot never happens. Shooting a child is beyond human. Not humanly.

Now let's take for example these bastards who burned the villagers. They were shot by partisans. And so they were reborn. Let's say you have one of these babies in front of you. You know what he did in a past life. Will you put a bullet in his forehead? Or make his life hell? Let him suffer, you bastard, for what he did? I am sure that if you are a MAN, then you will surround him with care and love. For you, he will be just a baby. And he did nothing indecent. The person who was before that created, but not he. Subconsciously everyone knows this, that's why they say: "Innocent like a baby." INNOCENT. There is no fault on him. Why punish him?

You can say, "But this is the same entity that killed in a previous life, an embodiment of the same soul." Then I'll give you another movie. "Total Recall" 1990. I would call it the Douglas Quaid effect from the movie "Total Recall", who, even after learning that he is an agent of the Martian administration Hauser, whose memory was erased and someone else's (Quaid) was written down, according to his own idea, in order to harmoniously join the ranks of the resistance and destroy from within him, still opposed this very administration, because he was already Hauser purely nominally, and felt like Quaid, a member of the resistance, who experienced in his own skin what it was like to be at the bottom.

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Once someone's memory has been erased, even with his consent (they say that we “sign contracts” upon rebirth), then let them not blame that he is. It was not he who gave consent, but the one who had not yet erased his memory. And for a new personality he is nobody, a stranger, and perhaps even an enemy. That is, when the memory is erased by the machine, everything that was done before this erasure (contracts, agreements, obligations) is canceled, because these are two completely different personalities. And the personality obtained as a result of erasing memory already lives according to its own laws and standards. She is no longer concerned with the deeds that the first person did.

And during rebirth, as you know, memory is erased. This erasure of memory distorts the very concept of karma-duty. First, show me MY offense, and then ask. And I'm not going to be responsible for what, in fact, another person did. That is, karma-debt is valid and JUST only under the condition of infinity of life or, at least, during one specific life (one incarnation). Then the question does not arise: for what? Awareness of guilt or mistake is important. In this sense, Christianity and Islam (with their concept of a single incarnation) are more just than Buddhism and Hinduism (with their multiple reincarnations). Therefore, I have never recognized and do not recognize the circle of Samsara as justice. For me, it's a scam carousel. Once the memory is erased, the ways of communication with Being are cut off, it does not matter who you were before.

“The concept of karma, despite all its apparent consistency, still deprives us of the main thing - freedom of choice. It makes us dependent on circumstances. Forces us to accept them as they are. (Addendum: type deserved in a past life). It introduces the predetermination of events into our consciousness. For me, karma is only partially true if we consider it in the following plan. We are here and now and in the given circumstances, because our actions and thoughts in this life have brought us here. Yes, of course, taking into account the experience gained from past lives. But the experience gained and working off karma are two different things. But after all, no one bothers you to realize your life and start acting right here and now, and not wait for the so-called working off of karma. You don't have to humbly accept what life gives you. You are free if you want to be free. Any laws have power over us only as long as we accept them. Including the laws of karma.

You are free from everything except the law of conscience. This law protects us from ourselves, from rash actions, from evil in us. However, for a while, you can get rid of it, but then do not blame that you are in shit, it stinks around, and not a single normal person is near. And then, after the transition, that is, after death, this law will overtake you. I have already written about a sarcophagus that a person builds for himself during his lifetime. I will not repeat myself. I’ll just say that after death you will have nothing to fence off your own conscience, and it will attack you like a starving wolf. And the more you have committed during your life something that does not correspond to the parameters of conscience, that is, crimes against yourself, your I, the stronger and longer the torment will be. It will devour all the dark in you, and it will be very painful. Cleansing will take place.

And cleansing automatically nullifies all responsibility for past lives. The reckoning has already taken place, a person comes into this world clean. Not dragging any karma with you. But bringing with it a reworked past life experience. (Addition: but this is ideally and taking into account rebirths. Since then, I came to the conclusion that death is something artificially created. At least, death from old age.) Or you can go through this purification during life. That is, to listen to the voice of conscience and realize all the abomination of some of your actions. And it will hurt too, but it is a cleansing pain. Repentance will take place before oneself. This is what is important.

And what happens according to the law of karma? Take the situation of an alcoholic husband. We are told that this woman has done something bad in her past lives, and now in this life, an alcoholic husband has been sent to her. This woman puts up with him for several years, then he gets an ulcer, he stops drinking, and they live happily ever after. Even the ulcer goes away with time. All happy ending. Everyone is happy, everyone is happy. Now we are told that the woman has worked out her karma. Now that past wrong does not prevail over her. So what? What actually happened?

The husband stopped drinking. Yes, the woman is happy. What's next? Where is the awareness for the offense? Especially if the woman has never heard of any karma. Did the woman make any conclusions? "So I have endured, my husband has become better." But how does this relate to her wrongdoing? Realization of precisely her offense did not happen. She simply does not know about any offense committed by her in a past life. We got a woman who was twitching and muzzled by life, who is now glad that peace has finally come in her life. Where is spiritual evolution? Where is the development? And where is the nose-sticking in your excrement?

My kitten shit on the slippers in the hallway last week. And this week in the bedroom I pinched his tail in the door. Of course, the kitten understood everything perfectly, and will no longer shit in my slippers in the hallway. Needless to say, the logic is iron. And what do we see in this case? All I see is that this woman was taught to endure an alcoholic instead of living life to the fullest. Drunken fights, scuffle, frightened children. Is that all you have to endure? Who is better for this? Wife? Children who grow up intimidated? A husband, whom this patience makes more and more impudent, and he sinks to a bestial state? No, excuse me, I will never accept such karma. This is not teaching life, it is mutilation of the personality. This is not the development of the spirit, but its degradation. And we are encouraged to endure it. Accept everything as it is, without trying to change something. And the concept of karma, for me,it is the imposition of limitations, the very boundaries that I wrote about. This is a limitation of my freedom of choice."

Karma is meaningless if we consider it in the aspect of the spiritual development of a mortal person, that is, when memory is erased and the personality is nullified. It was a mortal, albeit with a subsequent rebirth. It doesn't give anything. But if we consider it as a purely punishment, a kind of revenge, then maybe it makes sense? But the punishment - to whom? A new personality that appeared as a result of rebirth? No, she is not responsible for the atrocities of the past personality. She doesn't know anything about them. Then the punishment is meant for the soul. And who is more? But the soul is always pure. Only a person is dirty. Again, nonsense turns out.

Karma is valid only in one case - when life is infinite. Moreover, and this is the main thing, with CONTINUOUS consciousness, that is, with actual immortality, without any rebirth. And with you and me? Life is endless, but consciousness as a result of rebirth is intermittent and consists of completely separate parts that are almost not connected with each other. After all, the memory is erased every time. Essentially, there is no single entity. There is a soul and many, many separate individuals who have appeared as a result of rebirth. That is, karma is valid not only with the infinity of life, but for this, one single CONTINUOUS personality is also needed. And it is in this scenario that CONTINUOUS spiritual growth and justice will be observed. It is not the soul that grows spiritually, there is nowhere higher than it, but the personality.

After all, it is the presence of personality that gives the soul freedom of maneuver, freedom of choice. This means that it is through our personality that God receives his freedom of choice. So do not rush to throw your Ego into a landfill. After all, personality is its lion's component. In the end, personality is our self-identification for a given period of time, that is, during LIFE. Only a person can say "I" about himself. Personality is a manifestation of incarnation, it means that we are alive. Physically alive. And with the discontinuity of the personality, spiritual growth is also interrupted. Well, not really, but development is slowing down not just at times, but by orders and orders. And a person, over and over again, is forced to make the same mistakes, each time starting from scratch.

Such karma is not human. This means that the erasure of memory and the nullification of the personality are unnatural. But we still have karma. And this, in the light of the above, suggests that you and I are nothing more than immortal beings with continuous consciousness, and the discontinuity of consciousness, that is, death, rebirth, is something artificially created. Unnatural. And if we consider the rebirth itself as not something natural, but as artificially created, then we will see a completely different picture. I don’t want to draw conclusions, but I’ll try. If we consider us as some kind of batteries for certain entities that feed on us, then everything falls into place.

A perfect mechanism is emerging. Let's say there are you and me - immortal beings with continuous consciousness. But you can't eat like that. Well, you cheat one, two, ten. And then a creature with continuous consciousness (after all, consciousness is continuous, he remembers how he was raped) will draw conclusions and send the lover to eat at someone else's expense far away, or even punish not childishly. And if we take away the continuity of consciousness from these creatures, that is, artificially introduce imaginary death, rebirth, with the complete erasure of memory and previous consciousness and personality, then … then we get a Klondike of energy and a sea of fools - Ivanov, who do not remember kinship (memory is erased), who can sniff anything at every incarnation.

But each time it is costly and burdensome to teach such a forgetful person. But if you collect many, many in one place, say, on one planet, in one world, then we get rid of this too. The main thing is to get your bullshit into the first few generations, so to speak, personally. And then these "trained" ones will push it further to the next generations themselves. A system will be created that will reproduce itself. And they will multiply and multiply, spreading rot against each other, increasing the supply of energy, potential and power. They themselves do not remember how to use it. And with each rebirth, you can conclude a "voluntary" contract with them, where there will be a small fad that he / she (name of such and such) voluntarily undertakes to pay the debt-karma for himself and also for someone other than himself. A kind of appendage, supposedly in the name of saving the rest of space,but in fact the organizers of this very scam.

And then - I don't want to live for your pleasure. Well, and you yourself, of course, become a god for them. No, not even God, but God with a capital letter. Well, of course, such a god is very jealous. Who will let someone else near such a feeding trough? But here's the trouble. Even on a farm like this, there are some black sheep who will begin to realize something. The main thing is to turn such people back on track in time. To make it look like new, but actually old, but in new packaging. And especially zealous to calm down various messages like: you hold on there, the end of this mess is near.

As for animals and plants. Perhaps it's all about our belief in their death. Perhaps, it is by this belief in death that we introduce mortality to other beings around us. Or they are those who agreed to be even unconscious of themselves. So you can enter anything you want. This is the picture emerging. I don’t know how the first entities were deceived, how it all started. Probably, under some sauce of saving something or someone, in the name of some great goal. Or maybe there was such a goal. But everything poured out into what we have. These are the conclusions. Probably wrong. I never claim that the world is exactly the way I see it. This is how I see him right now. But I don’t have all the information, and it cannot be. This means that my picture of the world is always incomplete.

But still, the presence of karma as such gave me another confirmation that we humans are immortal beings with continuous consciousness. That is, we are physically immortal. That is, this is how we were originally and remain so. We just once believed that death exists. And with this faith they lost the continuity of their consciousness. Lost that original identity. Maybe try with the personality that is now? What if it works out. It should work out sometime. Maybe, realizing that we are immortal and free beings with continuous consciousness, we will not want to painfully lose this continuity, we will want to stay and be ourselves and say to the imaginary old age and death: "Fuck you!"