The Subtle Mechanism Of Fate And Karma - Alternative View

The Subtle Mechanism Of Fate And Karma - Alternative View
The Subtle Mechanism Of Fate And Karma - Alternative View

Video: The Subtle Mechanism Of Fate And Karma - Alternative View

Video: The Subtle Mechanism Of Fate And Karma - Alternative View
Video: Места силы. Три этапа центрирования. Серия 2 - часть 2 2024, September

What is fate, what does it consist of? We can say that the fate of a person develops depending on the total amount of his past actions and desires. All these actions and desires form the path of our destiny, consisting of tests and rewards. All destiny is learning, as a result of which we must gain wisdom and with its help become happy.

Walking this path, we voluntarily or forcibly learn to be happy. In other words, fate is made up of everything that surrounds us on our way. For example, we went to the cinema, and on the way we met a person whom we had not seen for a long time. This is no coincidence. If someone ruined our mood, it is no coincidence. Nothing happens by accident in life.

What is the subtle mechanism associated with the manifestation of a person's fate, the implementation of the law of justice (the law of karma)? Let's try to delve into this topic. If a person commits an act or cultivates some kind of desire in himself, then at the same time he plants the seed of this act or desire in the subtle body of his mind. The subtle mind, invisible by nature, accumulates all our actions and events, forgetting nothing. A seed planted in the mind implies that over time something must grow out of it. Thus, by our actions and desires, we grow our destiny in the depths of the subtle body of the mind.

Our every step, every word or look is fixed inside us, in the subtle body of the mind. Nothing goes unnoticed. We plant the seeds of deeds, and over time they will grow. When the seed of deed grows into the tree of destiny, and it in turn bears fruit, then we will taste what we deserve. Unfortunately, this does not happen immediately after an act, so it seems to us that by doing it, we are doing the right thing. Nobody punishes me, so I am doing the right thing; and if wrong, then the punishment does not seem to exist. This is how fate tests us for honesty.

Since an act is separated from suffering by a sufficiently long period of time, then, as a rule, we cannot connect one with the other. It seems that our suffering comes undeservedly. It is especially difficult to understand what happens if the act was committed in a past life, and you have to disentangle the consequences in this one. We often cannot tie this together, and we believe that everything in this world is happening unfairly.

It seems to us that there is no connection between an act and its effect. However, it exists, otherwise this world would turn into chaos. However, some people are quite happy with chaos, as it allows, in their opinion, to do whatever they want. If you want - kill, engage in debauchery or monetary fraud; because we live once. This worldview did not arise from scratch. It turns out that doing bad things not only generates future suffering, but also a misconception of happiness in the present. Therefore, an observant person notices that bad behavior affects his fate immediately. I wonder how does this happen?

Having committed a bad deed, a person somehow revises his understanding of happiness. So, a young, untouched girl thinks that she will be faithful to her future husband and in no case will make love to anyone else. Intuitively, thanks to her intactness and purity, she understands the law of karma and realizes that only loyalty to her husband will bring her happiness. The way it is. However, in order to remain pure in this world, it is necessary to have knowledge and have correct communication. If a young girl has neither one nor the other, then she cannot avoid problems.

So, by the will of fate, she can get into a drunken company. Youth and innocence are very seductive for men, and the female psyche is not able to fight for a long time with the persistence of a seducer. Therefore, a girl in a drunken company will have to say goodbye to her purity and innocence. Having surrendered to a random counter, she will not only lose her purity, but also, according to the law of karma, can embark on a very dangerous path. If she does not repent and does not try to find protection for her already defiled purity, then there will be a high probability that she will have to bury her previous views on family happiness.

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How does the change in outlook on life happen? Why, after her new negative experience, will she think in a completely different way about her future happiness? Views in such cases change as follows. At first, a sinful act will cause her severe mental pain, which will be nothing more than the voice of conscience - the protector of our happiness. Listening to him and changing your behavior means defeating your bad deed. Only those who know why it is needed are capable of this. Recognition of the law of justice (the law of karma) will help, even the one who has fallen, to rise and continue on his path to happiness.

Most people do not see the point in these remorse. Therefore, in this situation, the girl will naturally create for herself a new, deliberately false idea of happiness, which will lead her to further suffering. Now this “lost”, unreasonable girl will think that family happiness only increases from her “partying”, that now she “has lived and knows how to be happy”. All these ideas about family life will already begin to destroy her family, which has not yet arisen. Thus, a sinful act in a wonderful way introduces a person into an illusory idea of his future happiness. This applies not only to young girls and men who are in bad company. Bad communication is the cause of the degradation of any person, and such communication in our electronic age takes place not only through direct contact. We often get it on TV from watching cynical action movies, depraved entertainment films and television series that show contrived, mythical happiness.

The reality is that from bad communication we inevitably begin to live and do wrong. By doing wrong, we chop the branch on which we sit. What is the result? A painful fall from the tree of fate. Let's return to the analyzed example: according to the law of karma, a reveler most often remains a reveler in the family as well. A dissolute life always leads to divorce. Therefore, we should learn to value what we have. The Vedas explain in detail the mutual responsibilities of spouses as a prerequisite for maintaining a family. Only knowledge of correct behavior can protect a person from unfortunate turns of fate.

Most people do not believe in the existence of the law of justice, and by this they bring trouble upon themselves. Another example showing how a person can justify their bad behavior. So, if as a result of his bad karma a person steals something, then, following the lead of the sin that pollutes his consciousness, he will begin to think, perhaps, like this: “Well, they didn’t catch me; then everything worked out. But in fact, retribution is already ripening. If a thing that belonged to him is stolen from someone, with which the subtle body of his mind is connected with very real material ties, he discovers the loss, first of all, at the subconscious level, and then at the level of attachment to the lost thing.

What happens next? The thief will be found by the subtle body of the victim's mind, and all the suffering of the one who was stolen from will be redirected to the one who stole this thing. One idea of the victim is enough that the thief should be punished, and the punishment, according to the law of karma, will inevitably come. At the same time, the victim may not even know who robbed him, nevertheless retribution will come anyway.

The subtle bodies of people interact with each other, obeying the law of justice, although more often than not we do not realize this. However, just as the victim suffered because of his past sinful deeds, so the thief did the wrong deed as a result of his past desires. Retribution comes not only through the contact of subtle bodies. In addition to the interaction of subtle bodies, there are also other mechanisms of retribution: under the influence of time, planets, nature, as well as suffering on the lower planets after a person leaves the body. All these methods of retribution are subject to the laws of the Universe and work as a single well-oiled mechanism. Therefore, in spite of the fact that we commit our offense “in secret”, punishment still remains inevitable. There are no secret actions in the Universe - this is the condition according to which the law of justice operates.

Invisible connections arise between the mind of a person and the events, people, objects around him. The connection between the mind and our object is sometimes quite strong, and in some cases reaches such a strength that it is not much different from the connection between the mind and the body. We sometimes even identify the object that belongs to us with ourselves. For example, drivers often ask each other, "Where have you turned?" However, if you look closely, the car turned.

Identification of ourselves with an object that belongs to us occurs on a subconscious level, and often serves as a tool in the implementation of our bad karma. Having lost an expensive item, we inevitably suffer. For example, it happens that with a slight breakdown of the car, the driver has a heart attack. Is the life of a car worth more than its own life? But regardless of our desire, the break with the thing we love is immediately imprinted in our minds. However, if a person is able not to get attached to this or that object, then bad karma only hurts his consciousness, but does not penetrate into the heart and does not cause suffering.

Not attachment to things around us is not mismanagement, but a deep understanding of the essence of things. Indeed, which of the material objects around us really belongs to us in this world? Nothing. We are born naked and we die naked. When and what fate will take from us according to the law of karma, we do not know. Then, one wonders, for what to live? The answer is this: for the sake of spiritual progress, which always remains with us. Whatever spiritual wealth we have accumulated, they will always be with us.

However, who will punish our offender? Let's go back to the theft example. In the subtle body of the thief's mind, after the theft he has committed, karmic changes beyond the control of anyone will occur. How many times the owner of the stolen thing will remember it, so many times the thief will experience it in his subtle body of mind. Moreover, if the victim even forgives the offender, then the laws of nature themselves will punish the offender in full. So there is no point in taking offense at anyone. At the same time, a person who considers himself the executor of punishment is himself doomed to inevitable suffering.

How do these ill-fated attachments arise that cause bad karma to affect us? After any of our acquisitions, undesirable connections of the mind with newly acquired things are established, which, by the way, age over time, break or deteriorate and, finally, are lost. Therefore, the Vedas do not recommend especially rejoicing in material gains: suffering after them is inevitable. Why? Because everything material is under the influence of invincible time and therefore tends to gradually collapse. We, having a spiritual nature, want to enjoy our favorite thing forever.

This statement about the need to be careful with respect to the objects of the surrounding world, equally applies to success, fame, beauty, luck, good position in society. All these are the same material acquisitions, but they have a subtle and not a gross material nature. All of them, according to the law of karma, first bring happiness, and then - suffering. Now what: gain nothing and strive for nothing? No, it is not. If a person acquires an object with only one purpose - to perform unselfish activities with its help, then this object will not bring him suffering. Moreover, if some kind of self-interest was still present, then with such a mood it will also be satisfied.

In this regard, the Bhagavad-gita, the foundational Vedic treatise, says that by filling a large reservoir, one can satisfy the needs of all the small reservoirs of water in the area. Likewise, when a person acts selflessly with lofty spiritual goals, all his little desires will be satisfied by themselves. This knowledge is a big secret for ordinary people living according to the law of their difficult karma. I hope this question of the need to strive not for material, but for spiritual gains is more or less clear, although it is actually very, very difficult to understand it.

Let's return to the mechanism of how the law of karma manifests itself in our life. We have already said that an act gives rise to the seed of sin or the seed of piety in the subtle body of the mind. If the deed is good, then the seed of piety will be planted in the mind, carrying material prosperity and the blessing of self-improvement. If the deed is bad, then the seed of sin will be planted in the mind, which will lead to increased suffering and degradation of a person. So, all the problems in our life begin with not knowing what to do. Further out of this ignorance, the seed of sin inevitably appears. The seed of sin stimulates us to sinful activities in two ways:

There is a desire to change their understanding of happiness so as to justify a sinful act. First a desire arises, and then a habit of acting sinfully. Further, as a result of sinful actions, the seed of sin grows and gives rise to the seed of sin. This sprout creates the habit of doing sin. Habit waters the seed of sin even more with bad deeds, and it gradually turns into a tree of sin. This tree has branches - these are new directions of bad thoughts and sinful activities. This tree has leaves - these are strong desires to live by sinful deeds. After a while, flowers appear as a feeling of satisfaction with such a life. Then bitter fruits emerge from the flowers - many sufferings.
