We Get Everything For Our Personal Dignity - Alternative View

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We Get Everything For Our Personal Dignity - Alternative View
We Get Everything For Our Personal Dignity - Alternative View

Video: We Get Everything For Our Personal Dignity - Alternative View

Video: We Get Everything For Our Personal Dignity - Alternative View
Video: You Will Wish You Watched This Before You Started Using Social Media | The Twisted Truth 2024, September

We live as we deserve

Why does anyone have a loyal loving person, a strong family, and children to be proud of, while others spend their lives alone?

Why do some people have good health, while others fall from illness to illness?

Why are some people given a wonderful job or, perhaps, their own flourishing business, which brings not only pleasure, but also an enviable profit, while others are given a boring unloved profession, where every penny counts?

Stop for a minute, do not ask unnecessary questions to anyone, but ask yourself why YOU are faced with these particular circumstances and living conditions. Look at all this from the outside and try to analyze how it happened that your life develops in a certain way at the moment. Think about why this state of affairs causes discontent?

& copy; Adam Martinakis
& copy; Adam Martinakis

& copy; Adam Martinakis

The answer here is quite simple: we live the way we deserve

And you should not make claims to others, because each person controls his own destiny. You have the family, the job, and the wealth you deserve. A powerful wave of protest rose within you at this phrase? This means that you are in "your truth", like each of the people to a greater or lesser extent. And if you do not do anything with this, do not be able to overpower yourself and try to evaluate your life from the outside, objectively, then there is no need to talk about any changes in life.

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Own truth

All people, to a greater or lesser extent, are in "their own truth", regardless of the level of development. What it is? These are personal views, opinions, values that have become ossified to such an extent that they have already formed a blank wall in front of a person, making it difficult to see the true state of affairs or something new in life. These are patterns of thoughts and actions that a person blindly adheres to, regardless of the situation and often does not want to recognize the possibility of going beyond this framework.

We receive everything for our personal dignity

You may ask, what are these abstract words, and how to measure the dignity?

Human dignity is, let's say, a gradual holistic development, which includes the development of both internal maturity and purity, as well as wisdom. We do not define the measure of our own dignity, it is done for us. Therefore, be angry: I deserve, why was it not given to me? Or trying to get what you want, thinking you deserve, is a vain effort. This is the same as taking an expensive car on credit and crashing it after a while. The car is gone, but the debt remains.

Here the question arises: why did this happen? Because he didn't deserve to have a car. For some parameters in life, a person lasted only a C, but at least a four with a plus is necessary so that the car is still given. Or, imagine a vessel that you substituted for the Universe (or God, if you believe in it) to fill with one kind or another goodness. And this vessel has two walls, but one does not. Or two high, and one barely five centimeters from the bottom rose. And then they will "pour" these five centimeters … What to do? To develop those inner qualities that you lack to get what you want. How do you know what these qualities are? Here it is better to address your problem to the Master, Mentor, psychologist.

We were born in this world to develop and change. If this does not happen, then the Universe pulls a person into the "backyard" of life and leaves him just to live out his life. To understand the level of your development, it is enough to look around. The society in which we find ourselves and the situations that indicate to us the state of affairs in our life, directly or indirectly - all these beacons constantly tell us about our shortcomings, mistakes, mistakes, and so on.

Everything in this world is in balance

This concept seems too ephemeral and vague, but it can be compared to the scales. One of them is inside you, and the other is outside. What and how much fit inside will affect some changes with a certain force already in the external world - these are the laws of systemology.

For example, the girl's father constantly said that it was dangerous to communicate with boys, trying to protect her from the best intentions. As a result, as an adult, a girl is afraid to strike up relationships with men, not knowing why, she feels insecure in relationships with them, and quickly enters the role of a victim. She will most likely receive a man who will use it. In any case, due to the attitudes that she was provided with in childhood, now in life she will have to experience some difficulties in relationships with men.

Or, a person lives according to the principle of the following attitudes: few people can be trusted, anyone can substitute and seeks their own benefit, the world is cruel, you need to survive. This means that in life he will come across precisely those people who are prone to hypocrisy, lies, cruelty, greed and so on. He simply will not see because of "his truth" that there is another life where you can negotiate, where there is support and friendliness.

It can also be explained like this:

Do you know the theory about the holographic nature of the world? Most scientists take its essence as a rule. To clarify the meaning of this theory, you can use the words of Hermes Trismegistus: "What is above is the same below."

Regardless of any beliefs, you will have to come to terms with the fact that in order to change the world around you, you need to start with yourself. There is no point in changing your profession, getting angry with your family, indignant at the lack of a normal salary, and so on.

Try to accept the circumstances in which you find yourself. They testify to the level of your development. The current living conditions can be called the starting point in the long development path at the beginning of which you are. Based on them, you need to understand in which direction to move further in order to achieve the set goals, what to work with, what to pay special attention to.

A worthy person is always grateful for what he has. By learning to accept and appreciate your life as it is now, you become ready to receive more. And nothing else.

Making efforts on yourself in various spheres of life, you will always receive a response from the world. Each step will be rewarded with a result that is proportional to the efforts and efforts spent. This is the measure of Worthiness. At times it may seem like you are getting too little for your hard work, but you are not. Remember that it is not the person who determines the measure. If the result does not meet expectations, then your dedication to work was not enough.

On the path to a better life, you will learn to be aware of your desires and needs, find the right solutions to problems, as well as the right ways to achieve your goal. Over time, you will understand what you really deserve, and what else needs to be done to get it. An objective analysis of one's own actions is the key to understanding the laws of the universe. Henceforth, you will feel the relationship between the efforts made and the benefits that the Universe measures for you.