Karma - This Is The Law Of The Universe - Alternative View

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Karma - This Is The Law Of The Universe - Alternative View
Karma - This Is The Law Of The Universe - Alternative View

Video: Karma - This Is The Law Of The Universe - Alternative View

Video: Karma - This Is The Law Of The Universe - Alternative View
Video: The 12 Laws Of Karma That Will Change Your Life 2024, September

Karma is the law of the universe, according to which every action committed by a person in a past life is followed by certain consequences that directly affect all his subsequent lives.

A person's essence consists of a material component (his flesh) and an energetic component (his soul). Unlike the flesh, the soul is immortal. When a person dies, his flesh turns into dust, while his soul, not subject to death and decay, takes on a new life, coming to this world in a new physical body.

If in a previous life a person led a righteous life without committing evil deeds, then his soul, not burdened by the mistakes and failures of past incarnations, begins a new earthly path, not burdened with the burden of misfortunes and failures.

If in a previous incarnation a person committed unkind acts and led an obscene lifestyle, offending and harming others, then his soul begins a new earthly life, burdened with uncorrected mistakes of past lives, and in order to develop further, it needs to correct these mistakes and sins, overcoming various life obstacles. It is impossible to evade overcoming obstacles and correcting mistakes, not corrected in this life, they will cross over and overtake in the next rebirth of the soul, since this is its karmic path.

Possible karmic mistakes and their consequences

According to esoteric ideas about the karmic law, the misdeeds committed by a person during his lifetime do not always mean only the most obvious grave sins that everyone knows about.

Certainly, murder, theft, betrayal will have the most dire consequences for the soul in its subsequent rebirths. But besides these atrocities, there are others that people sometimes do not think about.

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For example, it happens that people often do not value their parents, neglect their care and attention, do not help and do not participate in their fate, in this case, in the next life they may be born in a dysfunctional family or become orphans. To correct the karmic mistake, they need to overcome this life test, not give up, becoming like the destructive lifestyle of the family in which they were destined to be born, but grow up to be responsible people and become loving parents for their children. Thus, the karmic mistake will be corrected, and in the next rebirth the soul will no longer suffer so much.

It happens that two people sincerely love each other, but for certain reasons they cannot live in peace and harmony, constantly being in quarrels and scandals. Sooner or later, this relationship comes to an end, loving hearts part, while each of them could not let go of the situation and forgive their beloved. In this case, these two souls can get a second chance, meeting again in new incarnations. If two loving people can overcome all obstacles and misunderstandings in a new karmic relationship, they will eventually find a happy, joyful life. If again the relationship ended unsuccessfully with mutual claims and grievances, it is highly likely that in the next reincarnation they will meet again.

It happens that a woman in a past life committed a sin, not allowing her child to be born. After being reborn and coming to this world in a new body, she dreams of the joy of motherhood, but fate does not send her children as punishment for the mistake made by the soul in its past incarnation. The care and love given to the child from the orphanage will help to atone for the guilt and to correct the deed. There are often cases when a childless couple adopts children, and after a while a biological son or daughter appears in their family.

How to understand if there is a karmic connection with a person

Considering that many things happening in a person's life are destined for him by fate, the question involuntarily arises, how to recognize karmic relationships?

Esotericists claim that fateful meetings cannot be confused with anything. It can be love at first sight, when, by accidentally meeting eyes, people instantly understand that they were created for each other. Often the effect of "deja vu" happens, when it seems to people that they have already been in a similar situation or have already met this person somewhere.

A karmic connection is always accompanied by the development of violent feelings and emotions. At the beginning of a relationship, a loving couple is in euphoria, often in the first months of acquaintance, people experience the happiest moments in their lives. However, over time, emotions subside and conflicts and disagreements begin to occur in the family, which the loving couple will have to solve (after all, for this, the two souls met again). If compromises are found, relationships are forged, bringing peace and harmony to life. If frequent quarrels led to parting and mutual grievances, then the karmic path has not been passed, and, perhaps, these people will meet again in the next life.

Whether there are karmic connections or not, it is impossible to say for certain. No one has yet been able to confirm or deny this mysterious phenomenon. However, it is worth noting that those thoughts and actions that are considered good and kind in esotericism do not contradict the issues of morality and conscience in their generally accepted understanding. This means that, even without believing in karma, but doing good deeds, you can eventually find happiness and harmony.