Self-love Changes Karma - Alternative View

Self-love Changes Karma - Alternative View
Self-love Changes Karma - Alternative View

Video: Self-love Changes Karma - Alternative View

Video: Self-love Changes Karma - Alternative View
Video: TRUE VISIONS - Answers 1, Seg 3 2024, September

If you start to truly love yourself, you can correct your karma.

Karma is not at all a principle of punishing a crime. Karma is the principle of realizing a charge of energy - a charge of life force.

When we love ourselves, a charge of energy is created within us, which we direct to our living space. The directed life force forms for us situations in which our inner charge of self-love is realized - through people and events, is realized for the benefit of us and for the benefit of others.

When we do not love ourselves, a charge of energy is also created within us, which we also direct to our living space. But this charge realizes the opposite goals - it creates situations for us in which our self-dislike is realized - and also through people and events. And here there can no longer be any talk of any benefit for anyone.

Each of us wants to correct something in our life, to improve something, to form something. This "something" can be from any sphere of our life: love, relationships, family, work, financial well-being … And our desires are quite worthy, quite fulfilling.

The only problem is that desire is good, and the charge of energy that we direct to realize what we want pursues completely opposite goals. And karma does not follow our fantasies, but our energy. And this leads to the fact that we go to the person with the best intentions, and in return we receive from him a "face on the table"; we wanted the best - but it turned out as always …

And then we return home and ask ourselves: what did I do wrong? Why did my best intentions turn into problems? What kind of karma do I have?

And the answer is simple: what charge is so karma.

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For example, we want love and happiness in our personal lives. Our desire is very good and completely unfulfillable. But if we dig deeper into our desire, it turns out that we do not love ourselves. And we need a partner so that with his love for us he compensates us for our dislike for himself.

At the energy-informational level, it turns out that we charge the dream of love and happiness in our personal life with self-dislike. And what do we get as a result? The realization of the charge - the realization of self-dislike that comes to us in a new form - comes through a person's dislike for us. Karma did its job - led the cause to the investigation.

Or, for example, we want a good job with a decent salary. What is good work? - this is a job that makes us happy and for which we are appreciated. What is a “decent salary”? - this is money, which is enough for us to please ourselves with useful and pleasant acquisitions, through which we show love and care for ourselves.

That is: a good job is when we feel valuable, and a good salary gives us the opportunity to show love and care to ourselves.

The only problem is that if we do not love ourselves, we cannot charge the desire for a good job with adequate energy. We have a charge, and this is a charge of self-dislike. And the charge of self-dislike cannot realize the goal of “feeling your worth”.

In addition, the problem is aggravated by the fact that the desire for a decent salary is also charged with inadequate energy. We have no love for ourselves, so we subconsciously push away from ourselves a good salary, because we do not feel love and care for ourselves - we do not know how to use this good salary.

And as a result, what do we get? The job is not to my liking and the salary, which I am ashamed to talk about. Karma did its job - led the cause to the investigation.

Karma is very similar to the laws of physics: there is a hammer, and you can hit it on a nail, or you can hit it on your finger. But in both cases there will be the same hammer, and the same investment of forces. And the decisive moment is the force vector - in which direction the hammer is directed.

In our case, the direction of the hammer-karma determines either self-love or self-dislike.

And all you need to learn is to control the wind of your power. In our case - to be able to stably feel love for oneself inside oneself.

Here is the problem with stability …

Most often, the karma hammer hits the finger, but at some moments we still manage to hit the nail with it.

But how are these moments different? What drives these moments?

As a rule - external conditions.

When everything is good in our living space, when we are relaxed, when no one is pulling us, we unconsciously enter a state of love for ourselves and harmony with the world around us. Harmony outside forms harmony within us. And inner harmony reveals in us our love for ourselves, which we do not even really realize.

But life is alive. As the weather changes, so do the external circumstances. External harmony leaves and takes with it our inner self-love. And again we hit ourselves on the finger with our hammer-karma …

And it turns out that our whole life is completely dependent on capricious external conditions. As if we do not have our own home - as if we live on the street: now in the sun, now in the rain, now under the snow …

But in fact: self-love is our inner home, in which it is always warm and cozy. And when we have our own inner home of self-love, we are no longer dependent on external circumstances. We choose when to leave the house on a date with the outside world. And when external circumstances are unfavorable - we sit at home, stay in love with ourselves, we continue to direct the hammer-karma to the nail, not to the finger.

Self-love gives us freedom of choice - the choice of our karma. The laws of karma, like the laws of physics, are blind. They just are - they just act. And the eyes are with us.

And when we look through the eyes of self-love, we see where we ourselves direct karma, we see causes and effects, we manage our life as a whole.

Yes, Friends, karma can be controlled.

Karma even needs to be managed.

Karma was not designed to punish us, but so that we ourselves create causes and effects. Karma is not something outside of us; karma lives within us. And the roots of karma are woven into our self-love:).

And when we make self-love stable within ourselves, then our karma becomes stable and manageable. Driven by our love for ourselves:).

And then all our dreams come true:). And happiness in personal life, and harmonious relationships with children and parents, and friendship, and cooperation, and well-being, and self-realization - all this is realized, receiving the charge of our love for ourselves:).

Including, if we have already earned a flywheel of karma in some way and constantly hits us on the finger, it is not at all necessary to wait until the charge ends - when the karma ends.

It's all not true that one cannot get away from karma.

At any moment we can change the charge, correct karma. And if it seems to us that we will never be happy in our personal life, and we will never have a good job with decent earnings, then it only seems to us.

At any time you can change the course of events - change the line of your destiny. Because at any moment we can begin to love ourselves.

This is a very important point.

You don't have to wait for the right conditions to start loving yourself. Such conditions will never exist. We must create these conditions for ourselves - within ourselves.