Bad Karma: What Does It Mean? - Alternative View

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Bad Karma: What Does It Mean? - Alternative View
Bad Karma: What Does It Mean? - Alternative View

Video: Bad Karma: What Does It Mean? - Alternative View

Video: Bad Karma: What Does It Mean? - Alternative View
Video: Axel Thesleff - Bad Karma (Официальный Клип) 2024, September

The impact of karmic mechanisms is one of the most curious phenomena from the invisible world. A person has many trials, which include karmic ones.

Depending on past lives, a person accumulates negative and positive information. Generally, the beginning of life goes very well. What happens to a person seems to be quite normal: family, health, work, etc. For several years, nothing changes, and then suddenly a negative karmic program turns on. Why is this happening?

Karmic tests

The family is destroyed, the closest and dearest people leave, the financial situation deteriorates sharply regardless of social changes in the country, a person becomes sick or emotionally unstable. It looks like some kind of ridiculous prison in which he is serving his sentence.

After that, some begin to live in a new way, others continue to accumulate problems, and failures gather around them like a snowball. Despite a certain amount of individuality, each person has similar life experiences as his previous family members.

It is very easy to determine if you look at the life of your ancestors. For example: the grandfather abandoned his family, the father acted the same way, now … A similar situation occurs with his son. Whether it is an accident or a pattern, but in the end he cannot create a strong and close-knit family.

A destructive karmic program is similar to a genetic predisposition, in which many diseases are transmitted through the ancestral line. However, the principle of action of karma has little in common with the mechanism of "inheritance of sins" as it is interpreted in Christian religions.

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The fact is that a child is usually born in a family, whose soul has a similar karma, so that the mistakes of others are clearly presented, but people confuse this with reality.

Family karma exists only in theory, but in the karmic system, each person has their own "trial". And as soon as the karmic mechanism finds a "weak link" in the genus, the program begins to work with this particular person, then eliminating, or even more aggravated.

Karmic provocations

Many karmic tests are not actually a test, but only "karmic provocations." This means that negative consequences can still be avoided. For example, some people believe that black and white stripes exist in their lives and intuitively feel that every black stripe must be followed by white stripes.

These are the so-called karmic loops, which give a feeling of temporary relaxation and newly impending difficulties. Feeling the approach of a black band, a person becomes more responsible for their thoughts and actions. This is a good sign.

In the future, a person begins to understand that if he neglects any internal rule, the black stripe immediately makes itself felt. The next stage awaits those who have not succumbed to karmic provocations. When the problem has already been removed, another karmic lesson immediately arises. This post-karmic lesson should be accepted with humility.

In the future, there will be several such lessons, the faster a person goes through these stages, the faster the karmic knots are untied. And, on the contrary, unresolved problems of previous incarnations and problems of the present mean tightening of "karmic knots".

Karma, desires and feelings

Karmic provocations are mainly related to desires and sensual pleasures for people. The main mistake of man is that he identifies himself with his desires and feelings. Spirit and soul are one thing, but desires and feelings are completely different.


In the race for pleasure, a person's sense of proportion and conscience is dulled. To satisfy his desires, he is ready to go to great lengths, there is no point in reminding that the desire to possess something or someone can change a person beyond recognition.

If this whole process occurs unconsciously, then the karmic knots become so strong that a person becomes a slave to circumstances, although he looks quite well outwardly. In fact, a person feels this dependence every minute, experiences sudden bouts of inexplicable anxiety and fear of losing everything.

And the more he gains, the more painful it will be for him to lose … If a person's soul is sufficiently developed, then he knows how to control his desires and sensual pleasures, while he knows how to determine the correct direction of his intentions and actions, realizing that these things are somehow related to each other.

One of the ways to survive trials and prevent provocations is unperturbed consciousness, inner peace and tranquility, which are appreciated at all times. This quality gives a person a reasonable opportunity to navigate in any environment and act with maximum efficiency.

But how to act without showing any emotions?!..

Karma and emotions

It is necessary to understand that karmic programs are not only created, but are also created here and now, through our thoughts, emotions, feelings, actions, attitude to the world around us. You can create new attachments, want something new, do good and evil deeds, but the law of karma is indifferent to our EGO.

If each new incarnation begins to throw arrows of anger into his karma, constantly complaining about his bad fate, this process will never end.

The art of repentance

The art of repentance is the most powerful way of salvation from karmic slaps in the face and crushing blows of fate. This is stated in many religious and spiritual teachings. The meaning of repentance is that taking the test for granted, without looking for the guilty around, is a sign of a certain spiritual evolution of man. And if this does not lead to spiritual enlightenment, it will still bear its visible, not mythical, fruits.

There are many cases where voluntary acceptance of a test and prayer literally worked miracles. Initially, a thought or idea arises, and only then is it transformed into action or matter. In order to become the master of your program, you need to study your own information, which is in the subtle field of each person, and simply look into yourself.

Many people don't even know themselves and what they are capable of, not to mention frank conversations alone with themselves:

What I want?

Do I understand what I am doing?

Why am I doing this?

Can I bring evil?

What would happen if I wasn't there?

Did my actions negatively affect the fate of other people?

What depends on me?

The karmic body is one of the bodies that is given at birth, like the astral and mental. But like the physical body, we can weaken it and vice versa.

The karmic body "blooms" when the karmic program overtakes people in depression, when they are angry and gloomy, resentful, vulgar and aggressive. The natural feeling of love, friendship, and sincerity towards oneself and others weakens him.

Attachment to material goods and sensual pleasures, dependence on money and food, bad habits and thoughts of suicide are harmful in any case.

Karma and disease

Many people perceive a sudden illness as some kind of misunderstanding or misfortune. They do not understand that disease can serve different functions.

The first function of the disease is prevention. Thus, a person is given to understand in a mild form that he must live somehow differently, and most likely deviates from the natural spiritual path.

The second function of the disease is a stop signal. That is, a person is forced to stop activities that interfere with the normal course of any things. And sometimes karma says: "Stop, look around, think, is it worth living like this?"

The third function of the disease is the removal of mechanisms that allow a person to disseminate and introduce negative information into a single field called the Universe.

The results of treatment will depend on: correct understanding of the karmic causes of the disease; the severity of your karma; the degree of awareness and recognition of violations and mistakes; sincere desire to eliminate these errors and appropriate actions (if it is not too late).

Otherwise, the disease can be woven into a karmic knot and become even more serious in the next incarnation. So what, you say, my life is dear to me here and now …

As a result, the poor man, born, for example, 80 years later, will look for the causes of his troubles, just like you do today. After all, he does not know that you are him. The circle closes again and again. It is a pity that a person does not remember his previous incarnations … But this is a completely different story.