Birds As Sacred Symbols Of Different Countries And Peoples - Alternative View

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Birds As Sacred Symbols Of Different Countries And Peoples - Alternative View
Birds As Sacred Symbols Of Different Countries And Peoples - Alternative View

Video: Birds As Sacred Symbols Of Different Countries And Peoples - Alternative View

Video: Birds As Sacred Symbols Of Different Countries And Peoples - Alternative View
Video: How Birds Really See the World 2024, September


FALCON - he used it in Russian songs and fairy tales with great honor. He was called nothing less than "young - the falcon is clear", dignifying the same name and handsome - good fellows. Hawkeye - keen eyes: "You can't hide from the hawk's eye!" - says the witty people. Fairy-tale heroes turn into falcons in order to instantly overcome unthinkable distances, suddenly hit the enemy, imperceptibly appear in front of the red maiden. One of the most mysterious and charming heroes of Russian fairy tales is called Finist-Yasny Sokol for a reason. In his name, you can clearly hear the mention of the undying phoenix. Well, every Russian girl invariably calls her lover proudly and affectionately: "My clear falcon!.."




The dove, like many other birds, has been surrounded by superstition since ancient times. A flock of pigeons that are sitting ruffled on the roof of a house foreshadows a thunderstorm, and a lone white dove on a chimney promises death to some of the inhabitants of the house. It also marks the death of a dove that flies into the house, or a wild dove that suddenly becomes tame. If a bird sits on the kitchen table, someone in the house will get sick.

Killing doves is considered a grave sin, since it is a sacred bird, for the Lord appeared to Mary in his image.

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“Pigeons have been sacred birds of many ancient religions. In Syria, they were the birds of Astarte, in Greece - Aphrodite, in whose chariot they were harnessed. The white dove is considered the messenger of Venus, that is, a good bird that brings good luck to lovers. According to Indian legend, the souls of loving are enclosed in white doves."

Among the ancient Jews, pigeons were considered a symbol of purity and were sacrificed during purification rites. In Mecca, to this day, Muslims treat them respectfully and never kill. For Christians, the dove is a symbol of the Holy Spirit. An old legend says that the devil and his servants - witches and sorcerers - can, at will, take the form of almost any bird, but never a dove.

In the past, a pigeon's heart, punctured with pins, was used by girls suffering from love or wanting to take revenge on their lover on a spree to summon them to themselves, and sometimes it was burned over a high fire as part of a ritual designed to break the spell.

“A connoisseur of Russian antiquity, I. Sakharov, wrote at one time: The charms over the pigeon's heart are equally consoling to both young and old. Young people believe that a pigeon's heart is the right way to love, while the old ones believe that with such a heart you can attract favor from all people and for life … The villagers choose white doves, a dove and a dove. Having cut the insides, they take out the hearts, wash them in water and then dry them in the oven. These hearts, dried and tied in linen, are then worn near their hearts …"

“Witch doctors pound a dry pigeon heart, give drink on morning and evening dawn to children suffering from evil ailments - writhing … Evil old men and disgusting old women, out of hatred for conjugal love of young people, kidnap enchanted pigeon hearts, burn them in the bathhouse, with the intention of destroying the good relations of the husband and wives. But far-sighted peasants have come up with a remedy against this evil: they, in turn, steal the shirts of these people, burn them, and put the ashes under the threshold, to trample on all passing people."

In the recent past, rural healers brought down the temperature by applying halves of a cut pigeon to the feet of a sick person to draw off the heat. It was believed that pigeon blood also possesses healing properties. Healers took a white dove and, having killed, released its blood into a special vessel. Then this vessel was placed in a dark, dry and cool place for gradual drying.

When the blood finally turned into a solid mass, it was thoroughly ground into a fine powder, and then, always in the early morning, it was applied to sore spots, or, mixed with a small amount of water, was instilled into the eyes. People sincerely believed that such instillation was the best remedy for improperly growing eyelashes, which sometimes cause severe eye irritation.

A superstition has survived to this day that it is impossible to die while lying on a pillow or feather bed containing pigeon feathers. This is explained by the fact that the dove serves as a symbol of the Holy Spirit, and where the Holy Spirit is, there can be no death.

By the omen, a pigeon never flies to an unkind person. And if pigeons constantly live under the roof of your house, then your home will never burn down. By the way, if a white dove is thrown into a burning house, then the fire will definitely go out.

Domestic pigeons that suddenly left their native dovecote and settled somewhere in your yard buildings portend that something good and joyful will happen in your house. If a domestic or wild pigeon sits on the window and bites something, you will receive a letter soon. However, if at this moment a patient is lying in the house, then there is a high probability that he will die.

Seeing pigeons in a dream is a happy family life. Catching a dove in a dream means marrying a bachelor, and a married man marking the birth of a daughter, catching a dove means a quick marriage to a girl, and a married woman having a son. To kill a dove foreshadows an imminent quarrel with one of your close friends.


The ancients called her one of the happiest birds on earth - a symbol of spring, rebirth and the awakening of nature. To see the first swallow before the others have arrived is a very happy omen.


Misfortunes on the offender's head

Democritus quite seriously believed that people learned how to build houses from swallows. There is a legend that a swallow collects poppy juice to restore sight to children born blind. It is also believed that the swallow, with its black and white feathers, signifies the transition from the darkness of winter to the light of spring.

In ancient times, swallows were respected everywhere. They were such a favorite bird that they could freely nest in temples and government buildings.

According to popular legend, during the crucifixion of Christ, the swallows tried to alleviate his suffering, stole nails, removed thorns from the crown of thorns, and carried water to the Savior.

According to other legends, a special honor is given to the swallow as the bird that brought fire to mankind. In carrying out this dangerous task, she found her red markings and smoky blue feathers. The devils chased her with a smut, but did not catch her. They just hit the smut. This makes her head black.

In Russia, the swallow was called the housekeeper, since they believed that she brought golden keys from across the sea, with which she opened summer and closed winter. By the Annunciation, when swallows flew in from the warm lands, Russian peasants baked "swallows" with open wings and performed special rituals.

It is generally considered a good sign if a swallow has made a nest under the eaves of a house or on a balcony. Such a home will be protected from fire and lightning and will be happy in general. But if the swallow subsequently leaves this nest or does not return to it next year, this is a bad omen.

They also believed that the girl would soon get married if a swallow made a nest in her house, winds around the windows or flies into her house. If lovers see a couple of swallows together in the spring, there will be a wedding. And the marriage itself will be happy if a swallow flies by during the wedding.

It is very bad to destroy a swallow's nest. Even today, few people dare to do this, and in the old days it was considered a terrible sin.

The belief that misfortune will inevitably follow the destruction of the swallow's nest is still alive in the countryside, and the villagers very rarely decide on such blasphemy. A Spanish proverb says: whoever kills a swallow kills his mother.

The one who kills the swallow brings misfortune on himself, on his house, on his farm, on cattle, will be killed by lightning, his head will be covered with scab. His hair will fall out, relatives will die, children will become deaf, blind, or injured. The offender will be punished by a poor harvest, the cow will lose milk.

According to one of the signs, if a swallow dies in a person's hand, this is an ominous omen, regardless of whether it was the reason for it or not.

"Swallow broth" - from hysteria

And yet, despite all its undoubted merits, the swallow also has a dark side. In Great Britain it is considered a devil bird because, like a magpie, it has a drop of Satan's blood under its tongue. Also, the Irish believe that every person has several deadly hairs on their heads, and a swallow can kill anyone if it pulls out these hairs.

A swallow flying over the house brings good luck, but flying into a pipe or room portends death. In Germany, many swallows perched on eaves predict poverty. In some regions, a solitary swallow flying over a cow or horse is a sign that this animal will fall. If a swallow accidentally flies under a cow, then it will then have bloody milk. And if she sits on the shoulder or palm of a person, he will not live long.

If the swallow has defecated on you or on your clothes, there will be death in your family. And not yours, but your loved ones.

At the same time, the German peasant opened the gate wide by the time the swallows arrived and was very pleased when the swallow was making a nest in a barn, stable or under the roof of a house.

Celandine was once called swallow grass due to the old belief, mentioned by Pliny, that swallows use it to improve the visual acuity of their chicks.

It is believed that swallows have a special stone in their stomachs. If you take it out of the body of a bird during the August full moon, then with the help of it you can heal epilepsy and blindness, protect yourself from all kinds of dangers. In addition, this stone guarantees the love of the desired woman, and if placed under the tongue, it bestows eloquence.

“Another remedy for epilepsy in the past was swallow broth, a concoction of swallow carcasses, mashed with feathers, mixed with white wine. This same "medicine" cured hysteria, paralysis and kidney disease."

Ashes of a burnt swallow's nest, applied together with honey to the throat, were recommended by healers for angina.

Parts of the body of the swallow were also used in love "attachments". For a man who wanted to bewitch this or that woman, the sorcerers advised to dry and grind into powder the heart of a dove, the liver of a sparrow, the cloaca of a swallow and the nucleoli of a hare, add the same amount of his own blood and let the person in whom the man was especially interested to eat. In addition, you can bewitch any woman if you just carry a swallow's heart with you.

You can guess by the swallows. If birds are flying over your head, this portends peace and harmony in the house. Swallows sitting on wires mean a gradual and steady progress towards well-being and prosperity. To see, leaving the house, a swallow's nest - to a change of place of residence. Hearing the chirping of swallows outside the window is good news. Swallows flying high in the sky - your plans are impracticable. If the swallows accompany you on the way from home, you are destined for a happy journey. The happier the more of them, and the faster they flap their wings.

If you want others to be welcoming and welcoming to you, take any small pebble and put it in the swallow's nest for seven days. After this time, the pebble must be carefully removed from the nest. In no case should the socket be damaged. Place the pebble in a prominent place at home for three days. You can then carry it with you in the right breast pocket of your shirt or jacket.

In France, there was such a belief: in order to win the love of a woman, you need to give her a ring, which lay for nine days in a swallow's nest.

Old swallows turn into frogs

The arrival of swallows in the spring in the past was the occasion for a variety of magical actions. In Russia, at the sight of the first swallow, they threw a handful of earth on her nest, tried to wash and wipe her face so that there were no freckles, acne or sunburn. It was believed that if you wash yourself at the sight of the first swallow, you will become playful and cheerful, you will get rid of drowsiness and various diseases.

At the sight of the first swallow, our ancestors also took the earth from under their feet and looked for hair in it. What color it turned out to be, such a color, and you should have bought a horse so that it would please the brownie.

In France, there was a different tradition about hair in the land. A single French guy, seeing the first swallow, looked at his feet and, finding hair, determined by its color whether his future wife would be a blonde or a brunette.

In Serbia, they did it differently. Seeing the first swallow, they took off their shoes and examined the soles. Found adhering white hair on them portended happiness.

The Germans in a similar situation raised a coal from under their feet. It was necessary to carry it with you all year, it protected from headaches. In Silesia, quickly, until the bird flew away, they lay down on their backs. They believed that after that the back would not hurt for the whole year. In Switzerland, when they saw a swallow, they clapped their pockets to jingle coins, then the whole year was lucky in the household and in games

In Ukraine, Belarus and Poland, there are widespread beliefs about the hibernation of swallows in the water. Allegedly, on the day of Simeon the Stylite (December 14), the swallows gather together and complain to this saint that sparrows occupied their nests, and their children ruined them. Immediately after that, or at the Exaltation (December 27), they hide in the wells.

According to other beliefs, swallows hide in rivers, lakes and ponds, interlock with their legs or wings in chains and sleep under water until spring. It was said that fishermen more than once caught whole garlands of sleeping birds from under the ice, brought them home, where they came to life in the warmth near the stove.

In the spring, only young swallows fly out of the water, which were born last year, while the old ones fall off their feathers, and they turn into … frogs!

In China, the swallow personifies loyalty, future success, and favorable changes. Among the Egyptians, these birds are dedicated to Isis. They are the eternal northern stars flying over the River of Life. In Greco-Roman tradition, the swallow is dedicated to Aphrodite (Venus). In the Japanese, the swallow personifies both infidelity and commitment to the home, as well as maternal care.

A dream of swallows means that you will be surrounded by love and comfort. Tired or injured swallows portend sadness.


SOVA: the messenger of the underworld.


Despite the fact that we often call smart people "wise owls", this bird is considered unlucky. Almost all nocturnal birds, and especially those whose screams sound dark and mysterious, evoke superstitious fears - and the owl is the most.

“There is a belief that a witch often has a creature next to her, which is not just a pet, but also a close friend and companion - a companion. Such an animal is often a cat, toad, dog, rat or, more often, an owl, which is present at witches' sabbaths, and witches wear owl feathers in their hair as decorations. Owls, however, usually carry out various assignments of witches."

Perhaps it was this circumstance that served as the source of the idea for the writer J. K. Rowling to make owls the postmen in the magical world of the Hogwarts school.

The idea turned out to be interesting, but English wildlife advocates are now sounding the alarm, as the fashion for owls has affected so many Englishmen. Snowy owls are in particular danger - this is exactly the bird that the young wizard Harry Potter had. In this regard, the Royal Society for the Conservation of Birds urges not to purchase them for keeping at home.

Naturally, people in Russia are familiar with books and films about Harry Potter. This is evidenced by the catastrophic decrease in the owl population in the Central Black Earth Region. The owl has become a cult bird again. Many Russians are eager to get a feathered creature to their home or, at worst, to acquire a stuffed animal.

Owl feather - from the evil eye

From time immemorial, the owl was considered a messenger of misfortune. The ancient Romans abhorred her, associated her with death and catastrophes, and when they saw her in the city during the day, they caught her and immediately burned her, and publicly poured ashes into the Tiber.

Obviously, the owl's notoriety, both in our time and in the days of the Romans, arose from its habit of flying at night and from its sad hooting-like cries.

"Pliny called the owl a funerary nocturnal bird, and Spencer called the terrible herald of death."

“There is no such people who do not have legends associated with owls. The ancient Greeks endowed owls with the wisdom of the gods: it was not for nothing that the owl was the eternal companion of the wisest of the Greek goddesses, Pallas Athena. In old Armenian legends, the owl was identified with the devil. In Russia, in the old days, it was believed that if an owl hit the window at night, it would be a misfortune in this house. In Kazakhstan, residents keep feathers from the breast of a bird as an expensive talisman that protects children and animals from the evil eye."

In Egyptian mythology, the owl symbolizes death, night, cold and passivity. She belongs to the kingdom of the night sun, descending beyond the horizon and crossing a lake or sea of darkness.

In India, the owl was revered as the patron saint of the night and the messenger of the afterlife, called upon to escort souls to the kingdom of the dead. In addition, the owl serves as a mount for the goddess Durga, the consort of Shiva in one of her formidable incarnations.

In China, the owl was associated with lightning and thunder. On the other hand, she was associated with cruelty, evil, crime, death, ungrateful children.

For the Indians of North America, the owl symbolized wisdom and prophecy, it was believed that it could come to the rescue. Owl feathers in a headdress served as protection.

In ancient Mexico, the rain goddess was worshiped in the form of a sacred owl. Among the Aztecs and Mayans, the owl symbolized a certain demonic nocturnal creature and was an attribute of the god of the underworld, a messenger of death or a guide of souls in the other world.

Among the Pueblo Indians, she was associated with the Skeleton Man, who was both the deity of death and the lord of fertility.

In Christianity, the owl symbolized the forces of darkness, desolation, solitude, sorrow, bad news. The cry of an owl is a death song. As a nocturnal and generally mysterious creature, the owl has become a symbol of evil spirits and witchcraft.

In Judaism, the female night demon Lilith is depicted in the company of an owl.

In marriage symbolism, she acts as a symbol of a widow or an old maid. The owl is also credited with the role of the keeper of underground riches, treasures, a tear-grass, helping to open any locks.

In the legends of King Arthur, the wizard Merlin is often described with an owl on his shoulder. The owl is also the sacred bird of the sorceress Calypso, who kept Odysseus on her island for seven years.

What the owl screams about

If an owl flies into the house, it portends desolation. When an owl hoots for three nights in a row near a dwelling, this is perceived by many as a sign of death. In addition, owls can be associated with the birth of a child. If she screams during childbirth, the baby will grow up unhappy. In France, if a pregnant woman hears an owl, she will have a baby girl. And if an owl and a raven are crying, sitting on the roof, - to the deceased.

If an owl sits on a church and shouts at it, then the priest will either be replaced, or he will soon die, or the church will burn down.

An owl screaming at the edge of the forest foreshadows an imminent flood.

As you know, the owl is an improvised evil spirits and very often guards the conspired treasures. It is also believed that the heart of an owl placed in an anthill drives the ants away. If an owl's heart is put together with his left leg or at least one claw on a soundly sleeping person, he will immediately begin to tell what he thinks to do in the future, and will reveal all his innermost secrets.

Owl claws were worn for protection from sorcery. A close relative of the owl, the eagle owl is considered to be the "owl's brother-in-law" and is a constant companion of the devil.

In the past, it was unconditionally believed that whoever looked into an owl's nest would be gloomy and melancholy all his life after that.

In some European countries, until recently, it was believed that the cry of an owl, heard in the late evening from one of the cemetery trees, was a sign that one of the unmarried girls had lost her virginity.

According to one of the beliefs, owls live in churches and drink lamp oil, and nest in ruins, because these places are usually inhabited by spirits.

In Italy, an owl that flew into the house was immediately killed, and if it flew away, then it took all the luck out of the house.

As many remember, in Shakespeare's Macbeth used the wing of an owlet for witchcraft, and even earlier Horace mentions the feathers of an owl as an ingredient in witch's brew.

However, various parts of the owl carcass were also used for good. For example, village healers gave owl broth to children from whooping cough, and the eggs of a bird that saw well in the dark, together with the shells crushed into powder, helped restore vision.

It was also believed that if a drunken drunkard was given an owl's egg, knocked into a cup, from that moment he would begin to hate strong drinks with the same force with which he had loved until then. A similar belief came from Ancient Greece, where it was believed that if such an egg was given to a child, he would never grow up into a drunkard.

For gout, the development of which is promoted by frequent alcohol consumption, they were treated with salted owl, epilepsy and insanity - with boiled bird brains. In Germany, in order to protect themselves from the terrible consequences of being bitten by a rabid dog, the heart and right leg of an owl were constantly worn under the armpit of the left hand.

Even in pragmatic America, they still believe in various owl omens, and if they hear a terrible hoot in front of their house, they immediately light up the fireplace and put a shovel into it. Thus, according to popular belief, it is possible to avoid the death of an owl.

In some countries, owls are credited with the properties of preventing disasters and warding off evil. In Japan, owl figurines are placed at home to avoid hunger and epidemics.

Two years ago, in November 2005, residents of the Romanian town of Sukeva were seriously alarmed by the unprecedented invasion of owls. For some unknown reason, hundreds of night birds flocked to the city and occupied all the trees!

Despite the fact that owls do not cause much harm, the townspeople asked the authorities to take all measures to drive the birds out of the city. The fact is that owls in Romania are notorious and are considered messengers of bad news. There is a superstition among local residents that if an owl makes a nest near the house, then one of its residents will surely die.

Hogwarts School Postmen

“There is a belief that a witch often has a creature next to her, which is not just a pet, but also a close friend and companion - a companion. Such an animal is often a cat, toad, dog, rat or, more often, an owl, which is present at witches' sabbaths, and witches wear owl feathers in their hair as decorations. Owls, however, usually carry out various assignments of witches."

Perhaps it was this circumstance that served as the source of the idea for the writer J. K. Rowling to make owls the postmen in the magical world of the Hogwarts school.

The idea turned out to be interesting, but English wildlife advocates are now sounding the alarm, as the fashion for owls has affected so many Englishmen. Snowy owls are in particular danger - this is exactly the bird that the young wizard Harry Potter had. In this regard, the Royal Society for the Conservation of Birds urges not to purchase them for keeping at home.

Naturally, people in Russia are familiar with books and films about Harry Potter. This is evidenced by the catastrophic decrease in the owl population in the Central Black Earth Region. The owl has become a cult bird again. Many Russians are eager to get a feathered creature to their home or, at worst, to acquire a stuffed animal.

Because of potteromania, a real boom has begun in the regions of Russia, scientists say. Owls are caught en masse for sale.

True, buyers have practically no idea how to keep this mysterious bird. And the point is not only that in reality owls do not speak, do not know how to deliver letters and absolutely do not lend themselves to training.

Keeping owls feeding on mice at home is very difficult, experts say. In addition, the life cycles of a person and an owl do not coincide. Owls are nocturnal birds, so when dusk falls, they behave very restlessly.

By the way, hearing the sad cry of an owl in a dream is a warning that death comes after joy and health. This dream is followed by bad news about the absent. A dead owl in a dream means that you can barely avoid serious illness or death. An owl seen in a dream means that secret intrigues are being built against you.




An ancient tradition makes storks a duty to bring children to expectant families, and therefore this bird is still widely considered a symbol of love and birth.

Stork's law

The stork is a sacred bird in various mythological traditions. In Christianity, as a harbinger of spring, he is considered a symbol of new life, purity, chastity, prudence, vigilance.

The idea that the stork brings children is most common among the Slavs. According to one of the legends, he pulls children out of the swamp, brings them in a basket and throws them into the house through the chimney.

According to the Kashubian legend, the stork throws frogs into the chimney, which, after passing through the chimney, take on a human form, moreover, from the frogs found in the meadow or in the field, peasants come from, and from those found near the water - fishermen.

These birds were highly revered in the ancient world. Pythagoras believed that dead poets were turning into storks, and Plutarch reported that the killed stork was punished with death.

“The white stork was the epitome of parenting. It was believed that when old birds lose their plumage, young storks pluck out their feathers and dress their parents. Perhaps that is why in ancient Rome the prescription to take care of parents was called the Stork's Law."

Among the Romans, the stork symbolized piety, filial affection and was considered an attribute of Juno. Among the Chinese, it meant longevity, a happy and peaceful old age, the filial piety of a worthy, alien to temptation, living in solitude hermit.

On the Annunciation to the arrival of storks, special bread was baked with the image of a bird's leg. Children tossed them up, addressing the stork with a request for a harvest. In the southern provinces of Russia, children welcomed storks in the spring in the hope that they will bring them a wallet with money.

“In the spring, at the first meeting with a stork in the past, they threw themselves on the ground or bowed low to him. If at that time a person had money in his pocket, this foreshadowed imminent wealth

In Germany, they believed that if a young girl saw a stork flying for the first time in the spring, she would become a bride, a standing godfather this year. In France, according to a similar belief, a girl who saw a couple of storks in the spring was supposed to get married this year, and if she was single, she should stay “single” for another year.

The cry of the first stork, heard on an empty stomach, brings misfortune or at least strife in the family and smashing of dishes in the kitchen throughout the year.

Anyone who wants to be strong on his feet should run after him at the sight of the first stork in the spring, crouching and tumbling. If someone sees a stork for the first time in the spring at rest, he will be weak on his legs all year round, and will constantly get tired when walking.

“To avoid back pain, when you see a stork, you should lean against a tree or fence

According to legend, storks are the only ones from the bird tribe with a soul and similar to human fingers. They understand the language of a person, cry with tears, pray to God (scream), each married couple is inseparable, and in the event of the death of one of the spouses, the other voluntarily goes to death after him. The stork can even commit suicide out of jealousy!

Enemy of witches and sorcerers

It is believed that in the past, the stork was a man. Once God gave him a bag of snakes and toads and told him to throw it into the sea. The man, out of curiosity, untied the sack, and all the evil spirits again spread over the ground. As a punishment, God turned man into a stork, so that from now on he would cleanse the earth of reptiles and other parasites, which witches and sorcerers love to turn into.

With shame, the stork's nose and legs turned red.

Tradition also states that the stork flew around the crucified Christ, sympathizing with the son of God. Naturally, killing a stork is a very bad omen.

According to the Arabian belief, the souls of Muslims who have never made the prescribed pilgrimage to the sepulcher of the Prophet Muhammad in their lives are converted into storks. Therefore, they are forced to do this after death like a bird.

This bird is also known for affection for chicks, and therefore people believe that when two lovers see a couple of storks, this means an imminent wedding and childbirth.

The one who saved or saved the stork or its chicks from some troubles is rewarded as a steward - his whole life will be accompanied by happiness and good luck.

The house where the stork built a nest is protected from all sorts of troubles. Therefore, if, for some reason, the stork left the nest on the roof and moved the chicks, there is a fire in the house or lightning will definitely hit it.

In some families, where the mistress is sterile, but good to the birds, storks slowly bring newborn babies, who are carried away from paradise. It is believed that these are babies who died baptized. They did not have time to sin, so they can be given a new life.

If storks get lost in flocks - expect natural disasters: earthquakes or hurricanes.

“If the stork does not fly far from its nest, but keeps close to it, then this portends bad weather

“Our ancestors believed that if a stork throws its egg out of its nest, it portends a hungry year.

If during the summer storks often gather in flocks and whirl, then the coming autumn is expected to be cold and rainy, and if they do not fly south before the Savior, then the next winter promises to be mild and warm.

A talisman in your home

Healers prescribed stork bones to be carried with them to those who wanted to get rid of love passion. In Bulgaria, the fried stomach of a stork was considered the best remedy for the evil eye and spoilage, and in Germany its blood was drunk to maintain shaky health.

At the same time, those who dared to kill a stork for some of their own benefits incurred terrible misfortunes. After all, violation of the prohibition against ruining a stork's nest, destroying chicks and especially killing a stork is considered a grave sin and promises the offender death, the death of his mother or father, bodily deformities, blindness, deafness, irreparable damage to the farm, milk with blood from cows.

It was believed that for every stork killed, fate would also take one child from a person.

According to Polish beliefs, in order to stop the rains caused by the killing of a stork, it was advised to bury him as a person in a coffin in a cemetery.

To protect against the evil eye, the ancient Romans and the inhabitants of Transcaucasia depicted a stork on vases. However, even today, the image of this bird in the house can help the owner and his family live in peace and prosperity. The talisman can be an image of a stork on any household item and even on a car key ring.

In most countries, there are similar beliefs about the mythical "land of storks". So, in France it was believed that their homeland is Mount Sinai, where storks become people. In Morocco, they believed that they were residents of a remote and inaccessible island in the ocean at the end of the world.

The inhabitants of Bulgaria believed that storks go to winter in a distant land, where, after swimming in a wonderful lake, they acquire a human form, and in the spring, having plunged into another body of water, they turn into birds again and return, since in their land God forbade them to acquire offspring.

The ancient Germans correlated the bird with the goddess Holda, who brought the rebirth of nature in the spring. They fly in as her messengers, and in the fall they return to the light kingdom of the goddess, which is located in the fairyland of elves and gnomes, and there they take human form.

If in a dream you see a stork sitting on the roof of a house or in a nest, everything will be safe in your family life, and if you have not yet built a family, then a happy marriage awaits you.

If it flies right over you, it means that you will be lucky and all your difficulties will soon be overcome. However, if a stork flies to the side, then in real life you may face the indifference of the people around you.

If you are getting ready to get married, a stork flying aside in your dream is a sign that you are facing some difficulties with the conclusion and registration of marriage.

If you dream of two storks in a nest, this is for a wedding, for a long and happy family life, for the appearance of children.

“White stork in a dream - to profit (material or spiritual), to a pleasant meeting

If you dreamed about a dead stork, you should expect a quick and big disappointment in life.


The one-headed eagle was the sacred emblem of Zeus-Jupiter. Among the Greeks, it was dedicated to the Sun, among the Egyptians, under the name Ah, - Horus, the Copts worshiped an eagle named Achom. The crowned rulers of Europe (Russia, Poland, Germany, Austria and Napoleon Bonaparte) made the two-headed Eagle their symbol. In the alchemical tradition, the eagle is likened to air and is denoted by a triangle with its apex up with a transverse in the middle. The double eagle in alchemy means androgynous mercury (Mercury).


The constellation of the Eagle is above Aquarius, which literally follows the movements of the bird. Aquarius is identified with Ganymede and this myth is commented on as the need of the gods for the uranian forces of life in the person of the abducted Ganymede. It is widely used in the symbolization system in connection with the sun and sky. The ability to fly quickly and climb so high as to surpass low powers is the main characteristic of the eagle's symbolism. Due to the speed and courage of flight, it is associated with lightning and thunder. Refers to the elements of air and fire. Solar bird. A symbol of the height of the spirit and spiritual principle. Like a lion among beasts, the eagle is perceived as a royal bird. He is sometimes depicted with a lion's head. It is universally associated with the gods of power and war. It is identified with the sun, with activity. In Egyptian hieroglyphics, the letter A, meaning the beginning, the solar heat of the day,represented by an eagle. It acquired special importance among the Greeks in connection with the abduction of Ganymede. Aristotle argued that an eagle can look directly at the rising sun. On the banners of the Roman legionaries there was an image of an eagle. On Roman coins, the eagle appeared as an emblem of the imperial power and legions. In Roman art, he was depicted as admiring the soul of the emperor to heaven.

Known as a messenger in the Vedic tradition. In oriental art, he is often depicted fighting in the form of a Garuda bird, attacking a snake. In ancient Syria, an eagle with human hands symbolized sun worship. In the Bible, the eagle means the greatness and omnipotence of God. An eagle carrying a sacrifice is a sign of the victory of the high over the low, and in this sense, in a number of iconographies, it depicts the principle of the Father, the Logos. Dante calls the eagle the bird of God.

In the Middle Ages, it was a symbol of baptism and rebirth, as well as Christ in his ascension. Mystics compare the image of an eagle flying into the sky with a prayer ascending to the sky. It is perceived as a symbol of contemplation and spiritual knowledge. Attribute of John the Evangelist. Alchemically, an eagle tormenting a lion means the rise of the changeable over the constant: wings are a sign of the spirit, the flight of an eagle is a sign of the victory of imagination or spiritualized activity over materialized tendencies. In the sign of Gemini, the eagle undergoes doubling. A double-headed eagle appears - one of the signs of Janus. Like a hermaphrodite, he is depicted in two colors: red and white. Psychologically, the eagle stands for pride among the seven deadly sins. Of the four basic virtues, the eagle stands for justice and justice. Continuing the Roman tradition, the German Empire adopted the imperial eagle insignia in its coat of arms. And Russia, continuing the Byzantine tradition, became the successor to the two-headed imperial eagle.

Being an eagle is a metaphor for a lucky person.

Birds in Slavic mythology

… “Why don't people fly like birds?” * Anyone, probably, a person knows the feeling of flight - everyone flew in childhood in a dream. And then all our lives we lack this feeling, and therefore we are so envious of birds. And we readily accept them as mysterious creatures endowed with mystical abilities, capable of predicting the future, bringing happiness or just luck.

The bird in Slavic mythology occupies a special and very significant place. The supreme deity Rod - the beginning of all beginnings, in its earthly incarnation took the image of a gray duck, which was his symbol and the bearer of his strength. It was this duck that laid two eggs - Reality and Nav - the embodiment of good and evil, life and death …

The images of birds that have come down from the depths of time are very diverse, which is explained by the huge territories inhabited by Slavic peoples. In general, for simplicity of perception, I would divide the birds, endowed with the folk consciousness with mystical qualities, into three groups.

The first must include mythical creatures - half-birds, half people who have the gift of prophecy and the ability to bring people trouble or happiness, grief or good luck. These include Gamayun, Alkonost, Sirin, Stratim and Phoenix.


Messenger of the Slavic gods, their herald. She sings divine hymns to people and proclaims the future to those who agree to listen to the secret.


In the old "Book, Verb Kozmografiya", the map depicts a round plain of the earth, washed on all sides by a river-ocean. On the east side is marked “Makariysky Island, the first under the very east of the sun, near the blessed paradise; because it is so denounced that birds of paradise Gamayun and Phoenix fly into this island and wear out a wonderful fragrance. " When Gamayun flies, a deadly storm emanates from the east of the sun.

Gamayun knows everything about the origin of earth and sky, gods and heroes, people and monsters, animals and birds. According to ancient belief, the cry of the Gamayun bird portends happiness.


This is a wonderful bird, an inhabitant of Iria, a Slavic paradise.


Her face is feminine, her body is that of a bird, and her voice is sweet, like love itself. Having heard Alkonost singing with delight, he can forget everything in the world, but there is no evil from her to people, unlike her friend Sirin the bird. Alkonost lays eggs "at the edge of the sea", but does not incubate them, but plunges them into the depths of the sea. At this time, the weather is calm for seven days - until the chicks hatch.

The Slavic myth about Alkonost is similar to the ancient Greek legend about the girl Alcyone, turned by the gods into a kingfisher.


This is one of the birds of paradise, even its very name is consonant with the name of paradise: Iriy.


However, these are by no means bright Alkonost and Gamayun.

Sirin is a dark bird, a dark force, a messenger of the ruler of the underworld. From the head to the waist, Sirin is a woman of incomparable beauty, from the waist - a bird. Whoever listens to her voice forgets about everything in the world, but soon is doomed to troubles and misfortunes, or even dies, and there is no strength to make him not listen to Sirin's voice. And this voice is true bliss!


Ancient legends say that Stratim-bird - the progenitor of all birds - lives on the sea-ocean, like Alkonost. When Stratimbird screams, a terrible storm rises. And even if she just guides her with her wing, the sea waves, sways.


But if the Stratim-bird takes off, then such ramparts rise up that the sea sinks ships, opens up the deepest abysses and washes away the cities and forests from the shores. In this sense, she is like the Sea King. In some legends, she helps the hero get out of the deserted island and fly to the ground - for the fact that he saves and has mercy on her chicks. A strange and mysterious prophecy has survived: "When Stratim trembles in the second hour after midnight, then all the roosters all over the earth will sing, and the whole earth will shine at that time."


(Possibly from the Greek "purple, crimson") - a mythological bird with the ability to burn itself. Known in the mythologies of different cultures. The phoenix was thought to have the appearance of an eagle with bright red plumage. Anticipating death, he burns himself in his own nest, and a chick appears from the ashes. According to other versions of the myth, he is reborn from the ashes.


Firebird, Finist Clear Falcon, Swan Princess

The second category should include birds-fairy-tale characters, namely the Firebird, Finista the Clear Falcon, the Swan Princess.


Of the birds-fairy-tale characters, the Firebird most likely has a direct prototype from the mythological birds, namely the Phoenix. This fabulous bird, a character in Russian fairy tales, is usually the target of a hero search. The feathers of the firebird have the ability to shine and amaze a person with their brilliance. The catch of the firebird is fraught with great difficulties and is one of the main tasks that the king (father) sets in the fairy tale to his sons. Only the kind youngest son manages to get the firebird. Mythologists (Afanasyev) explained the firebird in the form of the personification of fire, light, sun. The Firebird feeds on golden apples, which give youth, beauty and immortality; when she sings, pearls fall from her beak. The singing of the firebird heals the sick and restores sight to the blind. Leaving aside arbitrary mythological explanations, one can compare the firebird with medieval,stories about the Phoenix bird rising from the ashes, very popular in both Russian and Western European literature. The Firebird is also the prototype for peacocks. Rejuvenating apples, in turn, can be compared with the fruits of the pomegranate tree, a favorite delicacy of the Phoenixes.

The third group includes all birds that do not carry something unprecedented in their appearance, but are simply endowed with fabulous properties to talk, help or harm fabulous human characters and are, as a rule, companions of such characters as Baba Yaga or Kashchei the immortal. These are crows, owls, blackbirds.
