Forgotten Gods Of The Ancient Slavs. Kolyada - Alternative View

Forgotten Gods Of The Ancient Slavs. Kolyada - Alternative View
Forgotten Gods Of The Ancient Slavs. Kolyada - Alternative View

Video: Forgotten Gods Of The Ancient Slavs. Kolyada - Alternative View

Video: Forgotten Gods Of The Ancient Slavs. Kolyada - Alternative View
Video: RISE OF THE SLAVS | History and Mythology of the Slavs 2024, September

(Kaleda, Kolodiy (Serb.), Calenda (Latin), Kalenda, Cadmus (Persian)) - God Kolyada - God who gave the Clans to those who migrated to the western lands: Calendar (Kolyada gift) and his Wise Vedas. God-Patron of the farmers and the Hall of the Crow in the Svarog Circle. "The sixth Kolyada, a hedgehog is a very nasty holiday byashe December …" ("On the idols of Vladimirovs" PPY) Colo is the most ancient name for the sun, circle (Kol is also one of the popular names for the polar star) and Kolyada means round. From the kolo-circle such words as wheel, kolach, kolobok also originated. Kolyada is the most ancient god As, who personifies the revival of the winter sun and nature, in Persia (Perun's radiance) he was revered under the name Mitra (Mini is the minimum, that is, Ra is the radiance). Carols are celebrated from the day of the winter solstice, when the day "on the sparrow gallop" has arrived and the winter sun begins to flare up, and until the day of Veles. And since according to some sources it was believed that Kolyada is the son of Dazhdbog, otherwise the holiday of Kolyada was still called Dazhdbozhiy day (at that time there was also the longest night, therefore it was called the night of Karachun i.e. shortened). It was a day of feasts, food, fun, sacrifices:


“Kolyada was born on the eve of Christmas. Behind the mountain behind the steep Yes, behind the fast river There are dense forests, In those forests the lights are burning, The lights are burning, people are standing around the lights, People are caroling: - Oh, Kolyada, Kolyada, You happen to be, Kolyada, On the eve of Christmas! " Everyone knows that it is customary to "carol" - to sing holiday songs, receiving food and gifts for this, at Christmas. And somehow it is generally accepted that carols are associated with the New Year. However, this custom is much more ancient than it seems. Even at the time when the Slavs celebrated the New Year in September, they celebrated Christmas Kolyada in December - the birth of the young god of light and warmth.

This happened on the present day of the solstice (December 21-25), when the day begins to lengthen, albeit on a passerine gallop. At the same time, the generous goddess Lada was honored; isn't this the origin of the other name for Christmas carols - "generosity"? The sign of Kolyada was a wheel with eight spokes painted in bright colors - a sign of the sun, and in the center of the wheel a fire was supposed to burn - a bunch of straw, a candle or a torch. Calling on Kolyada to send warmth to the earth as soon as possible, they sprinkled snow with colored rags, stuck dry flowers into the drifts, carefully preserved since summer. On this day, all the hearths were extinguished in the ovens for some time and a new fire was made in them, called the Kolyadin fire. Since Kolyada was the god As from the clan of the god Svarog, whose usual incarnation in houses was a large sheaf, then Kolyada was also represented by a sheaf or straw doll. Kolyada was also revered as a god who gave people a new calendar (Kolyada is a gift, and before that they used Chislobog's circle).

Slavic Summer was divided into three seasons: Ousen, Winter, Spring. There were three months in each season. There are now 12 months in the Gregorian calendar. The ancient Slavs had 9 months (the highest prime number). Before the moon Fata fell to earth, all months had a duration of 40 days, and a year was 360 days.


These events were reflected in the legends of ancient Egypt, where after the catastrophe the Anth clan (modern Ukrainians) moved from the dead Antlantis: “Rhea (Egyptian Goddess of the Earth) was the wife of Helios (the sun). God Chronos was in love with her, to whose feelings she reciprocated. When Helios discovered his wife's unfaithfulness, he became angry and cursed her, saying that she would not be able to give birth to a child on any day of the current year. In her frustrated feelings, Rheya turned to God Thoth for help, who also loved her, and he came up with a trick with which this curse could be bypassed. He went to Selena, the Goddess of the Moon, and invited her to play a game with him, in which her light was at Selena's side. Selena put on the line the seventy part of her light from each of her appearances (at that time of Veils and the Month) and … lost. This caused the strength of her light to diminish (the moon Fata was destroyed). From the light won from the Goddess of the Moon, He created five days, which he added to the existing year (the year then consisted, as we have seen, of three hundred and sixty days). And during these five days Rhea gave birth to five children. Osiris was born on the first day, Horis on the second, Set on the third day, Isis was born on the fourth day, and Nemphis on the fifth”(semantic translation). We also know that, according to legends, ancient Egypt created nine White Gods (this is how the black population belonged to our ancestors), four of them came from the north, and five from the west from the land that plunged into the depths of the Great Waters (the land gave birth to five children after the disaster) …Also from the given legend it follows that before the described events in the earth year there were three hundred and sixty days (i.e. nine Slavic months of 40 days). As a result of a planetary catastrophe that happened 13,016 years ago, Luna Fata was destroyed and its fragments fell on Midgard-Earth, and caused a change in the inclination of the planet's axis.

This is a well-known fact. But the fallen fragments of the Fata Moon not only changed the tilt axis, but also changed the rotation speed of Midgard-Earth itself. The moon Fata at that time was the closest moon to Midgard-earth, with an orbital period of 13 days. Therefore, by virtue of her proximity, she rather strongly influenced Midgard-Earth with her attraction. After the destruction of Fata's moon, its gravity ceased to affect Midgard-earth. As a result of this, Midgard-Earth began to revolve around its axis a little faster and therefore the number of days in a year became three hundred and sixty-five, and changes had to be made to the Old Slavic calendar (five months from 9 became 41 days). The even months were 40 days long, the odd ones were 41. Each 16th summer was declared sacred and all its months were 41 days long. Thus, the length of the summer was 365,25 days (real duration 365.2422).

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Kolyada, in addition to giving people a calendar, was considered a god who brings peace, he promotes life between peoples in full harmony. Therefore, Kolyada was honored not only on the day he was accustomed to, December 21-25, but also whenever peace was established after wars with hostile tribes. To this day, the name of Kolyada is constantly sounded in carols, which contain ancient magic spells: wishes for the well-being of the home and family, demanding gifts from the owners - otherwise ruin was predicted for the stingy. Sometimes the gifts themselves: cookies, loaf - were called Kolyada. All this was accompanied by mumming a horse, goat, cow, bear and other animals that embodied fertility.

God Kolyada is also the ancestor of many Slavic clans. Cossacks, for example, consider him their dad. In the tale published by Y. Mirolyubov (written off like the Velesova Kniga from beech tablets), it is directly pointed to the divine pedigree of the Cossacks: “Once, in the hoary olden days, the heavenly father Kolyada (son of Tarkh-Dazhdbog and Zlatogorka, grandson of the god Perun) was born with his mother Even the Cossack people in the hour of the night thunderstorm gave them land from north to south, from sea to sea, from sunrise to sunset from the Danube to the Don. She commanded not to go from that land anywhere and not to give it to anyone and gave his brother Khors to watch the Cossacks that characteristic, so that they would take care of that land day and night. And so that they could be spoken and squeezed, then dropping all their Cossack skills and skills from heaven, so that through the Cossack circle they would receive and know his blessing,what is their Cossack strength. And they would have been the guardians of the world from their Old Man, and when they saw the black hatred, boundless and untruth, they would not have allowed it with their minds among their comrades, but they would have been fierce to the gate. And from the mother of the earth, thunderous love unrestrained for the people of their land would have, - such a red, already crimson, like a heavenly flare."

1. And here is what was written about Kolyada by M. Forgotten in 1880 in the book “Russian people. His customs, rituals, traditions, superstitions and poetry."

“According to our famous historian Karamzin, Kolyada was the god of feasts and peace, and although by consonance it is possible to produce Kolyada from Roman kolends and others, the Roman holidays of this name were celebrated in all months. …… The meaning of the word Kolyada is different for different peoples: Among the Vindians, Koleda is revered as a deity of festivities and some church rites are also called, and koledowati (kolovati) means children walking to different houses with songs and dances.


Among the Chekhovs, Bulgarians and Serbs, Kolėda, as well as wanoenj pisnieeky, means “Christmas song, chodit and po Kolėde,” (walking on a Kolėde) means to wish a Happy New Year and receive gifts from everyone who can give something.

For the Slovaks, Koledow means blessing houses, which they have around the feast of the three kings, and koledowat means blessing houses …..

Bosniaks, Croatians and other Slavic peoples under Koleda mean a gift for the New Year ….. Finally, the word "witchcraft" came from the word caroling.

Kolyada is not mentioned by Nestor as a deity among the gods of Vladimirov; but St. Demetrius Tuptala (Metropolitan of Rostov) in his Book of the Menaion mentions Kolyada as the sixth god, the god of festivities. ….

Kolyada, in southern and western Russia, actually on the eve of the feast of the Nativity of Christ, which is known in the northeast of Russia under the name Avsen or Tausen, and among the Lithuanians it is known as the evening of the blocks, or Blokkov, in which it is prepared almost everywhere in the Slavic world and in Russian from grain bread - porridge and from millet and kutia fruits, reminiscent of the Indian Perun-Tsongol and Ugada, during which the lot was predicted by boiling millet in the coming year ….

Professor Snegirev says (See Russ … Simple, idle and superstitious rites. Issue 11, 1837, p. 29) that near Moscow there was a custom to call Christmas Eve "kolyoda" and on Christmas night to carry a girl dressed in a sleigh over all warm clothes in a shirt, which was passed off as Koleda; whether there is such a custom even now - we do not know.

There is an assumption that both the celebration of Koleda and her name passed from Novgorod to Kostroma and other Great Russian provinces in the 15th centuries, as evidenced by an old song that is sung in some localities about Christmastide like this: "Koleda walked from Novgorod" - … and so on …..

In Great Russia Christmastide, in addition to glorification from home, is accompanied by dressing up in masks and costumes in order not to be recognizable, as well as guesswork. Both fortune-telling and dressing up in different costumes are performed in the evening, and fortune-telling is often done at night.

Masks are known from antiquity; even in the orgies of the Bakhusovs, they put on masks in order to save themselves from enchantment. Between the Greeks and Latins in the Middle Ages, there was an opinion that, for 8 days after the Nativity of Christ, devils wander the earth and upon the onset of the destruction of their kingdom, expelled in alarm and anguish, prowl the streets in a gloomy and fiery form, tormenting, tormenting and carrying away counter and transverse. Disguised, or Christmas-takers, deliberately represent incarnate devils and the history of Turpen calls them in disguises, horned, horny and similar to demons. One ancient writer explains the power of masks aversion by the fact that they, with their slender and absurd appearance, remove the charm from the very faces they wear. But just as the masks, according to the explanation of the Nantes Cathedral, are the masks of demons and desecrate people, therefore, those who dressed up at Christmas time,used to cleanse themselves by bathing in the rivers on the day of the Baptism of the Lord (in fact, an older holiday is superimposed on the holiday of Kolyada, this is when, through the gates of the interworld, God Perun entered the Hell and freed the poor ancestors from captivity, and with them the inhabitants of Pekla fell to the ground. for some time they wandered the earth and begged for food from people, until Perun sent them back. The custom of dressing up in disguises is just a replay of that situation).this is just a replay of that situation).this is just a replay of that situation).

In Novgorod, Svyatki are known under the name Okrutnikov, who, from the second day of the Feast of the Nativity of Christ to the Epiphany, walked around the city in masquerade to those houses where lit candles were displayed on the windows and entertained the owners with jokes, caricatures, songs and dances.

In Tikhvin, a large boat was equipped for Christmastide, which was put on several sleighs and was driven by several horses around the city. Okrutniki sat astride the horses carrying the boat. The same okrutnki and Christmas trees were sitting in a boat decorated with multi-colored flags. All these travelers were in costumes and masks.

In Tikhvin, the mummers were sometimes called okrutniks, sometimes sorcerers, sometimes waders, sometimes dandies.

During the train, they sang, played different instruments, and played different things. Of course, crowds of people accompanied the mummers, while wealthy citizens subdued these mummers with wine and food.

In the Novgorod and Vologda provinces, Christmastide is still called Kudesy, since in the annals sorcerers, sorcerers, arbi, magicians and kobniks, who wondered and probably wicked like sorcerers, kobenized like shamans.

In Toropets, Pskov province, Christmastide is known as "Saturday". Then the unmarried daughters of the inhabitants of this town gather at the poor widows, who make the necessary preparations for this: benches are made for visitors with ledges from floor to ceiling in the form of an amphitheater, then in the middle of the room a large lantern made of colored paper, decorated with ribbons and many candles, is suspended from the ceiling. On the sides of the same room there are benches for men.

Girls, both rich and poor, certainly consider it their duty to be at these parties or Saturdays and for this they dress as cleanly as possible, in accordance with their condition. When the girls have gathered up to one of the invited, then the gates are still locked, open and the arrival of single young people begins. The girls celebrate the arrival of each young guest with songs that are sung on Saturdays from the old days. For this honor, each guest must pay with money, which is then given to the mistress of the house, a poor widow. Married and married people are not allowed here.

Russian history indicates that Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich the Terrible with his guardsmen disguised themselves like buffoons and even executed K. Repnin for not wearing a disguise (Karamz, I. G. R.t. 9, 2nd edition)

Peter loved Christmas games, in which he himself took part, as we noted above. In his time, Christmastide games were held not only in cities and rural shelters, but also in the royal chambers, where the princesses celebrated the Christmastide with riding hay girls and boyars.

Divination. The composition of the Christmastide rituals includes fortune telling, where by some special artificial or natural signs they try to find out the human lot, their future.


In paganism, fortune-telling was one of the main rites of worship: but when the pagans began to convert to Christianity, fortune-telling began to be persecuted under the guise of divination, and if fortune-telling remained among the people as a force of habit by the right of prescription, then as a folk pastime … …, or at night."