Why Is Orthodoxy And The State Afraid Of Paganism? - Alternative View

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Why Is Orthodoxy And The State Afraid Of Paganism? - Alternative View
Why Is Orthodoxy And The State Afraid Of Paganism? - Alternative View

Video: Why Is Orthodoxy And The State Afraid Of Paganism? - Alternative View

Video: Why Is Orthodoxy And The State Afraid Of Paganism? - Alternative View
Video: Богословие и философия в Византии: «встреча на высшем уровне» | Дары Византии 2024, September

Let's try together to figure out why Orthodoxy, even at the level of the Patriarchate, is trying to denigrate Paganism. And I think I understood the answer to this question.

- But first I will show you the arguments of Orthodoxy:) In three pictures.

- Then I will try to show why the State and Orthodoxy are afraid of Paganism.

- Then I will try to explain from my bell tower why Paganism is cool!

- And then I will quote the commandments of Christianity and the commandments of paganism.

The arguments of the Orthodox

1. Neopaganism (Paganism, Rodnoverie, Vedic knowledge) is being introduced by the CIA into our consciousness to destroy our country. (Alleged Dales Plan: D)

Promotional video:

2. Argument =) They are all perverts there!


3. They are trying to equate the pagans with the Fascists. Well, perhaps everything =)!


Now counter arguments will follow

1. The world government is striving to disunite the family, to get drunk, to play off. And so on. Orthodoxy in this aspect teaches us that once you are married or have got married, carry your cross and endure! Even if you really don't want to. But he does not particularly explain why, he only talks about the existence of saints =) True la la.

2. The argument, for the Orthodox to announce it would be generally ashamed, after that.

But let's not talk about sad things. Orthodoxy is also a good religion. I'm just trying to show why Paganism is so terrible for Orthodoxy and for the State, which needs cogs, consumers and performers (who don't even need to think too much). For them, Paganism is also dangerous.

3. Trying to equate the Pagans with the Nazis is generally nonsense! Little educated religious fanatics! Why? Because the commandments of Paganism are based on GOOD! And the truth. And you will see all the commandments below. In fact, the Pagan Commandments are a ready-made instruction on how to create a STRONG KIND! Which cannot be manipulated, cannot be infringed upon, you cannot just take to come as an aul and start insulting the Russians ***! Because the Pagan KIND is a huge POWER! As a unit of society! Which builds a harmonious life around itself. Another question is that it raised its head only after the collapse of the USSR. Before the USSR, Orthodox fanatics destroyed everything related to Paganism in the bud.

Then I will try to show why the State and Orthodoxy are afraid of Paganism

1. Orthodoxy is afraid of paganism, because, despite all the power! The support of the state, the basis of Orthodoxy is rather thin, and I will give these commandments below. And the commandments Paganism is a bomb! This is the basis for creating a family! Ban on abortion! Prohibition of abandoning born children! This is the foundation of a strong family! This is the ability to have several wives in the event of war and the extermination of the male population. This is not just caring for the elderly! This is taking care of the entire ancestral line of your family. And if everyone in our country were Pagans, couples with 1 child would be a wild rarity! And they would be looked at as enemies of the people! Because they interrupt their kind!

1.1. If you like, Paganism is a boom religion!

1.2. Only 10 commandments, which do not explain any questions, but only make the citizens of the state very obedient. For the Middle Ages, it probably made sense when the strength of the state was given by the cohesion of the nation as a single organism, and the number of soldiers was of decisive importance.

1.3. For some reason, the spirit of warriors does not strongly depend on religion. And this was shown by examples from the 20th century. Atheistic Germany took over all of Catalytic Europe, and it didn't even squeak! And the Atheistic USSR defeated Atheistic Germany.

2. Why is the State afraid of paganism? Well, first of all, we know that the Jews rule us, and they don't need competitors in the face of strong clans! This time!

2.1. The goal of the Levites is to reduce the population. But for paganism, population decline means betraying everything! Betray your kind! Become the last bastard!

2.2. This is an opportunity to run a community farm! Moving away from the state! Run a private farm, company, family business or artel! And a big state needs screws in its car.

2.3. But since our state is governed by the Jews, it does not act for the good of the people, but for its own good, only in their guided plans. On the one hand, it needs more population to compete with the same Chinese, and on the other hand, it does everything so that the population is not born. Anesthesia (Alcohol, Cigarettes, Drugs). Legal abortion, Prohibition of access to housing for a successful family who can make money just above average.

2.4. And on the second of November we get a ban on the Vedas! Oh, how convenient! Forbid such a beautiful teaching!

2.5. Now 80-90% of marriages are falling apart. This is in the Orthodox state, because there are no commandments for the collapse of the union of a man and a woman, and the teachings of the saints are somehow not particularly perceived by the common people, plus advertising of pornography, sex and debauchery, and our CINEMA is generally darkness, without ideology!

Now I will try to explain to you why following the Pagan commandments is what a Russian person needs and it's cool

1. We get what we wanted! Crystallization centers! Based on our births! This is our strength, and if we maintain a family connection! That the inhabitants of the Caucasus will not be able to feel so at ease in Russia! And officials can easily wipe their feet on their citizens.

2. We receive instructions on how to live a HEALTHY LIFE!

3. We get a powerful ideological base! Which is our dear! Which the Jews did not bring to us.

4. And it seems to me that is why Petrov from KOB, at the end of his life became a Pagan, or maybe he was a Magus from the very beginning? And gave us the knowledge to fight against the Jewish occupation? Who knows:))


And now the religious basis of Orthodoxy and Paganism

I am the Lord your God; may you have no other gods before me.

Do not make yourself an idol and no image of what is in the sky above, what is on the earth below, and what is in the water below the earth. Do not worship or serve them; for I am the Lord your God, a jealous God, punishing children for the guilt of fathers up to the third and fourth generation who hate Me, and showing mercy to a thousand generations to those who love Me and keep My commandments.

Do not take the name of the Lord your God in vain; for the Lord will not leave without punishment the one who utters His name in vain.

Remember the sabbath day to keep it holy. Work six days, and do all your deeds; and the seventh day is the Sabbath to the Lord your God: do not do any work during this, neither you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your servant, nor your handmaid, nor your cattle, nor the stranger that is in your gates. For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea and all that is in them; and rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed and sanctified the Sabbath day.

Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be prolonged in the land which the Lord your God gives you.

Dont kill.

Do not commit adultery.

Don't steal.

Do not bear false testimony against your neighbor.

Do not covet your neighbor's house; covet not your neighbor's wife, nor his servant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is with your neighbor.

Brief commentary. What do they give? Ban on other ideologies and complete submission.

In contrast, the Jews were given completely opposite commandments. Further, our Priests teach how their ancestors (saints) did good deeds, make idols out of them and pray for them, which is contrary to the commandments of God.


Perun's commandments

God Perun is the son of Svarog and Lada-Mother of God; God-Patron of the warriors of the Great Race, the protector of the Lands and the Svyatorus Family from the forces of Darkness.


1. Honor your parents and support them in old age, for as you show concern for them, so your children will show concern for you.

2. Save the memory of all your ancestors and your descendants will remember you.

3. Protect old and small, fathers and mothers, sons and daughters, for these are your Kinsmen, the wisdom and color of your peoples.

4. Foster in your children love for the Holy Land of the Race, so that they are not seduced by overseas miracles, but they themselves can work miracles more wonderful and beautiful, but for the glory of your Holy Land.

5. Do not work miracles for your own good, but work miracles for the good of your Family and Heavenly Family.

6. Help your neighbor in his trouble, for trouble will come to you, your neighbors will help you.

7. Do good deeds, but for the glory of your Family and your Ancestors, and obtain protection from your Light Gods.

8. Help with all your might to build Temples and Sanctuaries, keep the Wisdom of God, the Wisdom of the Ancient.

9. Wash your hands after your deeds, for he who does not wash his hands loses the power of God.

10. Cleanse you in the waters of Iriya, which flows a river in the Holy Land, to wash your white body, to sanctify it by God's power.

11. Establish on your Earth the Heavenly Law that your Light Gods gave you.

12. People honor the days of Rusal, observe God's holidays.

13. Do not forget your Gods, burn incense and incense for the glory of the Gods, and you will find favor and mercy of your Gods.

14. Do not hurt your neighbors, you live with them in peace and harmony.

15. Do not humiliate the dignity of other people, and may your dignity not be humiliated.

16. Do not create misfortunes for people of other faiths, for God the Creator is One over all the Earths … and over all the Worlds …

17. Do not sell your land for gold and silver, for you will call on curses on yourself, and you will not be forgiven all the days without a trace.

18. Defend your land and you will defeat all enemies of the Race with the right weapon.

19. Defend the Clans Rassen and Svyatorus from Foreign enemies that go to your lands with an evil thought and with weapons.

20. Do not boast of your strength when you go to the Battle, but boast from the Field of Battle when you go.

21. Keep the Wisdom of God secret, do not give the Secret Wisdom to the Gentiles.

22. Do not persuade those people who do not want to listen to you and heed your words.

23. Save your Temples and Sanctuaries from the reproach of the pagans, if you do not save the Holy Places of the Holy Race … and the Faith of your Ancestors, years of sorrow, and insults with suffering, will visit you.

24. Whoever flees from his land to a foreign land, in search of an easy life, is an apostate of his Kin, may there be no forgiveness of his Kin, for the Gods will turn away from him.

25. Do not rejoice in the grief of a stranger, for whoever rejoices in the grief of another, he calls upon himself to grief.

26. Do not curse and do not laugh at those who love you, but you answer love with love and find the protection of your Gods.

27. Love your neighbor, if he deserves it.

RITA Laws - Heavenly Laws of Blood and Blood Purity

28. Do not marry, brother - his sister, and son - his mother, for anger the Gods and destroy the blood of the Kin.

29. Do not take wives with black skin, for you will desecrate your home and destroy your Kin, but take wives with white skin, you will glorify your home … and continue your Kin.

30. Wives do not wear men's clothes, for you will lose femininity, and wear wives what is due to you.

31. Do not break the bonds of the Family Union, sanctified by the Gods, for you will go against the law of the One Creator God and you will lose your happiness.

32. May the child in the womb of the mother not be killed, for whoever kills the child in the womb will incur the wrath of the One Creator God … Love your husbands' wives, for they are your protection and support, and all your Kin.

33. Do not drink a lot of drunken drink, know the measure in drinking, for whoever drinks a lot of drunken drink loses his human appearance.

* There are many gods and commandments, so that a person can fulfill all the commandments, one should remember two great principles - to sacredly honor the Light Gods and their Ancestors, and live according to Conscience.


Svarog - God-blacksmith, God of fire and family hearth.


1. Honor one another. Son - Mother and Father. Husband and wife live in harmony.

2. The husband must encroach on one wife, otherwise you will not know salvation.

3. Run away from Krivda and follow the Truth, honor your Family and Heavenly Family.

4. You will read three days of the week - the third, seventh and ninth. Read Great Feasts. Therefore, it is fitting for all people to fast on the third and seventh days. If someone works on the ninth day, then there will be no profit for him, neither by lot, nor by talent on other days without a flaw. The seventh day is given to people, cattle and fish, for bodily rest. Go to each other, love each other, it will be joyful for you - sing songs to the Gods.

* In the Russian calendar (kalyady dar) 9 days a week

5. Read the Great POST, from the burning of Marena to the wedding of Jiva. Beware of people at this time of Krivda, keep strictly from eating the belly, hands from being robbed, from the blasphemy of the mouth.

6. Honor the eggs in honor of the Koscheev eggs that our Dazhdbog broke, causing the Flood.

7. Honor Holy Week - as our Dazhdbog grieved from crucifixion to salvation by the Swan-Jiva, so you grieve humbly. And do not drink drunken drink, do not say a swear word.

8. Read the Kupala days. Remember the victory of Perunov, how Perun defeated the beast-Skipper and how he gave freedom to his sisters, how he cleansed them in the waters of Iria.

9. Honor Perunov day. How Perun wooed Diva on the fifth day, how Perun defeated the Sea King and cast down the riot of Veles from heaven, remember the wedding of Perunov.

10. Honor Lada-Mother and the Heavenly Family. Patrons of the Clans of the Great Race and the descendants of the Heavenly Clan.

11. After your harvest, remember the Dormition of Zlatogorka, honor the day of Volkh Zmievich, the son of Indra, Yasn Sokol.

12. Honor the day of Mokos-Mother, the Radiant Great Mother, the Heavenly Mother of God.

13. Honor the day of Tarkh Dazhdbog - remember his marriage.

14. Honor Great Inglia and your Gods, who are the messengers of God of the One Kin.

15. Honor old age and protect youth, cognize the Wisdom that your Ancestors left you.

16. Live in harmony with other Clans, help when they ask you for help.

17. Do not spare your belly to protect your House, to protect your Family and your Holy Faith, to protect your Holy Land.

18. Do not force the Holy Faith on people and remember that the choice of Faith is a personal matter for every free person.

19. Honor PASKHET, and remember the fifteen-year transition from Daariya to Russenia, as the sixteenth Summer Our ancestors praised the Heavenly Clan for salvation from the Great Flood.

20. Live in union with Nature, do not ruin it, for it is the support of your Life and the entire Living Genus.

21. Do not bring bloody sacrifices to Alatyr, do not anger your Gods, for it is disgusting for Them to accept innocent blood from the creatures of God.

22. Protect your Temples and Sanctuaries with a strong hand, help with all your might, you to all Wanderers and Templars who keep that Ancient Secret, the Word of God, the Word of the Wise.

23. Do not eat food with blood, for you will be like wild beasts, and many diseases will dwell in you. You eat pure food that grows in your fields, in your forests and in your gardens, then you will gain many strength, bright strength, and ailments-diseases and torment with suffering will not overtake you.

24. Do not cut your hair, light brown, different hair, but with gray hair, for the wisdom of God does not comprehend and you will lose health.

25. Bring up the father of his sons and daughters, teach them to live a righteous life, instill in them diligence, respect for youth and respect for old age. Sanctify their lives by Holy Faith and the Wisdom of the Ancestors.

26. Do not boast of your strength before the weak, so that they may praise and fear you, but gain glory and strength in battles with your enemy.

27. Do not testify falsely against your neighbor; keep your mouth from blasphemy.

28. Do good deeds, but for the glory of the Heavenly Family, and your great ancestors and your holy land.

29. What deeds people do to you, such you will do to them, for every deed is measured by its own measure.

30. Give a tenth of the prosperity to your One God, and a hundredth to the leader and his squad, so that they guard your land.

31. Do not reject the unknown and the inexplicable, but try to cognize the unknown, and explain the inexplicable, for the Gods help those who strive for the knowledge of Wisdom.

32. Do not take life away from your neighbor, for it was not you who gave it, but God. But do not spare the lives of the enemies that attack you and your lands, for they went against the will of God.

33. Do not accept offerings and rewards for deeds that you created with the help of the Gift from God, and for your good deeds, for the Gift of God given to you will be lost and no one says that you are doing good.


God One - God-Keeper of the wisdom of ancient runes; Patron God and protector of the Da'Aryan clan; Warrior God fighting the Dark Forces.

1. May there be no Family Union between those born in the One Year, except those born on the One Day and the One Hour.

2. The greatest and most priceless jewels in the World are Sword, Conscience and Wisdom. Anything else will not bring prosperity to Rod.

3. Master all the arts and Ancient Wisdom that your Clans [RASA] preserve initially, and also learn the arts and Ancient Wisdom of other nations, but do not teach everything to other nations.

4. Remember that it is not a pity to give your eyes for a sip from the source of the Ancient Wisdom, for the one who knows the Runes can see without eyes.

5. Do not reveal the secret of the Runes to other peoples, for they use the ancient secret Wisdom and the Greatest Power of Nature against you and your Clans.

6. Each deceased must go to the Heavenly World on the Fiery Ship or through the Great Bonfire of Kroda, and his good must be ascended to the Ship or Kroda. For everyone should come to Volhalla with the good that was with him at the stake, and use what he himself buried in the Earth.

7. The ashes of the deceased must be thrown into the waters of a river or sea, or, having collected in a jug, buried in the ground, and the Kurgan must be poured into the Memory of the Knowing People, and a Memorial Stone must be placed on all Standing People.

8. At the beginning of Winter, bloodless sacrifices must be made to the ancient Gods for the harvest, in the middle of Winter - for spring germination, in the middle of Spring - for Victory.

9. Every real man from any Ancient Clan should know that Conscience and the Sword must be protected from childhood.

10. It is impermissible to forgive someone who deliberately commits evil, for the evil left without punishment multiplies, and the blame for the increased evil lies with the one who left the one who committed evil unpunished and did not bring him to God's right judgment.

11. Be always persistent and decisive in battles with the enemy and do not let go of your swords, protecting your Ancient Clans and following the eternal Right Path to the Halls of Volhalla.

12. Do not allow, people, the eternal fear of the unknown in your hearts, and stupidity and ignorance in your thoughts and speech.

13. Every standing man from any Ancient Clan should know that only four Great Forces help the development and all kinds of multiplication of his Ancient Clan: Pure Conscience and Ancient Faith, Sharp Sword and Diligence.

14. Repay people for good only with good, and do not create evil and indecent where you were received with good and an open Soul.

15. Do not repay, people, good for the harm done to you, for if you repay good for evil, then what you will repay for good.

16. Know, people, that every descendant of the Old Gods must have Ancestral Faith, a clear Reason, an inquiring Mind, a loving and brave Heart, a clear Conscience, strong Hands and a strong Will.



1. Whoever has the blessing of God Perun for the Family Union, may there be neither Rati, nor Fatta between them.

2. Whoever gives a part of his Soul to his children, he did not diminish his Soul, but increased it.

3. Whoever squanders Love will lose it, and whoever radiates Love multiplies it.

4. Know, people of the Clans of the Great Race, that one must treat with love and kindness all living things created on Midgard-Earth.

5. Whoever caresses and warms the orphan child, he has done a little deed, and who, having warmed up, gave shelter and taught him to be industrious, he has done a greater deed.

6. He who does not support his Kin and his Faith in the hour of a difficult time is an apostate of his Kin, and he will not be forgiven all the days without a trace.

7. Let in all your deeds Conscience and the Laws of the Family be the measure of everything.

8. Ancient Wisdom, which is preserved in your Clans, belongs only to your Clans and your descendants, and therefore do not give Ancient Wisdom to Foreigners, who use it against your Clans.

9. Reject alien thoughts and deeds from yourself, which lead to the Immeasurable Hell.

10. Read the Ancient Vedas, and let the Word of the Vedas live on your lips!

11. Save the life of your relatives and your neighbors and you will find help from your Highest Gods!

12. He who protects his child from creative deeds destroys the Soul of his child.

13. He who indulges the whims of his child destroys the great Spirit of his child.

14. The Vedas are cognized through the living Word, for only the living Word reveals the meaning hidden in the Vedas.

15. Do not destroy your Nature and the blood of your Clans, for these are two Great Forces, which enable your Ancient Clans to continue to exist.

16. Remember, children of the Clans of the Great Race, that the Family Union, created without God's and Parental blessing, is not protected from suffering and misunderstanding.



1. Spiritualized Family Union, may it be sanctified by all the elements and Gods of Heaven.

2. A man who does not have children does not fulfill his duty to his Family and the Great Race, for his children are a continuation of his ancient Family.

3. May the Fire of your hearts and hearths not go out, if you live according to your Conscience, and not at the instigation of an alien.

4. Do not defile with your decay the Holy Land of your Ancestors, which is watered with the Blood and Sweat of your Grandfathers.

5. Facilitate the departure of your loved ones through the Velikie Krody and the spacious Lodia, so that the Souls of your loved ones with the smoke of Krodny can rise to the Most Pure Svarga to your Ancestors.

6. Honor the memory of your Ancestors with bloodless sacrifices, for whatever you donate to them, they will also receive.

7. Do not destroy your Souls, striving for the blessings of the earth, for all the blessings of the World of Reveal will not create the smallest good of the World of Rule.

8. Failure to fulfill the Commandments of many deprives a person of help from the Gods and his Ancestors, for only those who observe the Commandments and the Two Great Principles are helped by all the Gods.

9. End all disputes between the Clans with your brotherly world, and the battles with the enemies - with a victorious feast.

10. Before the creation of your Family Union, let your heart always be obedient to the Parental will, for life without the Parental blessing is worse than bondage.

11. Do not go, people of Clans of the Great Race, contrary to your Pure Conscience and the ancient laws of your Clans, for on the roundabout Paths of your life there is no rest for your Soul.

12. Take care, people of the Great Race Clans, your Parents and Elders of your Clans, for there is no one Dearest and Wiser for you than the Parents and Elders of your ancient Clans.

13. Do not create, people of the Great Race Clans, a free wind in their heads, thunderclouds in their speeches and a thunderstorm in their hearts.

14. Remember, people of the Great Race Clans, that the wealth and prosperity of your ancient Clans was originally contained in your little children, whom you must educate in love, goodness and hard work.

15. Know, people of the Clans of the Great Race, that the meaning of life and prosperity of your Clans rests on four ancient foundations, which are Faith, Conscience, Love and Will.

16. Create, people of Clans of the Great Race, at the command of your heart, for your heart is an inexhaustible source of inspiration and Divine Power.


God Ramhat - God of justice and law and order, Heavenly Judge.

1. Return to your roots and you will open the gates to the Divine World.

2. Do not enter other Worlds with your own laws, but observe the laws of that World.

3. Observe the Laws of Ramhi the Great, be wise and perfect.

* The Basic Law of Ramhi the Great says - "Every living being must develop spiritually, mentally, become a creator and leave behind a hereditary circle", i.e. continue your Rod.

4. Do not follow the Darkness, but follow the Light, for those who follow the Darkness will perish without time.

5. Do not heed those who call for Krivda, but listen to those who call for Truth.

6. Do not heed those who say that life is finite, for they themselves do not know what they are proclaiming.

7. Do not listen to those who say that your neighbor is your thief, but listen to those who say that your neighbor is your friend.

8. Walk through many Worlds, knowing them and perfecting your Spirit.

* Worlds are universes. Now we are in the universe in 4-dimensional space, the next will be the World and space in 16-dimensional space, then 256 dimensions, etc.

9. Get to know the Wisdom of the One God and find the Light of God on your way.

10. Do not give the Vedas to those who turn them into evil and to the destruction of all living things.

11. Do not create false commandments and laws that go against the laws and commandments of God, for you will destroy yourself and lead your descendants from the Path.

12. Do not strive for other Worlds in order to seize them, for whoever has this in his thoughts can lose his World.

13. Do not think that many Earths are lifeless, life on them is not visible to you, not felt by your senses.

14. Do not use Whitemans and Whitemars for evil in order to seize other Worlds, but use them for good and knowledge of the Worlds, and then you will find the friendship of the inhabitants of those Worlds.

15. Do not show aggression against those who come to you from other Worlds, for how you behave, so they will think about all the inhabitants of your World.

16. Do not destroy your World and its nature, for you will destroy yourself and you will lose your World.

17. May the wife not reject her first husband, for the Heavenly Family will turn away from her.

18. A daughter born in the Holy Summer, may she be united in a family union with her husband only in the Holy Summer.

19. Let not the finger of the father of another wife touch when his wife bears his child under her heart.

20. May you not have other wives besides your own, but at any time, except for a dashing time, when the male clan perishes in defense of his house, in defense of his Earth and his Faith.

21. Do not use the Fash-destroyer against your World, for you will destroy your living world and lose the descendants of your Kin.

* Fache is a beam thermonuclear weapon that can destroy the planet.

22. Keep the Memory of all the ancestors of your Family, and you will find the favor of your Gods and Ancestors.

23. Respect the Wanderers, the messengers of the One God, listen to their Word and their Wisdom.

24. Do not live according to the laws that people have created in order to deprive you of Freedom, but live according to the Laws of the One God.

25. Do not take the name of the One God in vain, but speak it only on Great Feasts.

26. Honor the Heavenly Gods, your Father and Mother, for they gave you Life, the Father and Mother gave you the Spirit and the Body, and the Gods - the Soul and Conscience.

27. Do not scold those who have left your world, because only good things are spoken about the departed.

28. Do not judge those who have gone astray from the path of Light, but direct them again to the righteous path, for they will answer for their deeds before the Conscience and the Family.

29. Do not be ashamed of what was given to you by your nature and by the One Gender, but be ashamed of ignorance and ignorance.

30. Give respect to your Gods and the One Creator, and find peace and quiet in your life, and let the Gates of the Interworld be open for you.

31. Build Temples, yes in all Worlds, you cognize the Wisdom of God, for whoever does not know the Wisdom of God will lose himself.

32. Honor all the holidays that your Ancestors left you, decorate your life with joy and good deeds, and for the Glory of your Gods and Ancestors.

33. Observe My Commandments that I have given you and find My help at all times.



1. Blessed by Svarog, the firstborn of the Family, may they be combined by the Family Union in the Years of their Wisdom.

2. That of the wives, who will deny her husband and his Kin, is unworthy to be a Mother and she will not know Happiness and Joy in her life, but only the bitterness of loss.

3. If a Mother renounces her child, born in torment, she will not find peace in her Soul, neither in the World of Revelation, nor in the World of Navi, and Svarga the Most Pure will forever hide from her.

4. May any Mother put her Soul in all her deeds, and create Peace, Okay and Joy in her House.

5. May the daughter of God not renounce the duty to the Family and not renounce the birth of children beyond the Duty to the Family.

6. May only Lad and Love reign in the Family Union, and may the Family Union not overtake that troubles, hard times and losses.

7. Live, people, in Union with Nature, multiplying it, and not destroying it.

8. May the daughter of God accept in the Family Union the spouse of her intended one, and love and honor him as God-Protector of his Family.

9. May the Son of God in the Family Union accept his nominated spouse and love and honor her as the Guardian Goddess of his home and the continuer of his Family.

10. Keep Your Family Unions. Sanctified by the Gods, in times of joy and in times of sorrow, and may the Light Gods help you, and your ancient Clans multiply.

11. Take care, daughters of God, from the weakness of the blond hair - the honor of your Clans, braid your blond hair in wondrous braids, cover them with berechin.

12. Wake up from your dreams with the Clear Sun, the Clear Stars will guide you to rest.

13. May the younger son arrive in childbirth with his Parents, and he supports his Parents in the days of old age, just as they supported him in the days of his youth.

14. If there are more than six daughters in your glorious Family, it is better for you to intermarry with the mighty Family, in which there are more than six sons. And this gracious Kinship will strengthen your ancient and glorious generations.

15. The more children there will be in your Clans, the more Love, Joy and Happiness will be in your Clans, for your children strengthen your Clans and lead them to greatness and prosperity.

16. Never forget, children of the Great Race, Patron Gods of your Clans and all Ancestors of your Clans, for all Patron Gods and your wise Ancestors are the mighty roots of your Clans, the source of life and prosperity of your Clans.


Chislobog - God governing the course of time and the Slavic-Aryan chronology. Chislobog is both the Highest God and the God-Governor


1. Born in Ramhat, let him bring harmony to all children born in the rest of Lethe.

2. Those born in the Heavenly Halls of the Virgin, may not seek their betrothed in the Heavenly Halls of the Virgin.

3. Do not waste time in vain, for he who loses a fraction of time loses his Life piece by piece.

4. From dawn to dusk, create, people, and from dusk to dawn, rest, people.

5. No personal freedom or will can change the course of the River of Time and duty to the Heavenly Family and your Gods.

6. Know, people of the Great Race Clans, that for the life of each creature its own course of Time is determined, and therefore do not take away someone else's life, for by disrupting the course of the Lifetime of other beings, you change the Time of your life.

7. If each person strives towards the goal in life, fulfilling his purpose in accordance with the flow of the Time of life, then his life will acquire the Highest Spiritual meaning.

8. Do not waste time in vain, but fill your life with Holiness, and with good deeds, and for the glory of your Gods and Ancestors.

9. Live, people of Clans of the Great Race, according to Conscience, and may you find peace in your Souls, and the Time of life will be filled with meaning.

10. Every event in Nature and in your life takes place at a time determined by the Gods and in its own terms, and no matter how you reject this, what is destined to happen will surely happen.



1. Family Union, deepened by the Ancient Faith of the First Ancestors, may it be built on the great rule that carries the Spiritual Swastika.

2. Know that Harmony flows into the opposite Halls, except for the Swastika and Trisvastic, for these Heavenly Halls give rise not to Harmony, but to Likewise and Fertility.

3. Keep in your great and small Clans the Ancient Wisdom of your Ancestors and the Heavenly Wisdom of your Light Gods.

4. The Highest Heavenly Truth becomes accessible and understandable only to those people who strive for the heights of creation, moving along the Golden Path of Spiritual and Soul perfection.

5. Protect, people, the Highest Heavenly Truth from dark forces and from ignorant people with sleeping Souls and callous hearts. For, having taken possession of the knowledge of the Highest Truth, they will distort the Truth and hide from the eyes of those who seek the Golden Path of Spiritual and Soul perfection.

6. Pass on the Wisdom of Creative Creation that your Kins keep to your descendants. And let this Wisdom pass from the Fathers to the sons and, from the Grandfathers to the grandchildren.

7. Preserve, people, the Beauty of your Native Land for the descendants of your ancient Clans, increasing the Beauty of your Native Land, but for the glory of your Gods and Ancestors.

8. Do not allow, people, evil and unrighteous anger in your Souls, for they will blacken your Souls, and your hearts will become callous.

9. Do not heed the voice of those people who say that the Highest Truth and Wisdom of the Light Gods have been lost. Because they themselves do not know what they are announcing, for it is impossible to lose what is united with your Souls and Hearts.

10. The sacred duty of every man from the Clans of the Great Race and the descendants of the Heavenly Clan is to give birth to sons so that they become the successors of the Ancient Great Clans.

11. The great duty of every man from the Clans of the Great Race is to give birth to daughters, for they must give birth to children to continue the Ancient Great Clans.


If you follow the commandments of our Slavic gods. Then you will be in a strong environment in a strong country. And our ancestors proved these more than once or twice.

Scythia, Sarmatia, Great Tartary - All of them were formidable, powerful states that, based on the Vedic concept of the world order, captured most of Eurasia and life in such countries was beautiful, which Marco Polo described to us in his work. Book on the Diversity of the World 1324
