Riddles Of The Sudden Manifestation Of Darkness - Alternative View

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Riddles Of The Sudden Manifestation Of Darkness - Alternative View
Riddles Of The Sudden Manifestation Of Darkness - Alternative View

Video: Riddles Of The Sudden Manifestation Of Darkness - Alternative View

Video: Riddles Of The Sudden Manifestation Of Darkness - Alternative View
Video: Castle of darkness 2024, September

What does a person know about the world around him? Our entire worldview is built on experiences or facts that science provides. Often a person is faced with phenomena that do not lend themselves to scientific classification and cause extremely mystical, indescribable horror in people who are unlucky enough to face supernatural and incomprehensible events for our minds.

What did the ancestors want to say?

The ancestors of modern man tried to express what they saw and experienced in various legends and myths that were passed down from generation to generation. Quite a common theme among the various peoples inhabiting our planet are stories of sudden "darkness" that covers a certain territory or even an area. Suffice it to recall the Old Testament story of the exit of the Jews from Egypt, namely the executions that were supposed to convince the Pharaoh to release the captives to freedom. Among these punishments was a special darkness that covered the whole country.

The ancient Sumerians, Babylonians and Assyrians were sure that every 25-30 years a mysterious "darkness" descends on the earth, which serves as a portal to another demonic dimension, that terrible creatures live in it that kill people, devouring their remains, drinking souls.

It should be noted that similar legends can be found among other peoples. So the ancient Greeks and Romans were sure that darkness falls to the earth every 10 - 20 years. At this moment, the spirits stuck in the domain of Hades can enter the world of the living and quench their frantic thirst with the flesh and blood of living people.

Indeed, such a story told in the evening by the fire can cause trembling even in a modern person who knows that such myths are just a misinterpretation of various natural processes. For example, most scientists studying the ancient heritage of mankind are sure that this is an attempt by ancient man to explain such a natural phenomenon as an eclipse of the sun.

In the Middle Ages, people were sure that "darkness" comes every 30-40 years and the reason for this is the countless witches who are trying to bring the end of the world closer and free Satan from his prison. Of course, after the eclipse of the sun in Europe, real crusades against witches broke out. Thousands of innocent women were burned in a religious frenzy.

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In Islam, it is believed that such "darkness" is caused by various evil spirits and jinn, who seek to harm a person and spread their influence on earth by means of an eclipse of the sun and the call of the demonic forces of hell.

Modern man realizes that such religious fantasies are just echoes of those primitive experiences that our distant ancestors experienced.

Such a phenomenon as "darkness" descending to the ground appears in the mythology of almost all peoples of the world. For example, the Indians of Latin America, the Yakuts and Aleuts inhabiting the extreme northern parts of Russia, the Papuans of New Guinea and the indigenous people of Australia, all, without exception, the peoples of the world have myths and legends associated with this phenomenon.

It would seem that no mystical and mysterious story can be in this superstition. However, not so long ago, amazing and mysterious cases were recorded that allow you to take a fresh look at the nature of myths and legends, where “darkness” appears.

Irrefutable evidence of the appearance of darkness

The first documented incident of human encounters with unusual, dense darkness occurred on April 2, 1904. At 10:45 am, a subway station in the Wimbledon area was suddenly covered with impenetrable darkness. A similar incident caused panic not only among subway users, but also among employees. The nature of this phenomenon remained a mystery to scientists who were trying to understand the situation.

Experiments immediately began with the participants in the incident, who were supposed to provide answers to questions regarding the nature of this darkness. Various situations have been simulated but none have been successful. Even in a situation when all power was cut off at the metro station, people, albeit not clearly and vaguely in the pitch darkness, could distinguish each other and find the contours of the station's interior items. The darkness that covered the metro station on April 2 had a clearly different nature. In this state, a person seemed to find himself in a thick environment, as if he was immersed in jelly. The participants in the incident say that at that time, they were losing sight and hearing, there was no way to move. And also the impression was created that this "Darkness" penetrated into their consciousness, stopping the movement of thoughts and slowing down the work of the heart. Thus,the person remained in a paralyzed state, completely defenseless, for quite a long time. Scientists, after long discussions, have not been able to establish the cause of this phenomenon.

The next incident took place on March 7, 1911. At 16:00 on the town of Louisville, which is located in the state of Kentucky, an impenetrable and dense darkness suddenly fell, which enveloped the city for more than 1 hour. More than 50 thousand people inhabiting the city witnessed this incident. The issue of falsifying the incident disappeared immediately. After all, it is impossible for such a huge number of people to believe in a non-existent phenomenon.

Subsequently, various search activities were carried out, scientists tried to find the answer to this question, what could have caused the appearance of such a unique and amazing natural phenomenon. The residents of the town claimed to have seen various scary and incredible creatures that seemed to have descended from the pages of a horror book. Some residents of the town were sure that at this hour they had moved to hell. To our deep regret, the victims did not manage to take a single photograph of this horror.

An even more mysterious and frightening incident occurred in 1957 in France, on July 16, when 54-year-old Mira Genet was walking with a child she cares for in one of the city's parks. Walking along the park alley, together with the child, she did not feel any negative premonitions or experiences. Suddenly everything around her went dark, and she realized that she could not see anything because of the sudden darkness. Therefore, the world had no choice but to stand still, listen to the continuous crying of the child and only feel the unpleasant, cold touch of darkness on herself. According to her inner feelings, she and her child in the park spent no more than a quarter of an hour in this state.

Immediately after the gloom cleared, the nanny hurried to the child's parents' house, arriving there, she found that the parents were heartbroken. It turns out that she and her child were not at home for three days. The parents, together with the police, searched the entire city park, namely the place where the nurse and the baby were last seen, as well as the surrounding areas, but the search was unsuccessful. The police arranged for the nurse Mira Zhenya, a serious interrogation, but no one believed her testimony. Theories were put forward that Mira was moved by her reason and, in a fit of madness, was hiding from her parents and the police all this time. However, it was not possible to prove the guilt of the nurse. It should be noted that the incident in Arles is one of the greatest mysteries of the 20th century.

There are a huge number of different hypotheses about what is the cause of such a strange natural phenomenon. Some scientists believe that the sudden manifestation of darkness is an attempt by otherworldly forces to break out into our dimension.

Modern science does not deny the possibility of the existence of other forms of being. Suffice it to recall the research of Professor Uxskyl, where it was clearly proved that after the death of a person, a new phase begins in his existence. Such explosions of darkness may really be an attempt by some otherworldly forces unknown to mankind to penetrate our world. And do not think that all the legends and myths of the ancient peoples are just an invention of the unhealthy imagination of our ancestors.