Aliens In The Rank Of Gods. Part One - Alternative View

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Aliens In The Rank Of Gods. Part One - Alternative View
Aliens In The Rank Of Gods. Part One - Alternative View

Video: Aliens In The Rank Of Gods. Part One - Alternative View

Video: Aliens In The Rank Of Gods. Part One - Alternative View
Video: All Tomorrows: the future of humanity? 2024, September

- Part two -

The ancients called them "those who descended from heaven", "heavenly teachers" or simply - gods.

The Abrahamic religions called them angels.

Modern ufologists are called aliens.

Let's rewind the story and see where they came from.


When American troops entered Baghdad and took up a position near the National Museum, the looting of the museum began immediately. It was not the Americans who robbed, but some strangely trained guys who skillfully opened any doors and were well acquainted with the plan of even underground storage facilities. The American soldiers standing nearby watched this without much interest.

Promotional video:

There were many sources of this information at one time. For example "Vesti". But today, when you click on the links, you will most of all come across pages with the following familiar to all text: "Connection timed out"


It is interesting that some of the robbers carried away the exhibits, while others at this time simply destroyed equally valuable exhibits. For example, the bronze head of an Akkadian king (4300 years old) gouged out the eyes, broke the nose and cut off the ears. As if they were taking revenge on him. They took a lot. Including such a handsome man.


"Similar", because the one in the drawing from the Louvre. I couldn't find photos of the exhibits looted from the museum today. But they definitely were. I myself read about this looting and there (in the article) there was a link to the list of stolen goods. Pazuzu was also on the list. And now there are no such links and pictures.

The museum was ransacked as soon as the Americans occupied the city. It is worth thinking about what, in fact, was the reason for this war? Saddam did not have weapons of mass destruction and the Americans were well aware of this. Oil prices did not go down, but, on the contrary, rose three times. Was all this gimmick started for the sake of some statuette? To utter Sumerian spells to send disasters to competitors and with the help of magic somewhat prolong their existence?


Who needs him, and who is this Pazuzu?

Pazuzu. Demon of the stormy southwest wind, bringing death and pestilence. They are sometimes depicted with the body of a scorpion, the head of a dragon, a lion or a snake, with locust wings, has horns on its head, a crest, tail, paws of an eagle, and often depicts a snake around its legs. The right paw is raised, the left is to the side.

This is not a "Roman greeting." They say that the gesture means life and death, creation and destruction. Although who knows what this "Roman" gesture means?))

He was worshiped as a god in Sumerians and Babylon. He and his brothers were known as Sebetta (or Issira in Babylonian) - a group of creatures that the god Nergal brought into battle after the end of the war to spread disease and hunger as the "final solution." In the hierarchy of the Mesopotamian demons, Pazuzu was one of the most powerful, easily moving, both from the underworld to the earthly, and in parallel worlds, as we would now say - dimensions.


The lower picture shows a clearer drawing. It shows that Pazuzu can not only look from one world to another, but also has a high degree of hierarchy. For example, at the lower level, it is present in the creation of racially diverse creatures designed for specific purposes. At the second level, the creators seem to be busy with revision.


Among his "exploits" are the destroyed cities of Ur and Uruk, from which there are memories. Those depictions in the form of numerous gargoyles in Christian temples most likely depict this type. However, there are undoubted similarities with other characters.

Relatives of Pazuzu

The origin of the name Baphomet is unknown. Some speculate that it is a combination of the Greek words "bafe" and "mestizo", and translates as "absorbing knowledge." In general, it was used as a symbol of witchcraft.


They write that Pazuzu was one of the 14 angels who fought on the side of Lucifer in his war against God. When Lucifer was driven to Hell, 14 former angels became demons.

There are also analogues, even on other continents.

Quetzalcoatl - Feathered or Winged Serpent


And he is also drawn like this:


Looks like it?

There is little written about Pazuzu, but there is.


The figure of Pazuzu was often a form of amulets, against the forces of the demoness Lamashtu, who harmed children and mother during childbirth, or hurt with the wind with the plague.


She is Inanna - a direct analogue of Lilith (the first wife of Adam in Jewish mythology), who was responsible for infertility in women and powerlessness in people.

You can even read about such "types" in the Bible. But they did not go further. For example in Isaiah 34:14

King james bible

The wild beasts of the desert shall also meet with the wild beasts of the island, and the satyr shall cry to his fellow; the screech owl also shall rest there, and find for herself a place of rest.

American Standard Version

And the wild beasts of the desert shall meet with the wolves, and the wild goat shall cry to his fellow; yea, the night-monster shall settle there, and shall find her a place of rest.

Bible In Basic English

And the beasts of the waste places will come together with the jackals, and the evil spirits will be crying to one another, even the night-spirit will come and make her resting-place there.

Douay-Rheims Bible

And demons and monsters shall meet, and the hairy ones shall cry out one to another, there hath the lamia lain down, and found rest for herself.

This is how Lilith (Lamashta) was portrayed by medieval artists:


Not a very pretty person. The relationship with reptiles is clearly noticeable. But it is very similar to the drawing made 3 thousand years earlier.

By the way, it is written about Adam here and there that Eve was generated by the Creator not from an edge at all, but from Adam's tail. And like, in memory of this, Adam had a stump on his tailbone. The rudiment is called. And also that Adam was created in the image and likeness of the Creator himself. Although the details were not specified. I will assume that the first Adam was not quite what it was intended, and therefore upgraded.

But … people are used to “humanizing” everything and even animals. Here is the image of Lilith, which has changed over time. Became like this:


Fish people

Today people in Europe are frightened with such a scary poster. Stop climate change before it stops you


Looking at this type on the poster, I would like to ask "What does climate change have to do with it?" Only genetic experiments can change to such an extent. In general, they are scary, but not particularly scary. Just think, the lips are huge, there is no nose, fish eyes, the brain is small - today it's even fashionable in Hollywood.

In short, it is quite possible that the purpose of the poster is to convey the message of the threat of climate change to people. But on the other hand, perhaps in this way people are taught that suddenly a person somewhere will encounter a similar type, which is on the poster. And along the way, they unobtrusively suggest that the changes can affect you personally. Fearfully?))

But whether this is a fantasy of the poster's creators or not, you can find out if you rewind the story.

1. This is how the Dogon imagined the Nommo. In their opinion, Nommo is a water deity, but their homeland was the star Sirius.


Or like this:


2. Similar can be found in Sumer. The Sumerians called them the Gagsis race, and their homeland was the same Sirius. Themselves "aliens" they called Abgal, which translates as "sage".


These creatures lived under water, or rather, in the underground seas. Sitchin, for example, has an assumption that their reservoirs are artificial structures, and they leave there only for a while, wearing spacesuits.


If you believe the myths, then these same creatures took part in the genetic upgrade of people.


Here are some more similar characters.


Oannes - gave knowledge to the peoples of the Persian Gulf. People in those days lived like animals in the fields. Outwardly, Oannes looked like a fish. He was very wise. He taught people to write, read, various sciences, methods of construction, etc. When the sun went down, Oannes returned underwater

The Californian Indians have a myth that the "supreme founder of time" came to them, who "came out of the water and turned himself into a man."

In Ancient Greece, intelligent creatures emerging from the sea were painted like this:


But already among the Indians:


The Egyptians also did not ignore this topic. They called them Oe. Oe also lived somewhere in the Persian Gulf, Oe came out of the light, then "out of the egg" and taught people all sorts of wisdom:


By the way, they ate fish in Egypt, but it was forbidden to serve the Pharaoh on the table. And yet, in Egypt, the star Sirius is the birthplace of Isis and Osiris.

And here's something else:


This is the oldest Christian symbol of Jesus Christ. This symbol is found on seals found in Roman temples. The explanation is that the word ICHTHYS (“fish” - ancient Greek) is an acronym for the expression “Jesus Christ, God, Son, Savior”. But this is the explanation of the Christians themselves. And so … the reason for choosing this sign may be different.


When comparing ancient texts, it becomes clear that the characters are the same in all sources. And the story that is being described is the same. Marduk hunts Tiamat, Set pursues Apophis, Zeus kills Typhon, Michael drives Lucifer away.

There are few details of events prior to this battle. The story begins with the "creation" of man, and has already been recorded by humans on just about anything, but thank you for at least something that has come down to us. According to these sources, the creatures that were "deported" to Earth after the defeat came to Earth before the creation of man. These creatures were somehow anthropomorphic, and some did not look like humans at all. People were created as slaves who were supposed to serve the interests of the higher races, that is, in the ancient way - the gods.

According to the Sumerians, the Anunnaki race created people on the basis of "clay" to use them as "helpers" in the mines of Africa for gold mining. Why the gods needed gold remains a mystery. But you cannot erase words from myth.

Clay tablets indicate that the first people were black. The same tablets say that the abode of the "black people" is ABZU. Researchers believe that this place is located in West Africa. This version is confirmed by the myths of African peoples, such as the Zulu, etc. Strangely, this is also confirmed by official science. It was in this place that humanity was born.


In Sumerian mythology, the Anunnaki ("those who descended from heaven") had 23 gods, including Enlil, the lord of the air, and Enki, the lord of the earth. Other gods did not belong to this race. They were spoken of as "SIR" or "Dragons" among the Babylonians.

The word "SER" is translated as "big snake". And in Sanskrit there is the word "Sarpa", which was called the big "dragon gods" who ruled over people and created the Dravidian culture.


These statuettes are found in Ur. On them Amasutum on the left. Feminine beings of the Ginaabul race. The Sumerians have “life planners”. In modern language - genetics. If you believe the myths, when they are deprived of the opportunity to reproduce with Sutum (this is their husband), then Amasutum can easily multiply the population using genetics. They have the ability to clone indefinitely.

Sumerians aren't the only ones with descriptions of tools and types of incubators for growing. There are even drawings:


"Priestess" oversees three artificial queens. Each upper section contains an egg fertilized with sperm.


This figure shows one artificial queen. The Akkadian word for womb is translated as a matrix. A woman emerges from the “matrix”. Like Eve. Near the Saami. That is, this is the Sumerian version of human creation. Sami was the seventh model in a row. Models before him were destroyed. The Saami would also be destroyed if the Chief did not recognize him as perfect.


These skulls resemble those of the Ur figurines (above). The official version: this is a consequence of some kind of disease. However, such skulls have been dug up in abundance, and not only in Africa.


The Life Designers are the guardians of key locations in the universe. Their goal: to normalize the form and content originally emanating from the "Source", which can be compared with the modern concept of God. Perhaps they are "angels of God"

This is the symbol of Kadishtu. The same "Latin" caduceus. An intertwined snake spiral is very similar to DNA. Isn't that the best symbol for genetic manipulation? Here's another sample:


This is a fragment of a vase from Gudea. What are these teapots on the heads of the snake-like? Very similar to crowns. The figure shows that the snake is one, not two, as in the late Latin "caduceus". The snake is supported by two winged reptiles.

The Anunnaki Sumer also belong to the reptile race. Through genetic engineering, the Anunnaki have guided the development of humans as a slave race for millennia.

Such descriptions are not only found in the Sumerians, Akkads and Babylonians. If we discard some details, then the same picture is in other peoples.


In ancient Indian mythology, the reptoids are Nagas. These are humanoid lizards or snakes. In the earliest sources, they were equated with gods, but later became demons. They were not initially seen as hostile. At that time, mortals could pass between "heaven" and Earth. But when the gods retired from human affairs, the Nagas retreated to large underground cities, where they maintain secrecy.



A fiery lion will meet you there

And a blue ox full of eyes.

With them the golden eagle of heaven

Whose eyes are so bright, unforgettable

In fact, not everything is as lyrical as in Grebenshchikov's song, and, perhaps for someone, meeting such animals will not look like that song, under blue skies in a golden city with transparent gates. Perhaps for someone there will be no sky overhead at all, and completely different "animals" will be met

For example, the prophet Ezekiel in the Bible describes his impressions as follows:

And each has four faces, and each of them has four wings, and their legs are straight legs, and the feet of their feet are like the foot of a calf, and sparkled like shiny copper.

And human hands were under their wings, on their four sides; and their faces, and their wings, all four; their wings touched one another; during their march, they did not turn around, but walked each in the direction of their face.

The likeness of their faces is the face of a man and the face of a lion on the right side of all four of them; and on the left side the face of a calf in all four and the face of an eagle in all four. And their faces and their wings were separated from above, but each had two wings touching one another, and two covered their bodies.

And the sight of these animals was like the kind of burning coals, like the kind of lamps; fire walked among the animals, and a glow from the fire, and lightning came from the fire.

So, they had four wings, which, apparently in the course of evolution, turned into two. And then, since 1772, by the decree of the Synod, it was generally forbidden to depict the evangelists in the form of animals. The symbols of the evangelists could only accompany the images of people. Images of those "animals" remained only on old icons, but also with two wings. And in Catholicism everything is the same.


The symbols of those "animals" became the "heavenly" patrons of many cities and peoples. By the way, in Grebenshchikov's song, the angel next to these animals is not mentioned. I probably forgot Borya. However, Ezekiel also did not speak about the angel. These four-winged creatures with human faces were named angels later. And he had only two wings - later.


In short, there is a lot of confusion. Even the Old Believers did not really understand:

“In the ancient church books printed saints, four evangelists imagined Matthew as a human face, Marko the face of an Orlim, Luke telechim, John the Lion … This ancient church custom has changed, they imagine John as the face of an Eagle, and Mark is a lion, but the Romans do not write John's face; but Mark's face is lva, and not an eagle …"

On the one hand, the Old Believers point to a mistake, on the other, the synod and the church fathers correct the ancients and cut off a pair of wings.

I don't know where the truth is and where it is not, but I think the church had reasons for this. But those whom Ezekiel described clearly had four wings.


Symbols of the four Evangelists, according to the Book of Armagh

(dated 807-809 AD) Trinity, Ireland.

By the way, has anyone noticed the snake that Angel is trampling on in the picture just above? If anyone thinks this is just a poetic allegory, take a look here:


Byzantine mosaic, Constantinople, 5th century.

At that time it was not yet forbidden to depict the "signs of the evangelists" in "pure form". The plot, which is known all over the world and is depicted on many coats of arms:


It can be added that the homeland of these creatures who came to Earth as "Anunnaki" is the constellation of the Dragon. Simple and straightforward, isn't it?

You can also recall the ichthyoid from Sirius, who allegedly lived at the beginning of time before the flood. Or, for example, Kadishtu - Designers of Life. In general, Mother Hubur created 11 races.

In addition to those listed above, there was also Shedu - the Bull of Heaven, created in the constellation Taurus, as a powerful protective creature. Huge sculptures of these creatures guarded the doors of the Assyrian palaces. They were supposed to scare away the forces of chaos. This is what Lamassus looked like, only with the body of a lion.


So, we have considered four "animals". This is a lion, an angel, an eagle and an ox.

The division of the races was as follows - Anunnaki and Igigi. These are two groups into which the Babylonian gods were divided. By what criteria they were divided is not clear, because these races often acted together, and the Igigi were even sent to Earth (in the days before the creation of man) to help the Anunnaki. But later, the Anunnaki joined the "underworld" and the Igigi joined the sky. Igigi is Akkadian, and so … these are the same "sons of God" - Elohim (in the Bible). The Arabs turned this word into Ilahi.

In the Enuma Elish, the Kingu were created as a race of warriors. They had full authority to fight the wars for Tiamat. The main warrior received a unique device - the Fate tables. The King lost the war. The main warrior was killed. After the destruction of the planet and the death of Tiamat, the kingu were deported to Earth.


The Kingu, along with the Anunnaki, control some areas of the Earth.

All Kingu are very human, but not human. They are mortal, but their lifespan is 4000 times longer than that of humans. Most of the Kings had a mark on their foreheads like a third eye.

Kingu's emblem is EAGLE. Three types:

1. Kingu-Babbar. White. They were originally the main ones in the constellation Draco. As a result of the Great War, they ended up in the constellation Lyra. Some of them are still in our solar system. They are in conflict with the Anunnaki and their descendants. And this has been expressed since ancient times by the battle of the eagle and the snake. Kingu Babbar occupy a special, secluded position and do not mix with others. They are the largest of this race. Some have wings, others don't.

2. Those. Red. Cleaners. Lower in rank and level than Kingu Babbar. They had something like the semblance of wings, or rather, what people thought were wings. When Kingu-Babbar left the land, the Reds remained in control of their territories.

3. Usu. Green. Soldiers and workers. Their skin is much lighter than that of the Anunnaki.

Sukkal is a subgroup of Kadishtu. They are shaped like birds.

The Sumerian word "sukkal" means "messenger". These are humanoids with the body of a bird. They have large wings.

By the way, the Greek term "anggelos" also means messenger and refers to creatures with functions similar to the biblical angels. Their homeland, allegedly, according to the Sumerians, is the constellation Lyra.

The angel is a serious creature, often depicted with a shining sword.

Where did the plump and frivolous angels with wings come from in Catholicism is a question.

Urma - "Army of Elohim". Soldiers, Life Designers. (UR-MAH, "big warrior", also "lion"). Emblem: LEO.

Always described with claws. Natural or artificial is unclear. Homeland - the constellation Orion. Their symbolic images are the same among the ancient peoples:


Kerub - winged creature with the body of a lion, opposes the winged creature with a sword, protecting the "Sacred Tree". Perhaps this motive underlies the Tree of Life, which some Jewish traditions identify as a palm tree. However, the Babylonians also depicted a palm tree like this:


This is the reconstructed interior of the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem:


In the room where the Ark is located, one can see huge golden Cherubim.


Here, in brief, are all the main "races" of the Universe, except for the amorphous ones, which took part in the Great War, as a result of which part of them were deported to Earth, or except for those who occasionally visited the Earth, or except for those who created the Man.

All, except for the specially created by the mother Khibur like our cattle, for food and food - Ukubi, or creatures genetically modified by the Life Designers like Imdugud (Anzu). More about Imdugud.


They have white skin, blond hair, and tall stature. The voice is unpleasant, barking type and abrupt. Created to track the consumption of earthly resources, to serve, and to resolve conflicts. Something like the police. But, unlike the police, Imdugud's reputation is peaceful. They are not looking for "trouble" and are always depicted in the background of the Life Designers' work.

And the last thing. Mimin. These are what are now called the "grays." They like to paint them as aliens. They are wingless, large-headed, big-eyed, have smooth gray skin, and slender limbs. The Dogon called such creatures "ants". They are workers, or rather just slaves of the Anunnaki and Igigi. For this, they were created. Orders are carried out exactly. Although, perhaps their functions have changed over time, and they are now more independent.

Conceived on the basis of Musgir genetics (a striking representative of this race - Pazuzu), subsequently, in order to improve them, the Kingu genes were added.

Man, too, once received the "blood" of Kingu. And not a simple representative of the "race", but precisely that Chief Warrior.


A person weighing 70 kg, if disassembled into the "material" from which he was made, consists of:

7 kg of hydrogen, 45.5 kg of oxygen, 12.5 kg of carbon, 2.1 kg of nitrogen, 1 kg of calcium, 700 gr. phosphate, 2 grams of zinc, 0.15 grams of copper, and quite a trifle - nickel, cobalt, lead and molybdenum.

Cheap and available everywhere (on Earth and in space) components.

It is curious that the chemical analysis of stardust one to one coincides with the "recipe" of modern man. From dust, dust and clay man is created. Science is a little offended, but in this it has already agreed with the Scriptures and myths. (Nezavisimaya Gazeta,

How much is this dust in space? Lot. Infinitely many. And every part of your body passed through space, burned in the stars, exploded, creating new ones, so that now you can look around and appreciate the greatness of the world around you. Appreciated and drove on …

It turns out that the "clay" of the Scriptures is "blood" or genes not figuratively. Clay also consisted of tables on which ancient ancestors wrote down their chronicles and beliefs thousands of years ago. Today they are called religions. This information, for the most part from Mesopotamia, became the basis for almost all passages of today's Scriptures, which talk about the creation of man.

According to the Sumerians, NAM-LU-U (Immeasurable Human Being) is the first person. NAM-LU-U were created "all at once" by the Kadishtu life planners to keep track of the animals in the garden. According to the creators' idea, the Earth was supposed to be a garden. Thus, which was called Eden. Later, the term NAM-LU-U was used by the Sumerians to refer to the first people in Mesopotamia. These are the same people who contacted the "gods" who are called "Elohim" in the Bible.

NAM-LU-U possessed special abilities. They were 4 meters tall, possessed telepathy and the ability to move through space using the Merkaba. The word "merkaba" was widespread in the ancient world. For example, in Egypt it meant "the union of Spirit and Soul"


In general, they did it in some way - by moving “in dimensions”. The Egyptians generally have many strange images. For example, these:


What can this mean and what kind of tool are they using?

One could take this image as a joke of an Egyptian artist, if not for the multitude of such images.


Pay attention to the details: cable, "snake" inside the bulb and stand "with hands"


These guys in the pictures had "immortality". Just like the first people in Eden before the "Fall". In the Bible, such giants are called Rephaim. But at the time of the expulsion of the Jews from Egypt, the Rephaims were already extinct. Perhaps Goliath was their descendant. And most likely the Rephaims have something to do with Namluu.

Evidence of their activities, which they are credited with, is, for example, the Circles of Rephaim in the center of the Golan Heights in Israel - these are megalithic structures that were built before the Egyptian pyramids and Babylonian temples. Only a few people are excavating there. Needless to say, there is no need to talk about any disclosure of secrets, since strangers are not allowed there. And in general, they don't advertise much, like the Chinese pyramids. And nobody remembers megaliths in Zimbabwe at all. It's not trendy.

In short, having fulfilled his mission, or maybe because of the influx of the Anunnaki deported to the land, the "true man" left this planet. Perhaps he moved to higher spheres, where he lives to this day. There are no traces of his stay on Earth, except for a few strange bones, which from time to time are unearthed from somewhere and immediately declared a fake.

Be that as it may, by the time the first man “moved”, the “seeds of life” had sprouted, the animal and plant world was already at the final evolutionary completion. And with the arrival on Earth of the Anunnaki with their reptilian lads (or, in the language of today's Scriptures, with the appearance of the "Serpent" in the Garden of Eden), the activity of the "true man", created in "image and likeness" ended.

The new inhabitants, deported to Earth, did not bother themselves too much: "When the gods, as people, worked and worked hard, the work of the gods was exhausting, the work was hard, they were exhausted." In "Atrahasis" it is said how the "gods" rebelled against their leader Enlil and it was decided to call the father of the gods Anu from heaven to resolve their dispute at the council of the gods (Council of Twelve). I remembered the film "Twelve". Nobody knows why the jury is also 12?

At the council, then the god Enki proposed the following solution: “As long as the Goddess of Birth is present here, May she create a simple worker. Let him plow the land, let him remove the burden of labor from the gods!"

Further, here is a picture that seems to illustrate what was said on the clay tablet:


Enki together with Kadishtu create a "man" from clay, mixing "serpentine" genes. And on the right, some type is waving two tridents. The trident is an ancient symbol of the leader of the Earth, the "Territorial Administrator" of the Anunnaki. That is - in this case, it is Enlil ("Lord of the Earth"), the enemy of Enki ("Lord of Air")

The Sumerians loved symbolism. And so we see a cat under the feet of the Lord of the Earth. A cat (in Sumerian - Gullum) is a destructive animal. And if you expand the word gullum - "GUL" - "to destroy", "LUM" - abundance, fertility. That is, it can be interpreted as "the goal of Enlil is to destroy the" abundance "of the perfect instance." Proof of this interpretation can be found in the last part of Atrahasis, where Enlil orders Enki to shorten a person's life and "program" infertility in some women.

The result was a "black slave", a human being without sex. Apparently cloning turned out to be a troublesome process, so this person was later completed, and plus, they created a woman, giving the ability to self-reproduce.

The man was used for hard work: he dug canals, dug ore. It may very well be that he looked like this type:


This is a reconstruction based on a skull that was found in a cave on the island of Flores, Indonesia. Primitive tools were found near the skeleton. The skull is 97 thousand years old, if they don't lie. He was even called a hobbit online. You can google it: "The Hobbit of Flores Island". The creature is recognized as a human, despite the very small growth and volume of the skull. This branch turned out to be a dead end - there are no analogues in modern races.

That “black slave” has nothing in common with modern “blacks”. But, perhaps such "people" worked in the mines that were found in Swaziland. I repeat: this line is considered a dead end, it has no continuation, just like the line of the "intermediate" Neanderthal.

Apparently, Enki didn’t like the result, and therefore several groups of “designers” began to work on improving this version. Some of them modified the "black man", others created a white one, like, in an image and likeness, but in their own way, mixing with their own genes. The Reptilians also did not sit still.

As a result, we see people as we see them. Not very similar to each other, and not very racially compatible. With a different "mentality". Some have a serpentine, others belligerent, others … hmmm. But also similar. They have two arms, two legs, with flat (as Socrates noted), unlike chicken nails. Some even have a head that can think.

And it would seem, live for yourself, man, and rejoice. But … what we see today - the diversity of paganism and religions, with a common deep essence, has clearly different "gods" who are more like not wise teachers, but more like curators, or shepherds of the flock … as anyone.

A couple more interesting analogies.

The gods who arrived on Earth had a habit of assimilating and mixing races, seeking obedience. Just like people who get the same from livestock. For example, in ancient Egypt, sheep were called Undu, and people were called Undut. The same words among the Sumerians: UN-DU - a horned crowd; UN-DU-UT - population.

There is something to think about …


Where did the Serpent's connection with wisdom and knowledge come from? After all, there are absolutely no prerequisites for this. There are many better candidates for this role in the animal kingdom.


This is the stone face of an idol from Pristina. 18 cm in height. Dates back to the 5th century BC. Large size and excellent quality. It is one of the most important artifacts of Stone Age art.

There is little information about the Vinca Culture. Once it occupied the territory of the former Yugoslavia, Moldavia, Bulgaria and southern Ukraine. It is much older than other European cultures of the Stone Age, but despite this it was more civilized, and therefore it can be attributed to the culture of the "Bronze Age". This nation was very different from its contemporaries neighbors. For example, archaeologists were very surprised by the metallurgical workshop dug up in Serbia with a melting furnace and tools. This is the oldest metallurgical production in Europe. And further. These people had a written language. In the sixth century BC !!! Unbelievable, but it is a fact. And this is another "record" - the oldest written language in Europe. That is, almost 1-2 centuries earlier than the Sumerians and 3-4 earlier than the Greeks.





Now imagine: people in skins are wandering back and forth, digging out tops-roots, on occasion they catch animals in traps or fish in rivers. In general, they do not starve. And suddenly - for no reason - they settled down. They burned forests for fields, began to sow grain, plow, harvest, sew clothes, smelt metal, build roads, take garbage to the trash heap for the joy of historians and archaeologists, etc. That is, they began to live in a civilized manner. What does civilized mean? Many people think that civilization is TV, freedom and democracy. I believe that civilization is a sewer. That is, as soon as people stop pooping in pits near the house, or bury them in the sand with a spatula, and begin to divide a special latrine, it is already on the path of evolution. But civilization is definitely a sewage system. Once the population self-organizes to such an extentwhat makes sewage pipes - it can be called civilized.

- Part two -