What Were The Post-war Plans Of Hitler In The USSR - Alternative View

What Were The Post-war Plans Of Hitler In The USSR - Alternative View
What Were The Post-war Plans Of Hitler In The USSR - Alternative View

Video: What Were The Post-war Plans Of Hitler In The USSR - Alternative View

Video: What Were The Post-war Plans Of Hitler In The USSR - Alternative View
Video: Operation Barbarossa: Hitler's Invasion of The Soviet and Battle of Moscow - Animation 2024, September

The Second World War, in which the troops of the anti-Hitler coalition defeated the horde of German conquerors, caused irreparable damage to many countries. And only a few knew that the Nazis had a real plan for the destruction of the conquered peoples. It was called "Generalplan Ost" - in translation "General plan to the East." And although this document did not directly indicate the planned implementation of an unprecedented genocide of Slavic peoples and all non-Slavic nationalities, its implementation would lead to the destruction of most peoples. And in the liberated territories, it was planned to resettle the German colonists.

At the Nyurberg trial, which tried German war criminals, the question was raised about the creators and inspirers of the "Ost" plan, who intended to destroy a significant part of the indigenous population in the East. The allies could not find the text itself. Today the question arises - did you not want to or, really, could not find it? During the trial, German criminals argued that the "Ost" plan did not include the genocide of the peoples of the non-German nation and that it was about the post-war development of the eastern lands after getting rid of the "Stalinist yoke". But if this is so, then why did the lawyers for the criminals not present the text of the "Ost" plan as proof of their words.

For many years, researchers bit by bit collected the text of the plan "Ost", which the Germans kept under the heading "highly secret" and tried to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands. After the entire text of the document was collected, it became clear that it was the Ost plan that was the main program document for the "liberation of living space" for the Hitlerite empire at the expense of the lands of the "lower races", including the Slavic peoples. Some historians believe that this document cannot be considered a state document, since it was not signed by Hitler, but it is worth recalling that the Barbarossa plan also did not have the signature of Adolf Hitler, but despite this, the Germans began a war with the USSR.

It is known that the plan "Ost" was drawn up by professor and at the same time senior SS officer K. Mayer. And he worked on this document on behalf of the high command, most likely his immediate superior - Himmler. It was Himmler who made notes and comments on the Ost plan.

By the summer of 1942, the draft of this plan was ready. Finding the ideological mastermind behind the Ost plan was easy. Here are the words of Hitler from his book “My Struggle”: “We National Socialists start where we left off six centuries ago. We stop the eternal Germanic spread to the south and west of Europe and turn our gaze to the countries to the east. Finally, we break with the colonial and trade policies of the pre-war period and move on to the land policy of the future. If we think about the lands, then today in Europe again we must have in mind, first of all, only Russia and its subordinate border states."

Plan "Ost" consisted of three parts: A - "Requirements for the future organization of settlement", B - "Review of the development costs of the annexed eastern regions and their structure", C - "Demarcation of settlements in the occupied eastern regions and general features of development".

In part A, it was proposed to allot the German peasants with land. Subject to their successful development within 20 years, the land was transferred to them in their ownership. Several positions are alarming in the document: first, the settlement of the lands is carried out under the direct supervision of SS Reichsfuehrer Heinrich Himmler, as well as the phrase in the document that "German weapons finally won for the country the eastern regions, which have been forever disputed for centuries." And the speech, in this statement, was not so much about the territory of Russia as about the eastern regions of Ukraine, Poland and the Baltic States.

It should be recalled that when the Nazis occupied Norway, Holland, France, Denmark, Belgium, they retained their statehood, of course, loyal to the Germans, but Poland and Czechoslovakia ceased to be states when they were captured by Nazi troops - Poland turned into a general governor, and Czechoslovakia was divided into two parts: Slovakia and the “protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia”. The entire occupied territory of Poland and Russia was planned to be made the regions of the Greater German state.

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The following quotation from the plan "Ost" confirms the fact that the inhabited land will belong exclusively to the Germans: regions … The state must extract the funds necessary for this in the new eastern regions from the formed value mass”. The plan "Ost" speaks of the eastern lands as free and does not mention the fate of the population of these countries at all. And by "valuable mass" is meant fertile land, oil, gas, forest, etc., but not people.

From the above, we can confidently draw the following conclusion: the Germans did not plan to preserve their independent statehood in any of the captured "eastern regions" - neither in Ukraine, nor in Lithuania, nor in Estonia, nor in Latvia, nor in Belarus, nor, moreover, in Russian regions, making the hope of the Crimean Tatars for their own state impossible.

Here is another quote from the Ost plan: “” … in relation to the Russian and Asian peoples, certain areas are highlighted in which the state has special responsibilities. In these areas, for the vital security of the state, the usual means of maintaining power and organization are not enough, but the direct participation of the Germans as the local population is required. Here it is necessary to root the German people with the earth in a completely alien environment and to ensure its biological composition for a long time. First, these areas are Gotengau and Ingermanlandia, then the Memel-Narev region”” (underlined in the original text). From this text of the plan it follows that the Germans will become the indigenous population of the occupied lands, and the Baltic peoples, Russians, Ukrainians will be considered an alien environment. And "long-term maintenance of biological composition" implies a ban for Germans to mix with the indigenous population of the land, which was considered exclusively as a foreign labor force (farm laborers, slaves).

Part B of the "Ost" plan is devoted to the analysis of the possibility of settling the "eastern lands" without using material and financial assistance from the German state. The author of the plan provides mathematical calculations confirming the fact that without the help of the state, it will not be possible to populate these areas with Germans. It was planned that such an infrastructure would be created in the eastern lands that would be "… native to a German man", and "the environment and, in general, agricultural use is made possible only according to the German model." The Germans did not plan to create industry in the East, the eastern lands were viewed exclusively as an agrarian appendage of the German superpower. According to the plan, the cities should be used as scientific, technical and cultural centers only for Germans.

In the "Ost" plan, financing of all these activities was planned to be carried out from three sources: the state budget, at the expense of extraordinary revenues (stolen valuables) and the use of reparations from the defeated countries. For the Germanization of the "eastern lands" it was proposed to use forced labor of civilian prisoners, prisoners of war and all citizens from the occupied countries of Europe. The Germans believed that they had the right to use all material and financial values that they appropriated on the territory of the occupied countries in the interests of their own state, and, therefore, use them, at their discretion, and for the implementation of the Ost plan - building a New Germany, which will be completely depend on Old Germany and never dare to raise the issue of independence. New Germany should become a supplier for the industrial giants of Old Germany, which need primary processing products (steel, coke, cast iron, timber, cement, vegetable fiber, non-ferrous metals), raw materials, and fuel resources. The text of the plan does not ambiguously indicate the use in New Germany of the forced labor of foreign labor (meaning the former indigenous population of the countries). The author of the plan even calculated how many people would live in the new territories developed by the Germans: 3 million in rural areas and 4.3 million in cities, and the plan does not say where the rest of the inhabitants of these areas will go. The text of the plan does not ambiguously indicate the use in New Germany of the forced labor of foreign labor (meaning the former indigenous population of the countries). The author of the plan even calculated how many people would live in the new territories developed by the Germans: 3 million in rural areas and 4.3 million in cities, and where the rest of the inhabitants of these areas will go, the plan does not say. The text of the plan does not ambiguously indicate the use in New Germany of the forced labor of foreign labor (meaning the former indigenous population of the countries). The author of the plan even calculated how many people would live in the new territories developed by the Germans: 3 million in rural areas and 4.3 million in cities, and the plan does not say where the rest of the inhabitants of these areas will go.

In part C of the Ost plan, it is written in five-year terms how many German immigrants must develop the eastern lands and the amount of required expenses. For example, it was planned to settle 500 thousand German peasants in Lithuania within 25 years. For ourselves, we note that in "gratitude" to the Soviet army for the fact that Lithuania did not turn into a German colony, "brave Lithuanian guys" several years after the war killed Red Army soldiers from around the corner. They say correctly: "Whom God wants to punish, he deprives him of reason."

The plan "Ost" provided for the resettlement of 561 thousand immigrants-Germans to Crimea, and 364 thousand to Kherson.

The Germans planned to reduce the population of the eastern regions. First, to Germanize the land. Maybe this action was supposed to raise the level of the former indigenous population of the Baltic states, Russia, Ukraine, Poland to the level of Germany? Nothing like this. The Germans should become the owners of the land and all real estate, only the Germans could occupy leading positions at all levels of government, and the local population will be lowered to the lowest social strata. It was planned to evict more than 3 million indigenous people from the north-western regions of Russia, from the eastern regions of Ukraine it was planned to evict 650 thousand people from 790 thousand living there. By the way, the plan did not provide for the use of “Russian Germans” in the development of new lands, whose numerous colonies lived in Russia since the 18th century.

The Germans understood that the German colonists who were ready to move from Old Germany to new lands were not enough to develop such areas, and therefore the plan provided for the transformation of a certain part of the local population into Germans: “In the future, proceed from the fact that from non-German peoples by systematic selection and selection results can be obtained: Baltic peoples (Estonians: over 50%, Latvians: up to 50%, Lithuanians: about 15%).

The Germans offered the Balts as a reward for their participation in hostilities against the Red Army to turn them, subsequently, into Germans, depriving them of their own nationality - isn't it a tsarist gift ?!

And what fate awaited those who were not lucky enough to turn into Germans? The plan says about this: “Since it is impossible to refuse the participation that is now available in the areas of the local population, interethnic relations in the eastern space should have as its goal the pacification of the local residents. This pacification is achieved through the fact that the provision of the necessary settlement land to the Germans is not carried out as before by evacuations, but by the resettlement of former residents to other collective and state farms with the simultaneous provision of land. This resettlement should be tied to rational selection in accordance with the principle of payment according to the quantity and quality of labor and to the social uplift of the positive forces of foreign nationalities."

That is, all the good land is given to the Germans, and the locals move to where they will be allowed to produce agricultural products on land owned by the German government. The "Ost" plan does not explicitly declare the physical destruction of the indigenous population evicted from their land, it provides for their forced resettlement to the Arctic and Siberia.

It should be noted that the proposed actions of the "Ost" plan in relation to the population of the occupied countries exactly fall under the concept of genocide. So the concept of genocide includes: actions committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, any national, ethnic, racial or religious group as such.

Although the Germans planned to launch the Ost plan after the end of the war, they started partly earlier. It was within its framework that about 3 million prisoners of war were killed, the population of Poland, Belarus and Ukraine was destroyed and sent to forced labor. Only during the Nazi occupation in Belarus, 25% of the population died!

We must remember that the Red Army did not allow the inhuman plans of Hitler's criminals to be realized and not trust those politicians who are trying to rewrite history in order to please their ambitions.