Mystical Events During The Great Patriotic War - Alternative View

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Mystical Events During The Great Patriotic War - Alternative View
Mystical Events During The Great Patriotic War - Alternative View

Video: Mystical Events During The Great Patriotic War - Alternative View

Video: Mystical Events During The Great Patriotic War - Alternative View
Video: Песня Великая Отечественная война попурри - Great Patriotic War Medley (English Lyrics) 2024, September

Closely connected with the subconscious, with the depths of the human psyche, mysticism sometimes brings such surprises that the hairs on the head stand on end. It was during the Great Patriotic War. When people were on the verge of death, they understood: the need for a miracle is of the same nature as air and water, as bread and life itself.

And miracles were done. Only now it is not known for certain what lay in their basis.

When time stops

Time is the most mysterious physical quantity. Its vector is unidirectional, the speed seems to be constant. But in the war …

Elena Zaitseva, nurse of the sanitary transport ship.


Many front-line soldiers who survived the bloody battles were surprised to notice that their hours were behind. Yelena Yakovlevna Zaitseva, a nurse of the Volga military flotilla, who was taking out the wounded from Stalingrad, said that when their sanitary transport ship came under fire, the watches of all doctors stopped. Nobody could understand anything.

And here is the candidate of technical sciences, the author of the book "What is time?" Yuri Belostotsky, comprehending this and other facts, writes:

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“Academicians Viktor Shklovsky and Nikolai Kardashev put forward a hypothesis that there was a delay in the development of the Universe, which was about 50 billion years. Why not assume that during periods of such global shocks as the Second World War, the usual course of time was not disturbed? This is absolutely logical. Where cannons rattle, bombs explode, the regime of electromagnetic radiation changes, and time itself changes."

Fought after death

Anna Fedorovna Gibailo (Nyukhalova) is from Bor. Before the war, she worked at a glass factory, studied at the technical school of physical education, taught at school No. 113 in the city of Gorky, at an agricultural institute.

In September 1941, Anna Fedorovna was sent to a special school, and after graduation - to the front. After completing the assignment, she returned to Gorky, and in June 1942, as part of a fighter battalion under the command of Konstantin Kotelnikov, crossed the front line and began to operate behind enemy lines in the Leningrad region. When the time was given, she kept a diary.

“A strong battle with enemy tanks and infantry,” she wrote on 7 September. - The battle began at 5 am. The commander ordered: Anya - to the left flank, Masha - to the right, Viktor and Alekseev were with me. They are behind a machine gun in the dugout, and I am in cover with a machine gun. The first chain was cut by our machine guns, the second chain of Germans grew. The whole village was on fire. Victor is wounded in the leg.

She crawled across the field, dragged him into the forest, threw branches, he said that Alekseev was wounded. I crawled back to the village. All my pants were torn, my knees were covered in blood, I crawled out of the oat field, and the Germans were walking along the road. A terrible picture - they rocked and threw a man into a burning bath, I suppose that it was Alekseev."

The fighter executed by the Nazis was buried by local residents. However, the Germans, having learned about this, dug up the grave and threw out the charred corpse. At night, some kind soul buried Alekseev for the second time. And then it began …

A few days later, a detachment of Fritzes marched from the village of Shumilovka. Only they were level with the cemetery, an explosion thundered, three soldiers were left lying on the ground, another was wounded. For some unknown reason, a grenade detonated. While the Germans were figuring out what's what, one of them gasped, grabbed his heart and fell down dead. And he was tall, young and perfectly healthy.

Was it a heart attack or something else? Residents of a small village on the Shelon River are sure: this was revenge on the Nazis of the dead soldier. And as confirmation of this, one more story. A policeman hanged himself at the cemetery next to Alekseev's grave during the war. Maybe my conscience tortured me, maybe with a binge. But come on - you have not found any other place besides this.

Hospital stories

Elena Yakovlevna Zaitseva had to work in the hospital. And there I heard a lot of different stories.

… One of her charges came under shelling, his leg was blown off. Talking about this, he assured that some unknown force carried him several meters - where the shells did not reach. The fighter lost consciousness for a minute. I woke up from pain - it was difficult to breathe, the faintness seemed to penetrate even into the bones. And above it - a white cloud, which seemed to protect the wounded soldier from bullets and shrapnel. And for some reason he believed that he would survive, that he would be saved.

And so it happened. Soon a nurse crept up to him. And only then the explosions of shells began to be heard, the iron butterflies of death fluttered again …

Another patient, a battalion commander, was taken to the hospital in critical condition. He was very weak and his heart stopped during the operation. However, the surgeon managed to bring the captain out of the state of clinical death. And gradually he began to get better.

The battalion commander used to be an atheist - the party members do not believe in God. And then it seemed to be replaced. According to him, during the operation he felt that he was leaving his body, rising upward, seeing people in white coats bent over him, floating along some dark corridors to a light firefly flickering in the distance, a small ball of light …

He felt no fear. He simply did not have time to realize anything when light, a sea of light burst into the eyelessness of the impenetrable night. The captain was seized with delight and awe at something inexplicable. A gentle, painfully familiar voice said:

- Come back, you still have a lot to do.

And then the battalion commander did not remember anything.

And finally, the third story. A military doctor from Saratov received a bullet wound and lost a lot of blood. He urgently needed a transfusion, but there was no blood of his group in the infirmary.

Nearby lay a still uncooled corpse - the wounded man died on the operating table. And the military doctor said to his colleague:

- Pour his blood to me.

The surgeon twisted his finger at his temple:

- Do you want two corpses?

“I’m sure it will help,” said the military doctor, falling into oblivion.

Such an experiment seems to have never been done anywhere else. And he succeeded. The wounded man's deathly pale face turned pink, his pulse recovered, he opened his eyes. After being discharged from the Gorky Hospital No. 2793, the Saratov military doctor, whose last name Elena Yakovlevna had forgotten, again went to the front.

And Zaitseva, after the war, was surprised to learn that back in 1930, one of the most talented surgeons in the history of Russian medicine, Sergei Yudin, for the first time in the world transfused the blood of a deceased person to his patient and helped him recover. This experiment was classified for many years, but how could a wounded military doctor know about it? One can only guess.

Premonition did not deceive

We die one by one. Nobody knows in advance when this will happen. But in the bloodiest massacre in the history of mankind, which claimed tens of millions of lives, in the mortal collision of good and evil, many felt their own and others' destruction. And this is not accidental: war sharpens feelings.

Fyodor and Nikolai Solovievs (left to right) before being sent to the front. October 1941.


Fedor and Nikolai Soloviev went to the front from Vetluga. Their paths crossed several times during the war. Lieutenant Fyodor Soloviev was killed in 1945 in the Baltics. Here is what his elder brother wrote to his relatives about his death on April 5 of the same year:

“When I was in their unit, soldiers and officers told me that Fedor was a loyal comrade. One of his friends, the company chief, cried when he learned of his death. He said that they had spoken the day before, and Fyodor admitted that this fight is unlikely to go well, his heart feels something unkind."

There are thousands of such examples. Political instructor of the 328th Rifle Regiment, Alexander Tyushev (after the war, he worked in the Gorky Regional Military Commissariat) recalled that on November 21, 1941, some unknown force forced him to leave the command post of the regiment. And a few minutes later, the command post covered a land mine. As a result of a direct hit, everyone who was there died.

In the evening Aleksandr Ivanovich wrote to his relatives: “Our dugouts cannot withstand such shells … 6 people were killed, among them commander Zvonarev, medical instructor Anya and others. I could have been among them."

Front bikes

Guard Sergeant Fyodor Larin worked as a teacher in the Chernukhinsky District of the Gorky Region before the war. He knew from the first days: he would not be killed, he would return home, but in one of the battles he would be wounded. And so it happened.

Larin's fellow countryman, senior sergeant Vasily Krasnov, after being wounded, returned to his division. I caught a ride that was carrying shells. But suddenly Vasily was seized with a strange uneasiness. He stopped the car and went on foot. The anxiety was released. A few minutes later, the lorry ran into a mine. There was a deafening explosion. In fact, nothing remained of the car.

And here is the story of the former director of the Gagin secondary school, front-line soldier Alexander Ivanovich Polyakov. During the war years, he participated in the battles near Zhizdra and Orsha, liberated Belarus, crossed the Dnieper, Vistula and Oder.

- In June 1943, our unit was deployed southeast of Buda-Monastyrskaya in Belarus. They were forced to go on the defensive. Around - the forest. We have trenches, and so do the Germans. Now they go on the attack, then we.

In the company where Polyakov served, there was one soldier whom no one loved, because he predicted who would die when and under what circumstances. It should be noted that he predicted quite accurately. At the same time, he spoke to the next victim like this:

- Write a letter home before you get killed.

That summer, after completing the mission, scouts from a neighboring unit came to the company. The soldier-fortuneteller, glancing at their commander, said:

- Write home.

The foreman was explained that the clouds had thickened over him. He returned to his unit and told the commander about everything. The regiment commander laughed and sent the foreman to the deep rear for reinforcements. And it must be like this: a German shell accidentally hit the car in which the foreman was traveling, and he died. Well, the seer was found by an enemy bullet the same day. He could not predict his death.

Something mysterious

It is not by chance that ufologists consider the places of bloody battles and mass graves to be geopathogenic zones. Anomalous phenomena are really happening here all the time. The reason is clear: there are many unburied remains, and all living things avoid these places, even birds do not nest here. It's really scary in places like this at night. Tourists and search engines say that strange sounds, as if from another world, are heard, and indeed something mysterious is happening.

Search engines operate officially, but "black diggers" who are looking for weapons and artifacts of the Great Patriotic War - at their own peril and risk. But the stories of both are similar. For example, where the Bryansk front passed from the winter of 1942 to the end of the summer of 1943, the devil knows what is going on.

So, the word to "black archaeologist" Nicodemus (this is his nickname, he hides his last name):

- We set up camp on the banks of the Zhizdra River. They dug up a German dugout. We left the skeletons by the pit. And at night we hear German speech, the noise of tank engines. They were scared in earnest. In the morning we see tracks of caterpillars …

But who and why generates these phantoms? Maybe this is one of the warnings that we must not forget about the war, because a new, even more terrible one may happen?

Conversation with great-grandmother

This can be believed or not. Nizhny Novgorod resident Alexei Popov lives in the upper part of Nizhny Novgorod, in the house where his parents, grandfathers and, possibly, even great-grandfathers lived. He is young and in business.

Last summer, Alexey went on a business trip to Astrakhan. From there I called my wife Natasha on my mobile phone. But her cell phone for some reason did not answer, and Aleksey dialed the number of an ordinary apartment phone. The receiver was answered, but a child's voice answered. Alexey decided that he was in the wrong place, and dialed the desired number again. And again the child answered.

- Call Natasha, - said Alexey, he decided that someone was visiting his wife.

“I am Natasha,” the girl answered.

Alexei was confused. And the child was glad to communicate:

- I'm scared. Mom at work, I'm alone. Tell us what you do.

- I am now standing at the window and looking at the lights of another city.

“Just don’t deceive,” Natasha said. - In cities now blackout. There is no electricity, Gorky is being bombed …

Popov was speechless.

- Do you have a war?

- Of course, the war is in 1943 …

The conversation was interrupted. And then it dawned on Alexei. In some incomprehensible way he got in touch with his great-grandmother, whose name was Natalya Alexandrovna. How this could happen, he simply cannot understand.

Stepanov Sergey. Photo from the book “Can't Be Forgotten. Pages of Nizhny Novgorod history (1941-1945). Book three”, Nizhny Novgorod, Volgo-Vyatka book publishing house, 1995.