Ispun: A Special Type Of Megaliths - Alternative View

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Ispun: A Special Type Of Megaliths - Alternative View
Ispun: A Special Type Of Megaliths - Alternative View

Video: Ispun: A Special Type Of Megaliths - Alternative View

Video: Ispun: A Special Type Of Megaliths - Alternative View
Video: 7 Hours of Bafflingly Advanced Ancient Stonework That Experts Are Still Struggling To Explain 2024, September

Stone "birdhouses", common in the Caucasus, previously existed in the Crimea

The concept of a dolmen as an ancient structure of massive stone slabs is firmly entrenched in the scientific literature. At the same time, the exact translation of this word from Breton (Celtic group of languages) means "stone table" (taol maen). This concept came from the type of stone structures that have survived since antiquity around the globe, resembling a table (slabs placed on the edge, covered with a lid). As for the unique hermetically sealed structures of the Caucasus, which were widespread in the Crimea before, they are mentioned in the so-called Nart epic as "spuns" by the name of little people, for whom, according to legend, stone birdhouses served as homes.


Witnesses of a thousand-year history

More than three thousand stone birdhouses have survived in the Caucasus, and this is a third of all dolmens in the world. However, it is believed that before there were dozens of times more of them, only many of them were barbarously smashed into building materials for the houses of nearby villages.

It is very difficult to choose the “golden mean” in the study of dolmens: representatives of scientific circles, on the one hand, and all kinds of esotericists and conspiracy theorists, on the other, go to extremes in their theories. In the heat of debate about the purpose of stone birdhouses, some of those who consider them exclusively funerary structures even say that, they say, the holes were created in order to throw the skulls of the dead into the crypts … Their opponents also don’t skimp on bold theories: transceiver devices for communication with space, teleports, energy cocoons …


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In many dolmens, during excavations, the remains of people and animals with ritual attributes were actually found. True, these finds belong to cultures scattered throughout almost all eras known in human history: from the Neolithic to the Middle Ages. Therefore, their dating based on the surviving finds - for example, side scrapers, ceramics or arrowheads, in our opinion, is completely unacceptable. From this it is only clear that they already existed five thousand years ago.

Commissioned by the mighty dwarfs

Representatives of one of the indigenous peoples of the North Caucasus - the Circassians - consider themselves the ancestors of the Narts, an ancient people who inhabited the territory of the Caucasus thousands of years ago. The Nart epic, compiled in several volumes by Soviet scientists on the basis of oral local legends, as well as the works of Herodotus and Marcellinus, tells about the heroic heroes-sledges, as well as forest people, evil giants and a dwarf tribe of shepherds who lived at the same time and often entered into conflicts … The giants also waged an irreconcilable war with the dwarf tribe, which is referred to in different sources in different ways - isp or azans. According to the legend, recorded by the Soviet historian-Caucasian historian Leonid Lavrov in the 30s of the last century, “they had dark hair, large beards, a leather apron served as clothing, they were mainly engaged in breeding goats, as well as cows,rode hares and took part in memorial races. " And having once defeated the giants, the Azans forced them to build fences for livestock and stone dwellings, which, before the introduction of the Celtic name, were dolmens, and were referred to in sources as "houses of dwarfs" …


Meteor shower trails

Where did the probes and giants disappear to? The Nart epic gives a completely plausible explanation on this score: the Azans died because of their vanity and blasphemy: punishment befell them - heavenly sparks hit some cotton snow, which caused a terrible fire, in which all the Azans burned out. At the same time, only stone houses survived, but retaining traces of "heavenly sparks", or in modern terms - meteor shower, traces of which in the form of foreign inclusions can be seen on the lids of some dolmens …

Apparently, both giants and many civilizations that inhabited the earth died from the collision with the earth and the ice age that followed. According to scientists, the last ice age was triggered by the fall of a large asteroid about 13 thousand years ago. This means that dolmens are twice as old as it is commonly believed.


No gaps

If classic dolmens consist of roughly processed stone slabs, in particular, this applies to the Crimean stone boxes attributed to the Taurus, then another feature of stone birdhouses or beeps, in addition to a round hole in one of the walls, is the absence of gaps in the joints of building blocks. Slabs of stone, be they sandstone, limestone or other rock, fit very tightly together. So much so that among the versions of the technology for their creation, there has even appeared "plasticine", which, however, deserves attention. But we will talk about this another time. In any case, given the laboriousness of such work, a completely natural question arises: for what purpose was such tightness achieved? Especially if we set aside alternative versions of their purpose and focus exclusively on the funeral. The only explanation then is isolation from water. For example, during a flood, human remains on the graveyard are washed away. If the crypt is completely isolated, then the body of the deceased (or the deceased, if it is a family crypt) is preserved intact. Moreover, the round hole is also closed with a tight plug.

Moreover, hermetic stone birdhouses are characteristic exclusively for the Black Sea region (the Caucasus, where about three thousand of them survived, and the Crimea, where the presence of such structures was recorded in the 19th century). A region that, according to scientific theory, experienced a catastrophic flood several thousand years ago.