Megaliths Generate And Redistribute Electromagnetic Energy - Alternative View

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Megaliths Generate And Redistribute Electromagnetic Energy - Alternative View
Megaliths Generate And Redistribute Electromagnetic Energy - Alternative View

Video: Megaliths Generate And Redistribute Electromagnetic Energy - Alternative View

Video: Megaliths Generate And Redistribute Electromagnetic Energy - Alternative View
Video: The Secrets of Megalithic Structures... In the Search of Ancient Technology 2024, September

Megalithic energy invisible to the eye

Scientists bit by bit, but still approach the basics of knowledge of the "ancient gods" who ruled the Earth for many millennia before us. Evidence from new research strongly suggests that megaliths and other ancient structures such as stone circles, dolmens and pyramids store, accumulate, and even generate their own energy fields and electromagnetic energy.

It is known that the ancient architects of the megaliths could somehow control the laws of nature, which seemed incredible to the people of that time. Examination of the energy fields in and around Avebury, the world's largest stone circle, and other megalithic structures has proven that megaliths are designed to attract and redistribute electromagnetic energy.


To understand how all this works, it is worth looking at the background. Back in 1983, Charles Brooker conducted a study to determine the presence of magnetism in sacred places. He explored the Rollright megalithic stone circle in England. The magnetometer showed that the magnetic force is attracted into the stone circle through the narrow gap between the stones at the entrance. The two western stones of the circle pulsed, emitting concentric rings of alternating current, like ripples in a pond.

Brooker's analysis showed that "the average intensity of the geomagnetic field inside the circle was significantly lower than outside, as if the stones were acting as a shield."

There is a wall in the Idfu temple in Egypt, the space around it differs energetically from the surrounding space. According to ancient inscriptions, the creator gods first created a mound and "let a snake pass through it", after which a special force of nature infused this place where the temple was built.

The worship and deification of the serpent (snake) is present in many cultures. Perhaps she was a symbol of the winding lines of force of the Earth … those that scientists also call telluric currents?..

Promotional video:

Even more interesting results were obtained by studies of megaliths at Avebury, conducted by John Burke …

Introductory video about the megaliths of the world and Europe:

Looks like a prehistoric tram or bus stop

The electrodes installed at Avebury (during Burke's 2005 study) showed that the ring ditch breaks the transmission of telluric current to the ground, collects electricity and releases it at the entrance to Avebury. Electromagnetic activity at Avebury decreases at night and increases at dawn. But this is far from the most interesting …

Burke also discovered that Avebury stones were deliberately placed to direct electromagnetic currents in a specific direction. This is similar to modern atomic particle accelerators in which ions move in the same direction. These studies indicate that in order to obtain energy, the creators of megaliths, in addition to purely electromagnetic properties, used the gravitational and inertial properties of the mass of atoms.


Sacred megalithic structures store electromagnetic energy because megaliths contain significant amounts of magnetite.

An exhaustive study in Carnac, France, where there are about 80,000 megaliths, was carried out by electrical engineer Pierre Mireux. His results showed that dolmens amplified and released telluric energy throughout the day, with a peak at dawn (as in Avebury, see above). The scientist compared this to electrical induction.

According to Mirö, “Megaliths behave like coils or solenoids, in which induction currents become weaker or stronger depending on the surrounding magnetic field. But these phenomena do not occur if the dolmen does not contain crystalline rocks rich in quartz, such as granite."

The megaliths of Karnak, located in the most active seismic zone in France, constantly vibrate, which makes these stones electromagnetically active. The energy pulses at regular intervals, approximately every 70 minutes, the stones are regularly charged and discharged.

Miryo noticed that the voltage in the standing stones decreased as they got further away from the stone circle, which behaved like a kind of energy capacitor.

It is quite obvious that the menhirs were not placed in this place by chance, the scientists determined that the stones were transported over a distance of 97 kilometers and were installed in direct proportion to the earth's magnetism. This also applies to the rest of the megaliths - they are also placed purposefully and strictly on the basis of the available knowledge about electromagnetic energy, fields, atoms, particles … Knowledge that is much higher than that which even today the developing humanity possesses!

Video about the megaliths of Karnak:

An opportunity to receive "knowledge from above"?

It is also quite curious that many ancient traditions around the world point to one very specific aspect of megaliths: certain places on the surface of the Earth have a higher concentration of power than others. In these places, people built temples and other ritual structures. In addition, it is here that you can enter a special, altered state, which is associated with obtaining the necessary information, so to speak, from the outside …

"Intangible" impact and properties - so far raise our greatest questions and require caution in the approach. Since the leg of modern science still feels very uncomfortable here, there is not even basic knowledge. But over time, these technologies will come - there is no longer any doubt about it.


Megaliths (due to their magnetic properties) have a profound effect on the human body, in particular, on the dissolved iron in the blood vessels, not to mention the millions of magnetite particles inside the skull and pineal gland, which itself is very sensitive to geomagnetic fields and produces chemical substances pinolen and serotonin, which, in turn, leads to the creation of the hallucinogen DMT. Her, the pineal gland, is associated with the possibility of prolonging life, "the hormone of eternal youth" … Many finds of trepanned skulls in antiquity indicate an attempt to get there and influence it in this way. Who did it and for what end goals is another question, not within the framework of this article.

In conditions when the intensity of the geomagnetic field decreases, people are known to experience extraordinary mental and "shamanic states".

And many cultures of the world claim that these special places are associated with heaven and the soul can interact with the other world during the ritual.

In 2008, NASA discovered that the Earth is connected to the Sun by a network of magnetic portals that open every eight minutes.

Such discoveries confirm the claims of psychics and dowsers that in megalithic structures and ancient temples, a person can connect with places far beyond this planetary sphere.

The ancient Egyptian priests did not consider the temple to be just a conglomerate of dead stones. In the morning, they "woke up" each hall, considering the temple as a living organism that sleeps at night and awakens at dawn.

This all has its own, definite meaning and order, so to speak, a methodology that we still do not fully understand …

About the purpose of the pyramids - through the mouth of the most authoritative Andrey Sklyarov (video):
