25 Million Years Of Confrontation - Alternative View

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25 Million Years Of Confrontation - Alternative View
25 Million Years Of Confrontation - Alternative View

Video: 25 Million Years Of Confrontation - Alternative View

Video: 25 Million Years Of Confrontation - Alternative View
Video: Is war between China and the US inevitable? | Graham Allison 2024, September

Freemasons, Rosicrucians and Illuminati

Now it's time to tell you about where I started my story. Traditionally, Freemasonry is believed to have taken an organizational form in 1717 with the formation of the first Grand Lodge in London.

However, many researchers are of the opinion about the earlier emergence of Freemasonry, the origin of which is derived from the Knights Templar founded by Hugo Payen in Jerusalem in 1118, destroyed by the French king Philip the Fair and Pope Clement in 1311, or from the artels that arose in France and England in the 11th century and brotherhoods of free artisans-masons (Freemasons) separated from monasteries. According to another, no less common, point of view, the origins of Freemasonry go back to the Old Testament architect Adoniram or Hiram-Aviy (a descendant of Cain and Ham), who lived in the 10th century BC, to whom the Jewish king Solomon entrusted the management of the construction of the temple in Jerusalem.

Vladimir Nevyarovich in his work "Blessed is the kingdom …" reports that according to the sacred tradition of the Masons, they trace their lineage from the time before the Flood, from Cain and Noah's son, Ham. There are many works (both Masonic and anti-Masonic authors) in which the organizers and ideological inspirers of Freemasonry are considered sages (they are often called anti-Masonic authors "long-lived sorcerers") of Shambhala and Agartha and even "the black magicians of Atlanta who possess the secret of longevity."

The main slogan of the Masons is "Freedom, equality, brotherhood." The main attention of Masons is drawn to the need for moral self-improvement and spiritual growth within the framework of the religion that each of them professes. Masons worship God as the Supreme Being; he is referred to as the "Great Builder (Architect) of the Universe." Although Freemasonry focuses on mandatory monotheism, it is allowed to practice any traditional religion - Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism and others.

The Rosicrucian and Illuminati orders are varieties of Freemasonry. The Rosicrucian Order (also called the "Order or Brotherhood of the Rose and the Cross") is a theological and secret mystical society, presumably founded by Christian Rosenkreuz (it is believed that this is the pseudonym of the English philosopher and historian of the XVIXVII century Francis Bacon) in the 14th century in Germany. According to the Rosicrucians themselves, the origins of their teachings are in the sacred heritage of the mystical schools of Ancient Egypt, in particular the schools of the eighteenth dynasty.

The Rosicrucians take the liberty of claiming that they are familiar with information about the extraterrestrial origin of humanity and the Egyptian secret teaching.

The Rosicrucian Order professes a doctrine based on ancient esoteric truths that “are hidden from the common man, provide an understanding of nature, the physical universe and the spiritual kingdom,” which is partly symbolized by the emblem of the Brotherhood - the Rose blossoming on the Cross. The Rosicrucians set themselves the tasks of comprehending Divine wisdom, revealing the Mysteries of nature, comprehensively improving the Church (including helping to live as Jesus Christ taught), achieving lasting prosperity of states and helping people The Brotherhood trains the individual through the harmonious development of the individual in the spirit of selfless service to humanity, fight against evil and all-encompassing altruism *.

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The closeness of Freemasonry and Rosicrucianism is not denied by either the Freemasons or the Rosicrucians. The Rosicrucians say that Freemasonry is a branch of Rosicrucianism with a bias towards politics and materialism, but that it is very easy for Masons to return to the true path, that is, the path of Rosicrucianism. Freemasons consider Rosicrucianism an offshoot of Freemasonry with a bias towards mysticism.

The Illuminati are secret groups of "conspirators" (usually closely associated with the Freemasons), dating back to the Society of Bavarian Illuminati founded in the 18th century by Professor Adam Weishaupt, who seek to secretly manage world affairs by changing the existing order for their own purposes. It is believed that the Illuminati Order has existed for at least 2,000 years.

The goal of the Illuminati is to improve and ennoble humanity. The Illuminati recognize that humans are not inherently bad. The environment makes them bad: the state and religion. The natural rights to equality, freedom and happiness regardless of races and religions (the main slogans of the Illuminati, like the Masons), given to every person from birth were taken away. When people are freed from the pressure of social institutions and begin to be guided in their lives by reason and knowledge, humanity will become perfect. To achieve a state of enlightenment, the Illuminati admit the use of any method, arguing that the end justifies the means.

The activities of the Order of the Illuminati are aimed at bringing the world to the New Order of the Illuminati, independent of ideologies and religions, together with the driving forces of society. The Illuminati consider one of their main tasks to be the reconstruction of the Temple of Nature: “Monarchies and nationalities will disappear from the face of the earth. The time will come when people will have no other laws than the great book of nature (Adam Weishaupt)

The connection between the Rosicrucians and the Illuminati was very close, leading to the rise of secret degrees of initiation, often leading to admission to the Illuminati.

Major Masonic symbols and their origins (compasses and squares)

Many researchers believe that the symbolism of Freemasonry originates from the tools of labor of the masons-builders of medieval cathedrals in Europe, who were supposedly the first "brothers" of the movement. However, this is not at all the case. Let me explain this with examples.

Compass and square in ancient Chinese symbolism

One of the main symbols of Masons is the compass and (on) the square, which are used to describe the moral and ethical system of Freemasonry and designate the universality of the Masonic society.


The significance of these symbols for Masons is so great that at the end of the initiation ceremony into Masons, each initiate makes a solemn commitment to the Holy Book (Bible, Koran, Torah, etc.) of the religion that he professes, and a compass is placed on it and (on) a square …

According to the Masons themselves, the compass represents the Heavenly Vault, and the square represents the Earth. The Earth is the place where man does his work, and Heaven is symbolically connected with the place where the Great Builder of the Universe draws his plan. The square is also seen as a symbol of law and conscience, and the compass - for eternity.

These Masonic symbols have a very ancient history and are widely used in ancient Chinese symbolism. In many images of the first ancestors of people - the legendary Chinese rulers Fuxi and Nuiva, who ruled, according to Confucian philosophy, from 2953 to 2852 BC. (in the book "Earth before the flood, the world of sorcerers and werewolves" I showed that the time of their reign, most likely, fell on the Oligocene epoch of the Paleogene period 34-24 million years ago) Fusi holds a square in his hands, and Nuiva holds a compass.

Fusi and Nuiva - the sun god and lunar (earthly) goddess who survived the flood, who revived humanity

Let's see now who Fushi and Nuiwa were and what these symbols stood for in Ancient China.


The cycle of myths about Fusi has not survived in its entirety. Nevertheless, more than a hundred ancient monuments and testimonies with numerous comments of the last two thousand years have made it possible for the Chinese mythologist Professor Yuan Ke to reconstruct the ideas about this semi-legendary personality: belts - in the form of a snake (sometimes a dragon), with tightly intertwined tails and faces facing each other, or backs to each other. Fusi holds a square in his hands, Nuiva holds a compass. In some images he is holding the sun, in which is inscribed a golden crow (according to other sources, an eagle - AK), and in her hands is the moon with the image of a toad."

According to ancient legends, in hundreds of thousands li to the north-west of China there was a country called the Country of the Huaxu clan (Yuan Ke believes that this was the Country of the Far North - Zhongbeigu; according to some myths, it could hardly be reached even in thought). In that country, there were no rulers or leaders, people were not subject to passions and lived in harmony with nature for a long time, happily and never got sick (according to Yuan Ke, the inhabitants of Zhongbeiguo could not work, but "be fed and dressed"). The inhabitants of that country could walk on water, pass through fire, fly through the air. They could see in fog and darkness. They were divine and at the same time earthly beings who have comprehended the secret of immortality. There was a girl in that country whose name was Huasyu-shi, which means she was born in the country of Huaxu. Once she went for a walk to a huge shchzer (an option - to a swampy lowland overgrown with bamboo) and saw there the footprints of a giant with spread fingers. Wanting to measure how much the giant's paw is larger than its leg, Huaxuy-shi stepped on the trail and immediately felt something enter her. After a while, she gave birth to some kind of creature, not a child or a small animal, but a half-man, half-snake. She called him Fusi.

There is a completely different version of the origin of Fushi. According to one ancient Chinese legend, at a time when the earth and the sky were already separated, but were still connected by a multitude of unusually long staircases, woven from vines, it was possible to climb to heaven and descend to earth along them. Fusi, who ruled Heaven, descended and ascended along one such ladder, which descended in the very center of the earth. Nuiva, who ruled the Earth, climbed and descended on another staircase.

Fushi was originally a cultural hero of the tribes, whose totem was a bird and, possibly, was represented in the guise of a bird-man. And only later, at the turn of the new era, in the process of the formation of the common Chinese mythological system, he began to appear in tandem with Nuwa.


According to oral legends about Fuxi and Nuwa among the Chinese of Sichuan, they were brother and sister who escaped from the flood and then married to revive the lost humanity.

In my book "Earth before the Flood - the world of sorcerers and werewolves" I showed that the list of Fusi's merits before "people" (invention of writing, music and musical instruments, the discovery of the laws of harmony, etc.) and his image in some legends in the form human-birds bring Fusi closer to the solar gods - adityas, gandharvas, vidyadharas, charanas and siddhas. And his attribution to the Heavenly Lord - not imaginary, among which all Chinese emperors were counted, but to the real one who lived in Heaven after his separation from the Earth - makes this assumption even more probable.

So, Fusi, despite the available descriptions of his demonic character, apparently, was one of the surviving solar or heavenly gods after the flood, or at least a descendant of a mixed marriage of a solar god or a goddess and an earth goddess (god), to which they belonged snakemen. Then who was his "sister" and wife Nuiwa, who is considered a half-woman-half-snake in all ancient images and in modern Chinese sculpture?

She was the goddess of the Earth. A marriage union was established between Fusi and Nyuwa. That's where the truth is!

The marriage between Heaven and Earth was a very common motive in the traditions of various peoples.

Compass and square - the image of the foundations and principles of the universe

According to ancient Chinese tradition, a compass (sometimes instead of a compass - a plumb line) is a symbol of a circle - TAI JI, and a square is a symbol of a square - LO SHU (magic square).

The symbol "Tai Chi", first mentioned in one of the most ancient Chinese books - "The Book of Changes", is considered the supreme principle and circle of existence, in which there is an alternation of rest and movement, light and darkness. It denotes the rules by which the system of relationships between the natural and social components of the Universe is built. “Qi (energy permeating the Universe - AK) generates chi, living matter, which, as a result of the interaction of light and darkness, is transformed into the Five Primary Elements - wood, earth, fire, metal and water” - this is how the principle of Tai Ji A. V. Nesterov (https://falundafa.udm.ru/_pages/a_2_2/fldfii_a_2_2 ….). The term "Tai Chi" is translated as the Great Limit and reflects the cosmic principle, which generates the forces of yang (masculine) and yin (feminine).

According to Taoist views, the entire Universe is a single, harmonious and perfect system, all components of which function according to the same laws, therefore, the shape of a circle is its optimal symbolic expression. The black and white halves represent the yang (white) and yin (black) forces, each of which is a mirror image of the other.


A magic or magic square is a square table filled with numbers in such a way that the sum of the numbers in each row, each column, and on both diagonals, called the magic constant, is the same.

In ancient China, Lo Shu was widespread, known since 2200 BC. - the only normal (filled with integers from 1 to n) magic square 3 × 3. The sum of the numbers in each column, each row and on the diagonals of Lo Shu is 15, and the result of dividing 15 by the number of rows or columns (3) is 5. The number 5 stands in the center of the diagram, representing the principle of the equilibrium middle (Earth). The rest of the numbers are organized around it in 9 sectors, which denote the countries of the world, which are under the control of various elements of nature or primary elements.