The Formula For The Existence Of God - Alternative View

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The Formula For The Existence Of God - Alternative View
The Formula For The Existence Of God - Alternative View

Video: The Formula For The Existence Of God - Alternative View

Video: The Formula For The Existence Of God - Alternative View
Video: How Science Could Prove the Existence of God | Michio Kaku | Google Zeitgeist 2024, September

We all learned at school that "matter is an objective reality given to us in sensations." That is, matter is something that you can touch. And if not? Sometimes there is an inextricable connection between completely different phenomena, which cannot be explained by any physical, material laws. Maybe this is the proof of the existence of the Supreme Mind? After all, somewhere there must be information about the structure of all things in the universe, about the structure of atoms, planets, DNA, about their development, about the past, present and future of the infinite universe …

The language of the Universal Computer

First of all, let's take it as an axiom that our world is multidimensional. However, there is no doubt that all planes of being are connected with each other by some key structure. The universe is a single information system, similar to a computer. The presence of subtle informational connections between its objects explains most of the phenomena that are now commonly referred to as parapsychology.

Nowadays, a new science has been born - linguobiology, which arose at the junction of linguistics and biology. It is based on the doctrine of language as a universal code of the universe.

In fact, this idea was previously encountered in some philosophical teachings. Thus, the Austrian philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951) in his work "Logical-Philosophical Treatise" (1921) put forward the concept of "logically perfect" or "ideal" language, capable of describing the entire body of knowledge about the world.

One of the founders of linguobiology is the poet and linguist Joseph Brodsky (1940-1996), who spoke about the process of self-knowledge of the language.

In general, there is an opinion that all words are the product of the primary semantic code of the Universe. Moreover, we are talking not only about words, but also about the macro- and microcosm, genetic and molecular structures.

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But any operating system is based on a certain code language. Why not assume that the "Universal Computer" is also based on a complex system of codes that determine how the world "programs" work? Otherwise, chaos would reign in the world, and our existence with you would hardly be possible.

In other words, any event in the world is subject to a certain algorithm. Algorithms for different events and objects are able to coincide, differ, consist of repeating commands, and so on. Moreover, information can be given to us in an explicit form: in the form of some symbols, notes, drawings, numerical and letter sequences … Having learned to read these messages of the Higher powers, we will be able to more accurately navigate this reality, more objectively assess the past and present and even predict the future.

What is Encrypted in the Bible?

At the same time, probably, almost none of us living do not doubt the existence of God, or the Highest cosmic principle. But in the hands of researchers there is only indirect evidence of Divine intervention in life on Earth - information received from contactees and eyewitnesses of anomalous phenomena, which is often impossible to verify.

Thus, S. Pervozvansky, a contactee from Lvov, claims that all life on Earth is a single organism. The stages of its development are pre-programmed. At a certain stage, humanity begins to form, which is a nervous system. Then each of the "nerve cells" is endowed with a soul. Over time, they will merge together, and each individual will cease to exist as an independent person. An ecological crisis is also inevitable due to the accumulation of waste products of the organism. All cataclysms on the planet are also programmed.

It makes no sense to discuss how all this corresponds to reality. There is only one thing that attracts attention here - we are talking about the program. The program for the development of life on Earth!

This raises many questions. And above all, how did the Higher Mind manage to model such an all-encompassing sign system? In this regard, the discovery of the biblical code made by the Russian mathematician and programmer Eliyahu Rips who emigrated to Israel is of particular interest. Fate brought him together with the American journalist Michael Droznin. Rips offered him his computer program, with the help of which he continued his own study of the Bible. The result of this work was the book “The Bible Code. Cryptography of the future”. Droznin counted as many as six references to the word "computer" in the Bible! All of them are associated with the concept of "thought", and four of them - with a description of the ark of the Lord, in which the ancient Israelites kept the tablets with God's commandments: “The tablets were the work of God, and the letters inscribed on the tablets,were the writings of God”(Exodus 32, 16). In this text, the message is encrypted: "This was done by a computer - the letters of God inscribed on the tablets." There are also words: "The Bible code - sealed before God." It stands for this: "Computer - the words were sealed until recently." "Sealed" - this is undoubtedly an encoded text. But why did you need to code it? Perhaps the answer lies in the word "computer". The compiler of the universal program knew that over time, mankind will come up with electronic computers and find the code! However, in this case, why not give a forecast without encryption? Maybe at earlier stages humanity was not ready to perceive such information? Or … knowledge of the future should come to people at a critical moment in history and serve as a warning to them?In this text, the message is encrypted: "This was done by a computer - the letters of God inscribed on the tablets." There are also words: "The Bible code - sealed before God." It stands for this: "Computer - the words were sealed until recently." "Sealed" - this is undoubtedly an encoded text. But why did you need to code it? Perhaps the answer lies in the word "computer". The compiler of the universal program knew that over time, mankind will come up with electronic computers and find the code! However, in this case, why not give a forecast without encryption? Maybe at earlier stages humanity was not ready to perceive such information? Or … knowledge of the future should come to people at a critical moment in history and serve as a warning to them?In this text, the message is encrypted: "This was done by a computer - the letters of God inscribed on the tablets." There are also words: "The Bible code - sealed before God." It stands for this: "Computer - the words were sealed until recently." "Sealed" - this is undoubtedly an encoded text. But why did you need to code it? Perhaps the answer lies in the word "computer". The compiler of the universal program knew that over time, mankind will come up with electronic computers and find the code! However, in this case, why not give a forecast without encryption? Maybe at earlier stages humanity was not ready to perceive such information? Or … knowledge of the future should come to people at a critical moment in history and serve as a warning to them?"It was done by a computer - the writing of God on the tablets." There are also words: "The Bible code - sealed before God." It stands for this: "Computer - the words were sealed until recently." "Sealed" - this is undoubtedly an encoded text. But why did you need to code it? Perhaps the answer lies in the word "computer". The compiler of the universal program knew that over time, mankind will come up with electronic computers and find the code! However, in this case, why not give a forecast without encryption? Maybe at earlier stages humanity was not ready to perceive such information? Or … knowledge of the future should come to people at a critical moment in history and serve as a warning to them?"It was done by a computer - the writing of God on the tablets." There are also words: "The Bible code - sealed before God." It stands for this: "Computer - the words were sealed until recently." "Sealed" - this is undoubtedly an encoded text. But why did you need to code it? Perhaps the answer lies in the word "computer". The compiler of the universal program knew that over time, mankind will come up with electronic computers and find the code! However, in this case, why not give a forecast without encryption? Maybe at earlier stages humanity was not ready to perceive such information? Or … knowledge of the future should come to people at a critical moment in history and serve as a warning to them?"The Bible Code - Sealed Before God." It stands for this: "Computer - the words were sealed until recently." "Sealed" - this is undoubtedly an encoded text. But why did you need to code it? Perhaps the answer lies in the word "computer". The compiler of the universal program knew that over time, mankind will come up with electronic computers and find the code! However, in this case, why not give a forecast without encryption? Maybe at earlier stages humanity was not ready to perceive such information? Or … knowledge of the future should come to people at a critical moment in history and serve as a warning to them?"The Bible Code - Sealed Before God." It stands for this: "Computer - the words were sealed until recently." "Sealed" - this is undoubtedly an encoded text. But why did you need to code it? Perhaps the answer lies in the word "computer". The compiler of the universal program knew that over time, mankind will come up with electronic computers and find the code! However, in this case, why not give a forecast without encryption? Maybe at earlier stages humanity was not ready to perceive such information? Or … knowledge of the future should come to people at a critical moment in history and serve as a warning to them?the answer lies in the word "computer". The compiler of the universal program knew that over time, mankind will come up with electronic computers and find the code! However, in this case, why not give a forecast without encryption? Maybe at earlier stages humanity was not ready to perceive such information? Or … knowledge of the future should come to people at a critical moment in history and serve as a warning to them?the answer lies in the word "computer". The compiler of the universal program knew that over time, mankind will come up with electronic computers and find the code! However, in this case, why not give a forecast without encryption? Maybe at earlier stages humanity was not ready to perceive such information? Or … knowledge of the future should come to people at a critical moment in history and serve as a warning to them?

Axis of Evil

There is also a lot of quite weighty, by no means mystical evidence of the presence in the Universe of a certain "outside" force.

Not so long ago, an American space probe designed to measure the temperature of radiation from different parts of galaxies discovered in space a strange linear region that permeates the universe. It turned out that it is this line that forms the spatial model of the universe.

So, according to the theory of relativity, the universe after the Big Bang developed chaotically. However, measurements of the temperature of the relict radiation indicate that a certain systematic order is visible in the structure of the Universe. At the same time, its entire structure is formed around a mysterious line, which has already been dubbed the "axis of evil" (its discovery casts doubt on all modern ideas about the origin of the Universe and its development, including Einstein's theory of relativity, for which it was given such an unflattering name).

Astrophysicists Stephen Hsu from the University of Oregon and Anthony Zee from the University of California believe that the "map" of the relic radiation is a kind of "message from the Creator" intended for decoding by a highly developed civilization. They calculated that a "cipher program" can contain about 10 kilobytes of information. Unfortunately, it is impossible to read it yet, since modern technologies do not allow detecting small temperature fluctuations.

Universal substance

But Stephen Enwin from the University of Manchester (Britain) claims that he managed to derive, no less, a formula … for the existence of God! For the calculations, the scientist used a formula that calculates the likelihood of rare events. As its components, various factors are set in it, which can affect the possibility that an event will occur. Enwin suggested that in this case, such factors are various natural disasters, deadly diseases - "natural evil" - and faith in the Higher powers. Given these influences, the likelihood that God exists is a whopping 67%!

Most likely, we are talking about some kind of universal substance that cannot be described. In a sense, it is alive, because it permeates all life in the Universe. It is this Absolute that establishes the laws between the various categories of the universe. And we see its manifestations in every particle of being.

So there is a God! But I want to believe that we are not hostages of our own future and are able to change it at our will. We have the freedom to choose: reason or madness, order or chaos, rebirth or disaster …

Irina Shlionskaya. Magazine "Secrets of the XX century" No. 9 2011