Between Time And Space - Alternative View

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Between Time And Space - Alternative View
Between Time And Space - Alternative View

Video: Between Time And Space - Alternative View

Video: Between Time And Space - Alternative View
Video: Lee Smolin - How Can Space and Time be the Same Thing? 2024, September

The Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve is one of the most iconic places in the history of Moscow. But this museum complex is interesting not only from a cultural point of view, but also from a scientific point of view.

For several centuries, unusual phenomena have been recorded on the site of the modern Kolomenskoye park: movement in time, levitation of individual objects, and even the disappearance of people! As one of the city legends says, in 1621 a small group of Tatar horsemen appeared in this area “out of nowhere”. The last mention of the Tatars in these places dates back to 1571, when the attack of the Crimean Khan Devlet-Girey was repulsed. From partially preserved references to the incident, it is known that the intruders were seized by the tsar's guards and interrogated. The soldiers said that when retreating, they descended into a ravine, where there was a thick fog, hoping to hide under its veil.

But they came out of the ravine, as it turned out, 50 years later!

Voices Ovrag

This mysterious place on the map of the Museum-Reserve is called Golosov Ravine. Some residents of Moscow have managed to visit the so-called time loop in Kolomenskoye by accident and even repeatedly.

“My future husband and I met ten years ago in this park, and then we first encountered the inexplicable,” says Tatiana Starova from Moscow. - Walking with Fedor through the park, we went down into this very ravine. I wanted to take a picture by the magic boulders. ("Goose-stone" and "Devy", or "Maiden's Stone" are located on the territory of "Kolomenskoye" - "VM"). It was December evening.

At the bottom of the ravine, near the stones, we saw a fog with a greenish glow. I then told Fedya that it might be better not to go there … - Tanya recalls. “But he assured me that there was nothing to be afraid of, and we went down.

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Fedya wanted to take a picture of me, but at that moment we heard a shout, turned around and at the top of the ravine saw three people on horseback. One pointed an object that looked like a bow in our direction. Fyodor grabbed my arm and we rushed away. Fyodor Starov, a historian by education, recalls:

- It was not a reconstruction. The riders looked like the guardsmen of Ivan the Terrible. One of them was ready to shoot! I managed to photograph them, but lost my camera while running.

By the way, Fedor devoted his thesis to the time of the reign of Ivan IV.

“At home, I saw that my watch had stopped. It turned out that the Tanins also stood up. In December 2015, Tanya and I again came to the Golosov Ravine and saw the same glow. This time I was afraid to go down to the boulders. And the hands of the clock stood up again …


The Kolomenskoye administration and the guides deny that anomalous phenomena can be seen here. In the mid-90s of the last century, a group of scientists from the Institute of General Physics, together with foreign colleagues, conducted research on the territory of the park. In their opinion, the area of Golosov ravine is an ancient tectonic fault. In such places, it is not uncommon for mechanical clocks or electronic equipment to fail. And the electromagnetic background, depending on the size of the fault, always exceeds the norm by several times. But the nature of the greenish haze remains a mystery.

1944 year. Destroyer "Eldridge", participant of the "Philadelphia Experiment"



One of the explanations for anomalies in such places lies in the theory of the torsion field. The term was introduced by the French mathematician Elie Cartan at the beginning of the 20th century. He stated: "In nature, fields generated by rotation can and must exist." According to his calculations, it is possible to refract space through this rotation. Hence the name "torsion" (from torsio, ie "torsion" - "VM"). Albert Einstein cited similar guesses in his works. The research of the great minds of the last century was reflected in the unified field theory. It hypothetically unites all fundamental interactions: gravitational, electromagnetic, nuclear. But there is only one known attempt to test these calculations in practice: the "Philadelphia Experiment" during the Second World War. Then a strong electromagnetic field was created around the Eldriezh destroyer,and the ship disappeared from radar and from the visibility of scientists and military, and then reappeared about 350 kilometers to the south! When the ship returned, it turned out that several sailors had disappeared, and the rest were in a panic. Soon, such studies were officially stopped in the United States, and the details of the experiment were classified. According to rumors, Einstein was able to understand the physical nature of what happened. But before his death, he destroyed the records, believing, perhaps, that it was too early to give such dangerous knowledge to humanity.perhaps it is too early to give such dangerous knowledge to humanity.perhaps it is too early to give such dangerous knowledge to humanity.


The term was coined by the mathematician Eli Cartan in 1922 to denote a hypothetical physical field generated by the torsion of space.

The term "torsion fields" is used by the advocates of a theory that is considered pseudoscientific: according to it, torsion fields "transmit information without transferring energy and with a negative speed" (that is, the signal arrives earlier than the transmission began).


Vadim Chernobrov, head of the public organization for the study of anomalous phenomena and UFOs "Cosmopoisk":

- Space-time anomalies, also known as chronoanomalies, are phenomena of changes in distance and the passage of time. Sometimes accompanied by the appearance of UFOs, poltergeists or other paranormal phenomena, or manifested in anomalous zones. In the 1990s, chronoanomalies in Russia and abroad were the main object of study for "Cosmopoisk". There are at least dozens of such chronoanomalies in the world.

From the book "Flights in Time"
