The Hollow Earth Hypothesis And The Mystery Of Fresh Ibergs - Alternative View

The Hollow Earth Hypothesis And The Mystery Of Fresh Ibergs - Alternative View
The Hollow Earth Hypothesis And The Mystery Of Fresh Ibergs - Alternative View

Video: The Hollow Earth Hypothesis And The Mystery Of Fresh Ibergs - Alternative View

Video: The Hollow Earth Hypothesis And The Mystery Of Fresh Ibergs - Alternative View
Video: Drones Take You Inside Hidden World Live 2024, September

Legends that there is another world under the surface of the Earth have been told for thousands of years. In different centuries, the kingdoms of the dead, evil spirits, shelters of the surviving Atlanteans or secret alien bases were placed underground.

It is believed that the entrance to the underworld is located somewhere in the Antarctic or the Arctic, or both. There are a lot of bikes around them. So at one time there were rumors that Adolf Hitler himself and some of his followers fled to the underworld of the hollow Earth through a hole in Antarctica after World War II.


Supporters of the hollow Earth theory call the existence of huge layers of fresh ice at the poles one of the proofs of their correctness. The icebergs that broke away from it also consist of fresh, not salt water. But where did so much fresh water come from at the poles? It flows from the rivers of the underworld, hollow Earth proponents say.

Science assures that ice and abergs are fresh due to the fact that, when evaporated, salty ocean water becomes fresher and falls out in the form of precipitation. Then the snow is pressed into ice under its own weight.

However, an Italian specialist in Antarctica, Bernacci, once said that during the 11.5 months he spent the winter there, only 50 millimeters of rain fell there; and although it often snowed, there were never any deep snowdrifts.

“Where can you find material for icebergs in such conditions? - asks Bernacci. - But one of those that are here is the largest on earth: it has such dimensions that it is even called not an iceberg, but the Great Ice Barrier; its length is over 700 kilometers, and its width is 90 kilometers."

Hollow Earth proponents, pointing to the mystery of this iceberg, are adamant that such ice mountains were not formed in Antarctica and its surrounding ocean expanses of salt water.

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In his book Journey Within the Earth (1920), Marshall B. Gardner uses the freshwater composition of an iceberg to prove the theory that mammoths and other prehistoric animals continue to live in the warm climate of the Earth's inner surface. According to Gardner, these animals then get to the surface of the Earth thanks to the flow of freshwater rivers, in which they freeze when the water at the pole turns into ice.


The well-known Chilean esotericist, conspiracy theorist and Nazi Miguel Serrano also mentions freshwater warm rivers flowing from the hollow Earth in his book.

In fact, he was a politician, Chilean ambassador to India, Bulgaria, Austria, communicated with Roerich, Indira Gandhi, Dalai Lama XIV and many other famous world celebrities, and after World War II he worked for a long time in the UN Commission on Atomic Energy.

But with all this, he put forward an incredibly insane theory of the development of humanity and the emergence of a race of superhumans, which Serrano published before the outbreak of World War II, and Hitler and the theorists of the Third Reich liked it so much that they adopted it. One of the sections of this theory is precisely devoted to the existence of a hollow earth.

Serrano believes that inside the earth there is a space suitable for human life, which has its own sun, grass, trees, rivers. The hollow earth is inhabited by representatives of the coming race of the Earth, and you can get there through the system of mountain caves in the Himalayas, in Tibet, in the Pamirs, in the Andes, but there is also an entrance there at the poles - the Arctic and Antarctica.

Serrano mentions the presence of an oasis of warm waters near the coast of Antarctica due to the confluence of the warm rivers of the Hollow Earth into the ocean, and he himself made a trip to Antarctica in 1947-1948 with a Chilean military expedition. He was the only civilian member of the expedition and it is speculated that the expedition had something to do with rumors of a secret Nazi base in the Antarctic ice.
