The Theory Of Transferring Information From The Future To Oneself - Alternative View

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The Theory Of Transferring Information From The Future To Oneself - Alternative View
The Theory Of Transferring Information From The Future To Oneself - Alternative View

Video: The Theory Of Transferring Information From The Future To Oneself - Alternative View

Video: The Theory Of Transferring Information From The Future To Oneself - Alternative View
Video: Artificial intelligence and algorithms: pros and cons | DW Documentary (AI documentary) 2024, April

Surely, before the secret apple fell on Newton's head, it fell more than once, and even now it falls on the heads of many people. The only difference is that it was precisely by falling on the necessary head that the apple was the pushing force that led humanity to the law of universal gravitation. But let's be honest, gravity and attraction were there before, and all of humanity knew about its existence. Only Newton clearly deduced formulas and gave mathematically proven foundations, and therefore the law of attraction, but this did not change the force of attraction, it remains as it was before Newton.

The same can be said about the existence of lightning and electricity. Mankind initially knew, idolized lightning, and then invented electricity, now we use it to boil water, or transmit information at a distance. But before the invention of electricity, to transmit information at a distance, mankind used fires, pigeons, pulled by strings, threw bottles with inscriptions into the sea. Everything that we are going to talk about today existed before us and also exists as all of the above. And now I'll tell you what was Newton's apple for me, which prompted me to create this theory. And so, winter morning, the beginning of the new millennium. Before waking up, I had a dream. In a dream I saw that I was opening the door, behind which there was a thick fog and the wind was blowing the fog out the door. When I woke up, I naturally forgot about sleep. Washed up,I had breakfast and was getting ready to leave for work.

An hour later I open the door, there is a thick fog and nothing is visible, holding onto the railing, I went down to the first floor, I lived on the third floor and, going down, I realized that a heating pipe had burst in the basement. Opening the entrance door all the way to weather the entrance, I turned around automatically and saw how the fog was blowing out the door. After walking a few steps, I stalled as I realized that I had seen it all. Yes, a dream that I had an hour ago. Everything was repeated like in the movies. All this puzzled me how I could see in a dream something that had not happened to me yet, but had to happen. I know that people rarely have “prophetic dreams”. I thought so: I just saw something that was in my head already an hour ago. Consequently, the information that we receive at a given moment is transported by our brain to the past. It looks likehow Baron Munchausen pulled himself out of the swamp by his hair.

I wanted to understand the very mechanism of what is happening. Assuming that the human brain consists of a receiver of information (everything that we see, feel, etc.) and a transmitter of this information. However, the whole paradox lies in the fact that this receiver receives information before this transmitter sent it. Yes! This is a paradox, however, if we imagine that the brain sends information to itself into the past, then, consequently, it receives information from the future, sent by it from the future. Now it becomes easy to explain such phenomena as the sixth sense, prophecy, healing, fortune telling, shamanism, intuition, dreams - all these are links of one chain that are easily explained based on the above definition.

And now, I will give a few examples that confirm and help to better understand this theory.

1. Often there are such moments, such situations, even conversations that it seems that this has already happened to us, is repeated, especially if it is impressionable. This is called déjà vu.

2. You walk down the street and in the crowd you see a familiar face, when you come closer, you realize that you have identified yourself, but after a couple of steps, you really meet that familiar person.

3. You think, or talk about someone, in a second he comes up (light in sight).

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4. You are going to call someone, the bell rings and it turns out that it is him.

5. And if you enter a room where everyone is smiling at you, most likely they have just been talking about you.

6. Every day we pass by beautiful people, but as the song says:

“How many good girls, How many affectionate names

But only one of them worries

Carrying away peace and sleep”.

We pass by and forget, but I met love at first sight, most likely this is the one with whom in the future you will see every day.

Here are the words of the great Freud: It is not by chance that we choose each other … We meet only those who already exist in our subconscious. Sigmund Freud

In Armenia they say: the fate of a person is written on the forehead. What a good hit to the brain!

That is, where all information from the future is collected, in simple terms, is fate. Since ancient times, people have wanted to know their future. Consequently, shamans, fortune-tellers, etc. appeared. These people are able to get information from their subconscious, this is called a gift from God. True, someone was born that way, and someone became such, after suffering stress, physical or mental trauma (there is a silver lining).

Nostradamus, Wanga, Messing, Kessie. Many people used their gift for good deeds, although there are cases when this gift was used for selfish purposes. After all, it is known how the priests in ancient Egypt, having a gift, influenced crowds of people, keeping them in subjection. Let's return to our theory about the transfer of information from the future to the present to oneself and from the present to the past.

An example of the application of the theory by the ancients

Zodiac signs: People, reading their horoscope sign, are surprised at how correctly the definition is given, however, according to our theory, a person initially, from the moment of birth, has this information in his brain that he received from his own future, having matured, this person will read his horoscope and naturally the brain will send information from the future to the past and the receiver of this information will form it in this very direction. The whole problem is that astrologers use this theory for their own selfish purposes, although they themselves do not understand where it all comes from and therefore everything is attributed to the stars. Therefore, if the employer needs a person with certain specific predispositions, it’s easy, just look at his date of birth. But this, alas, is not a dictate from the stars, but information sent to us from our future.

Yes, all this is used even when hiring, but it is important to know the root of this predisposition. Sixth Sense: In fact, every living organism has it. This is a natural process for the protection and development of all living things, from the future. Information coming to us from the future protects and makes possible the fulfillment of this future, exactly as it is in the future. If the future does not defend itself, it may be lost, or a change and departure into another direction will take place. Therefore, from the future, we ourselves send ourselves, information and direction in which we will go, or we will form new species or modifications, which Darwin called natural selection.

Informed - Armed

This applies to all living things. Later, we will consider all this from the point of view of physics. Several observations from life, which many, quite possibly met on their life path, but did not notice. Leaving the house, I went on business, a stray dog joined me on the way, my homeless companion walked in front of me. We passed many intersections with him, the dog had a choice, to turn completely in any direction, but she walked and turned exactly where I had to turn. I saw a dog for the first time and this way was not everyday for me. As if she, one step ahead, saw where I was going, and was not mistaken all the way. It is appropriate here to recall Pauls' octopus, who guessed the results of football matches. However, human self-interest prevailed, and Pauls sank into oblivion. And now I will give an example of transferring information from the future to the past. Television showed a documentary about a complex operation performed on one woman.

The camera in the operating room was suspended from the ceiling and it was clearly visible who was doing what in the operating room. Then they show an interview with this woman, which was filmed after her recovery and she says that while under anesthesia, her soul separated and flew out of her body, she saw everything that happened in the operating room from above. Following our theory, nothing came off her, she was simply shown this shooting, from this camera and her brain sent this signal to her own past, and she perceives this signal from her own future as a flight of the soul. It has been known since ancient times that rats are the first to leave a sinking ship.

Before the earthquake in 1988 in Armenia, according to numerous testimonies, rats ran from basements to rooftops, therefore, expect trouble. People who survived the earthquake gave examples that it was intuition that helped them survive. Consequently, each brain transmits exactly in the frequency in which only he receives. However, there are exceptions: twins immediately come to mind. Scientists have conducted many experiments, the result of which was that the twins' brains broadcast and receive signals, not only their own, but also their twin. Apparently, nature created them so similar that they perceive not only their own, but also the signals of their twin. Let's conditionally call this phenomenon, the effect of twins. Shoals of fish have been defeated by this effect, let's remember how synchronously and instantly they change direction. School of fish,as a single and collective brain, protection of nature, they can be viewed as a multi-eyed organism. If we take into account the huge number of people transmitting signals, the probability of signal coincidence is not excluded, which can also be attributed to the effect of twins, that is, it is possible to see and perceive signals from the future sent from strangers living, even in different historical eras.

Archaeologists find numerous rock paintings depicting the processes of hunting and everyday life, but there are also strange drawings that look like rockets, tanks, people in spacesuits. This does not mean that the ancient artist saw it all in real life, the information may have been sent to him by the effect of twins by modern people or from a more distant future. From history, facts are known of the simultaneous discovery by scientists independent of each other, the same law, theory. Or, for example, composers created similar works. After all, the fact of writing a book about the sinking of the Titan ship 14 years before the Titanic tragedy is well known. Brain scientists still don't know what most of the brain is doing. Maybe it's just a bank of information, the so-called fate.

Let's not forget that 1/5 of a person's energy is taken by the brain. One day my friend and I are drinking coffee, and she tells me her dream, it was a whole story. I listened to her and remembered that I had recently watched a movie that exactly repeated her dream. However, she said that she had not seen such a film, if not, then perhaps you will, I added. It is known that Morgan returned tickets for the steamer Titanic, since his friend Nikolo Tesla, with numerous requests and persuasions, brought Morgan to the point that he returned this ticket back. Thus, Tesla saved Morgan's life. Here the intuition of the great Tesla definitely worked, and thus Tesla saved the life of his friend.

Let's remember some examples that clearly show the transmission of a signal from the future to the past. Since ancient times, people have written fairy tales with fantastic phenomena: a mirror that shows what is happening far away; Magic carpet; the man who rides the stove; a ring or bull's eye that rolls and shows the way. Now we understand where all this comes from, planes, locomotives that smoke like stoves, television, navigators. Where did all this come from in the heads of these storytellers, long before all these technical means appeared.

Even now science fiction writers write about numerous new products that do not exist yet. Therefore, if information comes from the future, it means that all this will be achieved by humanity. Information about the future is coming, which means it still has to be achieved and therefore life, according to our theory, continues. You shouldn't even stutter about the so-called commercial ends of the world.

Based on my theory, I can give some advice:

1. Never lie, because if you have to lie tomorrow, then the information starts tormenting you yesterday.

2. Listen to your inner voice.

3. Pray often. Yes, just pray, because prayer, religion, faith - all our theory is originally embedded in any religion and faith.

Only, everything is laid on a dogmatic basis, thereby ensuring a clean future for a believer and a person living according to the canons of faith. On TV they show that a demon has possessed a person. Consider this based on our theory. In this case, the twins effect works. A person falls into the frequency of a signal sent from the brain of his "twin", for example, a pathologist, a murderer, or a person who lives in nightmarish conditions. According to Vagan's theory, it becomes clear that the brain constantly transmits signals to itself in the past, but the question arises - where does so much energy come from?

I will answer the question with examples: Someone is shouting loudly, while the other is standing far away and listening. Which of them spends more energy?

Yes you are right, the one who shouts. And in radio engineering, the transmitter uses an order of magnitude more energy than the receiver. If the beam from the searchlight is directed to the mirror, which we hold in our hand, then with the reflection of the beam, information about the trembling of our hand is transmitted to the far-standing screen. In this case, all the power expended falls on the spotlight. Surely nature has come up with the most rational system for writing information. On the information carrier, right there in the memory bank, new information is processed, supplemented (everything that we see and feel now and at this moment) and is transmitted further with the information carrier to our subconscious in the past. Let's stand in front of a mirror and look at our reflection. Do we see ourselves in the past, in the present or in the future?

Many will get confused and respond naturally in the present. It is here that everyone who answered in the present made a mistake, because they lose sight of the fact that light travels the distance to the mirror and back to our eyes, and therefore time passes, therefore we see ourselves in the mirror in the near past. The mistake lies in the fact that the fact of the passage of light (in a vacuum) at a speed of 300,000 km / s, which is the highest known speed until recently, is overlooked. In our theory, it is speed that plays a fundamental role. And so we clearly understood and with examples approached the fact that information is transmitted, we also understood that to transfer information, a carrier of this information is needed.

So what qualities should this carrier possess?

1. Must have infinite speed

2. Have no weight

3. Penetrate and pass through any obstacles. What particle can be such and where can it come from?

Presumably this is a particle - a neutrino, the source of which is the Sun in our case. Presumably also, that our information carrier moves opposite to the point of the Earth's orbit around the Sun with infinitely high speed. Passing through any obstacles, our particle takes information and is guided by the fundamental formula: T = S / V, where T is the time (the length of human life), the S-distance that a person travels during his life, is meant together with the planet, etc. etc. V is the speed for which this path has passed. Since our carrier moves in the opposite direction at an infinitely high speed carries information from the future to the past, the time it takes for the carrier to pass its life path is zero, since V (speed) is infinitely large.

That is, at the end of life, what we transmit, we receive without loss of time already at the beginning of life or even earlier before birth. Since we are talking about the infinitely high speed with which our information carrier particle moves in the opposite direction of time, therefore, it meets our brain infinitely times, and since it has an infinitely high speed, the connection between the transmitting and receiving parts of the brain is continuous.

That is, the addressee is constantly in the coverage area. As a result, information about what should happen reaches us before it happens. Information has always been and will be in the price. And information from the future is generally priceless.

Nonna Naumenko