Reducing Time Leads To The Death Of Humanity - Alternative View

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Reducing Time Leads To The Death Of Humanity - Alternative View
Reducing Time Leads To The Death Of Humanity - Alternative View

Video: Reducing Time Leads To The Death Of Humanity - Alternative View

Video: Reducing Time Leads To The Death Of Humanity - Alternative View
Video: Your brain hallucinates your conscious reality | Anil Seth 2024, September

The rapidly accelerated passage of time can lead to the destruction of man and the entire world around him

We all ran out of time. It is not enough for anything. We are constantly in a hurry somewhere and always do not have time, we are late, we do not get there. At the end of the day, dissatisfied with the past day and its results, we get home in powerlessness, thinking with horror that there are still many things waiting for us at home - food, cleaning, football, children, spouse or spouse, finally, spiritual work and prayer to God … But even this time is sorely lacking. We go to bed tired and wake up with the thought of how many things to do tomorrow and how to find time for them all.

It turns out a hopeless vicious circle, from which a person can escape only by leaving reality to another world, because the human body is not eternal and is very susceptible to wear and tear, and an emergency protection is triggered in it, which wants to protect the body from destruction, and the soul from complete drying out. And we all think that if we had a little more time, then we would definitely do something really important, necessary for us, our soul, our family. But there is no time, and we constantly put this important thing into a distant box, comforting ourselves with the thought that someday we will open this box. But the further our life race lasts, the clearer it becomes - we will never open this long box and will never do many really important things. Because we do not have time, it has dramatically accelerated, and it simply ceased to be enough.

It would seem that scientific and technological progress, first of all, had to save a person from boring household chores, freeing up time for creativity, spiritual growth, classes with children and parents, communicating with relatives and friends, reading books, physical education and helping others. Refrigerators, TVs, washing machines and dishwashers, cars, mobile phones and other achievements of civilization were supposed to free us from routine for something more important and necessary. However, everything happens exactly the opposite. The more we try to free up time for ourselves with the help of scientific and technological achievements, the more we miss it. Moreover, all these modern devices literally tear us out of reality, replacing it with their virtual reality, virtual life, virtual values and goals,making our life a kind of simulacrum, a substitute, distorted tracing paper from a life that is truly fulfilling and full of goals and aspirations.

Remember your childhood. How long, interesting and informative it took place in the summer in the village. We ran to the river, climbed in sheds, played war games, picked fruits from trees, went to the forest for mushrooms and berries, helped milk cows, feed poultry and ride horses. And remember Bianchi's calendars and diaries. On them we expected the arrival of bullfinches and rooks, learned to distinguish footprints in the snow, collected herbariums, watched the weather, gaining a lot of knowledge and pleasure from knowing the world around us. And on long warm evenings, when the whole family gathered on the veranda at the table and after dinner leisurely drank tea, we listened to endless tales of heroes and princesses, plunged into the amazing worlds of Louis Boussinard and Jules Verne, experienced with the heroes of Hans Christian Andersen and did the unimaginable together with Pippi Longstocking. We did a lot of exciting and necessary things, and in the evening we went to bed thinking how many interesting things we still have to do tomorrow. And we had enough time for everything.

Where has it gone now? Why did it speed up so much that everyone stopped missing it?


An interesting feature of our planet was discovered many years ago. It turns out that the Earth has a pulse or beat, which is called the Schumann resonance. This pulse is very similar to the human heartbeat and is approximately 7.8 beats per second. The planet had such a rhythm for thousands of years, but in 1980 it became known that this rhythm for some unknown reason is accelerating, and today it is already 12 beats per second. Many scientists are confident that when it reaches 13 cycles per second, the Earth will completely stop for three days, after which it will rotate again, but only in the opposite direction.

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Scientists have recently learned to measure the passage of time and have received stunning results - it turns out that now there are not 24 hours in a day, as it was before, but only 16. That is, today we are already losing a third of our life and almost half of its active part. The speed of all processes increased, however, paradoxically, the time was greatly reduced. Contrary to all scientific logic, the ideologists of the theory of scientific and technological progress turned out to be banal liars. For a long time, scientists, within the framework of their theories, considered time to be a constant, an absolute constant. This, for example, was Newton's mechanics. Isaac Newton wrote that time "flows in the same way, regardless of anything external" and "the duration or age of the existence of things remains the same, regardless of whether the movements are fast, or slow, or not at all."However, already in the 20th century in the special theory of relativity of Albert Einstein it was proved that this statement is true only for special cases in the same frame of reference and coordinates.

From the postulates of the special theory of relativity it follows that in different frames of reference, time flows in different ways. If we put the same exact clocks with exactly the same time readings on different planets in space, then after a certain period of time it will turn out that all clocks show different times. Different planets move at different speeds relative to each other, and each planet is an independent and unique frame of reference. The duration of events will be shorter in the frame of reference in which the point is motionless. That is, a moving clock runs slower than a stationary one and shows a longer time interval between events.

This fact was proved by their experience in 1971 by two American physicists, J. S. Heifel and R. E. Keating. Those interested can easily find information about this. Other scientists have proven the inconsistency of time with the help of an elementary unstable particle - the muon. Moving in the atmosphere, the muon lifetime decreases relative to its natural frame of reference. Our millennial, seemingly unchanging habitat has recently been changing rapidly due to human activities. Mineral extraction has reached fantastic values - billions of tons of oil, gas, coal and resources have been mined and unwisely burned. They are forever destroyed, turned into energy, which in turn is thoughtlessly wasted. At the same time, we have lost a huge amount of oxygen, and these processes are not slowing down, on the contrary, they are growing due to the increasing needs of mankind.

According to satellite imagery, massive melting and sliding of glaciers has already been noted, but the flooding of the territories, which, in theory, should not be associated with this, does not occur, but rather the opposite - the water is disappearing somewhere. Drying of inland seas, lakes and water bodies occurs. We started to lose water, it just goes into space.

The total number of substances lost by the Earth has gone far beyond many trillions of tons, and the mass of our planet has decreased by the same amount. Accordingly, the force of gravity, the orbit and the speed of rotation and movement of the Earth have changed - a new frame of reference has appeared, in which time flows differently, faster. Moreover, this process increases like an avalanche, thereby speeding up the flow of time.

There are still 24 hours in a day, but this is no longer the previous 24 hours - the duration of minutes, seconds, units of measurement changes, since we are already in a different, in turn, rapidly changing frame of reference.

However, there is also a speed limit at which time ceases to exist at all. At this limit, the time is equal to zero, and when overcoming this threshold, purely theoretically, we can get into a system with negative time, into a certain past. Time can turn back, and what then can happen to us - even theoretically no scientist can explain. Perhaps a completely different world will come with completely different laws.


The amount of information produced by our society is increasing like an avalanche. Any action and event at the time of its execution is accompanied by its production. The shaft of information covers us with our heads, we simply drown in this sea of information. In every field of knowledge, information doubles in less than ten years. Accordingly, the number of producers of information and the cost of its production are growing. Over the past 40 years, the number of people engaged in the production of information, in Russia alone, has grown sevenfold, and it is growing exponentially.

Today, at the moment, every 10-20 minutes we produce more information than we have produced in the last 100 years. Every day we create 2.5 quintillion bytes of data. That's so much that 90% of all data in the world has been generated in the past two years. This information comes from everywhere: sensors used to collect climate information, social media posts, digital photos and videos, transactions, cell phone GPS signals, and much, much more. This is a huge amount of information. This amount of information needs to be processed and stored. There are huge data banks, in the US there are 3200, in the UK - 2500, in Germany - 290. But this does not mean that the entire amount of information goes directly to the data banks. Each person himself has to process the lion's share of information, classify and filter it, and work on it.

A person is no longer able not only to process such an amount of information, but also to perceive it. Human capabilities are limited and can no longer cope with the avalanche of various information that has fallen on him, and there is no longer any question of an adequate response to it. Neither physical capabilities nor speech and language correspond to the new reality. Have you noticed how much our language has changed lately? We think and speak less and less in images, and more and more we adapt our language and speech to the most convenient form of information transfer.

If in the 19th century love between a man and a woman demanded spiritual work and experiences (remember Pushkin's "I remember a wonderful moment, you appeared in front of me …"), and it took a lot of time, now, in view of its lack, we have enough to get sex a set of emoticons in a smartphone, T9 in a phone and a corresponding signaling and coloring system in clothes, as in the world of animals. For the convenience of conveying information at the household level, there are already many newspeaks, such as the Albany. And when working with a computer, a person's language is transformed to incredible simplicity, into a kind of pseudo-language for describing algorithms - "pseudocode". Ideally, in the future, it can be reduced to combinations of two symbols and sounds, and this will no longer be a human language, and its carrier is not a human.

This idea of creating a man of the future is already being implemented. As a result of the discrepancy between the modern requirements of human organs such as the tongue and fingers, Elon Musk creates the Neuralink project - a new interface for human communication with a computer and other people. Artificial intelligence with a kind of neural interface will be introduced into the brain of this super-man, through which he will communicate with the outside world. As a result, there will be no need for a human language and many human organs, which will eventually be removed or die off themselves as a result of further evolution according to Darwin. As a result, a new creature will appear, which will no longer be human.


All these events have long been predicted in many religions.

In the holy book of Islam, the Koran, it is written that the Prophet Mohammed said:

“The End of the World will not come until time has accelerated. It will speed up so that the year becomes fast like a month, a month like a week, a week like a day, and a day like one hour, and an hour will pass as fast as a flash of a torch”. Tirmidhi, Zuhd 24, (2333).

The processes taking place now on Earth are described in detail in the Bible:

“And there will be signs in the sun and moon and stars, and on earth there will be despondency of nations and bewilderment; and the sea will clamor and revolt. People will die of fear and expectation of disasters coming to the universe, for the powers of heaven will be shaken. (Luke 21: 25-26)

"Lift your eyes to the heavens, and look down at the earth: for the heavens will disappear like smoke, and the earth will decay like clothes, and its inhabitants will also die out." (Isaiah 51: 6)

“For then there will be a great tribulation, which has not been from the beginning of the world until now and will not be. And if those days had not been shortened, no flesh would have been saved; but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened. (Matt. 24: 21-22)

Many people now think that we are living in an era of postmodernity and decadence. Postmodernism's obsession with death can be perfectly explained through the prism of the current acceleration of time. If modernity is modernity, then postmodernity is aftermodernity. Everything that lives is always in the present, as long as it lives. But after modernity comes death, death not only to all living, but also death to our world itself.

And in order to regain our time and return to life, we need to "separate the wheat from the chaff", to understand what is really important and important for us in this life. To become again sensitive to the misfortune and pain of friends, relatives, neighbors and just people from the street, again to hear the voice of your own heart, at the moment almost dead and buried among useless deeds, worries and damned pleasures. Hear this quiet and thin voice of your heart and let God in there, so that later you will never turn your life into a “tale of wasted time”.

Alexander Nikishin