The Terrible Power Of Mirrors - Alternative View

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The Terrible Power Of Mirrors - Alternative View
The Terrible Power Of Mirrors - Alternative View

Video: The Terrible Power Of Mirrors - Alternative View

Video: The Terrible Power Of Mirrors - Alternative View

Mirrors have long been associated with the other world. And, apparently, this is not just superstition, as numerous examples show.

Ghosts in mirrors

The custom of covering mirrors when there is a deceased in the house did not arise by accident. This belief is substantiated as follows: for some time after the death of the deceased, the soul of the deceased is still within the walls of the house and can appear in the mirror.

Bioenergy specialists believe that the soul of the deceased after death can remain in the mirror, as if in a trap. And if nothing is to close the mirrors, the spirit can take someone from the living with it. Or it can stay for a long time.

In addition, mirrors have the ability to preserve the energies of people and things around them. And these energies do not always carry a positive charge.

So, there is a legend about a killer mirror. In the century before last, a Russian merchant found out about his wife's betrayal and killed her in front of a huge mirror. Subsequently, the mirror became the property of one official. A few years later, the official’s wife was also found murdered in front of that mirror. The husband was accused of her death and sent to hard labor. The mirror passed to the third owner, but soon his daughter died under mysterious circumstances, and her corpse was also found in front of the mirror …

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"Wrong" reflections

We are used to the fact that the mirror image exactly repeats everything that happens on this side of the glass, only the opposite: the right side in the mirror turns out to be the left. But it turns out that this is not always the case!

For example, on the Web, you can find black and white video filmed in 2010 by a surveillance camera in a certain dance studio, the walls of which are hung with large mirrors. On it, the girl alone works out the dance steps, and then sits down on the floor to rest. And suddenly her mirror image turns her head, although the girl sits motionless. Then it rises to its feet, while looking at the girl sitting on the floor. Finally, the dancer gets up and leaves, while her counterpart remains in place.

The heroine of another story decided to take a selfie. The mirror is in the frame. The picture shows that in its lower right corner, behind the girl's back, someone's scary face is reflected …

Selfies of a young couple have also become popular on the Web. In the photo, a guy and a girl with Asian features are reflected in the glass. But if you look closely, you can see that the girl's reflection looks in a completely different direction.

In another photo, a girl poses in a room in front of the camera. Behind her is a mirror in which she is reflected. However, the reflection is incorrect: it looks like both the girl and her reflection are looking towards the camera. And this simply cannot be.

The mystery of the black mirror

There are legends about unusual black mirrors that magicians used for their own purposes. One such mirror fell into the hands of Greg Newkirk and Dana Matthews - American experts on the supernatural and owners of the Traveling Museum of the Paranormal and Occult, which includes objects with unexplained properties.

A small black mirror in a gilded frame was given to the researchers by a woman named Sarah. She said that the mirror was acquired through the Internet by her mother, who some time ago was carried away by fortune telling and the occult. Soon after, Sarah noticed that her mother had withdrawn into herself and practically stopped communicating with her daughter. Gradually, she even stopped leaving the house and began to lead a reclusive lifestyle.

Alarmed Sarah, visiting her mother, in between times asked her to show the mirror. It turned out that an elderly woman kept it in a closet, wrapped in black cloth. She explained to her daughter that the mirror is "evil and shows terrible things." Then Sarah took the artifact with her. She did not dare to break or throw away the mirror, fearing that in return it would harm her, and, having found the coordinates of Greg and Dana through the Web, turned to them.


When Greg and Dana toured with their exhibit in Perreville, Kentucky, one woman was horrified to see her own decaying corpse in the mirror. Other visitors saw incomprehensible images in him, and their own features in the mirror were distorted. For example, his reflection smiled at one visitor with an ominous smile, another saw a double behind the glass, peering over his shoulder. The third saw his reflection twisted, his face mutilated, as if he had been the victim of an accident. The fourth even discovered in the mirror the ghost of his late aunt. Once a man touched the mirror with his palm, and an imprint remained on the glass, which was only washed off with holy water …

What to do with the "devilish" mirror?

Parapsychologists say that a "bad" mirror can be calculated as follows: its surface is always cold to the touch, and if you light church candles in front of such a mirror, they will go out.

It is not recommended to keep old mirrors in the house, which before you belonged to someone else: you may begin to suffer from nightmares, health problems and even mental problems may appear. If, for some reason, you cannot part with such a mirror, perform a purification ceremony. To do this, wash the mirror with holy or spring cold water, while reading any prayer, for example, "Our Father". Then you need to move a lit church candle in front of him or, in the absence of such, put the artifact in the bright sun: the fire will cleanse negative energies.