Secrets Of The Siam River Gorge - Alternative View

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Secrets Of The Siam River Gorge - Alternative View
Secrets Of The Siam River Gorge - Alternative View

Video: Secrets Of The Siam River Gorge - Alternative View

Video: Secrets Of The Siam River Gorge - Alternative View
Video: Red River Gorge Secret Camp 2024, September

The anomalous zone on the southern spurs of the Gissar ridge in Tajikistan was discovered by accident. In their search for Bigfoot, the researchers encountered the entire spectrum of the unknown, including UFOs, teleportation and what, for lack of a better, they called "reality shift."

In September 1974, a team of climbers led by instructor Igor Tatzl stopped overnight in the Siam River valley. In the morning they saw that huge traces of bare feet appeared in the snow near the tents. The things from the backpacks were shaken out, some of the food was gone. Someone tried to bite the cans of stew: they had traces of large teeth. Although the noise was supposed to be rather big, no one woke up. Tatzl later learned that the local "devilry" is capable of turning off an awake person.

Igor Frantsevich and his colleagues spent 2-3 months every summer on expeditions in the Pamir-Alai. The climbers learned that Bigfoot is known to the Tajik highlanders under the name "oodami-yawoi" ("wild man").

Asking the shepherds about the yawoi odes, Tatzl learned that he was most often seen near the gorge located upstream of Siam. The locals bypass the gorge - there someone throws stones, at night rays of light emanate from the rocks, fireballs appear, invisible "shaitans" speak and sing in different voices. The entire river valley enjoys a sinister reputation.

After making sure that something was really going on in the mountains, Tatzl spoke about it in Moscow. A climber with 35 years of experience was immediately accused of drunkenness and drug use. In response, Igor Frantsevich appointed a psychiatrist-narcologist Oleg Rumyantsev as the doctor of the next expedition. The camp was set up at the confluence of Siama with Maly Igizak.

On the evening of August 9, 1981, Oleg and another member of the expedition, Tatiana Neupokoeva, felt a vague alarm. In a small line, they noticed a huge humanoid silhouette. There was a luminous ball in his hand. Its whitish rays made it possible to see the creature.

Five minutes after the Bigfoot disappeared, a stone fell next to Tatyana. Raising their heads, they saw on the mountain a silhouette of odami-java. The glowing ball was no longer in his hand. When people appeared on the trail, Bigfoot disappeared.

The trace of the right foot of an unknown creature, filmed in 1981 in the Karataga gorge. The gorge of the Siam River in the upper reaches is connected with the Karataga gorge
The trace of the right foot of an unknown creature, filmed in 1981 in the Karataga gorge. The gorge of the Siam River in the upper reaches is connected with the Karataga gorge

The trace of the right foot of an unknown creature, filmed in 1981 in the Karataga gorge. The gorge of the Siam River in the upper reaches is connected with the Karataga gorge

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The stones, which now and then fell dangerously close to eyewitnesses, were initially attributed to Bigfoot. If the stone is small - he jokes so, large - he is dissatisfied with something. But sometimes stones flew in from places where there was nowhere to hide. Even if Bigfoot knows how to become invisible, he will not be able to hide his scent or walk on soft soil without leaving a trace of his feet. And the accuracy of the throwing rather resembled the manifestation of a poltergeist.

Moving objects and sleeping bags with people was also attributed to Bigfoot. But this version faded into the background. An unknown force moved things in closed tents and boxes, and stole objects from pockets. The members of the expedition soared into the air in a tent, not feeling invisible hands. Once a man was thrown to the other side of Siam. On another occasion, a climber found himself on top of a high cliff. He said that he absolutely did not remember the ascent.

Researcher V. Korzhik with a cast of a huge three-toed footprint made during his expeditions (1979-1989) on the ridge near Lake Timur-Dara (not far from Siama). In the photo on the right, only the front part of the impression, as the back part broke off
Researcher V. Korzhik with a cast of a huge three-toed footprint made during his expeditions (1979-1989) on the ridge near Lake Timur-Dara (not far from Siama). In the photo on the right, only the front part of the impression, as the back part broke off

Researcher V. Korzhik with a cast of a huge three-toed footprint made during his expeditions (1979-1989) on the ridge near Lake Timur-Dara (not far from Siama). In the photo on the right, only the front part of the impression, as the back part broke off

During the expeditions over Siam, UFOs were repeatedly seen. "1984, August 22 - a glow with a pulsating stream of light was noticed," says the journal of the Tissar-84 expedition. " - Through binoculars one can see an oblong disc with a thickening in the lower part, about 30 meters long and up to 10 meters high. He hung at a height of 1-1.5 meters from the surface of the earth for about half an hour.

To the side of the UFO, a tilted figure of a man in a shiny tight-fitting jumpsuit was seen. A beam of light fell from above on his back and he straightened. From where the beam was directed, it was not visible. He, swaying, turned around and began to move through the trail, and then, coming out of the beam, changed direction and withdrew towards the river. The growth of the figure is 190-195 cm.

In the morning, two traces of extraordinary feet resembling a lily were found on the strip. The dimensions of the tracks are 35 by 18 cm, the step length is 112 cm.

The trail was made in case of a Bigfoot visit, but it also worked for the figure in the jumpsuit. Among the witnesses was the head of the expedition Igor Tatzl.

Members of the Tatzla expedition with a plaster cast of a huge footprint. The picture shows the famous Bigfoot explorer Igor Burtsev (third from left). The cast of the foot is held by E. Dobshinskaya
Members of the Tatzla expedition with a plaster cast of a huge footprint. The picture shows the famous Bigfoot explorer Igor Burtsev (third from left). The cast of the foot is held by E. Dobshinskaya

Members of the Tatzla expedition with a plaster cast of a huge footprint. The picture shows the famous Bigfoot explorer Igor Burtsev (third from left). The cast of the foot is held by E. Dobshinskaya

Some scientists and climbers have experienced a "reality shift" there. Everything around him twitched, like a picture on a faulty TV, sometimes the color disappeared. They had the impression that the world around them was an illusion hiding something terrible.

On the morning of August 6, 1983, Alexander Dyachkovsky decided to look into the cave discovered the day before. Suddenly, a strong whirlwind arose at the entrance, twisting small stones and tearing leaves from the bushes. At the same time, heavy, heavy steps were heard, going to the cave: one, two, three … Alexander prepared a camera. At that moment, the surrounding space shook and fell into place again. Failure of the "picture" occurred several times, after which everything took on its usual shape. The whirlwind died down.

Dyachkovsky again heard footsteps, this time they were moving away from the entrance to the cave. He looked out of hiding, but he did not see the Bigfoot (if it was, of course, he was). Barely alive, Alexander went down to the camp, and spent the whole day in a tent.

Judging by the testimony from the Gissar region, the oodami-yawoi are not just a wild hairy monkey. He is able to appear and disappear, walk on slopes with a negative bias, carry mysterious objects and have a mental effect on a person. On the other hand, he is stupid and mortal. All locals say that Bigfoot can be killed or stumbled upon after natural disasters. And gnawing cans of stew is somehow not very smart.

The chairman of the Ufological Commission of the Russian Geographical Society, Mikhail Gershtein, suggests that the hairy monster from the Gissar ridge is our not very distant cousin with developed psychic abilities.

In 1989-1992, scientific expeditions to the zone stopped. Scientists switched to the M-triangle in the Perm region. Then a civil war began in Tajikistan, and the stalkers finally moved to places closer and quieter.

Shaitan gorge

The writer Alexander Ziborov tells interesting stories about the gorge of the Siam River.

In fact, this gorge is unnamed, as it is called the chauffeur of long-distance flights. The Shaitan Gorge is located in Tajikistan near the Dushanbe-Kulyab highway, about an hour's drive from the regional center, on the left side, if you go from the capital of the republic.

For the first time, the driver of the Dushanbe motor depot of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Safar Odinaev told me about it back in 1973. He himself was a native of Kulyab and often traveled along the above-named path. Here is what he said: “Outwardly, everything there seems to be ordinary, no different from other places. The road is like a road. Usually you roll calmly, but sometimes it suddenly takes horror. And always in the same place. In others, nothing like this happens. Then you see everything in the sky - spots of fire, dark balls fly, a column of light hangs - without beginning or end, as if they had painted it. Sometimes strange people appear, not all of them look like people."

Yakub, a colleague of Safar Odinaev, said: “And I drew attention to this place. Once or twice, for no reason, no reason, a strong fear attacked, as much as the hair on his head stood on end, moved, but he did not understand the reason. True, sometimes it is not fear, but some kind of relaxation, serenity that attacks. Because of this, cars flew into a ditch, but Allah saved me. Once I almost drove off the road, but at the very last moment I seemed to wake up, turned the steering wheel on the highway …


There are all kinds of visions here. Once, fabulous peri beauties appeared before me. They are dressed unusually for our places, gathered on a level place with green grass and dance, sing. Their music is completely different from ours, Tajik, and neither is Russian. As if unearthly, I have never heard anything like it. On another flight, an unknown force inside began to force you to stop, get out of the car and go to the Shaitan Gorge … Well, I managed to overcome myself, I remembered in time that this was not an easy place, but a very bad one, against which the driver's acquaintances had warned. I put on the gas and drove off … Then he told his people in the garage, the oldest and most knowledgeable driver approved: they said he did the right thing, Yakub, it’s an unclean place, it could end badly for you, it’s better not to go there at all”.

Just an incredible story was told by the driver Jafar: “It was there, near the Shaitan Gorge, that my car engine stalled. The hour was beating, I can't do anything. It began to get dark, prepared to turn over the night. Got some brushwood, lit a fire. As soon as I ate, a girl comes to me from the darkness: slender, like a poplar and light, she won't bend a blade of grass. I looked closely and found out: Nuri, my bride! My head was spinning, I lost my mind. She and I caressed each other, hugged, kissed, she began to nod to the bed, but I managed to stop myself, said that this should not be done before the wedding, it was bad. For a long time she persuaded me, more and more insistently and insistently, then she got offended and went back into the night … It was as if some kind of veil was sleeping, the dope disappeared and it dawned on me that this was not Nuri, and could not be her,though it looks incredibly - my fiancee died a few months ago … In the morning the engine started immediately, as if it had never broken down."

What I heard, of course, interested me a lot. Later I looked through many books and articles about the Kulyab region in libraries, but I could not find anything on the topic of interest to me. As a journalist, I met with experts, asked them about the Shaitan Gorge, but they just shrugged. Not everyone believed me, they called the stories mysticism, tales of illiterate drivers.

In a word, I had to turn to the drivers again. On occasion, I always started a conversation with them about the Shaitan gorge, some confirmed unusual phenomena in the indicated place. According to them, there were several cases when empty cars were found there without drivers and passengers, but with completely intact cargo, sometimes very valuable. Where did the people go - a mystery!

True, they found one afterwards, but in a completely insane state, without a flash of reason: muttering something, gesticulating, answering questions with wild nonsense, from which it is impossible to understand anything. I had to send him to the doctors.

Regularly they see flying objects in that area, wonderful in appearance of living creatures: either resembling huge insects, or extinct dinosaurs, or fabulous freaks, or creatures similar to humans, but with any difference in the structure of the body, limbs, head, with an unusual skin color … Someone claimed to have observed flying people with wings.

Once I went on an urgent business trip to Kulyab. The driver Mirzobek was a talkative, cheerful person. We talked to him all the way. Suddenly he darkened, the nodules went on his face. In my bewildered look, he explained:

- Shaitan's gorge. Not a good place.

I began to look around, but did not notice anything unusual. He told Mirzobek about it. He burst out:

- Do not let Allah see something!

- Have you seen something here?

- It happened. In the past year. I reached this place and decided to drive it as quickly as possible. Suddenly I see a bobo (old man) walking ahead. Stick in hand, walking, not even looking back. I increased the gas, looked around, as if something like that could not be seen. I look ahead, the bobo is still ahead. I step on the gas again, the engine roars, the speed has become simply enormous. And he walks and walks in front, the distance does not decrease … I shook, covered with goose bumps. And the bobo is gone. I look back - not behind. Then I saw that I was still in that place, by the gorge, as if I had not passed it. I don’t want to talk. Not a good place. We must drive by as soon as possible and forget, not remember, otherwise it will not be good.

Here's a story. I really wanted to visit the most mysterious gorge, but - alas - I didn’t have a chance, nor did journalistic paths lead me to it (I only rushed past it once!). After the well-known events in Tajikistan, there was no time for the Shaitan gorge; they had to leave the newly "sovereign" republic for Russia. So the mystery of the Siam River gorge is waiting to be solved.