The 1601 Book Confirming The Falsification Of History - Alternative View

The 1601 Book Confirming The Falsification Of History - Alternative View
The 1601 Book Confirming The Falsification Of History - Alternative View

Video: The 1601 Book Confirming The Falsification Of History - Alternative View

Video: The 1601 Book Confirming The Falsification Of History - Alternative View
Video: Hatred and Misinformation in Azerbaijani History Books 2024, September

For all defenders of official history, especially the official history of the Russian people, I would like to inform you the following. This book was written in 1601 by Mavro Orbini, Archimandrite of Raguga from the Sicilian city of Ragusa. The book tells about historical events that can lead to a complete revision of the history of the Slavs and its influence on world events. This person simply could not have reasons for exaggerating the role of the Slavs, the author wrote his work from several historical books that have survived from old times and confirmed each other, that is, different sources were used to exclude historical errors. For writing this historical work, the author was subsequently punished by the head of the Roman Catholic Church, but the book was banned. In Russia, the book was first published in 1722 in only a few copies,to this day, this book has survived just a miracle. The book tells about the true greatness of the Slavs and real historical events. I will cite a small fragment from this book.


Could the author, being a high-ranking cleric of the strongest church of that time, risking his own position to come up with all this, of course not. In those days, those who held high positions in the hierarchy of the church were among the most educated, and had access to the secret archives of the Vatican, which contains many of the oldest and most valuable documents from around the world. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that this book was banned by Pope Paul V as a threat to European civilization, because it was at that time that history was being rewritten. All these facts indicate that the events described in the work of Mavro Orbini are genuine. Most likely, the author, seeing what is happening, wanted to preserve for posterity a true, unbiased history, which prompted him to create his own historical work.

Without exaggeration, this book can be called unique, unfortunately no other works like this have survived to our time. As you can see in this book, facts are reported that we will not find in modern history textbooks, and moreover, these events are denied by any means, as they are undesirable for modern historical science mired in lies. And if you take into account how many books were banned and destroyed in the fire, the scale of the distortion and falsification of historical events becomes clear. The book was republished in 2010 and those who are interested in the real history of our ancestors will be able to find it if they wish.