People And Birds - Alternative View

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People And Birds - Alternative View
People And Birds - Alternative View

Video: People And Birds - Alternative View

Video: People And Birds - Alternative View
Video: Birdy - People Help The People [Official Music Video] 2024, September

Happiness has long been associated with the bird. There are many common properties - it appears from nowhere, flies away from somewhere. The light wings of a bird allow it to soar without a visible point of support - and happiness often does not depend either on the material basis of life or on any specific circumstances.


People tend to underestimate the idea of happiness, giving it excess materiality - linking the concept itself with the number of children, square meters, money, kilograms, and so on. But happiness in esotericism and psychology is not a measure of material wealth, it is a way of thinking.

It is given to some people initially. The writer Max Fry put it well on this topic, noting that some solar personalities are born "with a talent for happiness." Optimism is given by the fact that if there is no talent for happiness (as there would be a talent for versification or drawing), it can be developed. In the same way, a person who does not know how to add rhymes at all can learn this, and at the craft level write at least ditties, and who does not know how to draw - gradually master the skill of painting.

This is how the XIV Dalai Lama defined happiness: “You can come to happiness in two ways. The first way is external. By acquiring better homes, better clothes, more pleasant friends, we can be more or less happy and fulfilled. The second path is the path of spiritual development, and it allows you to achieve inner happiness. However, the two approaches are not equivalent. External happiness without internal happiness cannot last long. If life is drawn to you in black colors, if your heart lacks something, you will not be happy, no matter what luxury you surround yourself with. But if you have achieved inner peace, you can find happiness even in the most difficult conditions."

The interpretation of happiness as an innate talent or inner discipline, learning a positive outlook without difficulty gives an answer to the question of why the rich cry, why they also suffer from unrequited love, emotional loneliness, and so on. And the same interpretation explains why there is paradise in a hut, and sometimes people who live very simply and not rich are happier and more free inwardly than their wealthier fellow citizens.

As a matter of fact, hundreds of books, trainings for personal growth, esoteric practices, and prayers are devoted to developing the ability to be happy, to think positively and happily. The task is simple: not to feel negative emotions (resentment, anger, irritation), not to send evil and black thoughts to the Universe and not to do black deeds (and thereby abandon self-destruction), rejoice at what is available at the moment, with pleasure and positively planning for yourself growth program in all important areas. In a broad sense, happiness is a move away from the concept of a problem and a transition to the concept of a task.

Promotional video:


Do you know how to feel happy?

If the answer to this question is "yes, but …" - you have not learned this art. Any “but” does not just limit, it destroys the very positive answer. So the task is set before you - to learn to feel happy.

The paradox is that many of us, even if we are personally happy, healthy and in love with each other, cannot feel happy while feeling guilty. We seem to forbid ourselves to be happy until everyone around us is happy, every single one. And how can you be happy if your mother or child is sick, if your husband has problems at work or your best friend is stuck in debt?..

Let's agree: every man for himself. This is an absolute condition for achieving a state of happiness. Only by recognizing ourselves worthy of happiness, wishing it for ourselves personally and making every effort to achieve it - only in this case can we wish happiness to our relatives and help them approach the same state.

The highest responsibility of an individual is not to children or parents, but to himself. All the most serious tasks are usually set in this area. Including the task of being happy. This is not selfishness at all. Tormented by all the fears and complexes of the world, having completely transferred responsibility from himself personally to others, a person seems to become a spiritual cripple who desperately helps the same cripples … depriving them of the chance to become happy on their own and at the same time refusing the higher mission in relation to themselves.

So, first - you, then - your blood relatives, who form your family tree, and then - your friends, acquaintances, as well as all kinds of aspects of social and material realization. The entire system of attainability of happiness is based on your personal desire and feeling of happiness, on the recognition of its worthiness.

Let's understand the terms

How differently we go through life: some work hard to get the simplest and most necessary, others seem to live according to different laws. They are showered with the gifts of Heaven in all areas where they direct their interest. One person knows for sure that for everything he needs, he will pay the full price; the other counts "at random" - and wins a hundred times more. This person, by the very style of his thinking, his readiness to accept the good and the lack of fixation on the result, attracts good luck.

Luck is a favorable combination of circumstances, with which, as a rule, the Higher Forces immediately respond to your inner state of happiness. By allowing yourself to be positive, you attract even more positive - this is one of the laws of the universe.

Happiness and joy are often associated. Joy is a local emotion, a kind of positive peak - rise, peak. This is a separate format of experience. Learning to enjoy small things, to look for something joyful in everyday life is one of the stages of learning the state of happiness.


Where did the image of a bird come from in esotericism? Why is it so strongly interconnected with the concept of human happiness?

A bird, a living creature capable of flying, in many cultures was the personification of wind, air, as well as higher forces - spirituality, deity. The elusiveness of a bird, its ability to be at the same time a creature of flesh and blood - and soar in the sky, fascinated and bribed.

In some traditions, finding and picking up a bird's feather is a great success. In others, it is misfortune, for example, such a debate is constantly conducted around the peacock feather, which has a pattern in the form of an "eye". In the mystical practice of many peoples, feathers are widely used and feathers of birds are used without any fear, so superstitions on this score can be safely discarded.

It is known that various birds in today's everyday mythology personify various components of human happiness.

Bird of the soul, hope, earthly and heavenly love - a dove

Motherhood bird - stork

Bird of wisdom - owl

The bird of prosperity, fame and honor - peacock

Bird of courage, valor - eagle, falcon

A magical bird that personifies the ability to achieve what you want with the help of dark forces - the crow.

And of course, the culmination of the bird image is the mythical Phoenix.

The magic of rebirth is hidden in this bird - having died, Phoenix rises from the ashes, purified, powerful, ready to live anew.

Alas, physical rebirth is inaccessible to man. On the other hand, spiritual rebirth and renewal is possible not only at the end of the path of life, but also at the moment when you feel that you are ready for it. Phoenix symbolizes the growth and ascent of the spirit, cleansing from outdated and burdening ideas and beliefs - and at the same time the ability to open up to happiness.


Better to produce it at a time when no one bothers you. The practice of happiness is an intimate affair and requires 5-10 minutes of solitude and silence. It can be done daily, preferably near sunrise or sunset.

Naturally, during the training, it is better to refrain from negative formulations like "I am not angry with Aunt Klava, who called my child an idiot, I am sending her rays of kindness." However, stressing about such formulations can do more harm than applying them - be relaxed, follow the inner positive, create it yourself. And the everyday feeling of happiness and security will be brighter and more reliable every day.

Light a candle, incense. Take a body position in which nothing bothers you - standing, sitting, lying, whatever. For 7-14 breaths, focus on the breathing process and on the tips of your fingers, trying to feel the pulse beating in them.

First affirmation - "Thank you for being"

"I" in this case is the unity of the emotional, mental and physical; everything that you are and everything that you think and feel. You are - and in this very fact the good and the key to happiness are already hidden. Accept yourself completely, since it is you who are unique and unique, you are the plan and creation of the Higher Forces, and at the moment you have everything to become better, brighter and happier.

Second Affirmation - "Thank You My Family"

Realizing yourself, go through all the living and then deceased blood relatives you know. Accounting accuracy is not required - send a mental smile, a wish of happiness to everyone who comes to mind, and move on. It is very important in this affirmation to wish happiness even to those with whom you are in an unresolved conflict, do not contact, and so on.

Third Affirmation - "Thank you for everything I own."

Property - especially a house, apartment and car - is a kind of esoteric continuation of the body as the material refuge of the soul. To thank everything that you own, to realize your own possession of something means to show respect for yourself and your resources, to activate them.

Fourth affirmation - "Thank you to the world I live in"

Say "thank you" to hot water from the mains, electricity, elevator, computer, nature, which is still rich and blessed; air to breathe, food to eat. Find reasons to thank the world for the haven of your incarnated soul.

Fifth Affirmation - "Feeling Happy"

Turn to the Higher Forces of the Universe with a request - inform about your desire to feel and maintain happiness in yourself. Try to associate the feeling of happiness with something physical, such as the warm sunbeam touching your skin. Exhale and calmly open your eyes.

The training is over.

Natalie LO YAN
