Wayatlaco Parking - Alternative View

Wayatlaco Parking - Alternative View
Wayatlaco Parking - Alternative View

Video: Wayatlaco Parking - Alternative View

Video: Wayatlaco Parking - Alternative View
Video: Car Parking TikTok Videoları 2024, September

When and by whom was America discovered? A strange question, but one with a catch. If you name the year 1492, when Columbus sailed to America, then they will say that the Vikings were here even earlier. And if you name them, they may object, pointing out that there is evidence of a visit to the mainland, for example, by the Romans. But after all, even before them, someone discovered America? After all, man first appeared in Africa. And again we return to where we started: "When and by whom was America discovered?"

Modern scientists agree that the first people appeared here during the ice age. The Bering Strait froze over and it became possible to cross it from one continent to another. These events took place approximately 15-20 thousand years ago. This is the dating of the most ancient human sites in America. And everything would be fine, but there are inappropriate artifacts that contradict this.

In 1962, excavations at the Wayatlaco site began in Mexico. They were led by Cynthia Irwin-Williams. The tools of ancient hunters and animal bones were found here. Excavations were carried out until 1973. There was nothing unusual about them, if we kept silent about the dating. In 1969, radiocarbon analysis showed the site to be 250,000 years old. It is this that contradicts human history and calls into question Darwin's theory.


Modern humans (Homo sapiens) appeared about 200,000 years ago. It is clear that it is almost impossible to name the exact date here, because there are too few human remains of those times. Even if we assume that the ancestors of humans could have created the same tools - as in Wayatlaco - already 250,000 years ago, a number of questions still remain. For example, how did you get to America? To do this, one would have to overcome a huge distance. Surely it took more than one generation of people to achieve the goal. Wouldn't archaeologists have found sites with the same dating somewhere else?


The author of this article has been looking for information on the Internet for a long time to solve this mystery. After all, no one has denied the dating of 250,000 years. Of course, you can question the radiocarbon analysis itself, but then you will have to, in general, revise everything.

The search was crowned with some success.

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In the work of anthropologist Stanislav Drobyshevsky “The Reaching Link. Book 2. People”is an attempt to solve the riddle. The scientist believes that the layers could have been mixed, as a result of which the confusion came out. Indeed, the artifacts themselves do not differ in any way from similar tools found at neighboring sites (dating from 9-11 thousand years). However, if the finds fell into an older layer, then because of this, an error could occur.

The opinion of a specialist is trustworthy. It helps explain the reason for the dating error. But it is still not entirely clear how the layers mixed up and why we do not observe this at other sites? There was a version that some of the items were simply planted to make a sensation, but there is no evidence of this at the moment. Hopefully in the future, scientists will be able to unravel the Wayatlako mystery.