This Article Is For Those Looking For Contact With Extraterrestrial Intelligence - Alternative View

This Article Is For Those Looking For Contact With Extraterrestrial Intelligence - Alternative View
This Article Is For Those Looking For Contact With Extraterrestrial Intelligence - Alternative View

Video: This Article Is For Those Looking For Contact With Extraterrestrial Intelligence - Alternative View

Video: This Article Is For Those Looking For Contact With Extraterrestrial Intelligence - Alternative View
Video: Don’t Be Afraid of Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence | Douglas Vakoch | TEDxNormal 2024, September

Today I came across an article on the Internet, which I could not pass by indifferent: "The search for extraterrestrial intelligence - and again the Fermi paradox …".

Here are her main thoughts, which I will comment on next.

“If intelligent life exists in the Universe, then why does it not send any signals into space and does not manifest itself at all?

The search for extraterrestrial intelligence - or, as it is customary today to abbreviate this activity by its English abbreviation, SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence), was first put on the agenda of modern science at a conference at the Radio Observatory in Green Bank, state West Virginia, USA in 1961. It was noted that, having received powerful radio telescopes at their disposal, scientists can now start tracking signals sent in our direction by extraterrestrial civilizations from outside the solar system (provided that such civilizations exist and seek to establish contact).

In those optimistic early days, SETI enthusiasts assumed that there were thousands upon thousands of civilizations in the Universe united in "galactic clubs" and that we were on the verge of joining such an interstellar community in our Galaxy (see Drake's Formula).

Perhaps they would have shown great restraint if they had heeded the opinion expressed eleven years earlier by the American physicist of Italian origin, the Nobel laureate Enrico Fermi. Once at lunch in Los Alamos, after listening to the arguments of his colleagues in favor of the existence of a great number of highly developed technological civilizations in the Galaxy, after a pause, he simply asked: "Well, where are they then?"


Since then, this argument, formulated in one way or another, has been the main fork in the side of the SETI community. I will give an example of one of his detailed formulations: “The laws of nature are the same throughout the Universe, therefore any highly developed civilization has the same scientific, technical and technological capabilities as humanity. We already have quite real projects of interstellar spacecraft capable of reaching speeds of about 10% of the speed of light, and such ships in the foreseeable future may well deliver people to the nearest stars. Any civilization with such ships could settle throughout the galaxy and colonize habitable planets in just a few million years - a huge time from the point of view of human history, but on the cosmic scale it is just a moment. If there really were thousands of civilizations in the Galaxy today, the first of them would have arrived here millions of years ago. Michael H. Hart (b. 1932) in 1975 put forward the argument that the very absence of aliens on Earth right now is convincing evidence of the absence of highly developed extraterrestrial civilizations as such (therefore, this paradox is sometimes also called the Fermi-Hart paradox).

Promotional video:

So really, where are they?

Since 1961, the search for radio signals from extraterrestrial civilizations has stopped more than once, but then resumed again. The results were invariably negative - there was no evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence. The history of such observations can be used to delineate boundaries in deep space beyond which the existence of technologically advanced civilizations is still probable. Today we know for certain, for example, that within a radius of 1000 light years from Earth in space there is not a single civilization that would generate signals in any of the ways known to us.

As you probably already guessed, I am very skeptical about the prospect of detecting extraterrestrial civilizations. Nevertheless, I strongly believe in the need to continue searching for them. This is perhaps the only scientific study, the results of which will turn out to be fantastic regardless of its outcome.

And further…

Such a special project as HUMANITY cannot be left to chance, I believe that there are Earthlings among us, observers …

We are foolish children, we fight everything, we explode we burn …

We need an eye and an eye … We are on the threshold of the first grade of the school of life for the development of the mind (earthly humanity) … No, not like that, even in the nursery group!"

Friends! If there are motorists among you, then I suppose you will easily understand me now.

Do you know what is turbocharging on an internal combustion engine ?! Well, this is a turbine that supplies atmospheric air under high pressure into the combustion chambers of the engine, due to which its power increases significantly … Sometimes by 50%, sometimes even higher.

Have you heard stories about the fact that a person can suddenly acquire superpowers? A person can become super-tolerant, hypersensitive and so on … How, do you know ?!

The answer is: precisely due to contact with Extraterrestrial Intelligence, which is discussed in the article mentioned above! Like, all scientists are looking for Him somewhere in other civilizations, and just can't find….

Such, then, scientists!

I'm surprised to hear about it! Indeed, at the time of the legendary Jesus Christ, some people easily came out with Him, with Extraterrestrial Intelligence, to contact, as evidenced by these ancient images.

See how a group of people connect to the source of Extraterrestrial Intelligence.


This 19th century fresco is called "The Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles."

Here is a similar painting from the 12th century, painted in one of the Christian temples in Byzantium.


It was noted that with such a connection to the source of Extraterrestrial Intelligence, which people also call God, the Almighty, approximately the same thing happens to them as happens to an internal combustion engine when it turns on turbocharging.

In other words, people in this case acquire some superpowers. It is understandable if another part of the Extraterrestrial Intelligence is connected to their animal mind !!! And this very process of connection is called in the church way “the descent of the Holy Spirit”.


Encyclopedic information: Spirit (philosophy) is a philosophical concept often identified with the immaterial principle. Determining the relationship between spirit and matter is often considered the main issue of philosophy. Spirit (mythology) is a supernatural incorporeal creature endowed with will, the ability to perceive objects and various supernatural abilities and capabilities, while it itself remains almost always inaccessible to perception. Spirit - in the religious worldview, the original driving force inherent in all living things, and in some cultures and inanimate.

In Christian literature, it is described that there are two options for connecting a person to the source of Extraterrestrial Intelligence:

1. Extraterrestrial Intelligence itself chooses whom to end up with and to whom to send down the “Holy Spirit”.

2. Contact is established through an intermediary (the so-called "Saint"), by placing his hands on the head of a new potential enlightened one.

The first option for connecting a person to Extraterrestrial Intelligence needs no comment. Although I will quote one quote from the Christian Gospel: “The Spirit breathes where it wants, and you hear its voice, but you don’t know where it comes from and where it goes: this happens to everyone who is born of the Spirit …” (John 3: 8) …

But the second option for connecting a person to Extraterrestrial Intelligence should be especially interesting for us! After all, this practice is possible today! “Do you not know that your bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit, which dwells in you, whom you have from God” (1 Corinthians 6:19).

In the same Gospel, a whole story is described related to this second option:

5 Philip came to the city of Samaria and preached Christ to them.

6 The people listened with one accord to what Philip said, hearing and seeing the miracles he performed.

7 For unclean spirits from many who were possessed by them came out with a great cry, and many who were paralyzed and lame were healed.

8 And there was great joy in that city.

9 And there was in the city a certain man named Simon, who before that had sorcery and astonished the people of Samaria, pretending to be someone great.

10 He was heeded by all, from small to great, saying: This is the great power of God.

11 And they listened to him, because for a long time he had amazed them with magic.

12 But when they believed Philip, preaching about the Kingdom of God and about the name of Jesus Christ, both men and women were baptized.

13 Simon also believed, and being baptized did not depart from Philip; and seeing great powers and signs taking place, he was amazed.

14 The apostles who were in Jerusalem, hearing that the Samaritans had received the word of God, sent Peter and John to them.

15 who came and prayed for them that they might receive the Holy Spirit.

16 For He has not yet descended upon any of them, but only they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.

17 Then they laid hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit.

18 And Simon, seeing that the Holy Spirit was given through the laying on of the apostles' hands, brought them money, 19 saying: Give me this power also, that he on whom I lay my hands may receive the Holy Spirit.

20 But Peter said to him: Let your money be with you for destruction, because you thought you would receive the gift of God for money.

21 You have no part and lot in this, for your heart is not right before God.

22 Therefore, repent of this thy sin, and pray to God: perhaps the thought of your heart will go down to you;

23 for I see you filled with bitter gall and in the chains of unrighteousness. (Acts, ch. 8).

If you, friends, have carefully and thoroughly read this Gospel text, you should discover the true meaning of the so-called "BAPTISM of Christ the Savior", who baptized people not with water, but with "the Holy Spirit."

The true meaning of the BAPTISM performed by Jesus Christ was to CONNECT people to the source of Extraterrestrial Intelligence. And after this one-time connection procedure, people began to look at the world with completely different eyes, understanding everything differently, as if they were previously blind, but now they have seen! So strong was the effect of the descent of the "Holy Spirit" on them.

1 During Apollos' stay in Corinth, Paul, having passed the upper countries, arrived at Ephesus and, finding [there] some disciples,

2 He said to them: Have you received the Holy Spirit by believing? But they said to him: We have not even heard if there is the Holy Spirit.

3 He said to them, Into what were you baptized? They answered: into the baptism of John.

4 Paul said: John baptized with the baptism of repentance, telling people to believe in the one who comes after him, that is, in Christ Jesus.

5 When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus, 6 and when Paul had laid his hands on them, the Holy Spirit descended on them, and they began to speak in tongues and prophesy.

7 All of them were about twelve people.

8 Arriving at the synagogue, he fearlessly preached for three months, talking and certifying about the Kingdom of God.

9 But as some were hardened and did not believe, cursing the way of the Lord before the people, he, leaving them, separated the disciples, and preached daily in the school of a certain Tyrannus.

10 This lasted until two years, so that all the inhabitants of Asia heard the sermon about the Lord Jesus, both Jews and Greeks.

11 But God worked many miracles with the hands of Paul … (Acts, ch, 19).

The same single (called baptism) act of connecting people to the source of the Higher Reason was at the same time an act of great enlightenment.

This is the true and great meaning of Christianity!

And now a little about the sad …

Extraterrestrial Intelligence that comes into contact with a person is called the "Holy Spirit" in the Church. In the language of the ancient scholars He is called "Spiritus".

Thanks to the efforts of the rulers representing the "power of darkness", people also have another spiritus, which does not add to the human mind - reason, but, on the contrary, takes away the remnants of what is.

According to the electronic encyclopedia, the word "alcohol" (alcohol) appeared in Russian during the time of Peter the Great through the English word spirit, which, in turn, came from the Latin Spritus - "breath, spirit, soul" (Wikipedia).

What does it mean, from the term "spirit" came the concept of "alcohol" ??? This is literally a mockery of common sense!

Encyclopedic reference:

Methyl alcohol is a strong poison (especially when taken orally) of nervous and cardiovascular action with a pronounced cumulative effect; affects the organs of vision up to complete blindness. In large doses (30 g and more) it causes death.

Ethyl alcohol is toxic. It is rapidly absorbed through the mucous membrane of the stomach and small intestine, reaching a maximum concentration in the blood 60-90 minutes after taking it. Ethanol first causes excitement, and then a sharp depression of the central nervous system (including destroying the meninges); its use leads to disruption of the most important functions of the body, severe damage to organs and systems. It has embryotoxic and teratogenic effects.

Isopropyl alcohol resembles ethanol in its toxic effect, causing depression of the central nervous system and affecting internal organs. In high concentration, it leads to coma, convulsions and death (about 3-4 g / kg).

Already from these properties of alcohols listed above, it is clear that their distribution for "internal use" by the authorities of all times and peoples was a kind of "devilish act."

That is why Christ the Savior himself, during his arrest by the Jewish high priests, said to them a very important phrase for us, explaining the whole essence of our present life: are you with swords and stakes to take Me? Every day I was with you in the temple, and you did not raise your hands against Me, but now YOUR TIME and POWER OF DARKNESS. (Gospel of Luke, ch. 22: 52-53).

And now we really live in the times of the "POWER OF DARKNESS", between the historical event "A", which has already happened, and the historical event "B", which has yet to happen.

Event "A" was associated with the arrest by the Jews of the most famous person on earth - Jesus Christ.

Event "B", described in the Christian Gospels, is associated with the coming victory of God's forces over the forces of the devil. It hasn't happened yet, but it will inevitably happen. Jesus Christ once told with the help of an allegory (parable) how this should happen:

“He who sows the good seed is the Son of Man; the field is the world; the good seed is the sons of the Kingdom, and the tares are the sons of the evil one; the enemy who sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the age, and the reapers are Angels. Therefore, as they gather tares and burn them with fire, so it will be at the end of this age: the Son of Man will send his angels, and they will gather from his kingdom all the temptations and the perpetrators of iniquity, and cast them into the FIERY FURNACE; there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth; then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Whoever has ears to hear, let him hear! … So it will be at the end of the age: angels will come forth, and separate the wicked from among the righteous, and cast them into a FIRING FURNACE: there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. (Gospel of Matthew, ch. 13: 37-50).

And until the event "B" happened, simple human logic suggests that we live in the times of the "POWER OF DARKNESS", which was established on the earth after the event "A". And since then, the world has been ruled by "FIGHTERS WITH GOD", hiding from people the entrance to the "Kingdom of Heaven" and selling to everyone for money a spiritual poison with the blasphemous name "Spiritus" …

This name of the liquid for intoxication is a devilish mockery of those who seek and cannot find contact with the Extraterrestrial Intelligence, the Holy Spirit, whose name in Latin, the language of ancient scientists, is Spiritus …

I'll tell you, perhaps, about another devilish mockery of the "power of darkness" over humanity …

You know the symbol under which Nazi Germany, led by Adolf Hitler, started World War II?

I believe you know. It's a swastika!

Germany, 1939. The marching fascists depict the swastika symbol at the stadium in Berlin.


Now look what the swastika symbol meant at the time of Jesus Christ - the same “Holy Spirit”.

"The symbolic image of the Holy Communion (a vessel with a swastika), which the soul of a righteous man (dove) is honored with in heavenly abodes." Catacombs of Priscilla.


And this floor mosaic, which you see below, is a real world sensation for archaeologists, historians and religious scholars!


You see multiple images of a three-dimensional swastika (gammadion) on the mosaic floor in the Christian Orthodox Church "Saint Cosmas and Saint Damian" (translated into Russian - the Church of the "Holy Universe and the Holy Spirit"), built in the city of Jerash, in Northern Jordan, in 553 A. D.


Pay attention to the fact that the ancient Christian artists tried to reflect the very essence of the “Holy Spirit” (Spiritus Sanctus) in a three-dimensional image of the swastika, its physical meaning is a spiral movement!

A two-dimensional image of a swastika conveys one meaning - rotation around its axis.


And here a Christian artist, covering the floor in the Church of the Holy Universe and the Holy Spirit with mosaics, tried to convey the natural science knowledge of that time: the rotational and at the same time progressive (spiral) movement of the “Holy Spirit”!


Encyclopedic information: A spiral (spiralis) is a helical curved line that forms a series of turns around a point or axis, as well as a wire of this shape, a spring.

In the language of ancient scholars - Latin - the word spīrālis means “coil, curl”. And spiro in Latin means "to blow, blow, be alive." Well, the "Holy Spirit" in Latin is Spiritus Sanctus.