Contactee With "Rulers Of The World" - Alternative View

Contactee With "Rulers Of The World" - Alternative View
Contactee With "Rulers Of The World" - Alternative View

Video: Contactee With "Rulers Of The World" - Alternative View

Video: Contactee With
Video: Warhammer 40k Lore - Death Korps of Krieg, Who are They 2024, September

A certain Vitaly Shkvorts, a pensioner from the Leningrad region, a couple of decades ago corresponded with the researcher of anomalous phenomena Alexei Priima and told him that from childhood he had been in contact with mysterious creatures who called themselves "Rulers of the whole world."

“I first met 'them' in childhood. "They" entered the room right through the wall. Then they began to visit me regularly at intervals of five to six times a year. "They" are very similar to humans, but taller and translucent. Dressed in tight-fitting overalls. There are both men and women among "them".

And this is a fragment from his other letter:

“I don’t know why“they”chose me for their“interviews”and not someone else. Let me tell you briefly what I learned from the "interviews". Empty number - to independently search for contacts with "them". If necessary, "they" themselves will find you, wherever you are. "Their" possibilities are unlimited. You, me, we are all under constant, most careful observation, vigilant control from "their" side.

Everything that happens on Earth is monitored by "them" and analyzed in detail. And "they" are ready to intervene at any time in order to improve the situation (which is constantly happening, regardless of our desires). I will say more, the disgusting state in which our society is now is also set, programmed from above.

The capitalist revolution in Russia is nothing more than an extraterrestrial program. I quote literally "their" opinion about all this abomination of today's Russian life: "It's even better." There is one nuance here: I still do not understand who exactly programmed the newest (we are talking about the crisis of the 90s) mess in Russia - are they themselves or some other higher powers?"

Another excerpt from his letter:

“During the 'interviews' it became clear that when dealing with people, 'they' are always extremely polite, correct, tactful and friendly. And now - about the most important thing. Without exception, all "their" contacts with us, the people of the Earth, are accompanied by the adjustment of the life program of the person chosen for the impact.

Promotional video:

“They” say: the program originally embedded in the human brain can be slightly corrected in the future. Here "they" are doing it. They "direct the brains" to people, whose further actions can have some, albeit weak, but still tangible impact on the development of human society as a whole.

Do you think that you live the way you want it? Nothing like this! In fact, "they" from time to time control you like a robot, turning on some cells of your consciousness and shutting off others tightly."

In conclusion - one more curious extract from another letter by V. S. Shkvorets:

“I will never forget how, during one of the very first meetings,“they”said:“We are the Stewards. We rule the whole world."
