Billy Meyer And His Newcomers From The Pleiades - Alternative View

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Billy Meyer And His Newcomers From The Pleiades - Alternative View
Billy Meyer And His Newcomers From The Pleiades - Alternative View

Video: Billy Meyer And His Newcomers From The Pleiades - Alternative View

Video: Billy Meyer And His Newcomers From The Pleiades - Alternative View
Video: Staci Pearlman: Constellation Storytime: Orion, Scorpius, and the Pleiades 2024, April

The name of the Swiss farmer Edward "Billy" Meyer became known to the world in the 1980s, when many articles appeared about him in the press. Meyer is a man who has been in contact with aliens for many years.

According to Billy, he saw a UFO in 1942 when he was 5 years old. In his hometown of Hinvel, a child watched a large disc-shaped object maneuver over a local church. In those years, even the term "ufology" did not exist, which appeared only in 1947, when the American pilot Kenneth Arnold witnessed the flight of flying saucers.

After that incident, mysterious voices often sounded in Billy's head, which, he later realized, belonged to aliens. The voices told the boy what he should do and how he should behave. This continued until the moment when Meyer was eight years old.

One night the boy woke up as if from a jolt. An old man with a thick white beard bent over his bed. The stranger was wearing a gray cloak. He explained that he flew from the Pleiades star cluster, his name is Oruz, and he will become a teacher for Meyer.

Oruz took the boy by the hand and led him. They went out into the courtyard of Billy's parents' house. There was something large, which, as it seemed to the child, resembled a barn. Perhaps it was a flying machine on which the aliens arrived.

As Meyer recalled, as adults, they found themselves inside the "barn." It was warm and light, the walls of the room glowing with a strange pinkish light. Oruz told Billy that he was his friend and would not harm him. Then another man appeared, a gray cloak was also draped over his shoulders.

Meyer's UFO snapshot. Now anyone would call it one hundred percent Photoshop.


Promotional video:

He asked the boy to undress, felt him for a long time and touched his body with some tubes and sticks. Meyer felt nothing during the examination, it seemed to him that it was a fun game. Then Oruz took Billy home and put him to bed.

Since then, Meyer has not met with aliens or seen a UFO. However, the voices of the Pleiades constantly sounded in his head and guided his actions.

The next UFO sighting occurred in July 1975. Billy was walking near his farm in the vicinity of Hinwell. In the sleepy midday air, a vibrating sound was suddenly heard, like the buzzing of a bee.

Looking up, the man noticed a silver saucer-shaped object circling slowly in the sky. The object landed on the grass a hundred meters away from the astonished farmer. The diameter of the flying object did not exceed ten meters, and the height was four meters. The door in the building of the object opened, a ladder ejected from there with a click.

Billy's acquaintance, an old man with a white beard, accompanied by a bald creature named Shorri, came down the steps onto the grass of a green meadow. This alien faintly resembled a man. It was impossible to determine whether it was a man or a woman. His arms were disproportionately long, but his legs, on the contrary, were short. Shorri's ridiculous little body was wrapped in a silvery jumpsuit. A voice sounded in Meyer's head, which explained that his friends inhabit the planets of the stars Alcyone and Electra, which are part of the Pleiades star cluster from the constellation Taurus. The Pleiades are located 430 light-years from Earth.


The aliens explained that they had come to Earth for information about humans on possible ways of cooperation between the two civilizations. Why they chose Meyer for contact, the aliens did not explain. Again they invited him to board their ship. This time Billy found himself, as it seemed to him, in a huge hall. The impression was that the room was larger than the entire flying object.

There was a long narrow table in the center of the room, and Billy was asked to lie on it. After that, long rods with metal plates at the ends protruded from some apparatus hanging over the table. Shorrie applied records to Meyer's body. Then a helmet was put on his head, and a strange, non-melodic ringing was heard in his ears.

Someone said: "Memorize information!"

Fifteen minutes later, Shorri removed the helmet from the contactee's head. Oruz explained the meaning of the manipulation performed: “We have downloaded information about our civilization into your brain. When the time comes, you can extract it from the depths of your consciousness."

Meyer became so weak after the manipulations committed on him that Shorri had to escort him home. The farmer did not see the UFO fly away.

Among ufologists, the debate continues whether Meyer is really a contactee or is he a great deceiver.

The photographs taken by the Swiss made it into a popular film by the famous American ufologist John Doughton, who has no doubts about their authenticity..

Meyer's fan club even appeared in Switzerland. however, there are also skeptics. In particular, French paranormal researcher Henri Robour believes that Meyer invented the whole story and fabricated his pictures and video. However, Meyer was tested on a lie detector, but could not be caught.

Mayer published several hundred allegedly his own photographs of UFOs taken between 1959 and 1981; also known for providing a sample of "alien metal" for scientific research.

Studies of a sample of "alien metal" provided by him attracted the attention of the media: chemist Marcel Vogel, who conducted the first experiments with it (at the turn of the 1970s-1980s), wrote about the discovery of thulium and a unique form in it, but later the sample itself was lost. An independent research group that studied the surviving video materials with the sample came to the conclusion that there is nothing unusual in it: instead of thulium, aluminum was found in its composition, and its very shape could well have been obtained with existing tools.

Skeptics especially insist that Meyer could not tell anything about the civilization of the Pleiades, about their history, scientific and technical achievements. But the contactee claims that they pumped relevant information into his brain. Fans attribute this to head trauma and memory loss:

“In early November 1982, he fell unconscious, causing him serious injuries. When he fell, he hit the back of his head on the sink of the sink, then on a corner covered with tiles, as a result he severely damaged his center of balance. Under the blow, part of the occipital lobes of the brain was crushed, which later resolved. A severe brain injury, from which every ordinary person would die, not only destroyed his almost photographic memory (fotografisches Gedaechtnis und sein Erinnerungsvermoegen), but subsequently also caused various physical suffering."

In 2003, the unexpected happened - Meyer disappeared. An investigation was carried out at the request of the relatives. However, no trace of Billy was found. Now he is considered missing. Fan club activists are sure that their idol flew to the Pleiades.
