Northern Darkness - Alternative View

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Northern Darkness - Alternative View
Northern Darkness - Alternative View

Video: Northern Darkness - Alternative View

Video: Northern Darkness - Alternative View
Video: Immortal - Sons of Northern Darkness (Full Album) 2002 2024, September

This happens unusually rarely and is considered an omen of great trouble. People who witness such a frightening and inexplicable phenomenon remember their feelings for life. He is mentioned in biblical sources, in Russian and Western European chronicles. The last time this happened on the territory of the USSR on the eve of World War II …

Siberian eclipse

According to the testimony of many eyewitnesses, on September 18, 1938, at nine o'clock in the morning, a veil suddenly began to approach the vast territory of Siberia between the Ob and Yenisei rivers in the absence of cloud cover, which covered the sun with every minute. Soon the sky turned reddish-brown and continued to darken and darken. By about ten o'clock on an area of 150 thousand square kilometers - from South Yamal to Igarka - a real night came.

More detailed descriptions of the "Siberian darkness" were left by the Soviet geographer V. N. Boldyrev, an anomalous eclipse caught him on the shores of the Kara Sea. Boldyrev wrote: “The bright light of a round-the-clock polar day faded at eight in the morning. The clouds that appeared in the sky at first took on a yellowish tint, and then turned into blood-red tones. A sudden darkening attracted the attention of all residents of the village. Lights were lit in the houses, people went out into the street, anxiously looking around the formidable darkening sky. The clouds, as if filling with black ink, absorbed the remnants of the light. Absolute darkness fell, which made it impossible to see even white objects at a distance of several steps. Heaven and earth merged into a single black patch. At some point, a light, but at the same time chilling breeze blew to the bone. There were frightened cries of people, crying of children and howling of dogs. A couple of reindeer standing nearby, loose from the leash, rushed away. Panic arose in the village … Around noon, a narrow strip of brownish-orange color appeared in the sky in the northwest, stretching along the entire horizon, but after a few minutes it disappeared, and the impenetrable night fell again. Only in the first hour of the day a gloomy dawn began to dawn, after which the haze quickly dissipated …"

Then many newspapers and magazines reported this, but the first attempt at a scientific explanation of the atypical Siberian eclipse was undertaken only three years after the incident.

Scientists' versions

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In 1941 an article by the famous scientist P. L. Draverta. It said that in space, in addition to objects such as stars, planets and their satellites, there is also cosmic dust. On September 18, 1938, one of the clouds of this dust touched the surface of the Earth, which caused such an unusual eclipse. In the same year, scientists from the Greenwich Observatory agreed with the "dusty" version, who suggested that in those regions where the density of the space cloud was not so high, only twilight came. Where the density turned out to be maximum, the cloud completely blocked the access to the Earth of the sun's rays.

After a long break, already in the seventies of the last century, Soviet astronomers from the Abastumani observatory, relying on data from the Electron-1 and Electron-3 probes, found that there are extensive dust clusters above the Earth at different heights. However, cosmic dust is distributed unevenly around the planet in the form of separate clumps that move in their orbits. When the Earth encounters such clots, dust in large quantities enters the earth's atmosphere.

A different version was considered by radio astronomer A. S. Arkhipov, who argued that the amount of dust during an eclipse in Siberia was many times greater than the amount of "near-Earth" dust. He believed that the "Siberian darkness" could come in connection with the disintegration in the atmosphere of some loose space bodies, possibly recently discovered microcomet, which quite often come to us from space. However, according to astronomers from the University of Iowa, every minute in our atmosphere up to 20 microcomets weighing from 20 to 40 tons disintegrate, but the effect of the Siberian eclipse has not been observed on Earth for more than 70 years.

At the beginning of the XXI century, there were suggestions in the press that the cause of such phenomena could be clots of … antimatter, somehow falling into the Earth's zone. When such a clot is in the path of the sun's rays, it absorbs them, creating a shadow spot on the planet's surface.

The truth is somewhere near

However, the "cosmic" hypothesis of the origin of eclipses similar to the Siberian one does not suit all researchers. Recent experiments related to computer modeling of this phenomenon give an unambiguous answer that dusty cosmic formations have nothing to do with it. Antimatter, although its existence has been proven theoretically, no scientist has yet been able to see. Moreover, the appearance of antimatter in the so-called close space can lead to catastrophic consequences for both the Earth and nearby planets - the release of a colossal amount of energy that can destroy the entire solar system. In this regard, a number of researchers are inclined to think that the cause of the “Siberian darkness” of 1938 should be sought on our home planet.

Sergei Vasiliev, a geologist from Novosibirsk, rejecting the versions of gas and dust formations, believes that the reason may be the movement of the tectonic plates of the planet, causing a powerful release of electromagnetic radiation. This radiation gives the clouds a crimson or reddish hue and, covering a particular area of the Earth like a shield, reflects the sun's rays, preventing them from reaching the planet's surface. Similar phenomena can be observed on the eve of major earthquakes, when the color of the clouds changes, it gets noticeably colder, and the sun seems to be hiding behind an invisible veil. The scientist of the Kamchatka volcanological laboratory I. Tsaplakov, who for many years was engaged in the problem of the impact of geomagnetic radiation on the planet's atmosphere, agrees with Vasiliev. In his opinion, the bowels of the Earth are fraught with many surprises that sometimes have disastrous consequences …

A resident of Tomsk A. F. Gorodetsky, who was born on the banks of the Ob in the village of Lukashin Yar, witnessed the onset of "Siberian darkness" as a child. He will never forget the indescribable feeling of horror and the feeling that "all space is filled with evil." Much later, already in adulthood, having begun to seriously engage in parapsychology, Gorodetsky suggested that the eclipse of 1938 was provoked by the release of demonic energy from the underground captivity, which, scattered over the vast territory of our planet, led a year later to the outbreak of World War II. Gorodetsky quotes the words of the chronicle about how "great darkness" found on Veliky Ustyug on June 25, 1290. And only the intercession and prayers of Blessed Procopius then averted the terrible trouble from the Russian city. But in 1938, in a country dominated by atheism, there was probably no onewho, in their love for mankind and righteousness, would be equal to Procopius of Ustyug. Alas…

Sergey Kozhushko. Magazine "Secrets of the XX century" No. 31 2010