Vzhuh And Everything: Circles On Beets, UFOs And Exhibitionist Balls - Alternative View

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Vzhuh And Everything: Circles On Beets, UFOs And Exhibitionist Balls - Alternative View
Vzhuh And Everything: Circles On Beets, UFOs And Exhibitionist Balls - Alternative View

Video: Vzhuh And Everything: Circles On Beets, UFOs And Exhibitionist Balls - Alternative View

Video: Vzhuh And Everything: Circles On Beets, UFOs And Exhibitionist Balls - Alternative View
Video: Leaked: Pentagon's UFO Investigation Spotlighted In New Photos And Video | TODAY 2024, September

Crop circles (geoglyphs) are not widespread in Belarus. On the one hand, because social and domestic problems in the country do not strongly encourage the systematic activity of counterfeiters (crop makers). Over the entire time, we have identified only two fake formations - in Rossony (2000) and Borisov (2009), and also examined a number of non-authentic pictograms (windblows, grazing areas, areas for storing fertilizers, traces of drinking bowls for cows, etc. etc.). At the same time, during our trips we managed to collect information about previously unknown circles in Kormiansky, Ivatsevichy, Yelsky, Malorita and other regions. Most often, they were formed from the landings of some glowing balls, whose witnesses we questioned in detail. In 2017, the statistics were replenished with a "new old" case - this time in the Slutsk district of the Minsk region. In early September, the Ufokoma emergency response team (reconnaissance expedition No. 199; I. Butov, E. Shaposhnikov) left for Slutsk and the neighboring Lyuban region, from where at the end of August we also received a signal that a UFO was observed there.

By the way, the entire second half of the summer of 2017 turned out to be hot for Ufokom: we were informed about group and individual UFO sightings at close range throughout the country. And while almost everyone considered such messages to be a relic of the first post-perestroika years or frank tales, they happened with enviable regularity, and we wound hundreds of kilometers across the country, exploring "nonexistent phenomena" in a number of settlements. However, there are some advantages from the almost complete indifference of our media to anomalous topics - there is no unhealthy hype in the press, and we can calmly do our job.

Nezhevka: a circle in the garden

Around the summer of 2006, a strange event took place in the village of Nezhevka, Slutsk District. At night, when all its inhabitants were asleep, very unusual geometric shapes arose in one of the peasant gardens - neat circles of plucked and twisted beets in one direction. Finding a practically destroyed crop, a local resident decided that the neighbor's pig was to blame. She immediately went to her friend, but she waved her hands, because at night her pet was securely locked. It was possible to believe in this, because there were no traces of hooves on the site, and the ideal correctness of the circle suggested that the pig, most likely, had nothing to do with it. There was one more circumstance: the house was guarded by a very sensitive dog that never even barked at night.

In the morning, local residents gathered near the formation and examined it. One, larger circle, was about 6 meters in diameter, and the second was smaller. They were connected by a straight line, clearly extending from the middle of one circle to the middle of another (according to one version, one circle was in contact with another without a line connecting them). The plants were laid to one side and were stained with dirt and dust, while all the plants around the picture were without the slightest hint of dust or dirt. No traces of shoes, wheels, or anything else were found inside or near the drawing. Maybe a tornado made them? It is also unlikely - the dog would have reacted to him as well, and the weather was good.

The place where the formation on beets appeared about 10 years ago (Slutsk district, Nezhevka village). Photo by Evgeny Shaposhnikov / ufo-com.net
The place where the formation on beets appeared about 10 years ago (Slutsk district, Nezhevka village). Photo by Evgeny Shaposhnikov / ufo-com.net

The place where the formation on beets appeared about 10 years ago (Slutsk district, Nezhevka village). Photo by Evgeny Shaposhnikov / ufo-com.net

For reference: the only formation on beets known today in the CIS countries appeared in 1999 near Novokubansk (Krasnodar Territory, RF) - it was an oval, measuring 25 by 17 meters. Unfortunately, it was not possible to quickly examine it.

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It is interesting that a mysterious incident happened to another of the residents of the village of Nezhevka, Pavel Alekseevich, in 1967 (in the same year he was drafted into the army, which is why such accuracy). An eyewitness was standing on the porch of his house when he saw something, gleaming, approaching him from above. Suddenly, the object illuminated him with a beam: "A yon [object] bliska-bliska" is there, but patym is like yes, like a ray at once! Circles. Pramo … it was like igolki sabirai - it is seen so. I zeta ў chahenii was such a mo for half a minute. Pathom znoў - bang - prapala. Nidze-nidze nichoga ni sound, niyakago, only blinked ў the first time. " This cone of light was about fifty meters in size. Subsequently, this contact did not bring any negative consequences for the person. The house where the eyewitness was at that moment is only a few tens of meters away from the circles described above. Besides,we have already talked about one interesting ufological incident that occurred in 1967, however, in the Stolin district of the Brest region. Coincidence? We don't think so.

Uncooked: glowing balls

Not so far from Nezhevka, in the north in the Lyuban district of the Minsk region and on the border with Slutsk, is the village of Nezharovka. At the end of August 2017, one of the local residents (Igor Sh.) Collided with a luminous ball here, which chased him all the way to his house, and when he told his fellow villagers about it, then, suddenly, it turned out that they all also saw this or a similar ball. and in different years. We only met with five eyewitnesses, but there may be many more.

So, in the late evening of August 25, Igor left the house to smoke. I took a couple of puffs, when suddenly a small dot appeared from the side of the apple orchard, which began to grow rapidly in size. Another moment, and the point had already become a large blue ball ("like a half-shell of the moon," that is, one and a half moon), along the perimeter of which there were yellow lights. The ball hovered above the ground about ten to fifteen meters from the eyewitness. As Igor told us, the thought began to throb in his head: "Now they will be stuck" and he rushed into the house (after putting out his cigarette). In the house, he carefully locked all the doors and turned off the light. It didn't end there. Taking a breath, Igor dared to look out the small window on the veranda. Then he recalls: “I started looking. And this blue [small ball] sticks in front of me. [And what color was that?] Blue too. [But this little one?] Yes. "That is, it was another ball, not the big one, hovering near the house - well, or the second one shrank for some unknown reason … for a long time he was afraid to look at the street. His relatives were notified of the incident, but they themselves did not see the ball.

Reconstruction of the event (based on drawings by eyewitnesses) / ufo-com.net
Reconstruction of the event (based on drawings by eyewitnesses) / ufo-com.net

Reconstruction of the event (based on drawings by eyewitnesses) / ufo-com.net

In the neighboring house all this time their neighbor Alexander was watching TV. But there was no interference with the reception of transmissions. That night, the neighbor did not notice anything unusual at all, although he stayed up late. Also, we did not register the excess of the electromagnetic or radiation background at the place where the large ball fell, and at the glass, to which the small ball "stuck". The only rational version that we could put forward is that a firefighter drone from the local economy reacted to the light of a cigarette. However, it is not clear why he would then pursue the man in the house. And Igor's eyesight, as he emphasized, is excellent, and confusing a ball the size of a moon and a half and a small drone, it seems to us, is quite problematic.

A window to which a ball of a smaller diameter stuck / ufo-com.net
A window to which a ball of a smaller diameter stuck / ufo-com.net

A window to which a ball of a smaller diameter stuck / ufo-com.net

If not for this incident, then Igor's mother-in-law, Galina Nikolaevna, who lives in the same house, would never have told about the event that took place at the same place, but several years earlier. About five years ago, in the fall, a woman was sitting on a bench near the house, breathing fresh air. Practically from the same side from which the blue ball flew, and with the same tremendous speed, this time the red ball began to approach the house. He stopped only near the pole - the power line support - and began to sit down on the ground. Galina Nikolaevna admitted that she thought they were "naplanians" and acted like any other person in a similar situation - she ran away. For some reason, all these years she was silent, not telling about this meeting even to her closest relatives and her husband. Shared only after a similar story happened with her son-in-law.

The ball hangs near the power transmission line supports at this point. Photo by Evgeny Shaposhnikov / ufo-com.net
The ball hangs near the power transmission line supports at this point. Photo by Evgeny Shaposhnikov / ufo-com.net

The ball hangs near the power transmission line supports at this point. Photo by Evgeny Shaposhnikov / ufo-com.net

Although the balloon did not pursue the woman, we found another person from the same village - the bus driver Nikolai G. - who was "attacked" by a similar object. After the next bus trip, at the end of the working day, he was heading to his village. As it seemed, he noticed the headlights of his friend's car in front and thought he would throw him up. But the light came nearer, nearer, until it came close and immediately began to move away. Nikolai took out a knife: you never know what a fool drives a car at night. But the light began to recede from the road … into the field, and hovered at about a hundred meters. Everything began to repeat itself according to the same pattern: here the "light" will fly up to the person almost close and back again - "vzhuh" - and he is already at a distance of many hundreds of meters from the road. This bacchanalia continued almost to the village itself. Our informant found it difficult to describe the UFO in detail, he said that the light blinded him when approaching and he did not remember anything specific. It happened about six to seven years ago, in the fall. Also, Nikolai G. in childhood witnessed a rare natural phenomenon in the same village - ball lightning, which flew through an open window, two times "spun in place and jumped back."

Vladimir B. from the same village shared his story with us. Four years ago, in the fall, in October, at night, he saw what he called a "hologram": some balls were spinning in the sky. “And what is interesting is that there are about twelve or eight of them. So that's it. They are not balls, but they seem to be foggy, they were so bright. " These were not disco lights, in his words, he would have recognized those. This whole structure moved to the side, and then suddenly went out sharply. An eyewitness has repeatedly emphasized to us that when a light show was made in Soligorsk, it was clear that it was illuminated by lasers in the sky - here it is completely different. But we, of course, cannot be sure of this to the end. About ten years ago, we already examined a similar story in detail. In 2006, the most plausible version was just "disco",although individual stories of observers (excitement of animals, actuation of car alarms) have not been fully explained.

Survey of eyewitnesses. Photo by Evgeny Shaposhnikov / ufo-com.net
Survey of eyewitnesses. Photo by Evgeny Shaposhnikov / ufo-com.net

Survey of eyewitnesses. Photo by Evgeny Shaposhnikov / ufo-com.net

The last message came from a resident of the village of Nezharovka, who wished to remain anonymous. Around 2013-2014, he and his daughter noticed some kind of glow above the house and saw a bright object hovering above it. “Not a star and bright. And then it is "vzhuh" and that's it … ". Moreover, the observation of this object over the same house was not an isolated one.

Unfortunately, these stories in modern reality are of practically no interest to anyone. The stories of UFOs, fireballs, fireballs, chupacabras or crop circles are now almost entirely left to the mercy of amateur groups of researchers, most of which are far from the requirements even for the correct fixation of such messages (let alone study them). Only in recent years has there been an interest in UFO stories and some anomalous phenomena on the part of professional ethnographers and folklorists, to which, for example, our round table "Anomalous in folklore and folklore in anomalous phenomena", which took place last year, was dedicated. We have no doubt that in the future these and other phenomena we are studying will be taken apart by representatives of other sciences, if not classical, then born at the junctions of various disciplines. In the meantime, our task is to ensure every possible safety of these "details" for future generations.

Ilya Butov, Evgeny Shaposhnikov
