Disasters In The History Of The Earth. Part Two - Alternative View

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Disasters In The History Of The Earth. Part Two - Alternative View
Disasters In The History Of The Earth. Part Two - Alternative View

Video: Disasters In The History Of The Earth. Part Two - Alternative View

Video: Disasters In The History Of The Earth. Part Two - Alternative View
Video: Why Alien Life Would be our Doom - The Great Filter 2024, September

Part one here

For the first time this hypothesis was put forward by Halley, who pointed out in 1694 that the Flood was caused by “an accidental impact of a comet”. This version was supported by the famous Polish astronomer M. Kamensky, who tried to establish a connection between the approach of Halley's comet to the Earth and the death of Atlantis. And if he did not manage to achieve this in full, then, taking into account the hypothesis of the Soviet physicist K. Perebiynos, stated earlier, one can agree with the assumption of the Polish scientist.

Back in the 80s of the last century, the atlantologist Ignatius Donnelly drew attention to the fact noted above that the ancient peoples of Egypt, Assyria, India and Mesoamerica had their chronology practically from the same date. Moreover, he suggested that exactly this time point of the ancient calendars may be the date of the death of Atlantis.

Let's take the time interval between the supposed date of the death of Atlantis (11542 BC) and the date of the last meeting of our planet with Halley's comet (1986). Let us divide it by the value of the average period of revolution of Halley's comet (76 years). It is easy to verify that you get an integer without a remainder equal to 178.

Thus, it becomes clear that 11542 BC. e. is the time of one of the encounters with Halley's comet.

Indeed, we know for certain about thirty comet flights. But she must have made many more visits to Earth. And one of them, held on a memorable date for earthlings - 11542 BC. e., coincided with the death of the legendary Atlantis, and maybe some other civilization that preceded us. The conclusion suggests itself: the intersection point of the ancient calendars, that is, the supposed date of the death of Plato's Atlantis, is the date of the global catastrophe that broke out on our planet, caused by the meeting of the Earth with large meteors - fellow travelers of Halley's comet. Doesn't this confirm the aforementioned hypotheses of M. Kamensky and K. Perebiynos?

Let us consider another curious circumstance associated with the passage of a comet near the Earth.

Analyzing the nature of the approach of our Earth with a comet, one can find that this functional dependence has the form of a kind of oscillatory process, the amplitude of the oscillations of which changes according to the type of "beats". In other words, such an oscillatory process is characterized by the presence of so-called antinodes and troughs, which is a consequence of the chaotic change in the orbit of Halley's comet noted by the Soviet scientist B. Chirikov.

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At the moments of realization of "antinodes", the repetition period of which is about 1770 years, Halley's comet passes at the closest distances from the Earth. The last such mutual arrangement happened in 837, when the distance between celestial bodies was only 6 million kilometers.

Putting back from the year 837 (to the left on the time scale) seven periods of 1770 years each, that is, the time interval between two neighboring "antinodes", we get the date: 11553 BC. e.

Isn't it a strange coincidence with the already known to us "fatal" year 11542 BC? e., which is, as was established above, the time of one of the regular passages of Halley's comet near the Earth?

By the way, according to the calculations of the Polish astronomer L. Seidler, at the moments of the closest encounters, including 178 flights ago, Halley's comet could approach a distance of up to 400 thousand kilometers from the Earth's surface.

So, it can be considered established that 13.5 thousand years ago, the "shock group", which consisted of meteoric bodies and accompanied Halley's comet, or massive stone bodies "expelled" with its help from the Lagrange points, hit the Earth with a catastrophic impact, which caused global cataclysm on our planet and remained in the memory of our distant ancestors.

The fact that the chemical compositions of Halley's comet and the Tunguska meteorite, as established by the Soviet automatic stations Vega-1 and Vega-2, are similar, fits quite well into the "piggy bank" of the proposed version!

It is appropriate to cite the following fact here. Several years ago, the Greek seismologist A. Galanopus presented at the Academy of Athens his hypothesis about the cause of death at the end of the second millennium BC. e. aegean culture. He attributes this to the increased seismic activity in the Mediterranean region, which was caused by the passage near the Earth … Halley's comet.

Developing this hypothesis, the Greek academician J. Hantakis does not exclude the possibility of a relationship between the passage of Halley's comet and changes as a result of climatic conditions, an increase in radiation levels due to the destruction (disruption) of the Earth's ozone layer. This, believes Hantakis, can explain the fact of depopulation of such regions of Greece as Messinia, Laconia and Achaia, which were densely populated in antiquity.

Let's pay attention to the fact that this moment of time again corresponds to the “antinode” in the above “beats”. Consequently, in this case, one of the minimum distances was realized between the Earth and Halley's comet …

The reason for the unaccountable fear of the ancient inhabitants of the Earth before comets is becoming to some extent understandable. It can be seen that it was not without reason that they were considered ominous signs of the sky that preceded various natural disasters, which in their power and consequences could significantly exceed the closest to us in time and therefore the most memorable Tunguska catastrophe of 1908.

Let us give one more example of "insecurity" for the inhabitants of our planet of encounters with Halley's comet.

Scientists have established that in the 9th century AD, some mysterious catastrophe suddenly struck the flourishing lands of the Maya. In particular, many Mayan cities were destroyed at the same time, like one gigantic blow. After that, work in them ceases, residents disappear, trade subsides. There is evidence to consider the year 830 as such an unfortunate frontier … Let us immediately draw attention to the following circumstance: the last minimum rapprochement between the Earth and Halley's comet took place in 837. Our planet and comet "missed each other" at a distance of only 6 million kilometers. And the previous "bombardment" of the Earth by meteoric bodies associated with Halley's comet, which preceded this event, could well have caused disastrous consequences in the territory where the Mayans lived. Isn't that why the whole life of this people, who possessed extraordinary astronomical knowledge,was subsequently marked by the expectation of a repetition of the catastrophe that befell him?

The catastrophic consequences for our planet from "encounters" with Halley's comet can be supplemented by the presentation of the hypothesis of E. P. Isoh, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences.

For a long time, tektites, small melted natural glasses, have been found on Earth. Since the middle of the last century, there has been an ongoing battle between adherents of two different concepts: the earthly and cosmic nature of tektites. The largest deposits of mysterious glasses are the Australian-Asian tektite belt, which stretches along a 10,000-kilometer arc from Tasmania to southern China and has a width of up to 4,000 kilometers.

In recent decades, the following view has prevailed on the nature of tektites: tektites are solidified splashes of terrestrial matter melted during powerful impacts of large meteorites or comets on the surface of our planet. But suddenly it turns out that the age of the tektites themselves, which form the Australian-Asian belt, significantly exceeds the age of those terrestrial layers in which they are found. For example, at least 700 thousand years have passed since the last melting of tektites, and the layer in which they "hide", according to Australian scientists, was formed about 10 thousand years ago.

E. P. Isoh and the Vietnamese explorer Le Duc An examined, for example, a tektite-bearing horizon stretching over the entire territory of Vietnam for more than 2 thousand kilometers. It turned out that this layer, formed about 5-10 thousand years ago, is the only depository of "glass", since not a single tektite could be found in the older horizons.

This circumstance allowed the Novosibirsk scientist E. P. Izokh to hypothesize that tektites were "born" in distant space, then hundreds of thousands of years as part of cometary nuclei were worn in outer space and only then fell on the earth's surface with a shower of glass bodies and debris.

Studies of recent years, according to E. P. Isoh, provide more and more facts proving that the Australian-Asian tektite fallout belt owes its origin to the collision of a large cosmic body with the Earth (recall the fellow travelers of Halley's comet and meteors from the "Lagrange points"), which led to a cataclysm on a global scale.

In the light of the above, of particular interest are the geological surveys carried out by E. P. Isoh and his Vietnamese colleagues, which showed the following: at that time, i.e. 10 thousand years ago, a tectonic shower hit the territory of present-day Vietnam, and followed by the most powerful dust storms, leaving up to 2 meters of loess deposits on the heights. The remains of charcoal indicate fires raging across the hills. In the lowlands, judging by the deposits left, a catastrophic flood reigned, flooding almost whole parts of the world.

And - an amazing fact! - it was at the turn of the outgoing Pleistocene and the emerging Holocene that many peoples who were then in no way related to each other - the Sumerians, Polynesians, American Indians, etc. - gave birth to legends and legends about the Flood.

However, we have already encountered similar facts above several times …

Let us now consider some other reasons for the possible death of Atlantis.

Paleomagnetic studies of recent years have shown that the geomagnetic field of our planet changes its polarity from time to time, that is, the Earth's magnetic poles change places. Over the past 76 million years, such "polarity reversals", or in other words - "inversions", have occurred more than 170 times. The last such case was 730 thousand years ago. As established, each such process of "reversal" of the magnetic field, including its various stages, lasted about 20 thousand years.

It is noteworthy that during the "polarity reversals", judging by the fossil remains of animals and plants, there are sharp leaps in the evolution of the biosphere. It is likely that these jumps are caused by a weakening several times and even complete disappearance (before the next "polarity reversal") of that protective shield, which is the Earth's magnetic field. In the process of "inversion" cosmic corpuscular radiation freely reaches the surface of the planet and, obviously, has a destructive effect on the living organisms located on it. It is known today that the time of "inversions" is also the time of global catastrophes, which in this case are characterized by ten or even hundreds of times higher tectonic activity against the present day.

In addition to, so to speak, pure "inversions", paleomagnetologists in recent years have been attracted by such a phenomenon in the temporal structure of the earth's magnetic field as "excursions" (or "episodes"). At first, "excursions" were considered simply errors in paleomagnetic data, but as the corresponding information accumulated, it turned out that this is a real phenomenon that has repeatedly occurred in the history of the Earth.

"Excursions" are very short on a geological scale of time changes in the magnetic field - shorter than 10 thousand years. In this case, a sharp, almost instantaneous change in the magnetic field occurs, up to a change in its polarity, that is, before the transition of the pole to the opposite hemisphere. But the final "polarity reversal" still does not occur - after a certain time the poles return back.

Well, what has Atlantis to do with it?

The whole point in this case is that, as evidenced by the "stretching" of the paleomagnetic scale over the last million years, the most recent "excursion" in the history of the Earth happened quite recently, namely: 10-12 thousand years ago!.. This "episode" is quite consistent with the above-mentioned time of the alleged death of Atlantis.

An "excursion" of the Earth's magnetic poles can, in principle, also occur from the collision of our planet with a large cosmic body. This event can serve as a "trigger" for various catastrophic planetary events and cataclysms.

And finally, the last one. Surprisingly, the original theory of the Bulgarian mathematician I. Ivanov, which is devoted to periodic changes in the external shape of the Earth, echoes the above materials. These changes, according to I. Ivanov, directly affect the structure of the earth's crust, drift of continents, causes of strong earthquakes, etc.

The essence of the hypothesis of the Bulgarian scientist is that as a result of precession, i.e., a change in the inclination of the Earth's axis of rotation, the molten masses inside the planet (in particular, its core) are shifted towards either the Southern or Northern Hemisphere. The frequency of this process is 26 thousand years.

Now the axis of rotation of the Earth is tilted in such a way that when it is winter in the Northern Hemisphere, it is removed from the Sun, and the entire planet at this time is closer to the daylight. In this regard, in winter, the attraction of the Sun shifts the matter inside the planet to its southern hemisphere, and in summer - to the northern one. However, in summer, the Earth is farther from the Sun, and its gravity at this time is somewhat weaker. As a result, more molten mass remains in the Southern Hemisphere, which is why our Earth is somewhat pear-shaped with a wider lower half.

For us, the most interesting is the amazing fact that 13 thousand years ago the tilt of the Earth's axis was opposite to the current one, in other words, significant masses of internal matter were in the Northern Hemisphere. Consequently, the "deformation" of the earth's figure associated with this circumstance and the catastrophic consequences of both geophysical and geological character determined by them, occurred again during the period of the alleged death of Atlantis.

What is this? Is it coincidence or strange coincidence? But aren't there many such coincidences occurring in the ill-fated period - the middle of the 12th millennium BC?

No! All this can indicate only one thing: the death of Atlantis could have occurred from an unfavorable combination of several unlikely, and therefore, as it seems to us today, unforeseen cosmic and geophysical circumstances.

So, new data and materials obtained by various researchers in recent years, taking into account a non-standard approach, today allow us to look completely differently at the “secular” problem of the possible existence of Atlantis, but …

Dots above "I" are not put

In the strata of sedimentary rocks, geologists find convincing evidence of significant cataclysms of the distant past - gigantic in comparison with those that have survived in the memory of modern mankind. It could be more than just floods - floods, volcanic eruptions, devastating earthquakes, abrupt climate changes, including glaciers. These could be catastrophes involving all of the listed phenomena as components. And the cause of such "complex catastrophes", according to many scientists, were collisions with the Earth of comet nuclei or accompanying meteors, huge asteroids, or, finally, flights of cosmic bodies of large masses at fairly "close distances" from our planet.

There is no doubt that 1985-1986 was the "years of Halley's comet", which for the 30th time in human memory appeared in the Earth's sky. Each time it returns, it encounters a different arrangement of the planets of the solar system and the influence of their gravitational fields, which naturally introduces significant deviations in the parameters of the comet's motion.

I would like to draw your attention to some interesting calendar-time relationships.

The average period of revolution of Halley's comet is associated with the lunisolar 19-year cycle, or the Meton period: 4 x 19 = 76. It is also associated with the so-called great indiction, that is, the period of 532 years: 7 x 4 x 19 = 532 The quantity 7 x 4 = 28 years is the "circle of the Sun", while 7 is the number of days in a week, 4 is the implementation period of leap years. And finally, the Meton period, the "circle of the Sun" and the "great indiction", as it turns out, are also dependent on each other: 19 x 28 = 532. Are all these numerical ratios evidence of the interconnection of the periods of revolution of such astronomical objects as Sun, Earth, Moon and Halley's Comet?

Perhaps, these reasons can also explain those fluctuations that are inherent in the value of the minimum distance between Halley's comet and our planet when they approach each other and which are quasiperiodic oscillatory processes of the "beats" type.

Regular periodic flights of Halley's comet near the Earth, as shown in sufficient detail above, are unsafe for the latter. The most unfavorable in this respect for our planet were the centuries, when the closest encounters with Halley's comet were realized.

One of these periods (11550-11650 BC) is the time of the supposed death of Plato's Atlantis. Awareness and recognition of this fact allows a new look at the history of the formation of the face of our planet and on the path of development of modern human civilization.

Now it cannot be said that the heavenly wanderers have no secrets left: much in the nature of comets, in their effects on various space objects, including planets, remains unclear. Let us consider several of the circumstances arising from this, which are directly related to Halley's comet.

First. In recent decades, interest in comets has increased not only among astrophysicists, but also among biologists, specialists in the problem of the origin of life.

The hypothesis of the introduction of living matter from space to Earth filled this interest with concrete content. In space, the ice of the comet's nucleus reacts to heating by expanding. It is bursting with released gases from within. The outer heated layer cracks and disintegrates into separate fragments. Part of the rainfall from these small ice fragments inevitably falls on our planet. Interesting research in this respect was carried out in the mid-1980s by the French scientist M. Morette. In the icy lakes of Greenland, which are not affected by civilization, he discovered the smallest particles of cosmic origin, which were once part of comets.

The largest American astrophysicist K. Ponnamperuma calculated that comets brought to the Earth many times more organic matter than is now available on the planet. In other words, passing comets "splash" billions of microorganisms onto the Earth's surface. What is all this fraught with?

Myriads of ice fragments falling into the earth's atmosphere may contain frozen "blanks" of living cells or pathogens. As soon as they get into a suitable terrestrial environment, for example, a warm body of water, the heavenly "settlers" come to life.

British astrophysicists F. Hoyle and C. Wickramasingu collected statistics on global infectious diseases. Even if we assume that viruses are carried from continent to continent by airplanes, how can one explain the fact that in the last century the Yakuts, for example, could get sick with the same disease simultaneously with South African blacks? When answering, one should not forget only that at that time one of the comets was near the Earth.

In connection with the above, let us recall that in 1910 our planet passed through the tail of Halley's comet. In this case, did the comet not “reward” the Earth's biosphere with a “legion” of viruses and microbes, which subsequently caused a number of epidemics, diseases, etc. Let us recall the troubles brought to mankind, for example, by the flu in 1918. This disease was at that time the world's number one problem: the flu took 20 million lives then. Both in 1947 and 1957, when the Asian flu raged, the epidemic killed hundreds of thousands of people around the world. Do not forget the insidious illness of 1989 - the English flu, which has affected millions of European countries. It is not without reason that the World Health Organization called on all states to be vigilant in the face of the "enemy who knows no boundaries."

And who can guarantee that the "plague of the 20th century" - the incurable AIDS today was not "planted" on earthlings by Halley's comet in the same year 1910? However, it cannot be ruled out that comets are a very convenient way to send targeted "greetings" to humanity from other worlds. In this way, it is possible to transfer, in particular, biological information. True, in this case, the "space guest" must be greeted in a special way, far beyond the earth's atmosphere. This can, in principle, be done with the help of modern cosmonautics, at least in the interests of the safety of the inhabitants of the Earth. After all, a comet can bring another epidemic. Having revived, for example, the received "bioassay" on board a long-term station, it is possible to study it and warn the Earth that an influenza epidemic is approaching. In the future, it will be possible to take effective measures of a global nature in advance: to introduce, for example, a special serum into the upper layers of the earth's atmosphere. Such "inoculation" to our entire planet will allow the destruction of pathogens in the embryo, when they did not hit the surface of the Earth.

Second. In the early 80s, British scientists at Halley Bay station in Antarctica noticed a decrease in ozone concentration over the continent. The ozone shield, which absorbs the hard ultraviolet radiation of the Sun, which is destructive for all life on Earth, began to thin out. If in 1980 the ozone content in the atmosphere above the station decreased by 20% compared to the norm, then in 1983 - by 30, in 1984 - by 35, in 1985 - by 40% …

The "ozone hole", like a cancerous tumor, gradually increased in size. In 1987, it covered an area of 8 million square kilometers (while the amount of ozone in this area was reduced to 50%) and in some places went beyond Antarctica. What caused this unusual and disturbing natural phenomenon?

Experts have put forward many hypotheses, ranging from chemical pollution of the earth's atmosphere and ending with the intensification of solar activity. Our goal is not to establish a reliable hypothesis explaining the effect of reducing the amount of ozone, but to draw the readers' attention to the fact that the "ozone hole" could have been formed due to the "breakdown" of the corresponding layer of the atmosphere by Halley's comet at altitudes of 14-40 kilometers. This assumption has some points that confirm its reality.

The fall of the Tunguska meteorite is known to have a number of global consequences. One of them was a significant violation of the ozone layer, accompanied by the penetration of destructive short-wave radiation into the earth's atmosphere. …

According to the observations of the Mount Wilson Observatory in California, in 1909, the ozone concentration was only 81% of the normal (in 1908, ozone observations were not carried out), and only by 1911 it returned to normal. Let us recall that the formation of the "ozone hole" began several years before the arrival of Halley's comet in the central regions of the solar system. But now several years have passed since the comet, having said goodbye to the Earth, retreats into the boundless expanses of space. But what happens to the "ozone hole"?

As early as the end of 1988, there were reports that the ozone depletion in the atmosphere in recent years had become less significant. It was at this time that a proposal of a group of British specialists appeared to "patch" the "ozone hole" over Antarctica. To do this, it was planned to launch hundreds of balloons with solar-powered ionizers over this continent. Developing a voltage of over 15,000 volts, the ionizers had to convert oxygen to ozone. However, it turned out that such an operation was inappropriate.

According to the latest reports from the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the hole in the ozone layer has closed: in mid-November 1989, the ozone content in the upper atmosphere over Antarctica returned to its normal level.

Third. More than 100 years ago, in 1884-1885, noctilucent clouds were discovered. This happened about 1/3 of the revolution of Halley's comet until 1910. Since then, these clouds have haunted researchers. Noctilucent clouds are visible in summer shortly after sunset or shortly before sunrise. Their mystery lies in the fact that they are formed at an altitude of 80 kilometers, where neither water vapor nor other substances that make up ordinary clouds can rise.

Note that none of the theories of their origin proposed to date agree with the results of observations. Quite recently, physicist M. Dubin put forward a new theory. According to her, dust and water vapor of noctilucent clouds are of cosmic, and not terrestrial, origin: they are brought by ice meteors that are destroyed in the upper layers of our atmosphere. Approaching the unlit hemisphere of the Earth, they acquire an electric charge and disintegrate into particles, directed by the planet's magnetic field to the pole. Noctilucent clouds are also formed over the equatorial regions under the condition of an intense stream of ice meteors - "cosmoids".

In outer space, ice blocks are attracted, "stick together". Taking into account the insignificant values of the balanced forces of mutual gravitational attraction, these blocks form a kind of miniature "globular clusters" in which the bodies revolve around a common center of mass with certain velocities relative to each other. In the event that such a "cluster" is destined to collide with the Earth, then already at a distance of about 2.3 million kilometers, this "system" begins to reorient itself to our planet. The orbits of the flying "ice" become more and more elongated. At some point, cosmic particles stop returning to the center of mass of the "globular cluster" and line up along the axis directed to the Earth.

The smallest particles of the swarm are rearranged first - dust, which rotates, as a rule, farthest from the center of the "cluster". Only then ever larger fragments move into the "combat column". The swarm of particles stretches out and is clearly oriented towards the Earth. It is headed by a cloud of dust, which can be considered a "leader", followed by ever-increasing ice meteors …

Dust "leaders", or, in other words, dust clumps, are the "starting material" for the formation of noctilucent clouds.

Associating noctilucent clouds with the numerous companions of Halley's comet, one would expect an increase in their intensity since the beginning of the 60s of our century. This is precisely what was confirmed by the flights of Soviet cosmonauts, which began about 1/3 of the orbital period of Halley's comet before it approached the Earth in 1986. Observations of Soviet cosmonauts showed that noctilucent clouds actually appear both above the poles and above the equator, where the temperature at an altitude of 80 kilometers is too high for water vapor to condense.

It is interesting that the brightest noctilucent clouds appeared after the fall of the Tunguska meteorite in 1908 and after the last flyby of Halley's comet near our planet …

In particular, on June 26, 1989, over Moscow, despite the interfering city lights, smog and tall buildings that block the sky near the horizon, one could see bright silvery clouds. They were visible from the southern part of Moscow towards the north and were observed for a little over an hour.


So the story of Halley's comet and the consequences of its approach to our planet has ended. We found out that this celestial object was not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Now Halley's comet, rapidly absorbing millions of kilometers, is moving further and further away from the Earth. Scientists are analyzing the results of extensive research obtained during the last "date" with a heavenly guest. The next meeting with her should take place in 2061. What will happen to our planet in this case?..

Several years ago, the Club of the Inquisitives of the newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda addressed the readers with the following question: "How, in your opinion, will humanity meet Halley's comet in the 21st century?" One of the answers received by the editors was as follows: “The comet is fraught with great danger to the Earth. It must be blown up in 2061 …”Without dramatizing the danger that, as we have seen, the comet really poses for us, we cannot rush to the other extreme: be frivolous and underestimate the facts we have today. It is necessary to think and investigate, investigate and think … And if at the same time the reality of the danger from the mutual rapprochement of the Earth with Halley's comet is confirmed, we will have two ways of solving this problem - either change the trajectory of the comet, or really blow it up in space.

At the current level of scientific and technological progress, the second option is more realistic. But even non-specialists understand the complexity of this problem - it is necessary to detect the "attacking object" in advance, calculate its orbit with the highest accuracy, and send an interceptor spacecraft in time …

All this requires a huge investment of effort, time and money. And the problem can be solved only in one way: to create, within the framework of international cooperation, a worldwide service for the protection of the Earth - the fragile cradle of humanity on the outskirts of our Galaxy. This is exactly what the great dreamer, the founder of theoretical cosmonautics KE Tsiolkovsky bequeathed to us: "Everything can be expected, but man has reason and science for that, in order to protect himself from any disasters!"

Part one here